Middle East - Oriente Médio

O Middle East (in Brazil, Middle East in Portugal, or still Middle East and Near East) is a region of Asia and and North-East Africa.


Middle East Map


Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

Other destinations


O Middle East is a region of Asia extending from Syria to the border iranian like Afghanistan, including the Arabian Peninsula. However, such boundaries are not clearly defined, and some people consider that it includes a small part of the country. Africa. Others call Near East the part of that region closest to the Mediterranean Sea.

THE Turkey and, to a lesser extent, Azerbaijan are often regarded as parts of the Middle East, as a border region between the Europe and the Asia. Egypt is also considered part of the region, although even the sign is geologically and politically part of the Africa. Even the inclusion of the Will is controversial, because the country is often considered as a country of Central Asia.

The Middle East has an area of ​​approximately 7,200,000 kilometers.

To arrive



The most common languages ​​are Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Hebrew.


The Middle East is famous for its markets or souqs. Souqs sell a dizzying array of goods, but each will have its own specialty, be it spices or rugs. Notable examples include Jerusalem, Damascus and Dubai. The quality varies enormously. Many souqs sell good quality goods, but many sell a variety of fake or tacky souvenirs. Overpricing for tourists is common, but this can often be negotiated.

With the

A traditional Arabic dish.

drink and go out






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  • Turkey, whose territory is partly in Asia and partly in Europe
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