Radeberg - Radeberg

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The town Radeberg lies northeast of the Saxon state capital Dresden, on the edge of the Dresden Heath and is the center of a region called "Radeberger Land". It is primarily known for the Radeberger Pilsener produced here, the first beer to be brewed in Germany using the Pilsener brewing method.

getting there

By plane

The Dresden AirportWebsite of this institutionDresden Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDresden Airport in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsDresden Airport (Q657005) in the Wikidata database(IATA: DRS) is only 15 km from Radeberg. The taxi ride costs around 25–35 euros. There is no attractive connection with public transport: you have to take bus number 80 from the airport to Dresden-Klotzsche train station and change there to RB / RE to Radeberg (takes a total of 30–40 minutes).

By train

Radeberg has one 1 railway station on the Dresden – Görlitz line. Regional express trains or regional trains from Dresden in the direction of Upper Lusatia (Görlitz, Kamenz or Zittau) and vice versa stop here several times an hour. Once a day there is also a free connection with Liberec in the Czech Republic.

The closest long-distance train station is Dresden-Neustadt (Connection to ICE from Leipzig / Erfurt / Frankfurt, IC from Berlin / Hamburg or Magdeburg / Hanover), from there it's about a 15-minute drive to Radeberg. It is a 25-minute drive from Dresden Hbf, half an hour from Bautzen and around an hour from Görlitz.

In the street

Radeberg can be easily reached via the A 4 Dresden – Görlitz. From the direction of West Saxony you drive on the exit Symbol: AS 84 Ottendorf-Okrilla and from the direction of Görlitz at the exit Symbol: AS 85 Pulsnitz off.

Coming from Berlin, you can either take the A 13 at the exit Radeburg leave and drive on the road via Ottendorf-Okrilla to Radeberg, or am Triangle Dresden-North Change to the A4 (then continue as above).


Map of Radeberg

Public transport

Radeberg is part of the Upper Elbe Transport Association. All information is available on his Website.


The FahrRADeberg initiative allows bicycles to be borrowed free of charge for a maximum of 3 days at 4 different stations. All information about this under fahrradeberg.de

Tourist Attractions


  • 1  Evangelical City Church for the Holy Name of God, At the church. Evangelical City Church On the Holy Name of God in the Wikipedia encyclopediaEvangelical City Church On the Holy Name of God in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsEvangelical City Church of the Holy Name of God (Q55736367) in the Wikidata database.In the Baroque style, consecrated in 1730, rebuilt in 1887–89.

Palaces and castles

Klippenstein Castle
  • 2  Klippenstein Castle. Klippenstein Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKlippenstein Castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKlippenstein Castle (Q2241888) in the Wikidata database.Originally a high medieval castle, first mentioned in 1289. Like so many castles in the region, it was converted into a more homely castle during the Renaissance period, which the Saxon dukes (and later electors) used for hunting trips. The castle courtyard, however, still has a typically late medieval character. With castle museum.
  • 3  Wachau Castle. Wachau Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSchloss Wachau in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWachau Castle (Q29639260) in the Wikidata database.The beautiful baroque palace has been refurbished on the outside, but is still waiting for a complete restoration on the inside. It is surrounded by a landscaped garden.


  • 4  town hall, Market 19th. City hall in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCity Hall (Q49147710) in the Wikidata database.Elegant representative building of the city, built 1767–69 according to a design by the Dresden master builder Samuel Locke in a relatively simple late baroque style. A new clock was added a few years later, a third floor was added in 1822 and the facade was redesigned in the classical style. In 1863 the mansard roof was also expanded into a full floor. The facade was redesigned again - this time in neo-baroque style - in 1904. During the GDR era, the building fell into disrepair, but was thoroughly renovated again at the end of the 1990s.
  • Numerous listed residential buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries in the old town, especially along Hauptstraße, Mittelstraße, Obergraben, Pirnaer Straße, Dresdener Straße, Pulsnitzer Straße, Dr.-Rudolf-Friedrichs-Straße and Lotzdorfer Straße
  • 5  Humboldt Gymnasium. Humboldt-Gymnasium in the encyclopedia WikipediaHumboldt-Gymnasium (Q1636904) in the Wikidata database.The typical Wilhelmine school building from 1899 is a listed building.
Dodecagon house
  • 6  Dodecagon houses. Dodecagon houses in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDodecagon houses in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsDodecagon houses (Q15221559) in the Wikidata database.Group of three unusually shaped prefabricated buildings from 1983, which only exist in this form in Radeberg, Ottendorf-Okrilla and Arnsdorf.
  • 7  Augustus bath, OT Liegau-Augustusbad, Radeberger Straße 3. Augustusbad in the encyclopedia WikipediaAugustusbad in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsAugustusbad (Q14520175) in the Wikidata database.Historic spa complex. Opened in 1719 after the healing effects of the spring water had been discovered. The actual Kurhaus and the Kurpalais date from 1808, most of the outbuildings from the 1880s. In 1896 the AOK Leipzig acquired the Augustusbad on the initiative of the pharmacist Willmar Schwabe in order to make it accessible to its members. After 1945 the facility was no longer used as a spa but as a training center for the People's Police or as a retirement home. It has been empty since 1990 and, despite its historical and architectural significance, has been left to decay. Various plans for a new use and renovation have not yet been implemented.
  • 8  Basic mill, OT Liegau-Augustusbad, Grundmühlenweg (near Keinwachau, a good 4 km northwest of the city center; Bus 302 "Liegau Kleinwachau"; You can park opposite the epilepsy center, from there it is a 800 m walk). Grundmühle in the encyclopedia WikipediaGrundmühle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBasic mill (Q1550586) in the Wikidata database.Former watermill from the 18th century on the Großer Röder, idyllically situated on the edge of the Seifersdorfer Tal landscape garden.

Streets and squares

Markt, in the foreground the post mileage pillar
  • 9 marketMarket in the encyclopedia WikipediaMarket in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMarkt (Q14544539) in the Wikidata database Central square of the old town. The town hall and historic residential and commercial buildings from the 18th century with small shops are located on it. On the market square there is a restored Saxon post mile column and the sculpture “The Glass Blower” with a small fountain.

Parks and gardens

  • 10  Gelbkehain, between Dresdener and Dr.-Albert-Dietze-Straße. Gelbkehain in the encyclopedia WikipediaGelbkehain in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsGelbkehain (Q17321875) in the Wikidata database.Idyllic green space on the banks of the Röder river.
  • 11  Botanical garden for the blind Villa Storchennest, Pillnitzer Str. 71. Botanical blind garden Villa Storchennest in the encyclopedia WikipediaBotanical blind garden Villa Storchennest (Q15107882) in the Wikidata database.20,000 square meter botanical garden, which is primarily aimed at the blind, but can of course also be visited by sighted people.
In the Hüttertal
  • 12  Hüttertal, Schlossstrasse 21 (between Klippenstein Castle and Wallroda). Hüttertal in the encyclopedia WikipediaHüttertal in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHüttertal (Q1652666) in the Wikidata database.Small conservation area (oak-hornbeam forest) on the banks of the Großer Röder, east of the city center. Depending on the season of the year, the meadows bloom with spring flowers, broad-leaved orchid (a native orchid species) and wood anemones. Squirrels, red foxes, roe deer, brown hares, various mouse and bat species, rhinoceros beetles, hornets and dragonflies as well as numerous species of birds (including kingfisher, buzzard, red kite and gray heron) also live here.
  • 13  Seifersdorfer Valley, Grundmühlenweg (between Liegau-Kleinwachau and Wachau-Seifersdorf; Bus 302 "Liegau Kleinwachau"; Parking across from the Kleinwachau epilepsy center). Seifersdorfer Tal in the encyclopedia WikipediaSeifersdorfer Tal in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSeifersdorfer Tal (Q1432416) in the Wikidata database.Saxony's oldest landscape garden, designed by Christina von Brühl at the end of the 18th century. Idyllic forest landscape along the Großer Röder.


Production building of the Radeberger export beer brewery
"Altar of Truth" in the Seifersdorfer Valley
  • Walk, e.g. B. the planet path from Klippenstein Castle through the Hüttertal, past the Hüttermühle to the Felix Tower (a good 4 km there and back) or from the Gelbkehain always along the Grosse Röder through Lotzdorf and Kleinwachau to the Grundmühle (6.5 km) or from Kleinwachau through the Seifersdorfer Tal, past Grundmühle and Marienmühle, to Seifersdorf Castle and back (7.5 km)
  • There are various signposted hiking trails around Radeberg.

Regular events

  • Radeberger Bierstadtfest, three days in June
  • Brewery Festival
  • Korchfest
  • Kohlrabi Island Festival
  • Ullersdorf village pond festival
  • Summer solstice celebration in Liegau-Augustusbad
  • Summer festival of the Radeberg Epilepsy Center
  • Fire brigade festival
  • Radeberg Christmas Market


Even if Radeberg is primarily known for its beer, this is also suitable Original Radeberger Herbal liqueur As a souvenir that can be purchased directly at the headquarters of the Radeberger Distillation & Liqueur Factory (Hauptstrasse 44).

  • Weekly market on the market square
  • 1  EDEKA Scheller, Pulsnitzer Strasse 33, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 4160575. Open: Mon - Sat 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • 2  Department store, Schillerstraße 95B, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 455452. Open: Mon - Sat 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.


  • 1  China Snack Canton, Roederstrasse 2, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 417785.
  • 2  Papperlapapp, Röderstrasse 5, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 444181. Open: Thu - Tue 5 p.m. - 10 p.m., Wed is day off.
  • 4  La Piazza, Hauptstrasse 7, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 418996.



  • 1  AaRa Hotel, Robert-Blum-Weg 8a, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 416640, Fax: 49 (0)3528 4166455, Email: . Open: Restaurant: Mon - Sat 3 p.m. - 10 p.m., closed on Sundays.Price: Single from € 47, double from € 67 (each including breakfast from the buffet).
  • 3  Pension Görner, Lotzdorfer Strasse 64, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 442072, Fax: 49 (0)3528 414495, Email: . Feature: pension.Open: Restaurant: Tue - Fri 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., Sat public holiday 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m., Sun 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., closed on Mondays.
  • 5  Müller's inn, Alte Hauptstrasse 21, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 442587. Open: Restaurant: Mon Tue, Thu Fri 4.30 p.m. - 10 p.m., Wed is closed, Sat Sun 11.30 a.m. - 11 p.m.Price: single room from € 53, double room from € 73 (each including breakfast from the buffet).
  • 7  Am Goldbach Pension, Hauptstrasse 10b, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 411840, Fax: 49 (0)3528 411841, Email: . Feature: pension.Open: Restaurant: daily 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m., Sat Sun also 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.Price: Single from € 42, double from € 62.


  • Police station, Dresdner Strasse 8, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 43840.




  • 4  Lion pharmacy, Badstrasse 17, 01454 Radeberg. Tel.: 49 (0)3528 442228, Fax: 49 (0)3528 411114. Open: Mon - Fri 7.30 a.m. - 7 p.m., Sat 8.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


Downtown Dresden can be reached by road through the Dresdner Heide (approx. 15 km) or by train several times an hour in 15-25 minutes. The Dresdner Heide is also suitable for hiking to Dresden. To the south of Radeberg is the village of Großerkmannsdorf with the radio tower that can be seen from afar.

Other possible excursion destinations in the area are:

  • 14  Seifersdorf Castle, Tina-von-Brühl-Strasse 33, 01454 Wachau (5.5 km northwest of Radeberg; Bus 317 "Seifersdorf Kirchgasse"). Seifersdorf Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSeifersdorf Castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSeifersdorf Castle (Q1744555) in the Wikidata database.The castle was built in 1530, but was significantly redesigned in the neo-Gothic style by the architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel in 1818-26. From 1747 it was owned by the Saxon Prime Minister Heinrich von Brühl. His daughter-in-law Christina von Brühl had the palace gardens and the nearby Seifersdorfer Tal designed.
  • Großröhrsdorf (8 km northeast) - last city before the actual one Upper Lusatia; Technical museum and mass egg bath.
  • Pulsnitz (10 km northeast) - the Saxon gingerbread town on the western edge of Upper Lusatia.
  • Ottendorf-Okrilla (11 km northwest) - between Dresden and Koenigsbrück located; Hermsdorf Palace and Park with palace chapel.
  • Stumble (15 km southeast, via Arnsdorf) - a small town in Saxon Switzerland with the famous castle, which was the place of exile for Countess Cosel, who had fallen out of favor with the Saxon Elector August.


  • Friedrich Bernhard Störzner: What the homeland tells. Arwed Strauch publishing house, Leipzig 1904.

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