Mori (Italy) - Mori (Italia)

He died
Panoramic view of the Moors
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He died
Institutional website

He died is a city of Trentino Alto Adige.

To know

After the capital Rovereto it is the most populous center of the Vallagarina.

Geographical notes

The most important watercourse in the municipality of Mori is the Adige river. It flows from north to south along the eastern border of the municipality. The Rio Cameras originates from Lake Loppio and flows into the right side of the Adige river. Over time, the Rio Cameras has been heavily artificial by containing it within reinforced concrete embankments, making it an open channel for most of its route. In the stretch that crosses the inhabited area, in correspondence with piazza Cal di ponte, and in the adjacent piazza Malfatti it is buried.

The lake basin of the municipality of Mori is Lake Loppio, characterized by the presence of the island of San Andrea, home to ancient settlements. The lake as such is very compromised, reduced to a wetland for many decades, as with the construction of the Adige Garda tunnel, which flows under the lake, it was emptied by creating drainage chimneys. For years there has been discussions about its recovery.


Mori followed the events of Trento, first being part of the Lombard Duchy of Trento, then of the Episcopal Principality of Trento, in the County of Tyrol, following its fate under the dominion of the Prince Bishop of Trento first, then of the Napoleonic Empire, then of the Empire ofAustria until the passage to the Kingdom of Italy in 1919, with the Treaty of Saint-Germain. In the 15th and 16th centuries, in which the southern part of the Trentino area was repeatedly under the expansionist attack of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, Mori (on the right bank of the Adige) was never a Venetian dominion, unlike its neighbor Rovereto (on the left bank of the Adige) Venetian dominion for long periods, with its own form of local government under the dominion of the Prince Bishop, known as the "four vicariates" which grouped the episcopal territory in the right Adige south of Trento.

How to orient yourself


Its municipal territory also includes the villages of Besagno, Loppio, Manzano, Molina, Mori Vecchio, Nomesino, Pannone (Panóm), Ravazzone, Sano, Seghe I, Seghe II, Tierno, Valle San Felice and Varano.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

  • 1 Bolzano-Dolomites Airport (IATA: BZO) (6 km from the center of Bolzano), 39 0471 255 255, fax: 39 0471 255 202. Simple icon time.svgopen to the public: 05: 30–23: 00; ticket office opening: 06: 00-19: 00; check-in for flights from Bolzano is only possible from 1 hour to a maximum of 20 minutes before departure. Small regional airport with scheduled flights to and from Lugano is Rome with Etihad Regional (by Darwin Air). At certain times of the year, the Lauda Air company connects the city with Vienna once a week. On the other hand, charter flights are more numerous.
  • 2 Verona Airport (Catullus), Boxes of Sommacampagna, 39 045 8095666, @.
  • 3 Brescia Airport (D'Annunzio), Via Aeroporto 34, Montichiari (Connections with Brescia airport are guaranteed by public transport via the bus. The stop a Brescia city ​​is located at the bus station (number 23), while that of the airport is at the front of the terminal. There are also connections to the city of Verona via bus / shuttle line 1), 39 045 8095666, @. Charter only

By car

  • Tollbooth of Rovereto south on the A22 Brenner motorway
  • Brenner state road 12
  • State road 240 from Riva del Garda
  • Provincial road 23 from Marco
  • Provincial road 90 right Adige
  • Provincial road 3 from Brentonico
  • Provincial road 88 of the val di gresta
  • Provincial road

On the train

By bus

  • It is served by the bus lines of Trentino Trasporti [1]

By bike

Mori is touched by Valle dell'Adige cycle path running through the whole Vallagarina; is a cycle path that starts from the border between the province of Trento and that of Bolzano and following the course of the Adige river it reaches Borghetto, on the border with Veneto. It is part of the project of the cyclopista del Sole, a route that connects all of Italy from north to south.

80 km long, the track connects the north and south of the Trentino Alto Adige and the province of Verona with that of Bolzano. It develops both on the right and left banks of the Adige, taking advantage of country roads and embankments. It is almost entirely closed to traffic, except for rare agricultural vehicles that can cross it to get to the cultivated fields. The difference in height in either direction is practically non-existent. The track starts just south of Bolzano and is easily connected with the other cycle paths in the area and in particular with the cycle path that starts from Sterzing.

In Vallagarina affects the cities of Rovereto, Mori, Wing, Avio and has refreshment facilities dedicated to cyclists near Names is Avio.

How to get around

What see

Sanctuary of Santa Maria di Montalbano
  • Montalbano Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is located near the ruins of the castle of Montalbano. One hundred and twenty years after the destruction of the castle, a sanctuary dedicated to the Annunciation was built in 1556. Probably this church had been built by the Castelbarco family, with a votive and expiatory character. The bell tower has a spire of Veronese terracotta, similar to the other bell towers that existed in Mori, with a Romanesque mullioned window clock.
Inside the church there are two canvases that represent the facts of the birth of Jesus: Visit of St. Elizabeth is Nativity by the painter Baroni of Borgo Sacco. There are two other canvases: Jesus found in the Temple is Presentation of the Temple by the painter Balata of Rovereto dating back to the 17th century. There are several ways to get to the Sanctuary. After two capitals (one of 1692 In Sant'Anna, the other of 1693 To Jesus) a staircase leads to the churchyard. In 1957 the sanctuary was restored.
The door of the sanctuary has panels by Luigi Bombana representing: construction of the Sanctuary in 1556; solemn Vow of thanks, as the country had not been invaded by the French in 1703; the end of the Kingdom of Bavaria and the Four Vicariates and the beginning of the Kingdom of Italy (1809); World War I 1914-1918; World War II 1940-1945. On the same there is written "Ob multa et crebra sacrifia - B. Virgini Annuntiate plebs Muriana grata".
Ruins of the Montalbano Castle
  • Ruins of the castle of Montalbano. Its size once dominated the town. Documented as early as the 12th century, in the 13th century it belonged to the Castelbarco family. In 1439 Guglielmo di Lizzana rebelled against the Serenissima, the castle of Albano was taken, conquered, plundered and set on fire by the Venetians.
  • Ruins of the Castelgresta Castle (in Pannone). Once owned by the noble Castelbarco family.
  • Salvotti Palace (in Mori Vecchio).
  • Churches of Santa Maria a Bindis, Santo Stefano, San Biagio, Sant'Apollonia (in the hamlet of Manzano). They are equipped with valuable Romanesque bell towers.
  • Places of the Great War (1914-1918). There are at least two places that preserve significant remains of preparations and fortifications: on the Dos del Gal, near the Talpina locality, and on the hill called Mossano near the hamlet of Ravazzone (where we find the famous Ravazzone bridge). Both dominate the Adige valley, the first to the south and the second to the north of the municipality of Mori. The ANA section of Mori has made a stretch of preparations on Mount Grom viable again. It is a protected walkway that leads from the Mori Vecchio area to Valle San Felice.

Site of natural interest

After an environmental disaster a few decades ago (it was drained in 1956 and never filled again following the sinking of the groundwater, during the construction of the Adige-Garda tunnel) the environment has consolidated into a swamp and is frequently invaded by copious amounts of water.
Lake Loppio is not only known as a protected biotope, but also as an important archaeological site. In fact, since 1900 testimonies have been reported that document the presence of ancient inhabitants on the island of S.Andrea, located in the research site: fragments of Roman pottery and the remains of a burial with funeral equipment.
On the island of the lake there are also the remains of the ancient Romanesque church of Sant'Andrea, under whose foundations a necropolis was discovered.

Events and parties

Montalbano appears to be the richest place of references for the people of Mori, such as the sanctuary with its hermitage and the huge clock, the ruins of the castle, the spaces for leisure and sporting activities, the equipped road, the enormous landslide boulders and a priceless glimpse of the village and the valley. As evidence of this, it is sufficient to leaf through any brochure of tourist-cultural promotion to find a logo with the reproduction of the characteristic sanctuary.

  • Carnival. The Mori Carnival is characterized by being the longest in Trentino. Eight events are organized by the individual hamlets and take place on weekends for about a month.
  • Autumn Ganzega. Simple icon time.svgthe first weekend of October. The fifty years, which link the history of the Trentino people to the suggestion and events proposed by Ganzega d'Autunno, are those that were hard years for the population who saw with their own eyes the development of world history. At the turn of the years 1880-1930, in the midst of the wave of misery that hit Italy, many families were forced to leave their country to go to America.
The workforce had been wiped out: the First World War had stolen many young laborers from the land and left large gaps among the rural people. With the return to their homeland the refugees found themselves faced with scenarios of completely destroyed countries, and social fabrics to be rebuilt. Within this social and economic context distinguished by great changes, the will to live has never disappeared, which has allowed the people of Trentino not to give up despite the numerous difficulties.
The days of the Autumn Ganzega their goal is to bring back the spirit of life in Trentino, the desire to party that arose when, at the end of the harvest, people gathered together to celebrate: to make "ganzega".
  • Grostolada of St. Joseph. It is the largest free distribution of grostoi, the typical sweets of carnival and spring. This distribution is a significant element of the festival that originates from the ancient veneration of the population of Mori for the Madonna and San Giuseppe, to whom the Sanctuary located in Montalbano is dedicated. It also originates from the tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring with the day of St. Joseph, with the characteristic marendot (snack), based on radicchio, hard-boiled eggs and grostoi, consumed together on the spaces and on the rocks.
  • Feast of Sano. Simple icon time.svglast days of July. It is a party offered by the community, open to all, offering music, dancing, food and a lottery in three days.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay

Moderate prices

  • 1 Hotel Da Neni, Via Fabio Filzi, 46,, 39 0464 918360, fax: 39 0464 918360. Two stars


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

  • 4 Saint Stephen, Via Malfatti, 6, 39 0464 918357.
  • 5 Monte Albano, Via Terra Nera, 45 / 1B, 39 0464 918981.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Italian post, via Garibaldi 25, 39 0464 916049, fax: 39 0464 916040.


  • Rovereto - Second city in Trentino, it is famous for its Bell of the fallen
  • Riva del Garda - Elegant center at the north end of Lake Garda, it maintains the atmosphere of a holiday resort of the Austro-Hungarian nobility of the nineteenth century.
  • Wing - Next to the Adige, it has a beautiful historic center with an orderly Trentino urban planning.
  • Ledro lake - Popular for summer holidays, it is also known for the remains of piles from the Bronze Age.
  • Lake Garda - The tip trentina del lago includes the tourist centers of Riva del Garda, Arch, Torbole.


Useful information

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Mori (Italy)
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Mori (Italy)
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