Press tree - Pressbaum

Press tree
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Press tree is a municipality in Vienna Woods. The community is popular for hikes through the Vienna Woods, as it is easily accessible from Vienna by S-Bahn trains. The city is also known for its numerous magnificent villas from around 1900, which the rich bourgeoisie had built in the quiet forest location. The source of the is also located in the municipality of Pressbaum Vienna River.



Confluence of the Droughts and the Cold Vienna at the Wienflussspitz

The origin of the Wien River lies in the municipality, specifically in the villages of Dürrwien (Dürre Wien) and Pfalzau (Cold Vienna). The two source rivers merge at Pressbaum to form the Vienna River. Apart from the Wiental, which is continuously populated from Pressbaum to Vienna, the municipality is characterized by the wooded hill country of the sandstone Viennese forest. The Pfalzberg, the Bihaberg, the Saubühel, the Karriegel and the Jochgrabenberg (645 m, highest mountain in the municipality) are very popular for walks in the Vienna Woods. Pressbaum has also established itself as a hiking destination because both the Westbahn and Westautobahn run through the Wiental, making the hiking routes easy and quick to reach from Vienna.

Parts of the community

The municipality consists of a total of four localities:

  • Press tree (approx. 5,600 PE)
  • Rekawinkel (approx. 760 PE)
  • Pfalzau (approx. 550 inhabitants)
  • Au am Kraking (approx. 100 inhabitants)

Pressbaum itself is in the Wiental, the other villages in side valleys. There are also numerous scattered settlements and individual farms.


Pressbaum around 1900 (old postcard)

Archaeological finds indicate that the area around Pressbaum was already settled in the Neolithic. Definitely a settlement could be proven for the Roman times. The "Roman grave" in Kronstein (already belongs to Sieghartskirchen, but is easier to reach from Rekawinkel, as it is connected to the network of Troppberg hiking trails) can be visited today. After the end of the Roman Empire, Pressbaum was likely to have been largely depopulated. A settlement can only be proven for the late 16th or early 17th century.

The first settlers were supposedly Viennese who fled after the first Turkish siege of Vienna (1529). The name Pressbaum was first mentioned in 1633. The village was then a forest settlement. Forest and forest workers from Salzburg, Upper Austria, Styria, Bavaria and Swabia were settled here. Forestry remained the dominant, if not the only branch of the economy in the area until the 19th century. Felled wood was flötzt over the Wien River to Vienna.

Today's Western Railway was built in 1858 and changed the lumberjack village dramatically. It only took a few years and Pressbaum became a popular summer retreat for the new, rich bourgeoisie. Noble villas were built, and the church and other public buildings were expanded. Empress Elisabeth ("Sisi") also liked to hike to Pressbaum and had the source of the Vienna River on the Pfalzberg, the "Kaiserbrünndl", taken. Allegedly, a drinking glass is also kept in the former inn "zur Pfalzau", from which Elisabeth is said to have drunk milk.

Pressbaum took another significant development from the 1960s, when the autobahn was built directly on the right slope of the Wiental, sometimes with massive changes to the terrain. Pressbaum was now finally Vienna's suburbanization area and the old townscape was largely reshaped by buildings from the 1960s and 1970s. Since then, the Wiental has been a continuous settlement area from Vienna to the source, and the side valleys have also been increasingly populated and sprawled. In 1964 Pressbaum became a market and in 2012 a town.

getting there

By plane

The Airport Wien-Schwechat is located approx. 40 km east of Pressbaum:

  • By public transport: Airport bus to Wien Westbahnhof and continue with the S-Bahn (S50) or a regional train.
  • By car: A4 to the Schwechat junction, continue on the S1 and A21 to the Steinhäusl junction and take the A1 towards Wien West. Pressbaum exit.

By train

Rekawinkel station - the station system from the early days of the Austrian railways, almost in its original condition

Pressbaum is on the Westbahn route, but no express trains stop here, only S-Bahn and regional trains:

  • S-Bahn line S50: Wien Westbahnhof - Rekawinkel via Vienna Hütteldorf and Purkersdorf.
  • Regional and regional express trains between Vienna and St. Polten also stop in Pressbaum as well as most of the other stops in the municipality.

In St. Pölten there is a connection to international long-distance trains to the west. To reach international long-distance trains to the east, north or south, you have to take the U6 underground from Wien Westbahnhof to Meidling station.

The following train stations and stops are located in the municipality of Pressbaum (from east to west):

  • 1 Tullnerbach-Pressbaum train station (close to the neighboring municipality of Tullnerbach)
  • 2 Pressbaum stop
  • 3 Dürrwien stop
  • 4 Rekawinkel station - terminus of the S50 S-Bahn line from Wien Westbahnhof

By bus

The side valleys are accessible by regional buses, mostly from the Tullnerbach-Pressbaum or Rekawinkel train stations or from Vienna-Hütteldorf or Purkersdorf. There are also regional buses between Pressbaum and the neighboring Wienerwald communities. Please refer

In the street

Purkersdorf9 km
Klausen-Leopoldsdorf13 km
Neulengbach14 km
Breitenfurt East14 km
Sieghartskirchen15 km
Vienna Hütteldorf19 km
Tulln26 km
Alland26 km
Vienna City center30 km
Airport Wien-Schwechat46 km
St. Polten48 km
Linz157 km
  • About 9 km west of this exit, the A1 meets at the Steinhäusl junction A21, with which you can bypass the Vienna area to the south.
  • The former federal road B44 (Purkersdorf-Neulengbach) leads through the place.

Recommended routes:

  • From Vienna (center) via the west exit and the A1
  • From Graz, Bratislava, Budapest as well as Vienna South and Vienna East via the A21
  • From Linz or Krems via St. Pölten and the A1
  • From the north or north-west (Prague, Brno) through the Vienna city area: north bridge, belt, west exit, west motorway.

By bicycle

Through the Wiental valley, Pressbaum can be reached comfortably and without major inclines from Vienna. From the west as well as into the side valleys there are major inclines to be overcome. The roads in the side valleys usually have little traffic.

On foot

Pressbaum is well connected to the neighboring communities via hiking trails.


Map of Pressbaum

Hiking and mountain biking are very popular in the Vienna Woods. However, if you want to go faster, you should have a car. In the Wiental, on the other hand, the trains of the Westbahn can also be used. Regional buses only run to a very limited extent.

Tourist Attractions

Sacre Coeur School Center
Brentenmais Aqueduct of the Second Vienna Spring Water Pipeline; above the slope of the western motorway

See also Wikipedia: List of listed objects in Pressbaum

  • 1 Roman Catholic Pressbaum parish church, built in 1908, Art Nouveau with neo-Gothic tones
  • 2 Roman Catholic Parish church of Rekawinkel, built in 1935
  • 1 Sacre Coeur school center with church, built in 1891, former sister monastery, neo-Gothic style
  • Aqueducts of the second Viennese spring water pipeline (1911):
  • 3 Brenten maize (142 meters long and 24 meters high)
  • 4 Pfalzau
  • Numerous magnificent Upper middle class mansions around 1900 in the classical style, art nouveau and Heimatstil - see also Tullnerbach and Purkersdorf:
  • 5 Villa Raymann
  • 6 Villa Hansen, Hauptstraße 63, villa in classifying forms with Ionic columns and a flight of stairs.
  • 7 Villa Seewald, Krumpöckgasse 3, early Secessionist villa built in 1898 with half-timbered decor.
  • Rekawinkel station: Erected in 1858. The station, including ancillary buildings, pedestrian bridge and subsequent tunnel portal, is largely in its original state to this day and is one of the few remaining structures in the original station architecture of the Western Railway.
  • 8 Local museum, Hauptstraße 79, open every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • French cross in the Pfalzau
  • 9 Monument to Emperor Joseph II, Mass casting from Bohemia on the main square in front of the elementary school
  • 10 Vienna river source Kaiserbrünndl on the Pfalzberg and Kaiserbrunnberg
  • Schubertstein and Linde


  • Hiking in Vienna Woods, among others in the Sattel-Baunzen Nature Park:
  • numerous marked hiking trails, signposted bridle paths and mountain bike trails
  • 1 Lido: The architecture of the 1950s is also worth seeing.
  • There are several sports clubs in the village, including football, badminton, basketball, jiu-jitsu, kickboxing, cycling, running and the ski jumping club "Wienerwaldadler"
  • There are also riding stables and tennis courts.


There are a few local shops and supermarkets, especially in the main town of Pressbaum. Larger shopping centers, however, only in Vienna or St. Polten.


  • 1  Gasthaus Mayer, Rekawinkler Hauptstrasse 22. Tel.: 43 (0)2233 57013. Open: Mo 11.00 a.m. - 2.30 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. - 9.00 p.m., Thu Fr 11.00 a.m. - 9.00 p.m., Sa public holidays 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m., Sun 9.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m., Tuesday and Wednesday are closed.
  • 2  Lindenhof restaurant, Hauptstrasse 89, 3021 Pressbaum. Tel.: 43 (0)2233 52408.



  • 1  Hotel Wiental, Hauptstrasse 74f, 3021 Pressbaum. Tel.: 43 (0)2233 52785. Open: the associated restaurant: Mon - Fri 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., the kitchen closes at 9:00 p.m., Sat, Sun public holidays by arrangement.Price: single room from € 65, double room from € 100.
  • 2  Pension Parzer, Hauptstrasse 96, 3021 Pressbaum. Tel.: 43 (0)2233 52736. Feature: pension.Price: single room from 45 €, double room from 70 €.


  • 2  Holy Trinity Pharmacy, Hauptstrasse 1, 3021 Pressbaum. Tel.: 43 (0)2233 524370. Open: Mon - Fri 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sat 8 a.m. - 12.30 p.m., night shift every Wednesday.

Practical advice


  • In other communities in the Wiental: Purkersdorf, Tullnerbach, Wolfsgraben and Vienna.


Web links

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