Trier - Treviri

The Market Square of Trier (Hauptmarkt).
Coat of arms and flag
Trier - Coat of arms
Trier - Flag
Federated state
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Germany
Tourism site
Institutional website

Trier (Trier, in FrenchTrèves, in LuxembourgishTréier) is a city in the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate.

To know

Much visited, thanks above all to its monuments from the Roman era, which have been included in the UNESCO list of world heritage sites since 1986, Trier is a pleasant city lying on the banks of the Moselle with the possibility of mini-cruises to the enchanting villages and fairy-tale castles that meet along the particularly tortuous course of this tributary of the Rhine. The approximately 18,000 students who attend courses at the local university and the higher institute of applied sciences add a note of vivacity (Hochschule Trier).

Geographical notes

Trier meets on the middle course of the Moselle, a river which has its sources in France, on the western side of the Vosges massif (Alsace). The vast territory of Trier extends to the border with the Luxembourg, marked, for a long stretch, by the Moselle itself. The landscapes are largely rural, characterized by hills covered with woods and vineyards from which renowned wines are obtained among which the white Riesling stands out, with a sweetish taste due to the soils rich in slate and also to the fermentation left incomplete just to allow the wine to keep most of the sugars contained in grapes.

When to go

Trier has a mild climate with well distributed rainfall throughout the year. In addition to checking a weather report, you will need to inform yourself about the water level of the Moselle. Like many other rivers in Central and Eastern Europe, the Moselle often swells to the point of threatening to overflow from its bed.


It is common understanding that the city was founded around 16 BC. like Augusta Treverorum (city of Augustus in the country of the Treveri), even if you will read an inscription on the famous red house in the center that disavows this tradition. In fact, the inscription carries the phrase: "ANTE ROMAM TREVIRIS STETIT ANNIS THOUSAND TRECENTIS. PERSTET ET ÀTERNA PACE FRVATVR. AMEN", or "Trier already existed 1300 years before Rome. It still exists and enjoys eternal peace, amen". It is a medieval legend, devoid of any historical foundation, on the basis of which Trier was founded by Trebeta, son of the Assyrian king Nino and of Semiramide.

The city experienced a rapid expansion from the 1st century AD and already at the time of Claudius the original wooden bridge over the Moselle was replaced by a stone one still intact today. The Porta Nigra, the symbol of Trier, was erected in the last period of the Antonini, under the reign of Marcus Aurelius or, at the latest, under his son Commodus. Despite the incursions of Franks and Alemanni, the city continued to prosper and with the regime of the tetrarchy introduced by Diocletian, it became the seat of Constantius Cloro, a sort of vice-emperor appointed for the western part of the empire. The palatine basilica of Constantine, the large complex of the imperial baths and the hippodrome built on the Circus Maximus of Rome and more than 500 m long date back to the beginning of the 4th century.

Destroyed by Attila in 451 AD. Trier came under the dominion of the Franks and, from the 10th century until its occupation in 1795 by the French revolutionary army, it was ruled by its bishops who preferred to move to Koblenz. After the schism wrought by Martin Luther the bishops joined the counter-reformation. It was at that time that Trier distinguished itself for an active witch hunt, the victims of which was the inquisitor of the alleged witches, Dietrich Flade. He, in his capacity as judge, had sentenced several women to the stake but later reversed, acquitting most of the accused. Because of this bland attitude, the bishop elector Johann of Schoenberg ordered his arrest with the suspicion of witchcraft confirmed by the subsequent trial which ended with the death penalty.

The congress of Vienna assigned the city to the kingdom of Prussia which became the Germanic empire in 1871. To allow the urban development of the city, the ancient walls and Roman gates were demolished in 1876 with the exception of the Porta Nigra.

Trier was under French occupation in both periods following the two world wars of the 20th century. It became part of the state of the Rhineland-Palatinate in 1946. A legacy of these long military occupations can still be found today in the presence of numerous brothels. Nationally Trier is known as a red light city. Many of the brothels have been moved from the center to the suburbs, especially in the industrial area to the north and at the motorway to Luxembourg. Several operate under the name of massage parlors and are run by Thais. They do not have an easy time for the protests of local associations for the defense of women's rights. Nevertheless, prostitution is still a very widespread activity. In 2015, the city council approved the establishment of a brothel in the Euren factory area. According to the local newspaper "Die Welte", Trier ranks second in the national ranking for the number of prostitutes.

How to orient yourself

How to get

How to get around

What see

Porta Nigra
  • 1 Porta Nigra, Porta-Nigra-Platz. Ecb copyright.svg4 €. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun (Apr-Sep) 09: 00-18: 00, (Oct-Mar) 09: 00-17: 00, (Nov-Feb) 09: 00-16: 00. Porta Nigra on Wikipedia Porta Nigra (Q152339) on Wikidata
  • 2 Palatine Basilica of Constantine (Konstantinbasilika), Konstantinpl. 10,. Palatine Basilica of Constantine on Wikipedia basilica of Constantine (Q686773) on Wikidata
  • 3 Roman bridge (Römerbrücke). Roman bridge of Trier on Wikipedia Roman bridge of Trier (Q284125) on Wikidata
  • 4 Amphitheater (Amphitheater), Bergstraße 45. It dates back to the 2nd century and had a capacity of about 20,000 seats. Trier amphitheater (Q474982) on Wikidata
  • 5 Thermal baths of Santa Barbara (Barbarathermen). Of this huge spa complex of the second century AD. C. only the foundations remained. The baths remained in operation until the 4th century AD. Later they were used as a marble quarry. At the time of Emperor Maximilian they became a firing range where artillery was practiced. The current name is due to a monastery dedicated to Santa Barbara of Nicomedia built at the time of the Merovingians of which very few traces remain. Closed for restoration in 2000, the complex reopened its doors in 2015. Visitors can now make use of walkways and panels that help identify the ruins. terme di Barbara (Q807733) on Wikidata
  • 6 Imperial Baths (Kaiserthermen). Imperial Baths (Trier) on Wikipedia Imperial Baths (Q697693) on Wikidata

Civil architectures

  • 7 Steipe. Gothic building on the main market of Trier. It served as a town hall until the 18th century. Steipe (Q997070) on Wikidata
  • 8 Red House (Rotes Haus), Hauptmarkt corner Dietrichstraße. It was built between 1433 and 1483 and was the home of the master of the guild of bakers and the bishop's secretary. Later it hosted the meetings of the city council. It was destroyed in the bombings of 1944 but was rebuilt like the original in 1970. Its interiors are not open to visitors but you can access the ground floor premises (a bar and a restaurant). Rotes Haus (Q836757) on Wikidata

Religious architectures

  • 9 Duomo (Trierer Dom). Trier Cathedral on Wikipedia Trier cathedral (Q5920) on Wikidata
  • 10 Church of San Gengolfo (St. Gangolf). Church of San Gengolfo on Wikipedia San Gengolfo church (Q467160) on Wikidata
  • 11 Church of Our Lady of Trier (Liebfrauenkirche). Church of Our Lady (Trier) on Wikipedia church of Our Lady (Q530208) on Wikidata


Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Night clubs

Where to eat

Moderate prices

Kebab shops are on Judengasse, like Ke-Pasta.

  • 1 Astarix, Karl-Marx-Straße 11, 49 651 72239. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sat 11: 30-23: 00 Sun 13: 00-23: 00. Pub. Tasty and cheap snacks.
  • 2 New Mintons, Jakobstraße 13, 49 651 9790265. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 12: 00-15: 00 and 18: 00-23: 00 Sat 12: 00-23: 00 Sun 18: 00-22: 00.
  • 3 Der Italiener, Dietrichstraße 3, 49 651 978240. Huge pizzas.
  • 4 Bistro Golden Dragon, Bahnhofsplatz 1, 49 651 1704993. Pan-Asian cuisine (Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese).

Average prices

  • 5 Klein Florenz, Karl-Marx-Straße 1, 49 651 76167. Restaurant / pizzeria run by an Italian family. Pizzas, croutons, pasta dishes, baked lasagna. The wines are Chianti, Valpolicella and Pinot grigio
  • 6 Hermes, Weberbach 54, 49 651 44450. Greek restaurant.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Römischer Kaiser hotel
Mercure Hotel
FourSide Plaza Hotel
  • 1 Kolpinghaus Warsberger Hof, Dietrichstraße 42, 49 651 975250, fax: 49 651 975 2540.
  • 2 Campingpark Treviris, Luxemburger Str. 81, 49 651 86921.
  • 3 Evergreen Hostel (Hostel Hilles), Gartenfeldstraße 7, 49 651 69987026.
  • 4 Runne Heinz, Engelstraße 35, 49 651 28922.
  • 5 FourSide Plaza Hotel (ex NH-Hotel), Zurmaiener Str. 164, 49 651 999870. 4-star hotel, often offered at half the price asked by its competitors due to its off-center location. It is in fact suitable for those traveling by car. It was completely refurbished in 2012. The rooms on the south side can be very noisy. Choose one of the rooms on the opposite side with a view of the Moselle, which are by far the best.

Average prices

  • 6 Römischer Kaiser, Porta-Nigra-Platz 6. Hotel housed in a building in the center in the immediate vicinity of Porta Nigra. The best rooms are those with a view of the monument. It has been completely modernized and has a lift.
  • 7 Chiara House, Engelstraße 8, 49 651 270730. Ecb copyright.svgStarting from 70 €. 3-star hotel near the Porta Nigra. The restaurant has been set up on the terrace arranged as a garden.
  • 8 Mercure Hotel, Porta-Nigra-Platz 1, 49 651 27010. Obtained from a very ugly building that stands right in front of the external side of the Porta Nigra.
  • 9 Frankenturm hotels, Dietrichstraße 3, 49 651 978240, fax: 49 651-9782449, @. Ecb copyright.svgFrom € 65. Boutique hotel in the old town, one block after the central Market square. It has 12 rooms each decorated differently.
  • 10 Blesius Garten, Olewiger Straße 135, 49 651 36060. Ecb copyright.svgStarting from 100 €. In the district of Olewig about 2 km from the center. has a brewery / restaurant.
  • 11 Nells Park, Dasbachstraße 12, 49 651 14440. Ecb copyright.svgStarting from 100 €. About 3 km from the center, in a large park.

High prices


How to keep in touch


Eltz Castle a Wierschem

The stretch of the Moselle that crosses the Rhineland-Palatinate it is the most suggestive; the river digs a gap between hills planted with vineyards and has a very pronounced meandering course up to its confluence in the Rhine, right in the center of the city of Koblenz. On its steep banks there are charming villages and fairytale castles. The excursion is normally carried out by boat but if you have little time you can use the train or any suburban bus. Bicycles are allowed on board the trains (you will have to pay a little extra in the summer). The highlights along the Moselle valley are listed below:

  • Traben-Trarbach - Two contiguous villages which today form a single urban agglomeration renowned for its "Art Nouveau" spas and villas (Jugendstil), the style that has characterized much of the Belle Époque.
  • Bernkastel-Kues - One of the prettiest towns in the Moselle valley. It is about 50 km from Trier.
  • Cochem - Dominated by a majestic 15th century castle, Cochem is a pretty village of 5,000 inhabitants also renowned for its half-timbered houses gathered around the old town hall.
  • Treis-Karden - 10 km north of Cochem, Treis-Karden it is a double village, both village centers renowned for their gothic churches and for the possibilities of excursions in the surroundings.
  • Alken - Village of 600 inhabitants renowned for the Thurant castle whose ruined towers overlook the town.
  • Wierschem - Village of about 300 inhabitants, famous for the Eltz Castle, one of the most evocative in the whole of Germany. The castle is immersed in a dense forest and is still owned by the same family that lived there from the 12th century, 33 generations ago.

Apart from the tourist centers of the Moselle valley, other excursions of one or more days are possible starting from Trier:

  • Idar-Oberstein - City ofHunsrück on the banks of the Nahe River, a left tributary of the Rhine, famous for being the birthplace of Hollywood actor Bruce Willis and also for the diamond and precious stone trade that continued after the exhaustion of local mines thanks to the resourcefulness of Yiddish Jews . Idar-Oberstein it also constitutes the beginning of a renowned cycle path (Nahe-Hunsrück-Mosel-Radweg) which ends after 270 km in the town of Bingen on the banks of the Rhine.
  • Luxembourg City - The capital of grand duchy it is less than 50 km from Trier and can be reached by train or bus in about an hour.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Trier
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Trier
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Trier
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