Dress - Vestina

View of the Penne area

Vestina is an area ofAbruzzo Apennines in Italy.

To know

Geographical notes

Pens it is the main center today as it was in ancient times the major center of Vestini; the territory is bordered to the west byAquilano, north from Teramo, east from Pescarese-Theatine of the Adriatic coast of Abruzzo, south of the Peligna-Alto Sangro Valley and from Frentano-Alto Vastese.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • Loreto Aprutino - Of Lombard foundation, it boasts an interesting historic center.
  • Pens - Ancient capital of the Vestini family, it retains a good historic center.
  • Pianella - Center of ancient origin, it preserves beautiful monuments.
  • Peoples - It was the largest fortress of the Cantelmo domains in Abruzzo, guarding the Aterno, Sagittario and Pescara valleys; she was called the key of the three Abruzzi as an obligatory stop and a traffic junction between the coast and the inland areas towards Florence, Rome is Naples.
  • Torre de 'Passeri - The Gizzi castle (castelluccio) dominates the town that develops near the Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria.

Other destinations

  • Abbey of San Bartolomeo - 2 km from Carpineto della Nora the ancient Benedictine abbey founded in the 10th century and completed in the 13th century is an important example of Abruzzo religious architecture.
  • Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria - One of the largest Romanesque monumental complexes in the wholeAbruzzo with evident Cistercian Gothic influences, erected by the Benedictines in the 12th century., the Abbey has returned to its new splendor after the restorations carried out following the damage of the earthquake ofthe Eagle in 2009. An '' antiquarium '' located in adjacent rooms collects salvaged material from the Roman and early Christian periods.
  • Bussi sul Tirino - Church of Santa Maria di Cartignano.
  • Pescosansonesco - The ancient town was abandoned following widespread landslides; it is perched on a steep mountain, clinging to the rock under the remains of the castle and the fortifications collapsed with the mountain wall.

How to get

By car

The A14 Adriatica motorway and the A25 motorway Rome - Pescara they touch the territory to the east and south.

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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