Trentino - Trentino

The church next to the ref. Brentei, one of the symbols of the Trentino mountains, in the background the Crozzon di Brenta
Trentino - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Trentino - Coat of arms
Trentino - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Trentino is the name of the province of Trento, which has the city of Trento.

To know

Together withSouth Tyrol and al Tyrol, Trentino constitutes theEuroregion Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino, corresponding (with good approximation) to the territory of the historical region of Tyrol, to which it is linked for historical, cultural and partly linguistic reasons.As part of the region of Trentino Alto Adige, together with Veneto and al Friuli Venezia Giulia, it also belongs to the geographical macro-area of Triveneto.

Geographical notes

A land of mountains and lakes, Trentino as well as incorporating the northern part of the Lake Garda, has a myriad of smaller lakes but no less known for this; an example is Ledro lake, the Molveno lake, the Caldonazzo lake, the lake of Tovel.

Totally mountainous region, the Adige Valley constitutes the main valley around which all the other numerous large and small valleys develop, each making up a small world in itself.

Its mountain ranges are known for their extraordinary beauty. It offers pre-alpine mountain ranges, such as the Monte Baldo which is reflected in the Lake Garda, or the group of the Pasubio, up to the Marmolada with the Pale di San Martino, to the Adamello, Presanella and Brenta groups. Places for excursions through woods, pine forests, paths on rocky paths up to the numerous alpine refuges, or skiing on the equipped slopes of the famous Madonna of Campiglio which it has joined in recent times Folgarida.


Situated on the great north-south communication lines, the Trentino area has always been interested in commercial traffic and consequently in the cultural relations between the Germanic and Latin peoples. The Brenner and the Chiusa di Verona it's two o'clock doors through which the two worlds have always influenced each other.

Between the third and the first century BC the territory was Romanized. Trento (Tridentum) became its main center. After Rome the Lombards established the Duchy of Trento there, which became Marca with Charlemagne. If until this moment the region had looked more to the Po Valley than to the other side of the Alps, starting from 952 Trentino was aggregated to the kingdom of Germany. The Episcopal Principality of Trento was created which maintained its structure from 1027 to 1803, indelibly marking the civil, social, artistic and cultural formation of the region. The manifestations of Romanesque art in Trentino largely benefited from the contribution of Lombard masters who, with the Trento Cathedral, gave the best proof of their art.

The Gothic production then continued throughout the fifteenth century and beyond, leaving numerous churches in architecture in many cities and even more numerous castles; in painting the frescoes of the castle of Avio, of the cathedral of Trento, of the Torre dell'Aquila in the Buonconsiglio Castle of Trento.

Napoleon ceded Trentino to Austria in the early nineteenth century, and then aggregated it to the Italic Kingdom in 1810. Austrian again from 1816, when it became part of the Tyrol, the region landed in the kingdom of Italy after the First World War in 1918.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map divided by regions
      Val di Sole - The Val di Sole is the main valley that has the tributary Val di Peio and the Val di Rabbi. The capital of the area is Bad.
      Val di Non - A valley rich in history and dotted with castles and lakes, in the north-western area of ​​Trentino, alongside the Val di Sole and has as its capital Cles, located next to the large artificial Lake of Santa Giustina.
      Giudicarie Valleys - The Val Rendena, the Busa by Tione, the Valle del Chiese and other minor ones (Val Genova, Valle di Campiglio, Vallesinella etc.) make up the Giudicarie; it is its capital Tione of Trento. The most important tourist center is Madonna of Campiglio.
      Alto Garda and Ledro - Embraces the northern tip of the Lake Garda and widens into the Ledro Valley with the smallest but touristically important Ledro lake.
      Adige Valley - It is the tourist and administrative area of Trento and its immediate territory, in the middle course of the Adige in the Trentino area. In a broad sense the Val d'Adige geographically embraces the entire course of the river, bathing the cities of Merano, Bolzano, Trento is Rovereto and runs from north to south almost all of the Trentino Alto Adige.
      Vallagarina - Also called Val Lagarina, has in Rovereto its capital. Other populated centers are Wing is He died.
      Upper Valsugana - The area includes the Bersntol o Mocheni Valley and coincides with the western part of the Valsugana. Its capital is Pergine Valsugana. Levico Terme is a renowned spa.
      Val di Fiemme - It extends in north-eastern Trentino; it is its historical and administrative capital Cavalese, while Predazzo it is the most populous center and the economic and social engine of the valley. They are also known for tourism Castello-Molina di Fiemme is Tesero.
      Primiero - The Primiero Valley, also known as valley of the Cismón, is more frequently called simply Primiero and is located in eastern Trentino. It is its capital Tonadico, but it is certainly the best known tourist destination of Primiero Fair.
      Ladin of Fassa - The Val di Fassa enjoys a significant summer tourist flow which has contributed to the development of this area where Ladin is widely spoken, so much so that the area is also referred to as Ladinia. The capital is Pozza di Fassa. Other important tourist centers are Moena is Canazei.

Urban centers

  • Trento - Capital of the region, its symbol is the Buonconsiglio Castle, the largest and most important monumental complex in the Trentino Alto Adige. It hosted, from the thirteenth century up to the eighteenth century, the prince bishops of Trento.
  • Wing - Next to the Adige, it has a beautiful historic center with an orderly urban planning of Trentino.
  • Arch - Between the mountains and the Lake Garda, preserves the Castle, the palaces and leville with which the Habsburgs endowed it, who made it a place of climatic stay, leisure and treatment.
  • Riva del Garda - Elegant center at the northern end of Lake Garda, it maintains the atmosphere of a holiday resort of the Austro-Hungarian nobility of the nineteenth century.
  • Rovereto - Second city in Trentino, it is famous for its Bell of the fallen

Spa towns

  • Caderzone Terme - Recently established, its thermal baths are a further attraction for the already known tourist destination Val Rendena
  • Comano Terme - Location of the municipality of Lomaso, in the Giudicarie Valleys, is in a narrowing of the Sarca valley.
  • Garniga Terme - The fundamental element of thermal treatments in Garniga is the herbs collected in the early morning in the Viote meadows on Monte Bondone, with which the grass baths (phytobalneotherapy) are practiced.
  • Levico Terme - One of the most popular spa resorts, it is also a well-known holiday resort appreciated for its lake.
  • Peio - At the foot of the Cevedale mountain range, it is a health resort known above all for the marketing of its water.
  • Pozza di Fassa - Alongside the thermal treatments, it is accompanied by a well-developed tourist organization as a summer resort
  • Rabbi - More than half of the territory of the municipality of Rabbi is included in the Stelvio National Park, what makes it a place of great naturalistic interest.
  • Roncegno - Combines thermal treatments and climatic stay in a relaxing natural environment.
  • Vetriolo Terme - The highest thermal center inEurope alongside the establishments of the municipal capital Levico Terme

Other destinations

  • Paganella plateau
  • Go it - Since the mid-twentieth century it has experienced a notable tourist development, quickly becoming a holiday resort of primary importance. The Paganella ski lifts and numerous accommodation facilities make it one of the most popular Trentino resorts during the winter season.
  • Folgaria
  • Madonna of Campiglio - One of the most famous summer and winter sports resorts in the entire Alpine arc, already renowned in the Habsburg era, when it could boast the frequentation of the Austrian imperial family.
  • Molveno
  • Val Rendena - You can make an interesting tour to visit the frescoed churches inside and outside by the famous Baschenis, who have left their works in almost all the villages of the valley.
  • Val di Fassa

How to get

By plane

Trentino is not served by international airports. The closest international airport is the Catullo di Verona, about 90 km from Trento, and in which airlines such as Alitalia, Air France and British Airways operate. From the airport, a bus service is available every twenty minutes to the Verona railway station. There are also some car rental companies. Other international airports nearby are those of Venice - Marco Polo and Bergamo - Orio al Serio, as well as that of Milan Malpensa, for intercontinental routes.

A rather close airport for domestic flights is that of Bolzano - Dolomiti (San Giacomo), reachable by train along the Brenner line and connected to Rome with four scheduled flights per week and two at weekends.

By car

Road map of Trentino

Coming from the south, it is possible to take the Brenner motorway (A22), connected with the A1 Milan-Naples and the A4 Milan-Venice. Exit at Rovereto Sud (for the area ofUpper Garda and Giudicarie), in Rovereto Nord (Altopiani di Folgaria, Lavarone and Luserna), in Trento Sud and Trento ring road (for Trento, Valsugana, Val Rendena is Madonna of Campiglio), in San Michele all'Adige (for Val di Non, Val di Sole and Paganella Plateau) or in Egna-Ora (for the valleys of Fiemme and Fassa).

Also from the north, the main axis of communication is the Brenner motorway (A22), a continuation of the Austrian A13, in turn connected with the A12 motorway to Vorarlberg and Bavaria. Exit at Bolzano Sud (for the Non, Sole, Rendena and Fassa valleys), Egna-Ora (Val di Fiemme), San Michele all'Adige (Paganella plateau), north Trento (Valsugana, Giudicarie and Folgaria plateaus and Lavarone) or in Rovereto sud (Lake Garda).

An alternative to the Brenner motorway is the Abetone and Brenner state road 12, which runs parallel to the A22 along the Adige valley, connecting northern Italy to the Germanic countries. Coming from the east (Padua and Venice), however, the best road is the Valsugana state road (SS47), exiting in Valsugana or Trento for all other destinations.

On the train

The main railway line in Trentino is that of the Brenner, which connects the province to the Po Valley (to the south) and to the Germanic countries (to the north). The other two railway lines are that of Valsugana, which connects Trento and Venice, and the internal one Trento-Malè-Marilleva (narrow gauge), which connects the capital with the Noce valleys, or Val di Non and Val di Sole. .

By train it is therefore possible to reach the Trento station or those of other centers such as Rovereto, Mezzocorona, Lavis, He died is Wing (along the Brenner line), Pergine Valsugana is Levico Terme (along the Valsugana line), Mezzolombardo is Cles (on the Trento-Malè-Marilleva).

How to get around

On the train

Trentino Trasporti also manages the regional railway line Trento-Malè-Marilleva 900, narrow gauge, which allows you to join Trento with the Valle di Non and the ski area of ​​Marilleva. It also operates on the funicular which connects the town of Trento with the hamlet of Sardagna, at 600 m s.l.m. on the east side of Monte Bondone.

The provincial mobility is completed by the Bike Train service, which in collaboration with the Tourist Offices of Val di Sole, Peio and Rabbi and bicycle hirers, allows up to 80 bicycles to be transported on special trains on the Mostizzolo-Marilleva route.

By bus

To move around the Trentino area, the public transport company Trentino Trasporti Exercise provides urban and suburban bus services, trains and cable cars. The four networks of city ​​buses allow you to move respectively in the cities of Trento (17 lines), Rovereto (8 lines), Pergine Valsugana (8 lines), as well as in the Alto Garda area (4 lines). The six networks of suburban buses instead, they allow you to reach the other main towns in the valley: valleys of Fiemme and Fassa, Val di Cembra (network 1), Val Rendena, Giudicarie and Vallagarina (network 2), Rovereto, Lavarone, Riva del Garda and Destra Adige (network 3) , Valsugana and Valle del Fersina (network 4), Valle di Primiero up to Feltre (network 5), Val di Non and Val di Sole (network 6).

Finally, in the winter season, the major ski areas (Monte Bondone, Val di Sole - Val di Peio, Val di Fassa) provide a Skibus service, an integrated bus transport system that connects the various ski lifts.

What see

An excellent opportunity to visit the museums of Trento and Rovereto is the Museum Pass and which also allows you to use public transport for 48 hours at a cost of € 22.

  • 1 Buonconsiglio Castle, via Bernardo Clesio 5, 38122 Trento (TN) (by train: Trento FS station; by car: Brenner A22 motorway, Abetone and Brenner state road 12 up to Trento), 39 0461-233770, fax: 39 0461-239497, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 8 (full), € 4 (reduced for young people). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (summer), Tue-Sun 9: 30-17: 00 (rest of the year). It is the largest and most important monumental complex in the Trentino Alto Adige region. It hosted, from the thirteenth century up to the eighteenth century, the prince bishops of Trento. Since 1973 it has been owned by the Autonomous Province of Trento. Inside the castle, the cycles of frescoes painted in the late Middle Ages and the Renaissance period stand out.
  • 2 Thun Castle, Via Castel Thun, 38010 Vigo di Ton (TN - Val di Non) (by car: A22 Brennero motorway, San Michele all'Adige exit, Val di Non state road 43 to Vigo di Ton), 39 0461-492829. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 (full), € 4 (reduced). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (spring-summer); Sat-Sun 9: 30-17: 00 (autumn-winter). Characterized by its austere and imposing appearance, the castle has hosted the powerful feudal Thun family since the mid-13th century. Since 1992 it has been owned by the Autonomous Province of Trento.
  • 3 Beseno Castle, Via al Castello 4, 38060 Besenello (TN - Vallagarina) (by car: state road 12 of Abetone and Brennero to Besenello, state road 350 of Folgaria and Val d'Astico), 39 0464-834600. Ecb copyright.svg€ 5 (full), € 3 (reduced). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (spring-summer); Sat-Sun 9: 30-17: 00 (autumn-winter). It is the largest fortified structure in Trentino-Alto Adige. It houses frescoes and a permanent exhibition commemorating the battle of Calliano, which took place in 1487 between Tyrolean and Venetian troops at the foot of the castle.
  • 4 Stenico Castle, Stenico Castle, 38070 Stenico (TN - Valli Giudicarie) (by car: state road 45 bis for Tione up to Ponte Arche), 39 0465-771004. Ecb copyright.svg€ 5 (full), € 3 (reduced). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-18: 00 (spring-summer); Sat-Sun 9: 30-17: 00 (autumn-winter). Castle of early medieval origin, from the 13th century it became the property of the bishops of Trento, as well as the residence of the captain of the Giudicarie. Outside it has a severe and imposing appearance, inside it houses a museum with white and firearms, furniture, paintings, period tools.
  • 5 Mart of Rovereto (Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto), Corso Angelo Bettini 43, 38068 Rovereto (TN) (by train: Rovereto FS station; by car: A22 Brennero motorway, Rovereto Nord or Sud exit), 39 0464-438887, 39 800-397760, @. Ecb copyright.svg11 € (full), 7 € (reduced). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm, Fri 10 am-9pm. Born in 1987, it houses over 15,000 works, including paintings, drawings, engravings and sculptures by Italian artists, but not only, of the main avant-gardes of the twentieth century (Medardo Rosso, Mario Sironi, Giorgio de Chirico, Giorgio Morandi, Lucio Fontana).
  • 6 Mart of Trento c / o Palazzo delle Albere, Via Roberto da Sanseverino 45, 38122 Trento (TN) (by train: Trento FS station; by car: Brenner A22 motorway, Abetone and Brenner state road 12 up to Trento), 39 0461-234860, 39 800-397760, @. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. Palazzo delle Albere houses the Trento section of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto. It houses the best of the Mart's permanent collection until 1918 as well as several temporary exhibitions by 19th-century artists.
  • 7 Fortunato Depero Futurist Art House, Via dei Portici 38, 38068 Rovereto (TN) (by train: Rovereto FS station; by car: A22 Brennero motorway, Rovereto Nord or Sud exit), 39 0464-431813, 39 800-397760, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 7 (full), € 4 (reduced). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10 am-6pm. The only museum in Italy entirely dedicated to an exponent of Futurism, it collects over 3000 objects left by the artist from Rovereto: paintings, drawings, inlays in cloth (tapestries) and buxus, collages, posters and playbills, products of applied art. It also hosts temporary exhibitions.
  • 8 Civic Gallery of Trento (Civic Gallery of Contemporary Art), Via Rodolfo Belenzani 46, 38100 Trento (TN) (by train: Trento FS station; by car: Brenner A22 motorway, Abetone and Brenner state road 12 up to Trento), 39 0461-985511, 39 800-397760, fax: 39 0461-277033, @. Ecb copyright.svg2 € (full). Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 10: 00-13: 00, 14: 00-18: 00. Established in 1989, the gallery organizes exhibitions of Italian and foreign artists; it also hosts conferences on the problems of the art world, paying particular attention to the recent evolutions of the art scene.
  • MuSe (science museum), Via Roberto da Sanseverino - 38122 Trento.
  • Diocesan Museum of Tridentine, Piazza Duomo, 18 - 38122 Trento, 39 0461-234419.
  • Sass (Underground Archaeological Space at Sas), remains of Roman Trento, Piazza Cesare Battisti - 38122 Trento, 39 0461-230171.
  • Cathedral of San Vigilio, Via Verdi - 38122 Trento.
  • Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore - 38122 Trento.
  • Museum of uses and customs, Via Mach, 2 San Michele all'Adige, 39 0461-650314.
  • Italian War History Museum, Via Castelbarco, 7 Rovereto, 39 0464-438100.
Dinosaur footprints
  • 9 Marco's Biotope Lavini (Footprints of the dinosaurs at Marco), Lavini di Marco, Rovereto. Ecb copyright.svgfree. Simple icon time.svgFree admission. It is a protected natural area on which some 1 dinosaur footprints, and due to its geological and archaeological particularity it has been protected as a biotope since 1992. The visit allows you to see the footprints and understand the various geological and historical aspects of the area through explanatory signs. Marco Lavini Biotope on Wikipedia Marco's Lavini Biotope (Q3828057) on Wikidata
  • Pyramids of Segonzano, Segonzano, Val di Cembra.
  • Sanctuary of San Romedio, Sanzeno, Val di Non.
  • Lake Garda.
  • Adamello-Brenta Natural Park.
  • Stelvio National Park
  • Pale di San Martino.

What to do

At the table

Traditional Trentino cuisine is characterized by local resources with a broad culinary spectrum: typical Trentino dishes are, for example, canederli, which can be presented with butter and sage, or dropped in hot broth; potato cakes are a characteristic and very common dish, even if the cooking and preparation procedure differs from kitchen to kitchen, so as not to find a unique version of the tortei: the preparation is simple, and consists in frying finely grated potatoes and mixed with flour. Local game, which ranges from roe deer to wild game, is widely used for the preparation of charcuterie products, such as venison salami, or sauces with which to accompany pasta (the roe deer ragout is undoubtedly the best known), and meats prepared according to the traditional techniques of Trentino kitchens, such as goulash. As side dishes, the most famous mushrooms of the Boletus family, first of all Porcini Mushrooms, are presented as side dishes, such as the so-called sauerkraut.

  • Potato tortello (Val di Non)
  • Mortandela (Val di Non, not to be confused with Mortadella)
  • Lucanica
  • strudel
  • Dumplings (Knödel)
  • Stromboi (Strauben)
  • Roast potatoes
  • Orzetto
  • Polenta from Storo
  • Tonco del pontesel
  • Smacafam
  • Bro'brusà
  • Meuse


  • Teroldego red wine
  • Pinot Nero wine
  • Merlot wine
  • Nosiola white wine
  • Holy wine (passito - Valle dei Laghi)
  • Grappa (high quality from the Valle dei Laghi)
  • Parampampoli (coffee liqueur - Valsugana)


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Trentino
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Trentino
  • Collaborate on WikisourceWikisource contains original works by or about Trentino
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Trentino
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