Caderzone Terme - Caderzone Terme

Caderzone Terme
Caderzone Terme - San Giuliano lakes
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Caderzone Terme
Institutional website

Caderzone Terme is a center of the Trentino Alto Adige.

To know

The change of name from Caderzone to Caderzone Terme was in 2008, sanctioned by a popular referendum which thus underlined the beginning of a new era for the town, which a few years earlier began to systematically exploit the thermal waters of the S.Antonio spring. . Caderzone received the Orange Flag of the Italian Touring Club.

Geographical notes

Caderzone Terme is located in the central area of ​​the Val Rendena in the Trentino area. It is 55 km away. from Trento and 100 from Brescia.


To affirm its independence from the centers of the Val Rendena who already enjoyed civic autonomy, Caderzone entrusted himself to the Lodron family of Castel Romano in the lower Giudicarie. Settled in Val Rendena around 1302, the Lodron nobles stood out for their violence and brutality. Men of law, as well as of arms, were able to make Caderzone prevail in all the legal disputes that arose with the other villages of the valley. Once the lordship of the fief of Caderzone was consolidated, the Lodrons held it until almost the whole of the fifteenth century. In 1490 Marco Lodron was beheaded after being captured following a siege of his fortress placed by the bishop's farmer Marchetto Bertelio the previous year. The return of three of his five children brought the country back to the Lodrons, until the death of the last, Biagio, over a hundred years old.

The Bertelli nobles of Vigo Preore succeeded the family by marriage to the last descendant. With the Napoleonic invasion Caderzone entered, with the whole valley, in the kingdom of Bavaria, then in the Italic kingdom, then in the Tyrol Habsburg. In 1822 the Bertelli family died out. On April 16, 1831 the Imperial Regia Cadastral Administration of Tione publicly auctioned the fiefdom of Caderzone. After the world wars and the massive emigration that characterized all the Rendene communities, Caderzone drew new life from the tourist development that from the 1960s progressively affected the whole valley, and has developed a good economic and entrepreneurial fabric in this sector, the which crowning was certainly the beginning of the activity of the Baths.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

  • 1 Bolzano-Dolomites Airport (IATA: BZO) (6 km from the center of Bolzano), 39 0471 255 255, fax: 39 0471 255 202. Simple icon time.svgopen to the public: 05: 30–23: 00; ticket office opening: 06: 00-19: 00; check-in for flights from Bolzano is only possible from 1 hour to a maximum of 20 minutes before departure. Small regional airport with scheduled flights to and from Lugano is Rome with Etihad Regional (by Darwin Air). At certain times of the year, the Lauda Air company connects the city with Vienna once a week. On the other hand, charter flights are more numerous.
  • 2 Verona Airport (Catullus), Boxes of Sommacampagna, 39 045 8095666, @.
  • 3 Brescia Airport (D'Annunzio), Via Aeroporto 34, Montichiari (Connections with Brescia airport are guaranteed by public transport via the bus. The stop a Brescia city ​​is located at the bus station (number 23), while the airport is at the front of the terminal. There are also connections to the city of Verona via bus / shuttle line 1), 39 045 8095666, @. Charter only

By car

  • Highway A22 Italy.svg • Exit "Rovereto Sud" towards Sarche, Tione, Campiglio (from the exit about 70 km in Pinzolo) Brennero motorway
  • Exit "San Michele all'Adige" towards Mezzolombardo, Cles, Dimaro, Madonna of Campiglio (from the tollbooth 67 km in Campiglio) Brennero motorway
  • Recommended exit Trento Centro towards Riva del Garda, Tione, Pinzolo (60 km from the toll booth) Brenner motorway
  • A4 motorway Italy.svg "Brescia Est" motorway exit Milan-Venice towards Hydro lake, Tione, Madonna di Campiglio
  • State Road 239 Italia.svg It is crossed by the state road 239 Dimaro - Tione of Trento

On the train

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Direct connections from Trento, Milan, Brescia.

How to get around

What see

  • Thermal baths. The Baths of Caderzone, Fonte Sant'Antonio , are located in the historic center of the town. It was opened to the public in 2004, but the history of its thermal waters dates back to more distant times. The first historical references to the health qualities of the waters date back to the seventeenth century. However, it is necessary to wait until the early years of the twentieth century for the first attempts to use them to be made; in 1950 there are the first official chemical analyzes, with consequent studies of the Universities starting from 1990. Due to its properties the water of the Terme Val Rendena Fonte S.Antonio they are particularly suitable for the treatment of peripheral vasculopathies, dermatological affections, osteoarticular affections and diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Lodron Bertelli Palace. It dates back to the seventeenth century and was commissioned by the Bertelli counts as a country residence. The plague of 1630 saw its use as a hospital, which was surrounded by a high fence and guarded by a person in charge, to prevent the escape of people affected by the plague. Near the building was the cemetery of the plague victims; the place was considered sacred until the nineteenth century. Once there was a chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Parish church of San Biagio. The pre-existing church was rebuilt in its present appearance in 1854. The bell tower is the ancient one dating back to the thirteenth century. On the façade there is a fresco of the Immaculate Madonna with the inscription dedicating the church to San Biagio, San Giuliano and to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The large entrance portal is made of granite.
Inside, in the first altar on the right there is a San Gerolamo by an unknown artist dating back to the 16th century; wooden statues of San Giuliano and the Madonna del Rosario with Child; the main altar in Carrara marble. A unique feature in Val Rendena is the Via Crucis in Cimbrian pine by the sculptor from Val Gardena Vincenzo Mussner, which represents non-canonical episodes in the 14 stations: the institution of the Eucharist, the garden of olives, the kiss of Judas, the condemnation of Jesus , the scourging, Christ carries the patibulum, the Cyrenian carries the cross, Jesus encourages women, Jesus alone with bitterness in the heart, Jesus nailed to the Cross, the Crucifixion, Jesus wounded in the side, the Deposition, the Resurrection.
  • Former Lodron Bertelli stables - Malga Museum. After a skilful restoration, the building that housed the stables of Palazzo Lodron Bertelli has become the seat of the Malga Museum, which wants to remember and pass on the memory of the ancient world linked to these structures over time.
  • Malga Museum, Lodron Bertelli district, 39 3382428100, fax: 39 0465804848, @. Opening hours: 9/12 and 15-18 (closed on Mondays) in the months of July and August - Other periods; 9-12 and 15.18 (closed on Sundays)
  • Former Lazzeretto.
  • Alpine huts. The malghe are alpine constructions that were used by shepherds and herdsmen for the mountain pastures. Located in positions that offer extraordinary views, they have remained unchanged over time thanks to the difficulty of being reached. The Caderzone huts are: Campo, Campastril, San Giuliano and Garzonè huts, and are named in a document dated 1506 which regulated the mountain pasture. Any other ancient documentary information was instead lost in a fire of the Lodron castle where the archive was kept.
The masonry structure of the malga is often made up of large boulders of sduadrati tonalite and placed dry. In some, however, the walls are made of larch logs .. The only opening is given by the entrance door.
  • Maso Curio. It is a monumental construction documented since the beginning of the fourteenth century, a valuable example of Rendena's rural architecture. It is located in the large agricultural area of ​​the town. It has received numerous restorations to keep it in its original function of cattle breeding that is practiced there according to the ancient methods.
The masonry plinth of the farm is surmounted by a wooden structure with a portico with larch columns resting on granite stones. On the eastern facade a sacred fresco depicts Sant'Antonio Abate protector of animals and Santa Barbara protector from fires and bears the date 1537, the year of a reconstruction of the farm. Santa Barbara is depicted with the burning farm struck by lightning. The larch columns that support the portico and several beams bear traces of the fire and cuts of the hatchets that have removed the burned parts.
  • Lakes of San Giuliano and Garzone. On the Adamello side, starting from Caderzone you reach the two lakes of San Giuliano is that of Garzonè (commonly called San Giuliano lakes), linked to the legend of a hermit. They are both rich in fish.
Near the lake of San Giuliano there is thehomonymous refuge at an altitude of 1960 meters. Open in the summer season from 20 June to 20 September, it has beds and a restaurant.
  • Church of San Giuliano al Monte. On the lake of the same name is the small hermitage church of San Giuliano, a building that was restored in 1488 by the Lodron counts. Frequented by the Bishop of Trento, friend of the Bertellis, successive lords of Caderzone, she was given as a bishop's gift a silver cup, a missal and a sumptuous robe embroidered in pure gold that the parish priest still wears for Christmas, Easter and the Festival of country.
The current church dates back to 1868, the year of its reconstruction indicated on the architrave.
The legend
The water from the source of the nearby ancient hermitage (ruins) is believed to be lethal for all reptiles, especially poisonous ones. Saint Julian, protector against poisonous snakes, is depicted in a picture kept in the chapel with two suffocated snakes in his hand. Copy of the painting is exhibited in the parish church on St. Julian's day.
  • Via Vecchia. It is a cobbled path with dry stone walls that surround it. It was the path to reach the highest pastures with the herds and to bring wood and agricultural products and dairy products down to the valley. huts. The maintenance of this type of mountain routes was particularly important for the life and activity of the past populations of the valley, so much so that the people of Rendena had given themselves particularly strict rules.

Events and parties

  • Feast of agriculture. Simple icon time.svgthe first Sunday of August. The event is dedicated to the Rendena cattle breed and at the same time wants to recognize the important work of farmers in the valley. The transhumance of cows is represented along the streets of the town, accompanied by wagons with hay and tools from the stables and milking. The procession of cattle and spectators goes to the Curio plain, where a large bonfire is lit at dusk. We then proceed to the tasting of typical products, some of which are made at the moment.

What to do

  • Val Rendena Golf Club

It extends for 250,000 square meters straddling the territories of Caderzone Terme, Womb is BocenagoThe course is spread over 9 holes par 35, has a driving range, puyyin green, pitchin green. The structure has a restaurant, pro shop and solarium.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, via San Lorenzo 30 (in Pinzolo), 39 0465 503062, fax: 39 0465 501279. * Italian post, via San Vigilio 1 / C (in Spiazzo), 39 0465 801108, fax: 39 0465 801221.

Keep informed

  • Journal of the Giudicarie [1] - online newsletter


  • Pinzolo - Halfway between Pinzolo and Carisolo the cemetery church of San Vigilio, with the famous frescoes of Macabre dance and of the series of Seven Deadly Sins painted by Simone Baschenis in the early decades of the sixteenth century, it represents one of the best and most important examples of a painted church in Val Rendena.
  • Carisolo - At the entrance to Val Genova, the cemetery church of Santo Stefano, isolated in a panoramic position on a promontory outside the town, preserves important pictorial cycles of the Baschenis.
  • Madonna of Campiglio - One of the most famous summer and winter sports resorts in the entire Alpine arc, already renowned in the Habsburg era, when it could boast the frequentation of the Austrian imperial family.
  • Nardis waterfalls - Val di Genova
  • Adamello-Brenta Natural Park
  • Lake Garda - The tip trentina del lago includes the tourist centers of Riva del Garda, Arch, Torbole.
  • Trento - Capital of the region, its symbol is the Buonconsiglio Castle, the largest and most important monumental complex in the Trentino Alto Adige. It hosted, from the thirteenth century up to the eighteenth century, the prince bishops of Trento.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Caderzone Terme
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Caderzone Terme
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).