Tavannes - Tavannes

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Tavannes is a Swiss Municipality in the canton Bern.


The village is located at the northern foot of the Pierre Pertuis pass. A road from Aventicum (Avenches) over the pass des Pierre Pertuis Augusta Raurica. At the time of the Romans, however, it was wilderness, and it was only with the foundation of the Moutier-Grandval Monastery that the area began to be properly settled and reclaimed. Tavannes was first mentioned in writing in 866, when the place belonged to the property of the Moutier-Grandval Abbey. When the Bellelay monastery was founded in the 12th century, the place was subordinated to this monastery by the Prince-Bishop of Basel. It was at this time that the von Tavannes family began to establish themselves. This noble family built a castle north near Le Châtelet, in which they also resided. During the Swabian War, the castle was destroyed in 1499. The noble family of Tavannes died out in the course of the 16th century. The Reformation was introduced in 1530 by Guillaume Farel. Between 1797 and 1815 Tavannes belonged to France and was initially part of the Département du Mont Terrible, which in 1800 became part of the Haut-Rhin department. At the Congress of Vienna it was decided that the place would go to the Canton of Bern in 1815.

getting there

Tavanne is on the main roads number 6 and 30, which are between Moutier and Sonceboz-Sombeval run together. The number 6 leads from Boncourt above Porrentruy and Delémont to BielThe A 16 motorway is currently being built parallel to it. It has been completed between Tavannes and Biel, and is still under construction in the direction of Moutier (opening in 2011/16). The main road number 30 leads from Balsthal to La Chaux-de-Fonds. The road branches off in Tavannes Saignelégier from.

Tavannes station is on the old line from Biel to Moutier, which is now only used by regional trains. Here begins the narrow-gauge CJ which leads via Tramelan to Le Noirmont, where it joins the route that leads from La Chaux-de-Fonds via Saignelégier to Glovelier.

There is a bus line that runs from Tavannes via Bellelay and Lajoux to Les Genevez.


Tourist Attractions

  • Reformed Church of Tavannes. The current reformed church dates partly from the year 1385. The late Gothic building was restored several times and in 1728 extended on the east side. This is where the Saint-Etienne church, mentioned in 866, was located.
  • Church of Christ Roi. The Catholic Church was built between 1928 and 1930. The basilica with 3 naves on a strictly rectangular surface was built according to the design of Adolphe Guyonnet.








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