Adamello-Brenta Natural Park - Parco naturale Adamello-Brenta

Adamello-Brenta Natural Park
Panorama of Adamello
Area type
Institutional website

Adamello-Brenta Natural Park is located in the Trentino Alto Adige.

To know

Geographical notes

Brown bear specimen at Lake Tovel1
Brenta Group - An entrance to the Adamello-Brenta park

The Adamello-Brenta Natural Park [1] is located in Trentino and consists of the mountain groups of the Adamello-Presanella massif (in part) to the west and the Brenta Group to the east, separated by Val Rendena. It is the largest protected area in the Trentino. The headquarters of the organization that manages it is a Clearance in Val Rendena.

Flora and fauna

The symbol of the Park is the brown bear, a prominent presence among the numerous fauna that populates its territory. The protection of the brown bear was indeed the main reason for the birth of the park; this native animal has long been the object of hunting and persecution to the point that it had become at risk of extinction, a danger that was averted with the introduction of severe protection measures as well as a repopulation plan that has given excellent results. brown bear the park boasts the presence of numerous mountain animal species, such as chamois, deer, ibex, mouflons, roe deer, eagles, foxes, badgers, martens, stoats, marmots, squirrels (including the so-called flying squirrels), grouse, ptarmigan and many others.

The reintroduction of the ibex, whose extinction had already occurred a few centuries ago, due to indiscriminate hunting, is a fairly recent provision and is giving good results.

The data of a recent faunal census include species of amphibians, 11 of reptiles, 15 of fish, 51 of mammals (with almost 4,000 roe deer, 7,500 chamois and 1,300 deer) and 92 species of nesting birds in the Park, including reports about twenty pairs of golden eagles.

The plant heritage is also of great variety; it is estimated that of the 618 square kilometers of the Park, forests cover about one third of the entire territory. Varied and numerous is the presence of mountain flowers and shrubs, a flora that is present with more than 1,200 species, many of which are endemic and rare.

The flora of the park also has the characteristic of being distinct; in fact the species of the Adamello-Presanella group are not present on the rocky Brenta Group and vice versa. Among the most admired flowers are edelweiss, popularly called orchids slippers of the Madonna, the mountain raponzolo and the martagon lily. The undergrowth is also particularly rich in various species of mushrooms, the collection of which is strictly regulated by a careful provincial law.


The park was established in 1967, and covered an area of ​​504 square kilometers. Subsequently, a whole series of legislative interventions aimed at the protection of the Park and the protection of fauna and flora, as well as the reintroduction of some disappeared native species, was increasingly outlined and completed.

In 1987, a radical intervention redesigned the geography of the Park, whose territory was enlarged until it reached 618 square kilometers, which is its current size. Finally, in 1988 the Autonomous Province of Trento gave it legal personality with the creation of the Adamello-Brenta Park Authority, which also involves the representatives of the 35 municipal administrations whose territory is also partially interested in the environmental, hunting and mountaineering associations.

How to get

Permits / Rates

How to get around

What see

The park is naturally an explosion of natural beauties, ranging from the lush green of the woods of the Adamello area, which in its highest peaks also hosts glaciers, to the pink hues of the Brenta dolomite rocks dotted with alpine shelters.

The whole park is crossed by paths with the necessary signs, to be carried out on foot, which lead to the discovery of the most recommended areas:

Lake of Tovel
Nardis Falls
Brentei church
Val di Fumo
  • Val Genova, with waterfalls Nardis

Uncontaminated valley, at the entrance of which from Val Rendena is the town of Carisolo. Rich in flora and fauna (not unusual sightings of brown bears) it leads to the shelters and the Adamello glacier. To see Carisolo

  • San Giuliano lakes

On the Adamello side, starting from Caderzone Terme the two lakes of San Giuliano is that of Garzonè (commonly called San Giuliano lakes), linked to the legend of a hermit. They are both rich in fish.

  • Five Lakes

The tour of the Five Lakes is a journey of about five hours of walking and takes place in the mountains of Madonna of Campiglio from the side of the Adamello-Presanella mountain group. It touches lakes of glacial origin, at different altitudes: Twisted (2,056 m.), Black (2,236 m.), Ice cream (2,386 m.), Seròdoli (2,368 m.) And Nambino (1.767 m.), And offers a scenery of majestic peaks because it affects the mountainous amphitheater that divides the Val Nambrone from the Presanella glaciers.

  • Val di Fumo

It is the top of the Val di Daone (or Val Daone), and is known for its wild nature and the richness of the waters; it creeps into the Adamello massif and can be reached from Daone.

  • Val di Tovel, with its famous reddish lake

The reddening of the waters of the lake of Tovel it has not been repeated for some time due to the drastic decrease in the presence of the algae Glenodinium sanguineum which determined its particular color. This phenomenon has made him famous all over the world, and despite the fact that he is no longer the red lake its notoriety has nevertheless remained enormous.

  • Val Agola, or Valagola

The lake of Valagola it is located on the eastern side of Val Rendena, on the side of the Brenta Group. Its body of water is 13,000 square meters and is located at an altitude of about 1,600 meters; at the foot of the Brenta Dolomites, it is one of the few lakes in the Dolomites, together with that of Tovel.

  • Val d'Algone

From Val d'Algone you can reach the refuge Twelve Apostles, at 2,487 meters above sea level among the rocks of the Brenta Dolomites.

  • Valley of the Saws

In the territory of Molveno it takes its name from the homonymous river that runs along its entire length.

  • Val Nambrone

The lake of Nambrone (Adamello-Presanella side) is located on the edge of the Park, at 2,436 meters above sea level and has an area of ​​35,000 square meters. It has crystal clear waters and is immersed in an almost wild environment. Cornisello, and still continuing to the lake Glacier. The lower Cornisello lake is at an altitude of 2,112, the upper one at an altitude of 2,112-.

The lake Glacier, at an altitude of 2,603 ​​meters, it is the largest of the numerous lakes located at these altitudes; its body of water in fact extends well 87,000 square meters.

  • Vallesinella

It detaches from the Val Rendena to Campiglio. It is known for its wealth of woods and waters, which form three waterfalls High, Middle is Under, as well as several water jumps and caves carved into the dolomite rock, which vary from a length between 523 and 386 meters. The caves are already at good altitudes, where the rich vegetation of the valley gives way to the rocks and scree of the Dolomites.

From Vallesinella you can reach the Quintino Sella and Tuckett refuges at high altitude.

What to do


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