Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza - Castelli del Ducato di Parma e Piacenza

Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza
Sarmato Castle
Itinerary type
Tourism site

Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza it is an itinerary that groups manors, fortresses and noble palaces that belonged to the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza (1545-1859), in Emilia Romagna.


An important heritage among the most beautiful in Italy unites the provinces of Parma and of Piacenza between history, nature and good food.

How to get

Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: How to get to Parma.

The itinerary could start from the city of Parma.


Castles in the province of Parma

Castle of Bar of
  • 1 Bardi Castle (to Bar of). It is an imposing fortification that stands on a "rock" of red jasper. Located in the center of the Ceno valley, the building overlooks the point where the Noveglia stream flows right into the Ceno. Even if today the geographical position of the village seems to be secluded and outside the commercial and tourist routes, in the Middle Ages, when the paths and the need to control the territory were different, it was an important stop on the route of the Via degli Abati. Moreover, not far away the pilgrims of the via Francigena. Until the twelfth century the castle was governed by a coterie of local nobles, known as counts of Bardi, until, in 1257, it was bought by the Ghibelline Umbertino Landi of Piacenza, who made it the capital of his family's domains. At the foot of its mighty walls many battles took place against the Guelphs, defeated among other things in 1313. During the 15th century the Landi family modified the fortress, adapting it to the new defensive needs and giving it its current appearance. At the end of the 16th century, at the behest of Federico Landi, the castle became a princely residence with a picture gallery, family archive, library and weapons exhibition. In 1682, with the extinction of the Landi family, the decline of the castle began: the fiefdom passed to their historical rivals, the Farnese, and subsequently to the Bourbons Parma. The structure, during the nineteenth century, continued to decline and was used as a military prison, seat of the district court and the municipality. Recovery began after the 1960s.
Castle of Torrechiara
Castle of Montechiarugolo

Castles in the province of Piacenza

Castle of Agazzano
Castle of Calendasco
Rocca d'Olgisio
Vigoleno Castle
  • 21 Agazzano Castle (to Agazzano). Consisting of two buildings with completely different history, use and appearance: the Renaissance fortress and the eighteenth-century palace, are located on the edge of the village of Agazzano. The current appearance of the fortress dates back to 1475 with the rebuilding, which took place on pre-existing structures, by the hand of the Scotti family, who repossessed it after alternating events that lasted a couple of centuries. It looks like a compact, massive and solid construction, with stone walls projecting up to half height, where they are marked by a string course, and a few openings placed at the top, in correspondence with the patrol path. It has a quadrangular plan with two round towers on the entrance facade. Access is allowed on the two opposite sides, from the outside through a ravelin that still carries the breakthroughs of the drawbridge, now a brick bridge, and on the opposite side by another ravelin which now gives access to the residential building where it once stood another part of the castle. Located next to the fortress, about ten meters away, the residential palace was built at the end of the eighteenth century on the foundations of the ancient castle, which still existed in 1740. From the pre-existing construction, the palace has kept part of the perimeters and a quadrangular tower on north edge. It has a U-shaped plan open towards the town. Its large halls with frescoed ceilings host luxurious furnishings.
  • 22 Boffalora Castle (to Agazzano).
  • 23 Malaspina-Dal Verme Castle (to Bobbio).
  • 24 Calendasco Castle (to Calendasco).
  • 25 Zena Castle (to Carpaneto Piacentino).
  • 26 Visconti fortress (of Castell'Arquato).
  • 27 Castle (to Castelnuovo Fogliani).
  • 28 Malaspina Castle (to Gambaro Ferriere).
  • 29 Rezzanello Castle (to Gazzola).
  • 30 Monticello Castle (to Gazzola).
  • 31 Lisignano Castle (to Gazzola).
  • 32 Castelbosco (to Gragnano Trebbiese).
  • 33 Grazzano Visconti Castle (to Grazzano Visconti).
  • 34 Gropparello Castle (to Gropparello).
  • 35 Montechino Castle (to Gropparello).
  • 36 Rocca d'Olgisio (to Pianello Val Tidone).
  • 37 Montecanino Castle (to Piozzano).
  • 38 Monteventano Castle (to Piozzano).
  • 39 Paderna Castle (to Pontenure).
  • 40 Rivalta Castle (to Rivalta-Trebbia).
  • 41 Montechiaro Castle (to Rivergaro).
  • 42 Sarmato Castle (to Sarmato).
  • 43 Castle of San Pietro in Cerro (to San Pietro in Cerro).
  • 44 Statto Castle (to Travo).
  • 45 Vigoleno Castle (to Vigoleno). Vigoleno Castle is an imposing fortified complex in the municipality of Vernasca. Located on the ridge between the Ongina and Stirone valleys on a low rise, it dominates the surrounding hills. Fortunately, Pervenutoci intact in all its parts is an example of a particularly beautiful medieval fortified village. Its foundation dates back to the 10th century but the first documented date is 1141 when it was an outpost, on the road to Parma, of the municipality of Piacenza. The possession passed through many hands, mainly it belonged to the Scotti family, saw the Pallavicinos, Piccinino, Farnese, and was destroyed and rebuilt several times. In 1922 Princess Ruspoli Gramont had it restored.




  • In the lands of Matilda - The itinerary runs through a large part of the territory that was, at the turn of the twelfth century, governed and lived by the great countess Matilde di Canossa.
  • Historic villages of the Po - The itinerary, from west to east or vice versa, leads to know some historic villages that rise near the "great river".
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