Norbello - Norbello

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Norbello is a center of the Sardinia, in the province of Oristano.

To know

In ancient times the town was included in the curatoria of Guilcer of the Giudicato of Arborea. It is part of the Authentic Villages of Italy.

Geographical notes

Located in the historical region of Barigadu, is 34 km from Oristano, 2 from Abbasanta, 3 from Ghilarza, 13 from Macomer, 53 from Nuoro.Norbello is a recent name; in fact the country was called Norghiddo until the nineteenth century. The area of ​​the capital and of the Domusnovas Canales hamlet is rich in archaeological remains ranging from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Four necropolis a domos de janas, more than thirty nuraghes they testify to the activity and life of the ancient populations who lived here.

How to orient yourself

Norbello borders on Abbasanta, Aidomaggiore, Borore (Nuoro), Ghilarza is Santu Lussurgiu.


Its municipal territory includes the town of Domusnovas Canales.

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Norbello.

By car

Take the SS 131 Carlo Felice and take the exit for Norbello to reach your destination.

On boat

From the ports of Porto Torres, Cagliari, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

On the train

  • 4 Abbasanta railway station (In the neighbor Abbasanta). The station, located along the Cagliari-Golfo Aranci line, allows you to arrive in this area by train from both north and south Sardinia. Abbasanta station on Wikipedia Abbasanta station (Q3968806) on Wikidata

By bus

From Abbasanta it is possible to reach Norbello with the ARST line 402.

How to get around

What see

Archaeological sites

The territory is very rich in archaeological sites and boasts testimonies of various types and different periods.

  • There Sunu Marras necropolis, or Livandrinu, is certainly fascinating, and takes advantage of the sylvan location which underlines its innate sense of mystery.
  • Of equal interest are the 28 nuraghi of which there is testimony. Four of them are bastion; among these the Sirboniga stands out for its monumentality, like the Suei
In the typology of circular nuraghe the Ruiu and the Perdu Cossu they are among the best preserved; the Perdu Cossu also exhibits unique architectural features that make it of particular interest.
Among the circular nuraghes, with vertical development, the Ruiu and the Perdu Cossu are well preserved: the latter unique for its architectural specificities.
  • The tombs of giants of the territory are dated from the archaic nuragic to the later nuragic; in the territory there are eleven of them. That of Perdu Cossu and the nearby Tanca Suei are the best to visit and the most interesting as evidence of the construction technique. They are also a great attraction for dowsing enthusiasts according to whom the entrance to the tombs releases a beneficial magnetism.
  • Six are the sacred sources existing: of great interest that of Ampridorzos.
  • Of great importance for archaeological research are sites that, in number of 17, return cinerary urns (a very particular burial practiced between the Punic and Roman periods).
This type of archaeological sites is scarcely witnessed in Sardinia, and therefore these from Norbello and Domusnovas Canales are particularly useful for research.
  • The territory still supplies seven small ones dolmens (ascribable from Late Antiquity to the Vandal era) and traces of as many as 23 villages of all ages, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, which yielded a large amount of artifacts.
  • The circular nuraghe of Sa Codina 'e S'Ispreddosu is an unfinished nuraghe that was used as a place of worship in the Iron Age.
  • 1 Antiquarium. The Antiquarium which is located next to the Municipal Library collects finds from the territory as well as from the excavations of Sorralia as regards the Neolithic; Suei and Perdu Cossu for the Bronze Age: Santa Maria della Mercede with objects from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages; Orconal for the Iron Age.
  • 2 Church of Santa Maria della Mercede. Santa Maria della Mercede is a small building in Romanesque style, built on an early medieval necropolis dating back to the 6th-7th century. The construction period is between the second half of the 12th century and the first decades of the 13th. Inside there are dedicatory inscriptions interspersed with ten crosses, all painted in red lead, which came to light during recent restoration and consolidation works that certify their age. The dating of the paintings derives from the report of the Superintendence technicians and is confirmed by the opinions of well-known university professors such as Renata Serra and Roberto Coroneo. Historical documents indicate the availability of the Puddu family, an exponent of which, having become a mercedary father, started the cult of the Madonna della Mercede in the church around 1770.
Of the existence of the church of Sancta Maria de Norgillo there is information in the Condaghe di Santa Maria di Bonarcado on form 126, the content of which can be placed between 1164 and 1171. A second form, no.174, reports an act dated 1229 mentioning, among the witnesses, Barusone Pinna and Dorgotori de Sogos, names that appear similar to those of the two characters mentioned in the dedicatory writings present in the church.
According to some scholars, the building may have been a possession of the Order of the Temple (Templars). Church of Santa Maria (Norbello) on Wikipedia church of Santa Maria (Q3673219) on Wikidata
  • 3 Parish Church of Saints Giulitta and Quirico. The church stands on the site of an earlier Romanesque building, perhaps connected to the nearby church of Santa Maria; the facade is all in basalt stone which gives a particular note of ancient to the whole structure. It has been the subject of renovations since the early eighteenth century, and at the end of the same century it was completely destroyed by a disastrous fire (1781/1782). The subsequent reconstruction sees the reconstruction of the facade in 1796, the construction of the bell tower in 1798 which was completed in 1830. In the mid-nineteenth century the parish church was equipped with the chapel of the Rosary and later with a marble pulpit. Other interventions that took place in the twentieth century and in the early 2000s brought the church to its present appearance, with the restoration of the arches and pillars in basalt stone, a dominant feature in the architecture of the area.

Events and parties

What to do

  • Eco-archaeological route. It is a route that winds through the sites of historical and environmental-naturalistic interest that surround the inhabited areas of Domusnovas Canales and Norbello. It is a light trek of medium difficulty, generally sports clothing with comfortable shoes is sufficient, it extends for about three kilometers and runs clockwise, with departure and arrival from the headquarters of the "Castel di Sella" Association in Domusnovas Canales.
Sella Castle
From historical documents we know that near the village of Sella there was a castle guarding the northern part of the state, near the Giudicato of Torres. The castles of the Sardinian medieval period, except the palaces of the judges, were state buildings erected to watch over a region, to defend a part of the state and many had to resemble towers, such as the castle of Sella or Sedda according to the exact pronunciation. The site seems to control an important natural communication route towards the Campidano and a part of the Chenale valley. If you study the medieval road network, of which much remains today, a route emerges that probably connected the castle with the artery to Karalibus Terrum. In general, the territory of Norbello and Domusnovas seems to be crossed by a substantial road network arranged both in a south-north and west-east direction and the Castle is located at the center of this network, which confirms the strategic importance of the Castle of Sella. structure that was disputed in 1188 between the Catalans and the Genoese. Within this dispute, Pope Clement III intervened with a letter that the Castle of Serla was returned to the Genoese. The document in 1192 is where the Catalans finally decide to hand over the structure to the Genoese. Today very little remains of this structure, the traces of the walls and a cistern or well that inside the structure served to supply it directly are evident. Probably, as is still evident today, the structure was built on top of a nuraghe. In the nineteenth century the emergencies were still evident, the lower part of the wall structure remained, this masonry remained standing until the end of the 1950s when for the reconstruction of the new Parish Church of Domusnovas the workers / volunteers, went up to the ruins to recover the material necessary for the conclusion of the new work.
Country Church of San Giuliano in Domusnovas
The Church of San Giuliano is located in the countryside adjacent to Domusnovas, south of the town, near the top of a small promontory, in the exact center of the valley, being therefore visible both from the road that connects Norbello to Domusnovas and from the roads leading to Aidomaggiore and Ghilarza. On one of the smaller sides, the one facing east, is the main door, on which there is an archivolt with the trachyte ashlars in sight; motif that is repeated in all three windows that open onto the others. At the center of the altar is the trap door that closes the sacred well linked to the legend of the saint. The floor was of beaten clay until the restoration took place in 1986, in fact at the end of the 1970s the church was destroyed by a fire, only the perimeter walls were saved from this fire. The feast of San Giuliano falls every first Sunday in September.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 S'Adde Lentorada (S.P. Norbello-Domusnovas Canales), 39 3403985247.

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 5 Post Office, Via Vittorio Emanuele 28, 39 0785 51035, fax: 39 0785 51035. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45; Sat 8: 20-12: 45.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Norbello
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Norbello
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).