Vichy - Vichy

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The town Vichy is one by the river Allier located health resort in the northern part of the Auvergne and the most important spa in France, 260 m high. It is particularly well known as the seat of government of the occupation government named after it during the Second World War.


Probably as the foundation of the Romans, Caesar's troops passed here on the retreat from the battle of Gergovia (here one moves in the heartland of the experiences of Asterix) the Flumen Elaver (Allier), originated on the banks of the Allier in the first century. after Chr. a Roman settlement. The city with flourishing ceramic production experienced thanks to the discovery mineral-rich thermal springs Due to the construction of thermal baths, the settlement was called that of Vipiacus, in the Peutinger table the place appears as Aquis Calidis. In 1344 the lands of the Burgrave of Vichy were assigned to Duke Pierre I of Bourbon, and Vichy and its surrounding area were henceforth part of the Bourbonnais. Around 1527 that became Bourbonnais subject to the French crown, during this time the first bridge was built over the Allier.

The Spa tourism experienced in 16./17. Century a great boom and miraculous healing properties were attributed to the Vichy springs. Under Louis XVI, the Vichy baths were greatly expanded.
In 1812 the Parc des Sources erected, further buildings were added to accommodate the numerous spa guests. Another development boost in the city, which was already known at that time as the meeting point of the glamorous spa tourism world, triggered the containment of the Allier, implemented after the stays of Napoleon III, and the establishment of English parks in the area of ​​the former Allier swamps. In 1865 that became Casino erected, in the Belle Epoque there was brisk construction activity with the construction of the Opera (Opened in 1903), the pump room "Hall des Sources" and the covered one Gallery around the "Parc des Sources". The number of spa tourists reached 100,000 in 1914 and the Vichy Opera became the center of musical culture in the summer months.

In the interwar period, spa tourism showed a steady development again, and Vichy came into the focus of world events in June 1940. After the German occupation of France, the Occupation government in the city, which thanks to numerous hotel facilities (underutilized due to the war, the automatic telephone exchange built in 1935 in the "Hôtel des Postes"), the easy accessibility of Paris and the proximity to the demarcation line at the "Pont Régemortes" Moulins combined many locational advantages. The fact that the Deputy Prime Minister of the Vichy regime had his ancestral palace nearby may also have been decisive for the choice. In any case, on July 4, 1940, the National Assembly, consisting of 670 deputies and senators, met for the first time in the Vichy Opera House and on 9/10. In July, the then 84-year-old Marshal Ph. Pétain was appointed president of the occupation government.

After the end of the Second World War it became quiet again in Vichy, the thermal spa was popular with wealthy business people and noble people, the number of guests from the then French Algeria, with which there were regular flight connections from Vichy, was large. The musical, cultural and film offer was extraordinary. With the absence of Algerian guests after the Algerian war, on the one hand a modern thermal and rehabilitation center was built in the city, on the other hand large-scale sports facilities were built on the banks of the Allier, which bring guests into the city. Vichy has a rowing regatta course, a kayak training channel, a horse racing track and two golf courses in the vicinity.

getting there

Vichy SNCF - old wing in Art Nouveau style

Despite the size of the agglomeration, the city has so far been poorly developed in terms of traffic, especially on the road.

By plane

With the Aéroport de Vichy - Charmeil, Vichy has a private airport nearby, the Aéroport de Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne regional airport, which can be reached in 45 minutes (with connections within France and some international flights, including by Ryanair) Airport of Paris-Orly that can be reached by train in just under 3 hours.

There are several direct train connections every day Paris with travel times around 3 hours. Not far from the city, the A 71 leads from Paris to Clermont-Ferrand along.

By train

An Intercités line runs from Clermont-Ferrand above Vichy to Paris-Bercy, The travel time to Paris is just under three hours, that to Clermont-Ferrand is 31 minutes, the seats are subject to reservation.
TER Auvergne trains (Transport express regional) connect Vichy with Riom and Clermont-Ferrand, St.Germain-de-Fossés and Moulins, Roanne and Lyon

By bus

In the street

So far, the greater Vichy area does not have a direct motorway connection.
The highway A71Paris - Orleans - Bourges - Montluçon - Clermont-Ferrand leads past the city in a north-south direction in the west, the motorway slip road A719 is under construction and should improve the connection, so far one drives on the D2209, the extension of which, coming from Moulins, leads south on the left bank of the Allier to Clermont-Ferrand (formerly N9).
The one also from Paris A77 settles down Nevers and past Moulins and the right bank of the Allier as N7 (National 7) continues south and runs east of the city Roanne, with Vichy she is with the N209 and the D907 connected to Lapalisse.
When traveling from Switzerland and southern Germany, it is best to use the A36 above Basel and Mulhouse, drives on the A6 to Chalon-sur-Saône and use the N80 / N70 to Digoin and then the D994.
To the southwest from direction Geneva - Lyon it is best to use the route over Clermont-Ferrand and the A89.

By boat

There is no scheduled passenger shipping on the Allier River.


Map of Vichy

The approximately eight bus routes from MobiVie circulate in the city and connect it with the outer quarters, respectively. surrounding communities (including Bellerive-sur-Allier on the opposite bank of the Allier), there is an on-call bus system, a bicycle rental (located at the SNCF train station), in the old and inner city with the bathing facilities, the distances can also be comfortably covered on foot .

Tourist Attractions

Eglise Saint-Louis: facade
Église Saint-Blaise
Exterior view
Parc des Sources: colonnade
Source des Célestins
Vichy: Clémenceau passage
Hotel de Ville (town hall)

Vichy is divided into the old town (Vieux-Vichy) with narrow, crooked streets and the elegant new town (Vichy-les-Bains) with modern villas and hotels, the large thermal bath complex around the Parc des Sources, the Grand Casino (1864), Opera and Theater.

  • the 1 Old town"Vieux-Vichy" with its winding streets around the Saint-Blaise / Notre-Dame-des-Malades church.
  • the 2 Église Saint-Blaise, (Notre-Dame-des-Malades) was built in the area of ​​the Chapelle Saint-Michel of the old castle of Vichy in 1672/1714, in 1931/33 it was renewed, the round dome of the Eglise Notre-Dame-des-Malades attached and the interior redesigned in Art Deco style, the glass windows also date from this period. The 67 m high church tower was not completed until 1956.

The area around the thermal baths and the Spa gardens:

  • the 3 Parc des Sources which extends from the pump room to the south towards the opera was surrounded by an Art Nouveau gallery (executed by Émile Robert) around 1900, in the 700 m long covered gallery you can stroll around the park on rainy days.
  • which was built in 1903 in Art Nouveau style 4 Hall des Sources is at the north end of the Parc des Sources located. The drinking and bathing hall houses three springs: Grande Grille, Chomel and Lucas, other springs were taken and directed here. One entrance is reserved for spa guests who use the spa pass to go to the pump room for their therapy.
In the northeast the access is public, with a plastic cup available at a "drinks machine" the partly salty, carbonated warm water can be drunk or at least tasted; if you like, you can also fill the precious liquid in bottles you have brought yourself.
  • the 5 Casino was built under Charles Badger and opened in 1865, the north facade facing the spa gardens is designed in neo-baroque style. In 1995 the casino was converted into a congress center and given a new use.
  • the complex was 1901/3 by the 6 Opera Expanded with convertible halls, the theater hall has 1400 seats.
  • to the east is that Casino du Grand Café, next to a restaurant there is a slot machine casino and gaming tables for poker, blackjack and roulette.
1  Casino du Grand Café, 7, rue du Casino; F-03200 Vichy. Tel.: 33 (0)4 70 97 07 40.
  • a 7 The bandstand is used for concerts in summer. Shops and the recommendable Samoa restaurant can be found in the surrounding arcades.
  • the pavilion of 8 Source de l'Hôpital is at the southern end of the spa park.
  • the 9 Parc des Celestins and the 1908 Art Nouveau building of the 10 Source des Célestins is located in the southeast of the city, the name comes from the former Couvent des Celestins, which was built in 1402/10. In the spring building, numerous passers-by fill the water bottles and canisters they have brought with them with the water from the famous spring.
  • an extensive park belt stretches along the entire Allierufer, the sections are called Parc Kennedy and Parc Napoléon III.
  • the Esplanade Napoléon III extends from the drinking building to the Hall des Sources 11 Center Thermal des Dômes . The 170 m long thermal bath complex was built in the Moorish style in 1899/1903, the dome with blue and gold tiles in the oriental style was created by Alexandre Bigot, the frescoes can be found inside La Source and Le Bain by Alphonse Osbert from the years 1903/4 and boutiques.

The Business center the city with partly covered passages and pedestrian zones extends between the Rue du President Wilson (bordering the spa gardens to the east) and Rue Georges Clemenceau, Place Charles de Gaulle in the direction of the train station.

  • the 12 Église Saint-Louis was built with the support of Napoléon III in 1861/65 after the emperor had to attend the mass in the small Église Saint-Blaise on his first visit. The facade with the rose window is in the neo-Gothic style, the saints in the glass windows created by Antoine Lusson bear the names of family members of the Bonaparte family.
  • the granite structure of the 1 Hôtel des Postes by Léon Azéma was built in 1935, it is not an inn but the main post office, whose modern switching technology was one of the reasons that the occupation government chose Vichy as the seat of government in 1940.
  • the town hall 13 Hotel de Ville was built in the neo-renaissance style with a war-related interruption in 1913/25.
  • the 14 Castel Franc was in the 15th century. built on the fortifications of the time and served as the town hall, in 1880 it was given a new neo-Gothic facade.
  • In the city, for example, on Bd. des Etats-Unis and Rue Alquie there are numerous chalets (which were built, among other things, to accommodate Emperor Napoleon III and other notables: for example the 15 Chalet Marie-Louise, Bd. Des Etats-Unis 109 with the balconies, which the emperor lived in for one season), the adjoining imperial chalet (with the calmer balconies facing away from the street) and numerous villas. There are also numerous Art Nouveau buildings from the early 20th century, for example the 16 Maison du Missionnairein which missionaries and churchmen found shelter.


Sights outside the city center:

  • The 21 Pont de l'Europe (D6) with the Barrage de l'Europe was built in 1963 and dams the Allier over a length of 2 km, thus creating the rowing regatta course. The artificial slalom course for kayakers is on the left bank.


Bath and drinking cures

Center Thermal des Dômes
Hall des Sources

The Vichy mineral springs, alkaline, strongly carbonated thermal baths with a temperature of 16 to 43 ° C, were already under the name of the Romans Aquae calidae known, as the remains of marble bathing pools prove, among other things; However, they have only recently gained their good reputation in Europe, especially since relatives of Louis XV and Louis XVI took a spa stay and Napoleon III stayed here. There are 12 springs (but only six are still used), which are used as drinks such as baths and showers, especially against chronic catarrh of the stomach, biliary tract and bladder, against kidney stones, sugar urea and gout.
A distinction is made between the hot Springs:

  • Chomel (43 ° C),
  • Grande Grille (39 ° C) and
  • Hopital (34 ° C)

as well as the cold springs:

  • Lucas (27 ° C),
  • You Parc (24 ° C) and
  • Celestins (22 ° C).

In Vichy there are still various thermal complexes that accommodate spa guests.


  • Paddle, with the walking canoe on the Allier downstream to the estuary or kayak training in the artificially created 1 Slalom course in Parc omnisports
  • Swimming in the Allier you can go to the specially created "Plage des Célestins"
  • the flat land around Allier and Loire with the Loire castles, mansions and the practically incline running routes along the canals is inviting bike tours, every summer numerous bicycle enthusiasts from Germany, Holland and France meet here.
  • golf in the 2 Sporting Club de Vichy or on the square of Golf de Montpensier in nearby Serbannes.
  • in the 3 Hippodrome, the Racecourse from Vichy and also from the Rowers of 4 Club de 'Aviron de Vichywho compete in regattas on the Allier, which is dammed up as "Lac de Vichy", the guest will be more of a spectator than to sweat himself


Pastilles de Vichy
Pates de fruits
  • at the same time as the post office was the covered market, the 1 Halles de Vichy Erected in 1935.
  • the shopping mall 2 Center Commercial Les Quatre Vents lies north of the spa gardens.
  • Numerous boutiques and shops are located in the passages between the Kurparc "Parc des Sources" and the Rue Georges Clémenceau to the northeast in the direction of the train station.

Recommended as souvenirs

  • the "Pastilles de Vichy": the square "Pastilles de Vichy", which have been made with mineral salts from the Vichy sources since 1825, which are said to have a beneficial effect on gastric acidosis, are made in the flavors of peppermint (menthe), aniseed and lemon . They are available in expensive gift boxes but also in mundane plastic bags in supermarkets at a lower price.
  • "Pâtes de Fruits": boiled down to a thick gelatinous consistency, resp. Thickened fruit pulp is cut into cubes and turned in sugar. The production of such sweets, preserved by boiling with sugar, dates back to the 10th century in the Auvergne. back, only in the last few years the Auvergne was replaced by the Vaucluse in Provence as the main production area.
  • Anise de Savigny, Sugar lozenges with an aniseed core and Sucre d'Orge de Vichy as more sweets
  • Care products and cosmetics from the house Vichy are available in numerous local shops.


In the Auvergne, a rather hearty cuisine is served, with its bathing tradition, the cuisine in Vichy is partly aimed at health-conscious people. These are considered specialties of the region

  • the flesh of the bright Charolais - cattle, poultry (chickens, turkeys) and lamb are also produced in the region.
  • the hearty pork sausage Andouillette, is popular with the mustard from the region Moutarde de Charroux enough.
  • the Coq au Vin is also part of the Auvergne, like the cabbage soup and the stuffed cabbage.
  • the Pâté aux fries de terre, a potato pate is a specialty of the Allier region.
  • Wines with an AOC designation come from the near Saint-Pourçain.




on the left bank of the Allier just before the road bridge of the D2209

and on the right bank another loop upstream:

In Vichy there are numerous other places to stay, from simple guesthouses to luxury hotels with an attached spa.


  • the 3 Center Hospitalier Jacques Lacarin with an emergency station is east behind the train station.
  • There are various spa and rehabilitation clinics around the thermal baths

Practical advice

  • the 5 LaPosteMain post office is on Place Charles de Gaulle.


  • Paddle on the Allier to the confluence with the Loire


Web links

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