Miedzyrzecz Warta and Widawka Landscape Park - Park Krajobrazowy Międzyrzecza Warty i Widawki

Miedzyrzecz Warta and Widawka Landscape Park is located in Poland in voivodeship of Lodz, on the border of counties: grace, Wielinski, Zduńska Wola and Sieradz within municipalities Widawa, Konopnica, Burzenin, Zapolice, Sieradz, Ostrówek and Zdunska Wola. The total area is 25,330 ha.

It was established in 1989 in order to protect the Warta river valley and the Widawka river along with their tributaries and the natural flora and fauna accompanying these areas. It is characterized by a varied terrain in the river valleys, especially with the gorge sections of the Warta (around Majaczewice, Strońska, Strobina and Strumian), where the relative elevations of the slopes reach 45 m, and old limestone formations appear on the surface. There are 3 accumulation terraces within the valleys; Their slopes are varied with side valleys of various origins, in the marina zones there is visible outflow of groundwater to the surface in the form of numerous exudates, scales, spills and layer-overflow springs.
Meandering rivers, numerous oxbow lakes, dune and peat bog areas are other valuable natural and landscape areas of the Park.
The area around Szynkiełów is unique in this respect, where an extensive peat bog directly adjoins the inland dune. Peat bogs in the Nieciecza valley and the mouth of Oleśnica to the Warta near Szynkiełów, hidden among the bogs, are also distinguished by high natural value.
All parts of the valleys are characterized by mosaic cover - meadows intertwine with riverside vegetation, and around oxbow lakes and peat bogs, peasant forests cut irregularly into arable fields.
Forests in the Park constitute only 25% of the total area and artificially planted coniferous communities predominate.
In the flora of the Park, not very rich in protected species, there are numerous plants associated with all water, water and marsh habitats. A fairly large group are also xerothermic species.
It is the plants from the above-mentioned group that constitute the most important elements of the Park's flora from the geobotanical point of view and determine its character.
Legally protected plants include: round-leaved sundew and long-leaved sundew, gawędka aster, stalkless nine-leaved sundew, common swamp.
34 species of fish and 2 species of lampreys have been recorded in the waters of the Park.
The fauna is completed by 136 species of birds, 12 species of amphibians and 42 species of mammals. Among the mammals found in the Park area, 12 species are bats, including the Greater Moorberry, Natterer's Nocturnal, the Mustache and Brandt's Nocturnal, the Little Dwarf and the Greater Dwarf, and the Barbeque.
In order to preserve the most valuable natural values ​​of the Park, 4 nature reserves have been created: Grabica, Hołda, Vineyard and Root.
The monumental protection covers 47 magnificent trees growing mainly within the manor and park complexes. Two nature and landscape complexes were created: the Grabia Valley and the Wapienne Mountains, and 14 ecological sites with the Grabia River.
The cultural values ​​of the Park are: a mound from the Roman period in Strobin, the church of st. Ursula in Strońsko from the 12th century, the monastery in Widawa, manors, among others in Konopnica.