Sissa - Sissa

The Rocca dei Terzi
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy

Sissa is a center of Emilia Romagna.

To know

The municipality of Sissa merged with the municipality of Trecasali, giving life to the new administrative entity of Sissa Trecasali which as of 31.12.2015 has 7,890 inhabitants.

Geographical notes

It is located in the Lower Parma plain, adjacent to the Taro from the right bank and a short distance from the right bank of the Po. It is 22 km away. from Parma, 20 km. from Casalmaggiore, 27 from Fidenza. 35 from Cremona.


'' Sixia '', that is '' divided '' by the Taro, appears with this name in documents from the year 1000. It has a quadrangular tower and the built-up area is modest in size, no longer as it did when it included the nearby hamlet of Palasone in addition to today's Sissa. The floods of the Taro river caused the division of the country and the establishment of the two distinct centers of Sissa and Palasone. Its lands were under the fief of the Church of Parma, which was replaced by the Terzi, a noble Parma family to which Sissa was granted by the Visconti.

With the Terzi the town saw the construction of a large fortress (which was involved in the armed clashes that the Terzi had with the Reds of San Secondo) and in any case experienced a period of prosperity and development.

In 1450 Sissa became a County, until in 1805, following the suppression of the feudal institution, Count Terzi was left with the Rocca, some houses and some land; everything passed to the Raimondi family at the end of the nineteenth century, until the latter sold everything to the Municipality of Sissa in 1900 for 45,000 lire.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

A1 motorway Italy.svg

Highway A15 Italy.svg Parma Ovest exit on the Cisa motorway

  • Provincial Road 10 Italia.svg Provincial road Parma - Villanova sull’Arda
  • Provincial Road 44 Italy.svg Provincial road San Secondo - Fontanellato
  • Provincial Road 50 Italia.svg Provincial road San Secondo - Busseto

On the train

By bus

How to get around

What see

The Rocca dei Terzi
The Rocca dei Terzi
  • Rocca dei Terzi. The ancient fortress was destroyed in 1409 by the Venetians; its reconstruction takes place in 1440 by the Terzi, who erect a large structure that over time will become a stately home, abandoning its function as a warlike bulwark.

The oldest part, dating back to the 15th century, is the tower, with machicolations, splayed windows, traces of the system for the drawbridge. In the nineteenth century access to the fortress was instead allowed by two masonry staircases, while in the twentieth century they were demolished to build an imposing access staircase to the building that became the Town Hall. Further interventions have largely distorted the original building; however, frescoes, decorations and stuccos are still preserved in sufficient quantity to give an idea of ​​the past sumptuousness of the Rocca.

In the Sala del Consiglio, which was the ancient court theater, there are allegorical decorations, an Apollo with cherubs by Sebastiano Galeotti (1676-1746). In the same room there are four paintings: a Hilly landscape prior to the eighteenth century; a Flight to Egypt (XVI century); a Solomon's Judgment; Costumed figures in a wood; to the side of the staircase mythological figures: Diana, Pan, Ganymede.

The other rooms are mostly used as offices, and are frescoed with historical figures or exotic landscapes. The dark basements with vaulted ceilings and exposed bricks are fascinating. Also of interest is the clock located on the facade of the Tower, recently restored.

  • Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta.
  • Church of Sant'Antonio Abate.
  • Villa Marchi.
  • Villa Sala.

In Torricella

  • Villa Simonetta.

Events and parties

  • November Porc, @. Simple icon time.svgin November. Gastronomic fair during which it is possible to taste typical products, obviously based on pork, such as cracklings, as well as a long series of delicious - and famous - cold cuts from the lower Parma area: culatello, raw and cooked ham, cooked shoulder and raw shoulder , salami, coppa. The event is held every year and alternates, on the four following Sundays of November, in the villages of Sissa, Roccabianca, Polesine Parmense is Zibello.

What to do

  • Po cycle path. The cycle path, over 50 kilometers long, connects Mezzani to Polesine Parmense; starts from Polesine Parmense passing through Zibello, Roccabianca, Sissa, Colorno, ends in Mezzani: BiciParmaPo is therefore an additional tool to visit and get to know the area dear to Verdi and Guareschi.Realized by the Province of Parma, this cycle path allows you to move on the right bank of the Po, crossing six municipalities and their naturalistic beauties It is an asphalted and duly signposted cycle path, suitable for both mountain bikers and families wishing to spend a relaxing day in the midst of nature, but also for those who love culture and good food: the track is, in fact , in the area of Culatello di Zibello road where, in addition to the King of cured meats, there are Spalla cruda di Palasone, Strolghino, Parmigiano Reggiano and Fortana. Each town has a shelter with 18 bicycles, 14 for adults and 4 for children, so as to allow anyone to discover the Great River Po on two wheels.
To view the map of the route:[1]
Information and material request: Parma Turismi, Via Repubblica 45 - 43100 Parma Tel. 39 0521 228152 - fax 39 0521 223161 [email protected] [2].
Bikes For information: 39 0524 92272


The raw shoulder of Palasone is a typical cured meat produced in the small town of Palasone in the territory of Sissa. Its production is ancient and traditional of this strip of land of the lower Parma near the Po, and currently constitutes a production niche, certified by the Consortium of Culatello di Zibello, bears the trademark adopted by the Consorteria della Spalla Cruda di Palasone di Sissa as it can only be produced in the eight municipalities of the Culatello di Culatello DOP Zibello, or Sissa, Polesine Parmense, Busseto, Zibello, Soragna, Roccabianca, San Secondo Parmense is Colorno.

Considered by many to be the oldest salami in the Bassa (the first historical records date back to 1170), the raw shoulder requires great skill in processing and a long aging (15 months) which must take place in old and dark cellars scattered in the countryside. The annual production is currently equal to about 2,000 pieces.

The other food excellences are: raw ham from Parma; culatello of Zibello; salami of Feline; cooked shoulder of San Secondo Parmense; Parmesan Cheese; tortelli, tortellini, anolini, cappelletti; tortèj dòls.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 6 Amadei, Via Giacomo Matteotti, 36, 39 0521 879118.
  • 7 Ferri - Colombini, Via Roma, 5, 39 0521 878115.
  • 8 S. Antonio, Via P. Ferrari, 4 / A. Simple icon time.svg 39 0521 879138.

How to keep in touch


  • Soragna - The Rocca Meli Lupi, lords of the town for hundreds of years, stands in the center of Soragna; it never suffered the outrage of the conquest or the consequent looting. In addition to the castle, it also covers the historic center with its typical Po Valley features.
  • San Secondo Parmense - The Rossi castle of San Secondo is the reason of greatest monumental interest (the 2012 earthquake compromised the visits, however); the other powerful call, less cultural but equally appreciated, it is certainly his famous one cooked shoulder, a product of excellence among the cured meats of the Parma area.
  • Roccabianca - Near the Po, the Rossi castle occupies the central area of ​​the town which preserves a small historic center with a typically Po Valley atmosphere. Small world by Guareschi.
  • Fontanellato - The Rocca Sanvitale, mighty but elegant in the center of the town, and the Sanctuary (of great attraction for pilgrims from this Po Valley area of ​​the Lower Emilia) are the main reasons of interest of this beautiful Po Valley center.
  • Fidenza - The Cathedral of San Donnino, cathedral of the diocese, is rightfully included in the category of the great Romanesque cathedrals of Emilia, for example those of Parma and of Modena; it boasts an unfinished façade with statues and bas-reliefs by Benedetto Antelami and his school.
  • Colorno - Its Royal Palace belonged to the Sanseverino family, then to the Farnese family, to Maria Luigia of Austria, to the Bourbons; it is by far the most important monument of this little Versailles Parma, which also offers a small but beautiful historic center, close to the Lorno stream that gives it its name and Parma, not far from the Po.
  • Parma Morta nature reserve - Nature reserve in the Parma lowland, on the right bank of the Po in the municipality of Mezzani, a typical environment of flora, fauna and wetlands of the Po.
  • Casalmaggiore - Capital of Casalasco, protected by mighty embankments, the city develops parallel to the bed of the Po. The wide breath of the main square, the undeniable majesty of the Town Hall and the Cathedral reveal its character as an important center of the Bassa. The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontana, the church of Santa Chiara, the church of the Hospital are among its outstanding monuments.
  • Sabbioneta - City of foundation, UNESCO World Heritage Site, maintains the walls within which the magic of ideal urban planning by Vespasiano Gonzaga has remained intact; the Teatro all'Antica, the Palazzo Ducale, the Gallery, the Incoronata church are some of its monuments that stand out in a context that has been admirably preserved.
  • Parma - One of the major cities of art inEmilia, maintains with great evidence the aspect, elegance and ways of life of a capital, as it was for centuries. The Farnese della Pilotta palace, the Romanesque Cathedral, the Steccata church are some of the monumental emergencies that characterize the city; of great fame his theater, his musical tradition (Giuseppe Verdi), his school of painting (Correggio, Parmigianino), his love for good food (Parma ham, salami, Parmigiano Reggiano, Lambrusco).


  • Sissa is part of the Culatello di Zibello road, a food and wine tourism promotion path born with regional resolution number 390 in 1999; the route winds through the lower Parma area, touching the centers of San Secondo Parmense, Fontanellato, Soragna, Busseto, Polesine Parmense, Zibello, Roccabianca, Sissa and Colorno.
    The route is intertwined with other tourist itineraries in the area: Verdian places, The Small World by Giovannino Guareschi; the Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza
  • Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza - Scattered over the Parma and Piacenza Apennines, but also present in the plain to guard the natural border of the Po, the numerous castles of the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza characterize the whole area. Originally military bulwarks, many of them have kept the appearance of an inaccessible fortress, many have gradually transformed their war nature into a refined noble residence; all perpetuate over time the atmosphere of adventure, fairytale and legend that has always been linked to castles, many of which tell of the presence of spirits and ghosts.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Sissa
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Sissa
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