Solignano - Solignano

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Solignano is a center ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located in the Valtaro on the hills of the Parma Apennines. It is 42 km away. from Parma and 65 from Chiavari.


A document of 908 says it was owned by Otto I; in 1039 it passed to the Marquis Bonifacio of Tuscany; in 1249 Frederick II gave the investiture to Oberto Pallavicino. It was attacked by the Terzi and subjected to Nicolò Piccinino in 1442. Finally it entered the history of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza.

How to orient yourself


Its territory includes the inhabited centers of: Barbieri, Boio, Bottioni, Canova, Carpadasco, Case Gabelli, Castelcorniglio, Filippi, Fopla, Fosio, Marena, Massari, Masereto, Murolo, Oriano, Prelerna, Rubbiano, Specchio, Spiaggio.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

By bus

What see

  • Masereto. It is a massive block of flats located at three quarters of the coast on the slopes of Mount Pareto between the Taro and Pessola valleys at 7 km. from Solignano. The various constructions, tightly closed together, revolve around a central open space which they overlook. A covered street crosses them. At the first underpass you can see the traces of loopholes splayed inwards for defense.

In Castelcorniglio

  • Castle. It is documented from the first half of the thirteenth century. It belonged to the Municipality of Parma and then passed to the Pallavicinos, then to Niccolò Piccinino around the middle of the fifteenth century. Back in possession of the Pallavicinos, it passed to the Rugarli family, feudal lords of the castles of Golaso, Specchio and Varsi. At the end of the nineteenth century it belonged to the Zanetti family. Now the Zanchi family owns it and recently transformed it into a farmhouse.
Its current appearance as a noble residence does not respond to its original function as a defensive bulwark against the incursions of the Piacentini; its position, at 418 meters above sea level, is highly strategic, placed as it is between Taro, Ceno and Pessola. Restructuring interventions between the sixteenth and sixteenth centuries have refined its appearance. The building follows the conformation of the land, and is therefore very varied in its composition. The lookout towers, of various heights, are inserted in the walls in river stone and sandstone. It encloses three courtyards and has two cylindrical towers with Ghibelline battlements and a square tower decorated with mullioned windows, battlements and equipped with slits.
An excellent restoration has brought it back to its structural splendor in which the latest nineteenth-century renovations have been well integrated, including the entrance to the castle on the southern side. Near the castle there is the Cuccarello lake, equipped with a landing stage;
The legend
It is said that within its walls the restless souls of the people who were thrown into the shaft of blades; we also hear the sounds of nocturnal rides. The mysterious life of the castle is also animated by fairies and elves that at night they weave the manes of horses.

Events and parties

  • Ride of the pioneers. Simple icon time.svgin the month of May..
  • Agri-fair. Simple icon time.svgin July..
  • Festival of the patron saint San Lorenzo. Simple icon time.svgon August 10..
  • Nativity scene and Christmas folkloric events. Simple icon time.svgin December.. In December, local associations set up beautiful nativity scenes, both living and not, in Solignano, Prelerna and Specchio.

What to do

  • Lakes for sport fishing (in Prelerna, lake of the Villa). canoeing, hunting, hang gliding, archery range.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Fornovo di Taro - Its ancient Pieve was an important stop along the route of the Via Francigena
  • Berceto - Its imposing Cathedral of ancient Romanesque foundation was one of the most important stops on the Via Francigena; ruins of the Rossi castle remain. The town retains a historic center with ancient prestigious buildings; it is an important service, trade and holiday center on the Cisa Pass road.
  • Bardone - His Pieve was one of the stops on the Via Francigena; there are preserved sculptures of the Antelamic school.
  • Bar of - Its castle is certainly one of the most spectacular among the numerous manors in the Parma hills; perched on a rocky peak, it had a reputation for impregnability. It is also one of the best preserved and most visited castles by tourists.
  • Compiano - Its well-preserved urban structure around its massive castle has earned the town its inclusion in the ranks of the most beautiful villages in Italy.


  • Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza - Scattered over the Parma and Piacenza Apennines, but also present in the plain to guard the natural border of the Po, the numerous castles of the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza characterize the whole area. Originally military bulwarks, many of them have kept the appearance of an inaccessible fortress, many have gradually transformed their war nature into a refined noble residence; all perpetuate over time the atmosphere of adventure, fairytale and legend that has always been linked to castles, many of which tell of the presence of spirits and ghosts.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Solignano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Solignano
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