Giudicarie Valleys - Valli Giudicarie

Giudicarie Valleys
The Adamello-Presanella mountain range and Val Rendena
Institutional website

Giudicarie Valleys is a tourist and administrative area of Trentino Alto Adige.

To know

Geographical notes

There Val Rendena, the Busa by Tione, the Valle del Chiese and other minors (Val Genova, Campiglio Valley, Vallesinella etc.) make up the Giudicarie; it is its capital Tione of Trento. The most important tourist center is Madonna of Campiglio. The District borders to the west and south with the Lombardy, north with Val di Sole is Val di Non, to the east with Adige Valley is Alto Garda and Ledro.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Tione of Trento
  • Madonna of Campiglio - One of the most famous summer and winter sports resorts in the entire Alpine arc, already renowned in the Habsburg era, when it could boast the frequentation of the Austrian imperial family.
  • Pinzolo - It includes in its municipal territory the well-known ski resort of Madonna of Campiglio, located in the northernmost area locally called Val di Campiglio.
  • Storo

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Giudicarie Valleys
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Giudicarie Valleys
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