United States National Parks - Wikivoyage, The Free Collaborative Travel & Sightseeing Guide - Parcs nationaux des États-Unis — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The united states national parks (United States national parks) are interesting places to visit in United States. The United States comprises a total of 59 parks national parks as well as many other sites managed by the administration of national parks.


In these regions of large spaces particularly privileged by nature, the national parks (national parks) and national monuments (national monuments) are strictly protected places. They are managed by the same administration and very strict regulations protect them from any degradation of human origin (50 dollars fine if you collect dead wood for example).

The National Park Service manages all natural sites, ecological reserves and a large number of historic monuments. These are divided into categories:

  • National Park = National park (NP)
  • National Monument = National monument (NM)
  • National Historical Park = National Historical Park (NHP)
  • National Battlefield = National Battleground (NB)
  • National Military Park = National Military Park (NMP)
  • National Recreation Zone = National Recreation Area (NRA)
  • National Historic Site = National Historic Site (NHS)
  • Preserved Site = Preserved Site / Seashore (PSS)
  • NPS National Park Service Official Site (National Park Service) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link – Administration of all national parks in the United States.
  • FNP National Parks Foundation (National Park Foundation) Logo indicating a link to the website – How does active participation work.
  • List of sites in the United States administered by the National Park Service (List of areas in the United States National Park System) Logo indicating a wikipedia link – National parks, national monuments, preserved sites, historical parks, battles, military, cemeteries, reserves, trails, rivers, lakes.

Entrance fees

The average entrance fee is 10 $ per vehicle regardless of the number of passengers valid for seven days. There is a package called interagency annual pass that you can get at the entrance of each park. It costs 80 $ per vehicle and is valid for one year. Be careful, it does not give access to all protected areas because some are not classified as national park or national monument.

List of sites




South Dakota




New Mexico



To see

In all the parks, there is one or more information centers (visitor center) where we find the park plan, a wide variety of topographic maps (hiking, horse riding, etc.). This is the first place to go when arriving. The rangers are there to help you and inform you with a competence that is matched only by their prestige.


National parks are very popular and are designed to discover their specificities by different means. Many activities are possible there, depending on the place visited.

  • Discovery in the company of a tidy  – Each park offers a daily program of visits with a tidy. The visits are thematic around the specificities of each park (fauna, flora, geology) or allow you to discover places inaccessible to the general public (reservation recommended).
  • Walk and short hike  – Most of the parks have developed trails, the route and length of which are referenced on the map given at the entrance.
  • Horse riding  – Some parks can be visited on horseback.
  • Peach  – It is possible to practice fishing in some parks, provided you have a license from the state concerned.
  • Water activities  – Some parks are equipped for canoeing, kayaking and boating with or without motor.
  • Escalation  – Climbing is possible in some places, provided you register in advance.
  • Skiing and snowshoeing  – Some parks located in mountainous areas welcome skiers and hikers in winter.


During periods of tourist affluence, it is possible to eat within the walls of each park. Depending on their size, the parks have restaurants or sandwich shops.



There is always at least one campsite located in or near the park. Some of them operate on a first come, first served basis. The facilities of the campsites vary greatly. Sometimes there are all the amenities (showers, toilets etc ...) or for some of them there is not even water! This is particularly true for campsites located in western parks, for ecological reasons. It is also for most of the latter forbidden to make fires or even to smoke and collect wood. Most of the time, the price is set per location. This means that it will cost you the same price for one or three tents.


Some parks have a hotel offer within them, often at relatively high prices. The offer is often developed in the surrounding towns.


  • In summer, in some parks, the heat is extreme. Drink enough.
  • A 3 kilometer hike can be harder than a 10 kilometer hike! This is due to uneven terrain and / or a steep drop in height. Do not rely on distance to judge the difficulty of a walk. Ask the rangers, they are there for you.
  • Prepare in advance. Permits are required for nights spent hiking, but not for day trips. Know which trails you are going to take. Find out about the weather forecast. Take a map and a flashlight.
  • Be comfortable. Dressing in layers is a key part of hiking comfort. This allows you to adapt to the changing weather conditions as you go up and down the trails. Remember to pack a hat. It is important to stay dry and protected from the wind.
  • Walk slowly, rest often. If you can easily chat with your companions, you are walking at a good pace. Avoid walking too fast and getting out of breath unnecessarily. Rest frequently. Prepare for your hike by allowing one-third of the time to descend and two-thirds to climb.
  • Eat and drink. Water, sports drinks and salty snacks should be included in any walk exceeding 30 min. Eat nutritional snacks rich in carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, non-fat energy bars) every 20–30 min and replenish fluids and electrolytes before you feel thirsty. Be prepared to drink 1 / 2–1 liter per hour of walking. Balance your food and drink intake.


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