Transylvania - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Transylvanie — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Bran castle (47626731362) .jpg
46 ° 46 ′ 0 ″ N 23 ° 35 ′ 0 ″ E

The Transylvania is the French name of a Romanian region called 'Centru' which is located in the center of the Romania.

With an area of 34 100 km2, the Center region represents 14.3% of the territory of Romania.


During the last millennium, Transylvania was inhabited by four main ethnic groups: Romanians, Germans, Hungarians and Sicules (population of unknown origin but of Hungarian language). Transylvania was part of the Hungarian Kingdom at the beginning of the second millennium, subsequently was an independent principality, became a region of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the 18th century.e century and region of Romania in 1918.

Râşnov Fortress

The cultural heritage of Transylvania is one of the richest. There are two thousand-year-old remains of Dacian and Roman civilizations (forts in Oraştie, Alba Iulia, Turda etc., gold mines in Roşia Montană, salt mines in Turda, Ocna Sibiului etc.), well-preserved medieval towns, more a hundred pleasure castles and medieval fortresses, around 150 fortified churches, wooden churches dating from the XVIIe and XVIIIe centuries etc.

Numerous thermal spas (thermal, mineral and salt water) are distributed in the region. In winter, there is an ice hotel in Bâlea Lac, in the Făgăraş Massif, as well as winter sports resorts in the three branches of the Carpathians. Agritourism is developed throughout the region.


Today's Transylvania comprises the departments or Judet following:

Judet (department) from Transylvania
South East (Braşov, Sibiu)
East (Covasna, Harghita, Mureș)
South West (Alba, Hunedoara)
North West (Bistrița-Năsăud, Cluj-Napoca)

These regions represent a strong tourist potential.


Winter sports

  • Arieşeni
  • Băişoara
  • Borşa
  • Cavnic
  • Harghita Bai
  • Lake Bâlea
  • Muntele Mic
  • Parâng
  • Poiana Braşov
  • Predeal
  • Semenic
  • Straja
  • Suior

Other destinations

  • National Park Retezat
  • Parcul Naţional Munţii Rodnei
  • National Park Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa
  • Parcul Naţional Semenic-Cheile Caraşului
  • Parcul Naţional Apuseni - Rezervaţia naturală Padiş
  • Parcul Naţional Călimani
  • Parcul Natural Lunca Mureşului

To speak

Prejmer, the fortified church

The official language is Romanian, a language of Latin origin very close to Italian. Since in the XIXe century Romanian has adopted a considerable number of neologisms from French, French speakers will somehow understand written Romanian.

Considering that around 20% of the inhabitants of Transylvania are part of the Hungarian community, Hungarian is the second most spoken language. With regard to languages ​​of international use, English ranks first. It is followed by French, Italian, Spanish and German.

To go

By plane

A street in the small town of Ghimbav
  • Someşeni International Airport of Cluj-Napoca[1]
  • The "Traian Vuia" International Airport of Timișoara[2]
  • 1 Târgu Mureș International Airport (IATA : TGM, ICAO: LRTM, Aeroportul Transilvania Târgu Mureș) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element in Vidrasău (14 km southwest of Târgu Mureș, in the judet of Mureș)
  • International Airport of Sibiu[3]

By train

Romanian Railways website

By car

  • E60 - European route that enters Romania at Oradea
  • E68 - European route that enters Romania at Arad
  • E70 - European route that enters Romania at Timișoara
  • E81 - European route that enters Romania at Satu Mare


Fortified Church of Dealu Frumos


Festivals and Events

Prejmer - medieval house undergoing restoration
  • many medieval festivals in Sighişoara, Sibiu etc.
  • film festivals in Cluj-Napoca, Sibiu etc.
  • ethno festivals everywhere
  • music festivals (Peninsula in Târgu Mures, Jazz the Gărâna in a village 36 km of Reşiţa etc.)

Route of wooden churches

  • Maramures
  • Valea Arieşului

Route of fortified churches

Moşna fortified church

In south-eastern Transylvania.

Ridge route

In the three branches of the Carpathians.

To buy


Where to eat ?

  • agrotourism units

What to eat

  • soups (ciorbă de burtă, ciorbă de perişoare, ciorbă de varză cu ciolan afumat, ciorbă de măcriş cu cap of honey, urechiuşi, ciorbă de salata în jintuială, ciorbă de agreşe, supă de găina etc.)
  • meats (friptură de Turda, pastramă de oaie, tocăniţă de pui, gulaş, ceafă umplută etc.)
  • cheeses (brânză de burduf, brânză in scoartă de brad, caş afumat, goose telemea, urdă etc.)
  • desserts (prăjitură de rubarbă, papanaşi, pancove, plăcinte umplute etc.)

Have a drink / Go out


To learn






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