Vesuvius - Vesuvio

Vesuvius in the evening

Vesuvius it's a volcano located in Campania in a dominant position with respect to the Gulf of Naples.

To know

Vesuvius is known for its eruption in Ancient Rome (24 August 79 AD), described by Pliny the Younger, when Pompeii ed Herculaneum were destroyed. The eruption left a large crater that can still be visited today. It is currently a quiescent volcano that occasionally releases lava flows (the last minor eruption was in 1950; even if its state is quiescent, it could indicate a build-up of pressure for its next explosive eruption.

On the top of the volcano is the rim which offers a view of the crater which smokes slightly. Looking beyond you will have an incredible view (only on days with little fog) allowing you to see the port and the city of Naples, L'Isle of Capri, L'Ischia Island and a small part of the Amalfi Coast.

Attention: as you walk to the top, you will sweat a lot for € 15 (including the taxi for the return)

Territories and tourist destinations

How to get

By bus

There are direct buses that depart twice a day from Naples Central Station and go directly to the Vesuvius visitor parking lot. It is organized by a bus company and you may find it difficult to find it but if you are in an organized group you will find it with ease. Buses leave at specific times so they are less difficult than taxis departing from Herculaneum. Round trips from Naples Central Station cost € 13.50 and depart at 09:20 and at 10:35 from Garibaldi Station.

How to get around

What see

What to do


Where to eat

In the surroundings of the volcano there are no pubs or restaurants but only small shops in the last 500 meters so before you walk towards the crater, bring some snacks and water to be ready for anything!

Where stay

The closest places to stay are the Vesuvian villages (Herculaneum, San Giorgio a Cremano, Porches) is Naples.


How to keep in touch


You can continue your journey by visiting Herculaneum is Pompeii, Naples as well as the capital of the Campania or Sorrento.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Vesuvius
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Vesuvius
  • Collaborate on WikiquoteWikiquote contains quotes from or about Vesuvius
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