Tarnowskie Góry district - Powiat tarnogórski

County coat of arms

Tarnowskie Góry district - district in the south Poland, in Silesian Voivodeship, located on the northern outskirts Metropolis of Upper Silesia and Zagłębie (GZM). The city is the seat of the poviat authorities Tarnowskie Góry.


Tarnowskie Góry district is a district located in the center of the Silesian Voivodeship, on the premises Upper Silesian Industrial District. Historically, the district is located on Upper Silesia, with the exception of the Ożarowice commune, located in Dąbrowski Basin.

The poviat is adjacent to cities with poviat rights:

and poviats:

An administrative division

The poviat consists of:

  • cities: Kalety, Miasteczko Śląskie, Radzionków, Tarnowskie Góry
  • municipalities: Kalety, Miasteczko Śląskie, Radzionków, Tarnowskie Góry
  • rural communes: Krupski Młyn, Ożarowice, Świerklaniec, Tworóg, Zbrosławice

Monuments and attractions

The city of Kalety: The Donnersmarck Hunting Palace, Zielona recreation and leisure area, Ichtiopark in Kalety

Krupski Młyn Commune: Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher in Potępa, Chamber of Tradition in Potępa, suspension bridge in Krupski Młyn, cemetery chapel in Krupski Młyn, Kayaking trip on Mała Panew

The town of the Silesian town: The wooden church of St. George and the WNMP, the historic urban complex, the "Gierkówka" Manor House in Bibiel, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the manor granary in Żyglinek, the Chapel of St. Marka, Rubin Park at ul. Rubinowa

Ożarowice Commune: Church of St. Barbara from the 18th century in Ożarowice, abandoned mill in Pyrzowice, Chapel in Pyrzowice, Katowice International Airport in Pyrzowice

The city of Radzionków: Museum of Bread, Silesian Botanical Garden, Church of St. Saint Wojciech, Park Księża Góra, Mining museum in Radzionków

Świerklaniec Commune: Palace and park complex in Świerklaniec, ruins of the Piast castle, Chechło-Nakło Lake, Kozłowa Góra dam reservoir

The city of Tarnowskie Góry: Historic Śródmieście Tarnowskie Góry, Black Trout Adit (UNESCO since 2017), Historic Silver Mine (UNESCO since 2017), Evangelical Church, St. Of the Apostles Peter and Paul, the monastery complex of the Camillian Fathers, the Church of St. Martin in Stare Tarnowice from around 1400, Goethe Manor, Palace with a park complex in Rybna, Castle in Stare Tarnowice, Railway station, City Park, Park Kunszt, Nature and landscape complex "Doły Piekarskie"

Tworóg commune: Botanical Garden in Brynek, Palace in Brynek, Ranch "Baranówka", Recreation Center "Brzeźnica", Classicist palace in Tworóg, Church of St. Antoni in Tworóg, an eighteenth-century parish church in Koty

Zbrosławice Commune: Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Zbrosławice, equestrian center in Zbrosławice, castle in Zbrosławice, manor house in Czekanów, baroque palace in Kamieniec, historic water supply station Zawada in Karchowice, a wooden church in Księży Las, a 19th-century palace in Łubie, a palace in Szałsza, a late Baroque manor house in Wilkowice

Tourist routes

The main routes running through the poviat are:

  • Trail of the Polish Hussars
  • Centenary of Tourism Trail
  • The Millennium Trail
  • The Silesian Insurgents Trail
  • The Upper Silesian Miners' Trail
  • Świerklaniecki Trail

