Val di Taro - Val di Taro

Val di Taro
Glimpse of the valley
Val di Taro - Location

Val di Taro is an Apennine valley ofItaly.

To know

Geographical notes

Val di Taro is an Apennine valley in the Parma hills, on the border with the Liguria and the Tuscany. It is usually also called Valtaro, by far the most widely used formulation. It is crossed by the Taro stream to which it owes its formation.

Territories and tourist destinations

The Val di Taro includes the municipalities of Albareto, Bedonia, Borgo Val di Taro, Compiano, Fornovo di Taro, Solignano, Tornolo is Valmozzola. It also includes part of the territory of Berceto is Terenzo, all Parma centers. Giaiette, part of the Ligurian municipality of Borzonasca, in the province of Genoa and Hairy. fraction of Varese Ligure in the province of Spice.

Urban centers

The most important centers are:

  • Borgo Val di Taro - Its historic center, once surrounded by walls, preserves a good number of well-made buildings of considerable historical and architectural interest, which span a time span from the 16th to the 18th century. It is a holiday resort.
  • Compiano - Its well-preserved urban structure around its massive castle has earned the town its inclusion in the ranks of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Fornovo di Taro - Its ancient Pieve was an important stop along the route of the Via Francigena

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Val di Taro
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