Spreewald - Spreewald

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The known Spreewald is southeast of Berlin in Brandenburg. The Spree branches out into numerous rivers here. Popular boat trips are offered on these rivers.


Typical Spreewald excursion boat

Main regions:

  • Oberspreewald - The most famous place in the Oberspreewald is Castle, the largest scattered settlement village in Germany. The branching rivers and paths invite you to paddle and bike.
  • Unterspreewald - Part of the Spreewald crossed by lakes between Luebben and Sloppy.

Other regions:


  • 1  Castle (Spreewald)Website of this institution. Burg (Spreewald) in the encyclopedia WikipediaBurg (Spreewald) in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBurg (Spreewald) (Q638537) in the Wikidata database.Scattered settlement in the eastern Oberspreewald.
  • 2  Luebben (Spreewald)Website of this institution. Lübben (Spreewald) in the encyclopedia WikipediaLübben (Spreewald) in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLübben (Spreewald) (Q584815) in the Wikidata database.located between Ober- and Unterspreewald.
  • 3  LuebbenauWebsite of this institution. Lübbenau in the encyclopedia WikipediaLübbenau in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLübbenau (Q147895) in the Wikidata database.tourist center on the Oberspreewald with the largest boat ferry port.
  • 4  Lehde. Lehde in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLehde in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLehde (Q1624508) in the Wikidata database.Village with 153 inhabitants near Lübbenau in the middle of the Spreewald, which is a popular destination for boat trips. Here you will find the open air museum, which provides information about the culture of the Spreewald, as well as the cucumber museum.

Other goals

Map of Spreewald

Some travel destinations (hotels and restaurants) in the Spreewald are far away from the towns and can only be reached by car or boat:

  • 1  WotschofskaWotschofska in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWotschofska in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWotschofska (Q2594276) in the Wikidata database
  • 2  Waldhotel Eiche
  • 3  Polenzschänke



Local names
  • Flow - The many streams and ditches in the Spreewald are generally referred to as rivers. A word that is used in this sense in Brandenburg.
  • Kaupe - Kaupen are alluvial sand deposits in the Spreewald. The word comes from Wendish Kupa (small increase). The Spreewald village of Leipe was built when it was settled on such an island in the Spreewald, which can only be reached by boat.

The Spreewald is still strongly influenced by the Wendish culture. Although now only German is spoken here and the Wendish language (the Lower Sorbian) is only cared for in a few families as well as in some schools and in some clubs, you can still come across the Wendish heritage everywhere. The bilingual design of the street signs is certainly noticeable at first glance. But also some house, hotel and place names make use of this heritage.

Anyone who travels through the Spreewald will also be amazed at one or the other locally designated landscape form. The info box provides information about a few local terms.

getting there

From the direction of Berlin, take the RE 2 to Vetschau. There change to bus 35-37 or 38. These go to the whole week Castle, whereby the 38 drives over Burg-Kolonie. At the weekend, however, the trip must be reserved by telephone (with the 38 only out of season (1.4-31.9)). The travel time from Berlin Hbf. Is 1: 35h.

Arriving from all other directions by train to Cottbus. From there the bus line 15-47 runs every hour during the week and every 2 hours on weekends to Burg. After registering by telephone, this also drives with a bicycle trailer (further informationThe travel time from Dresden is 2: 56h, from Leipzig 2: 43h.


The Spreewald is part of the Berlin-Bandenburg transport association. All information on theirs Website. In Castle the buses 37 38 44 46 47 48 and 500, in Leipe and Burg Kauper the 48 in Burg Kolonie the 38 and 48 and between Luebbenau and Lehde the 660.

Tourist Attractions


Boat trips

Stake yourself? No problem!

In the Boat driving school in Lehde

you can learn how to poke for smaller Spreewald boats in one-hour courses from € 25. After attending the course, the right wooden boat for up to 9 people can be rented from the driving school from € 12 per hour: Page of the boat driving school.

No visit to the Spreewald without a boat trip. This is certainly the most popular and well-known way to get to know the Spreewald. All larger towns in the Spreewald have a boat port. The largest and best-known ports of the Oberspreewald are located in Castle and Luebbenau. The Unterspreewald is preferred by Sloppy explored out. More detailed information on departure options can be found in the sub-regions and individual locations.


Popular Spreewald activity: paddling

Paddling through the Spreewald has become more and more popular lately. In many places you can rent paddle boats and explore the branching rivers on your own. The rentals also have maps with recommended paddling routes. If you are traveling as a group in the high season, you should book your boats in advance.

Anyone traveling with their own (paddle) boat should clarify before arrival whether they can really launch the boat at the desired location. Since large parts of the Spreewald are under nature protection, "wild" use is prohibited. Even apparently public uses are often privately owned - you should inquire about this before using them. Currently - as of January 2013 - there are only 5 public deployment sites available ([1], the site offers a wide range of additional information on the subject). According to information from the local authorities, however, further deployment points are being planned. Especially if you come in a larger group and want to rent boats in addition to your own boats, boat rentals allow you to use your jetty for a fee. In addition, there are usually parking fees. Locks and water rest areas are another possibility for use if they can be reached by car.

All paddlers should take into account that in the high season there is very intense boat traffic in the tourist centers. These barges with a total weight of over a ton and lengths in the order of 10 meters can only be controlled to a very limited extent by the barge operator. Especially in the curves of tighter tiles, they need almost the entire width, so that here - regardless of all right of way rules - anticipatory driving is required. Outside of these centers, children can also cope with "traffic problems".

To go biking

It is not absolutely necessary to travel by bike. Some quarters offer bicycles for hire and there are hire stations. There is a good network of cycle paths in the Spreewald. Roads have to be used relatively infrequently. Some paths lead right next to the tiles. The destinations can be easily reached in a day tour.

The lead through the Spreewald Gurkenradweg and the Fürst-Pückler-Weg.


Spreewald gherkins is a protected geographical indication. The pickled cucumbers must be processed in the Spreewald and at least 70% of the cucumbers used must have grown there. With around 600 hectares, the Spreewald is the second largest cucumber cultivation in Germany, up to 40,000 tons of outdoor cucumbers are harvested annually. The taste of the Spreewald cucumber comes from the processing and the spices, such as fresh dill.

In the following places you can find special things about the Spreewald cucumber:

  • Luebben with the production company Spreewald Feldmann GmbH & Co KG
  • Boblitz, there are tours during the cucumber production at harvest time at RABE Spreewälder Konserven
  • Golßen with the possibility to visit the cucumber production at Spreewaldkonserve Golßen
  • Leipe with traditional vegetable growing.
  • Lehde with the farmhouse and cucumber museum.
  • Sloppy with the Agricultural History Museum
  • Luebbenau with the Spreewald Museum



The main season in the Spreewald is the summer half-year. An insider tip is early spring, even before the mosquito season begins.



Web links

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