Colorno - Colorno

Palace of Colorno 2011-06.JPG
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Colorno is a municipality ofEmilia Romagna in the province of Parma.

To know

Geographical notes

Colorno is a center in the lower Parma area, not far from the right bank of the Po river; its historic center is crossed by the Parma torrent, which receives the Lorno tributary and flows into the Po. It is 8 km away. from Casalmaggiore, 14 from Sabbioneta, 20 from Parma, 37 from Fidenza, 45 from Mantua.


Its name indicates its location: Caput Lurni, head (end) of Lorno, co 'del Lorno, Colorno, This fertile plain was the subject of Roman centuriation. In the Middle Ages the area was largely reclaimed by the Benedictine monks. The fertile lands of Colorno were fiefdoms for over three centuries, from 1303 to 1612, to important Parma families: the Correggio; third parties; the Sanseverinos. This last family is the one that has remained most alive in the memory of the Colornese, who still pass on and celebrate the story of Barbara Sanseverino, the castellana who made the town the center of a rich, cultured and patronage court.

The personal story of Barbara Sanseverino ended in tragedy; accused by the prince of Parma Ranuccio Farnese of being part of a plot of rebel nobles, she was tried and put to death. Ranuccio Farnese thus took possession of Colorno (on which he had set his eyes for some time), which belonged to the Farnese family from 1612 to 1731 and who made it their summer residence. In 1748 the Duchy of Parma was in the hands of the Bourbons, who marked the culturally, artistically and urbanistically most fertile period of Colorno, which then took the nickname of Versailles of the Dukes of Parma.

After the Napoleonic interlude, Parma and its Duchy belonged to Maria Luigia of Austria, a sovereign who is still very much loved by the Parmesan today. With her, Colorno became the ducal summer residence again. Maria Luigia's death also marked the decline of Colorno; the Doge's Palace, abandoned and abundantly stripped of its furnishings, badly used, started towards a sad decay, which fortunately was finally interrupted in the mid-twentieth century. Now the building is reused and is the subject of restoration and care, as well as being usable for tourists.

How to orient yourself

Italian traffic signs - parking.svgParking lotsFree areas for parking:

  • Parking located in P.le Mazzoli for coaches
  • Parking located in P.le Caduti del Lavoro
  • Car park located in P.le Vittorio Veneto
  • Parking located in P.le 2 Giugno
  • Car park located in P.le Barvitius
  • Car park located in Via San Rocco
  • Car park located in Via Roma
  • Parking located in P.le Chevè
  • Parking located in P.le Venaria
  • Parking located in P.le Trieste
  • Parking located in Via IV Novembre
  • Car park located in Via Togliatti
  • Car park located in Via della Stazione

Parking for Camper not equipped with loading and unloading

  • Car park located in Via Farnese


The territory of Colorno also includes the towns of Copermio, Mezzano Rondani, Sacca, Sanguigna, Trai, and Vedole.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • Strada Statale 343 Italia.svg Colorno is crossed by the former state road Asolana Parma - Brescia.
  • A1 motorway Italy.svg The Parma motorway exit, on the A1 Autostrada del Sole, is less than twenty kilometers away.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Colorno has its own railway station on the interregional line Parma - Brescia

By bus

Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg

How to get around

By taxi

  • Rent with driver, 39 3485931385. in operation every day from 7 to 22.

What see

Facade on the Parma
Detail of the staircase facing the garden

Ducal Palace

  • Main attraction1 The palace (Ducal Palace), 39 0521 312545, @. Ecb copyright.svgAdmission (guide included): Full 6.50 €; reduced single (children from 7 to 18 years, adults over 65 years, FAI members, Touring members, card holders of the Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza, university students with card) € 5.50; reduced groups (groups of at least 15 people with reservations, school groups on educational visits) € 4.50; free for children up to 6 years of age, the handicapped with a companion, 1 companion for each organized group, 2 teachers for every 15 pupils on an educational visit, journalists with a valid card; family of 2 adults 1, 2 or 3 children up to 14 years: € 13.50, € 18 or € 22.50. For groups, reservations must be made at least 30 days before the day set for the visit. At the time of booking it is possible to agree on times other than those indicated.. Simple icon time.svgDecember-February Mon-Fri only for groups by reservation; Sat, Sun and holidays 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00. March and November Tue-Fri 11:00 and 15:00; Sat, Sun and holidays 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00; closed Mon not holidays. April-May Mon-Fri 10:00, 11:30, 15:00, 16:30; Sat 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00; Sun and holidays 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00. June-August Tue-Fri 11:00 and 16:00; Sat, Sun and holidays 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00; closed Mon not holidays. September-October Mon-Fri 10:00, 11:30, 15:00, 16:30; Sat 10:00, 11:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00; Sun and holidays 10:00, 11:00, 12:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, 18:00. The present Palace (14th - 18th centuries) is the result of the profound transformations made by the Farnese to the primitive structure of the fortress built in 1337 by Azzo da Correggio; it was then of the Terzi, then of Barbara Sanseverino who between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries transformed it into a noble residence, equipped with works of art and paintings by Raphael, Correggio, Mantegna, Titian.
When the Farnese family came into possession of it, after the beheading of Barbara Sanseverino, the building was subject to major renovation and expansion works. Begun with Ranuccio II Farnese in 1660, they were continued by his son Francesco Farnese until 1719. Ferdinando Galli (called the Bibiena and the architect Giuliano Mozzani of Carrara marked its grandly scenographic imprint, with the four corner towers and the statues decorated on the top of the building.
The ascent to the throne of Parma of Charles I of Bourbon, who became King of Naples in 1734, resulted in the transfer to Naples of all the collections of the Reggia di Colorno, now exhibited at the Capodimonte Museum of the Neapolitan city.
A new period of splendor opens in 1749, with Duke Philip of Bourbon, who marries Louise Elisabette, daughter of King Louis XV. With them, the Palace was transformed again by the architects Ennemond Alexandre Petitot and Francois Antoine Carlier. With Filippo and Louise Elisabette, the redeveloped Royal Palace becomes one of the most sumptuous princely residences in Europe.
The Ducal Chapel of San Liborio was commissioned by his son Ferdinando, who also had a large Dominican monastery built.
Further improvement works were undertaken with Maria Luigia of Austria, who continued those undertaken in the Napoleonic period. However, the end of the Palace was near. Having become a possession of the Savoy family, it was stripped of the collections of the Bourbons and Maria Luigia of Austria, transferred to the Quirinale in Rome and to the Royal Palace in Turin. Finally in 1872 the state sold it to the Province of Parma. A long period of decay, misuse, abandonment followed. Finally, its recovery, which began in 1978, allowed the reopening to the public of the Apartment of Duke Ferdinand of Bourbon, the Noble Floor and the reconstruction of the French Garden.
  • Noble Floor. In the 22 rooms of the tour itinerary, the polychrome marble floors, the Rococo-style marble fireplaces and the doors are preserved. The furnishings, the tapestries and the original picture gallery are not present due to the spoliation carried out by the Savoy. The Great Hall, designed in 1753 by Petitot, is certainly the most precious room on the Noble Floor. This is the first example of Neoclassicism realized in Europe, well ahead of time. The Rococo gilded stuccoes that decorate the room also serve as a frame for the four original canvases (1757-58) by François La Croix and Adrien Manglard. Most of the rooms on the floor are decorated with gilded stuccoes made between 1750 and 1753 by Carlo Bossi based on a design by the architect Francois Antoine Cartier.
  • Apartment of Duke Ferdinand of Bourbon. The apartment of Duke Ferdinando di Borbone began to be such from 1789, when the prince chose to move there, leaving the Noble Floor. The aim was to be closer to the church of San Liborio, a court chapel he had built himself, where he often retired in prayer. It is made up of six large rooms plus other smaller rooms, all of which were frescoed by Antonio Bresciani (for the figures) and Gaetano Ghidetti (for the geometric decorations and the fake stucco ceilings). The Hall of the Astronomical Observatory is curious, at the center of which a rod protruded beyond the ceiling, connected externally to a weather vane; inside an arrow, activated by the rotation of the rod, indicated the direction of the air on the wind rose. In addition to the Rosa dei Venti, the frescoes include landscapes and cherubs with astronomical instruments.
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Colorno-palazzo ducale-giardini2.jpg
Colorno - Garden of the Palace - French parterre.JPG
Colorno - The Palace - Garden - Green gallery.JPG
  • Historical garden of the Royal Palace. The current park and garden are the transformation over the years of the ancient garden that was created in the second half of the fifteenth century by Roberto Sanseverino, of the family at the time feudatory of Colorno and owner of the primitive Rocca. It was of Italian inspiration, and was enlarged by Barbara Sanseverino towards the end of the sixteenth century. It was revolutionized by Francesco Farnese, Duke of Parma, who at the end of the seventeenth century endowed it with imposing marble fountains sculpted by Giuliano Mozzani; one of them, the Trianon, today makes a fine show of itself in the center of the island in the small lake of the Ducal Park of Parma.
The French hydraulic engineer Jean Baillieul, who arrived from France in 1718, created the Torre delle Acque on the Lorno stream to supply the fountains with water; these pipelines were damaged during the War of the Polish Succession in 1734 and were never reactivated.
In the mid-eighteenth century Filippo di Borbone transformed the Italian garden into a French garden, entrusting the task to the Versailles gardener François Anquetil known as Delisle which, supported by the Petitot project, a parterre of three long avenues of over four kilometers, which from the staircase facing the garden, created by Petitot, gave the impression of continuing indefinitely.
The last sovereign of the Duchy of Parma, Maria Luigia of Austria, in the early nineteenth century transformed everything into a romantic English wood, with rare plants, a pond with an island of love, greenhouses. After the Duchy of Parma, the decadence that marked the Royal Palace also affected the park, until between 1998 and 2000 the Province of Parma, owner of the entire complex of the Royal Palace, restored the French parterre by recreating the garden according to the original designs by Delisle. At the end of the garden there is part of the wood, with centuries-old trees and a high enclosure wall that at intervals opens into large entrance gates to the park that can be used by the public.

Beyond the Palace

Colorno - Church of San Liborio
Church of San Liborio and former convent
  • 2 Ducal Chapel of San Liborio. In its place there was already a chapel dedicated to the same saint, which Duke Ferdinando had demolished to erect the new and more imposing church (1775-1794) which had the function of the Palace Chapel. The current facade is an adjustment of 1788, when the orientation of the church was overturned to make it more comfortably usable by the people. In the counter-façade there is the ducal tribune, which the Duke accessed directly from his apartment in the Palazzo.
Inside there are works by the main artists active in Parma in the second half of the eighteenth century: Gaetano Callani, Giuseppe Baldrighi, Pietro Melchiorre Ferrari, Laurent Pecheux, Domenico Muzzi, Benigno Bossi, as well as a large amount of liturgical furnishings from the same period.
The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament is covered with gray Roman marble from the ancient palace of Tiberius on the Palatine Hill in Rome. The organ is a Serassi (1792 - 1796) made up of 2,898 pipes; it is used during an international concert review held on Sunday evenings in September. It is one of the most interesting and valuable organs in existence today, an exceptional instrument in terms of size and sound characteristics. For the concerts, the Chapel also has two harpsichord by Albertino Vanini, copies of a Carlo Grimaldi (1697) and of a Pascal Taskin (1796), as well as an Italian spinettone by Bartolomeo Formentelli, a copy of a late eighteenth-century instrument by an unknown artist.
Colorno - Cathedral of Santa Margherita
  • 3 Cathedral of Santa Margherita. The Cathedral of Santa Margherita is the work of the early sixteenth century (XVI-XVII), begun in 1512 and finished in 1525; the bell tower is about fifty years later. In International Gothic style, it has kept its exterior appearance, while the interior has undergone numerous modifications. In the nineteenth century the adjacent side chapels were annexed to the apse area according to neoclassical lines.
It was subjected to various looting, including that of 1637 by Spanish troops and that of 1734 following the battle between the Austrians and the Franco-Sardinian army. The paintings that decorated the walls were covered with a coat of white in 1162.
Among the works that are preserved there is a pulpit with the coat of arms of the Dominicans; an eighteenth-century painting depicting San Remigio baptizing Clovis, by Clemente Ruta; the stuccos by Domenico and Leonardo Reti; L'Last Supper by Giovanni Venanzi of 1668. The apse houses The martyrdom of Santa Margherita of 1637 and a marble altar, while a sixteenth-century painting depicts San Rocco.
  • Oratory of the Santissima Annunziata. Built in the 17th-18th centuries according to the stylistic canons of the German Baroque, the temple was finished in 1720. The double vault of the dome and the two turrets, as well as the polychrome roof, make it an original building. Inside it preserves frescoes and paintings of the nineteenth century, in original or in copy, as well as an organ from 1775.
  • Oratory of the Blessed Virgin of the Good Heart. Pietro Cugini, pupil of the petitot, built it in 1771-1772. It has a facade with pilasters, stuccoes and terracotta by Giuseppe Sbravati, as well as an interesting carved door. The high bell tower is impressive. It preserves eighteenth-century wooden furnishings and a statue of San Bernardo in lead by Laurent Guyard who is also responsible for the painted papier-mâché statue of the Madonna and Child.
In the side chapels two valuable works: the painting of the abbot Giuseppe Peroni of 1775, Santa Amalia is The Crowned Faith: St. Louis King of France and St. Ferdinand of Castile by Pietro Melchiorre Ferrari pupil of Giuseppe Baldrighi. Altogether it dates back to the 16th-19th century.
  • 4 Church of Santo Stefano. From 1781. Its current appearance is that of the 1770 reconstruction of the architect Pietro Cugini commissioned by Don Ferdinando di Borbone. The terracotta on the facade by Giuseppe Sbravati from 1780 is interesting. The church does not preserve works of art.
The orangery
Tower of the waters
  • 5 Orangery. Of 1710-1712. Duke Francesco Farnese had it built in 1710-1712 to shelter the orange and lemon trees that adorned the garden of the Royal Palace in the summer. Designed by Ferdinando Galli Bibiena, it has a harmonious aspect; it was once part of the vast area of ​​the ducal garden. Having lost its function as a winter shelter for plants, it became a covered gallop. After the Unification, it became state property and was sold. Now it is the seat of the Ethnographic Museum, of popular ingenuity and pre-industrial technology, of the Press and of the Cinema.
  • 6 Water Tower - 1709. Located at the confluence of the Lorno stream with the Parma, it was built in 1718 at the behest of Duke Francesco Farnese when the works to refurbish the large park of the Royal Palace were completed. The plant had the purpose of feeding the fountains of the palace garden with the waters of the two morrenti, thanks to an ingenious paddle mechanism, the work of the French hydraulic engineer Jean Bailleul, which carried the water up to the top of the tower, 28 high. meters; from here, with a system of pipes. it fed the five fountains of the distant garden under pressure.
  • 7 Venaria - 1751 - 1755, via Sister Maria. Built by Petitot, architect of the Duke of Parma, it was a hunting lodge from which the court's hunting expeditions began. Currently the building is the seat of the Public Assistance. Venaria Reale (Colorno) on Wikipedia Venaria Reale (Q25295866) on Wikidata
  • Court of Sanguigna - sec. XI. In the locality of Sanguigna, a short distance from Colorno on the road to Casalmaggiore, there is a complex of medieval origin that a document of 1144 mentions as a dependence of the Benedictine Monastery of San Giovanni Evangelista di Parma. The church is dedicated to the Holy Savior and preserves 15th century frescoes by Jacopo Loschi.

Events and parties

What to do

  • Po cycle path The cycle path, over 50 kilometers long, connects Mezzani to Polesine Parmense; starts from Polesine Parmense passing through Zibello, Roccabianca, Sissa, Colorno, ends in Mezzani: BiciParmaPo is therefore an additional tool to visit and get to know the area dear to Verdi and Guareschi. Created by the Province of Parma, this cycle path allows you to move on the right bank of the Po, crossing six municipalities and their naturalistic and monumental beauties.It is an asphalted and duly signposted cycle path, suitable for both mountain bikers and families wishing to spend a relaxing day in the midst of nature, but also for those who love culture and good food: the track is , in fact, in the area of Culatello di Zibello road where, in addition to the King of cured meats, there are Spalla cruda di Palasone, Strolghino, Parmigiano Reggiano and Fortana. Each town has a shelter with 18 bicycles, 14 for adults and 4 for children, so as to allow anyone to discover the Great River Po on two wheels.
To view the map of the route:[1]
Information and material request: Parma Turismo, Via Repubblica 45 - 43100 Parma Tel. 39 0521 228152 - fax 0521 223161 [email protected] [2].
Bikes For information: 0524 92272


How to have fun

Where to eat

  • 1 Al Vèdel, Location Vedole 68, 39 0521 816169, @. - Seats: 90 60 Traditional and research cuisine. It is possible to visit the ancient aging cellar where you can admire more than three thousand culatelli that rest hanging from the vaults waiting to be tasted. Closing day: Monday and Tuesday
  • 2 Club House Colorno, via IV Novembre (at the football field), 39 348 0030198. The Club House of Colorno is located in the heart of the municipal sports center of Colorno and offers daily dishes of traditional Parmesan cuisine combined with other regional recipes. At noon, lunch is buffet style with a wide choice of appetizers, first and second courses. Closing day: Tuesday
  • 3 Il Principe - pizzeria, via Pasini 1, 39 0521 815998. Seats: 100 indoors and 90 outdoors - Traditional cuisine. Friday, Saturday and Sunday fish. Pizza and pizza by the meter. Bright, welcoming place. Closing day: Tuesday
  • The Hostariola, 39 0521 815541, @. Covered: 70 indoors and 70 outdoors. Traditional cuisine. Closing day: Monday and Tuesday
  • 4 Lido, along the Asolana state road towards Casalmaggiore (just before the bridge over the Po di Casalmaggiore), 39 0521 815168, @. Capacity: 110 Typical Parmesan cuisine. Familiar and comfortable. Closing day: Saturday evening and Sunday
  • 5 From Sergio, via Mazzini 21, 39 0521 815148. Capacity: 40 - Family-run restaurant, warm atmosphere and typical cuisine with salami and tortelli. Closing day: Saturday
  • 6 Gran Caffè Piras, Piazza Garibaldi 22, @. Capacity: 45 indoors and 30 outdoors - Traditional Parmesan cuisine, fried cake and cold cuts, tortelli d'erbetta, tip in the oven, various roasts, grilled meats, seasonal cooked vegetables, desserts. The restaurant is completely restored; historically these rooms housed the stables of the Royal Palace. Closing day: Wednesday afternoon
  • 7 Stendhal, locality Sacca 80, 39 0521 815493, fax: 39 0521 313252, @. Seats: 200 indoors and 100 outdoors - Traditional cuisine from the lower area. Closing day: Sunday evening Closing period: 15 days in January and August
  • 8 Vecchio Mulino - pizzeria, Piazzale Vittorio Veneto 19, 39 0521 312181, @. Seats: 220 indoors and 80 outdoors - Typical kitchen. It is one of the historical monuments of Colorno, still preserves the mill and its millstones inside. The atmosphere is familiar with freshly cooked dishes and homemade tortelli. Closing day: Monday
  • 9 Trattoria Adele, via Dominici 10, 39 0521 815024. Capacity: 130 - Welcoming, bright and comfortable restaurant. Closing day: Saturday
  • 10 Trattoria Al Bello Load, locality Sacca 145 (on the Asolana state road towards Casalmaggiore), 39 0521 312615. Cozy. Always open.
  • 11 Trattoria Arcari Rustic Cuisine, Via Belloni, 6/8, 39 0521 815439, fax: 39 0521815439, @. Air-conditioned room. Possibility to consult historical and geographic volumes of the territory. Mainly classical musical accompaniment. Permanent exhibition of paintings by local artists. Cozy environment, discreet family management.
  • 12 Trattoria Milietta, Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 5 Mezzano Rondani, 39 0521 814713, @. Simple icon time.svgfrom 12.00 to 15.00 and from 19.30 to 20.00. - Seats: 70 40 Typical Parmesan cuisine with local wines and sparkling wines. Air conditioning. We speak English and French. Credit cards accepted, Reserved parking. Accessible to the disabled. Bar. Closing day: Wednesday
  • 13 Un Posto al Sole - pizzeria, via Saragat 1, 39 0521 312600. Cozy family-run restaurant. Wood oven. Neapolitan pizza specialties Capacity: 32 indoors, 40 outdoors. Closed: Wednesday and Sunday morning
  • 14 Antica Grancia - farmhouse, Court of Sanguigna, 136 (in the hamlet of Sanguigna, on the road to Torrile), 39 0521 814135, fax: 39 0521 521391, @. What today is a modern farm, was for many centuries a Benedictine grange. Welcoming and familiar. Open all year round.
  • 15 Fondo Grande della Selva - agritourism, Strada della Selva 112, 39 0521 810011, @. Capacity: 100 - Completely renovated manor house surrounded by greenery. Possibility to taste organic products of own production. Closed: January, February and August.
  • 16 La Palazzina - farmhouse, via Argine Galasso 7, 39 0521 312044, @. Cozy, warm, surrounded by greenery, with riding stables. Always open, by reservation only.
  • Snack Bar - diner - wine bar, 39 0521 312166, fax: 39 0521 313694, @. Places: 45 indoors, 10 outdoors - Cozy, wine bar, sale of typical products. Closing day: Sunday afternoon
  • 17 Third time - diner, via March 1st, 39 0521 814691, @. Places: 50 internal 40 external Welcoming and bright place. Closing day: Sunday
  • 18 Circolo Arci - Al Travacon Restaurant, Via Ferrari 24 (inside the Rugby Sports Center), 39 0521 312688, @. Capacity: 80 - With the possibility of making fish or themed dinners. Warm and welcoming place, where you can taste typical and home cooking, always open.

Takeaway pizzerias

  • 19 Beautiful Naples, via Mazzini 1, 39 0521 815754. Simple icon time.svgfrom 17.30 to 22. Closing day: Tuesday. Takeaway pizza classic and by the meter. Closing day: Tuesday
  • 20 World Pizza, Via Cairoli 3, 39 0521 312081, @. Simple icon time.svgfrom 10 to 14 and from 15 to 22. Closing day: Monday. Takeaway pizzeria.
  • 21 Mami (pizzas & Kebabs), via Du Tillot 19, 39 0521313257. Simple icon time.svg11.30 - 14.00 and 17.30 - 22.00 Sunday 17.30 - 22.00 Closing day: Monday. Takeaway pizzeria.

Where stay

  • 1 Bridge hotel, Strada Asolana 89 (almost at the entrance to the bridge over the Po di Casalmaggiore.), 39 0521 815761, 39 0521 520002, fax: 39 0521 312350, @. Closed from 12 to 25 August from 23 December to 6 January
  • 2 Versailles hotel, via Saragat 3, 39 0521 312099, fax: 39 0521 816960, @. Closed August, from December 24th to January 6th.
  • 3 Stendhal Inn, Sacca, 80 (in Sacca, on the road to Casalmaggiore), 39 0521 815493, fax: 39 0521 313252, @. Room service, satellite TV, air conditioning, free wi-fi internet connection, parking with video surveillance, independent access. Accessibility for the disabled. The facility is open all year round.
  • 4 B&B La Casa Vecchia, Mezzano Rondani hamlet 30 (in the hamlet of Mezzano Rondani in the direction of Casalmaggiore), 39 0521 815221, @. Small library, TV in the room, kitchen use, gluten-free breakfast on request.
  • 5 Ancient Benedictine Grancia - farmhouse, Court of Sanguigna, 136 (in the hamlet of Sanguigna, in the direction of Torrile), 39 0521 814135, fax: 39 0521 521391, @. Sale of typical products. The facility is open all year round.
  • 6 Fondo Grande della Selva - agritourism, via della Selva 111, 39 0521 810011, fax: 39 0521 523021, @. TV, air conditioning. Organic farm, sale of jams and juices. Seasonal fruit and vegetables, Possibility of personalized menus. Closed from January 1st to February 24th, month of August.
  • 7 La Meridiana - rooms, Provincial road to Torrile 14, 39 0521 816580 - 338 2127348, fax: 39 0521 816452, @. Large park with gazebo, internal parking. Self-managed kitchen. Free internet access. Air-conditioned rooms, and TV. Closing period from 03 to 23 August and from 23 to 31 December
  • Sole e Terra - farmhouse, via Trai 13 (Trai locality, adjacent to Mezzano Superiore), 39 340 2737366, @. Bicycle service. Private parking. The facility is open all year round.
  • 8 Iris Holiday Homes, via Barilli 3, 39 0521 929888, fax: 39 0521 258384, @. Apartments of various sizes with one or two beds, kitchen or kitchenette, bathroom, TV, radio and air conditioning. Twice weekly linen change service. The facility is open all year round.


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 5 Antica Pharmacy Siviero, Via Giacomo Matteotti, 16, 39 0521 815416.
  • 6 Arnoldi Pharmacy, Via Cavour, 23, 39 0521 815342.

Roadside assistance

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 7 Italian post, via Togliatti 9, 39 0521 816048, fax: 39 0521 312618.


  • Sabbioneta - City of foundation, UNESCO World Heritage Site, maintains the walls within which the magic of ideal urban planning by Vespasiano Gonzaga has remained intact; the Teatro all'Antica, the Palazzo Ducale, the Gallery, the Incoronata church are some of its monuments that stand out in a context that has been admirably preserved.
  • Casalmaggiore - Capital of Casalasco, protected by mighty embankments, the city develops parallel to the bed of the Po. The wide breath of the main square, the undeniable majesty of the Town Hall and the Cathedral reveal its character as an important center of the Bassa. The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontana, the church of Santa Chiara, the church of the Hospital are among its outstanding monuments.
  • Guastalla - It was the capital of the Duchy with Parma is Piacenza; it had also been so first with the Gonzagas and then with the Torelli. Its historic center, with traces of the ancient ramparts, retains an important urban tone.
  • Pomponesco - City of foundation, it owes its sixteenth-century urban structure to Giulio Cesare Gonzaga in which the scenic porticoed square stands out, which connects with a staircase to the Po embankment, on which the archpriest church and the civic palace overlook on two sides unfortunately only a few traces of the castle remain on the fourth side.
  • Parma - One of the major cities of art inEmilia, it maintains with great evidence the aspect, elegance and ways of life of a capital, as it was for centuries. The Farnese della Pilotta palace, the Romanesque Cathedral, the Steccata church are some of the monumental emergencies that characterize the city; of great fame his theater, his musical tradition (Giuseppe Verdi), his school of painting (Correggio, Parmigianino), his love for good food (Parma ham, salami, Parmigiano Reggiano, Lambrusco).
  • Fidenza - The Cathedral of San Donnino, cathedral of the diocese, is rightfully included in the category of the great Romanesque cathedrals of Emilia, for example those of Parma and of Modena; it boasts an unfinished façade with statues and bas-reliefs by Benedetto Antelami and his school.
  • Parma Morta nature reserve - Nature reserve in the Parma lowland, on the right bank of the Po in the municipality of Mezzani, typical environment of flora, fauna and wetlands of the Po.


  • Colorno is part of the Culatello di Zibello road, a food and wine tourism promotion path born with regional resolution number 390 in 1999; the route winds through the lower Parma area, touching the centers of San Secondo Parmense, Fontanellato, Soragna, Busseto, Polesine Parmense, Zibello, Roccabianca, Sissa and Colorno.
    The route is intertwined with other tourist itineraries in the area: Verdian places, The Small World by Giovannino Guareschi; the Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza
  • Castles of the Duchy of Parma and Piacenza - Scattered over the Parma and Piacenza Apennines, but also present in the plain to guard the natural border of the Po, the numerous castles of the ancient Duchy of Parma and Piacenza characterize the whole area. Originally military bulwarks, many of them have kept the appearance of an inaccessible fortress, many have gradually transformed their war nature into a refined noble residence; all perpetuate over time the atmosphere of adventure, fairytale and legend that has always been linked to castles, many of which tell of the presence of spirits and ghosts.
  • Historic villages of the Po - The itinerary, from west to east or vice versa, leads to know some historic villages that rise near the "great river".

Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Colorno
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Colorno
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).