North America - Pohjois-Amerikka

North American location

North America is a continent between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. It is located at South America to the north. It covers most of North America United States, Canada and Mexico. Other regions of the continent are Greenland, Central America and The Caribbean sea.

The northern regions of the continent represent Western culture with its numerous major cities. There are some well-known ruins of Native American cultures in Mexico and Central America. The Caribbean is made up of island states with sandy beaches.

In North America, English and Spanish (Mexico) are spoken, as well as French (USA and Canada), Dutch, and Native American languages.


South AmericaMexicoCentral AmericaCaribbeanCanadaUnited StatesGreenland
Tap the area

Subdivisions and states

The regions of North America are listed below by location.

Other items




By plane

By train

By road

By bus

By boat





Stay safe

It’s relatively safe to travel in America, but it’s worth using common sense, and for example, it’s not worth walking alone at night on the street. It is a good idea to keep valuables hidden in the car.

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