Villersexel - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Villersexel — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The facade of the Château de Villersexel.
The facade of the Château de Villersexel.
Postal code
Telephone prefix
47 ° 33 ′ 32 ″ N 6 ° 25 ′ 38 ″ E
Official site
Touristic site

Villersexel is a town and a town in the department of Haute-Saone, and the region Franche-Comte, in France.It is the capital of the canton of Villersexel and the seat of the community of communes of the Pays de Villersexel.It is one of the thirty-six rural communes enjoying the tourist label of Petites Cités Comtoises de Caractère. from 1456 (2012), bears the gentile Villersexellois.


visitor Center

  • 1 Pays de Villersexel tourist office Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 205959

To go

The village of Villersexel is accessible by the A36 motorway (Ottmarsheim - Ladoix-Serrigny), via the Autechaux (22,5 km) and the departmental road D50 (Doubs) -D486 (Haute-Saône), as well as by the European road 54 (Paris - Munich), via the exchanger Lyoffans (17,5 km) and D4 (Athesans-Étroitefontaine - Autrey-le-Vay), or via the Couthenans (26 km) and by the D9 (Frotey-lès-Vesoul - CouthenansThe nearest SNCF station is that of lure (19,5 km).


Traffic in Villersexel is quite fluid. The narrowest streets are one-way. Several parking spaces are available in the city center.

To see

  • 1 Chateau of the Marquis de Grammont Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link 63 Town Hall Square, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 20 51 53, fax : 33 3 84 20 50 36, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Contact us. – this castle was erected in XIXe century, in a neo-Louis XIII style, by the Marquis de Grammont, in place of their previous home, burnt down by the Prussian army, in 1871. It has the particularity of having a riveted iron frame, of being furnished as at the time, and to be inhabited by the descendants of the family. It has been classified under the MH since 2005 and houses a museum, guest rooms and tables, as well as reception areas.
  • 2 Saint-Nicolas de Villersexel church Logo indicating a wikipedia link Town Hall Square Logo indicating tariffs Free. – this church is a reconstruction carried out between 1755 and 1758. The facade and the bell tower date from 1780.
  • 3 Grammont hospital Logo indicating a wikipedia link – Classified as historical monuments since 1998.
  • 4 Presbytery of Villersexel Logo indicating a wikipedia link 12 Rue du Presbytère, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 20 51 39 – Presbytery classified as historical monuments since 1996.


To buy


  • 1 The still Logo indicating a link to the website 54 Rue du Presbytère, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 30 16 82, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Closed Sunday evening, Monday and Wednesday evening.
  • 2 Harlequin 48 Rue du Presbytère, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 30 16 82 Logo indicating timetables Closed on Mondays.
  • 3 The cuisine of Villersexel 465 Rue du Martiney, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 62 49 20, fax : 33 3 84 20 29 63, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 16 h 30.

Have a drink / Go out

  • 1 Stadium Bar (At Pinoche) 34 Rue du Stade, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 384205709


  • 1 Auberge de la Terrasse Logo indicating a link to the website 1 Rue du Quai Militaire, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 20 52 11, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs From 60 . – accessible Wi-Fi network3 stars
  • 2 Chateau of the Marquis de Grammont Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link 63 Town Hall Square, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 20 51 53, fax : 03 84 20 50 36, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Contact us.
  • 3 The Relais des Moines Logo indicating a link to the website 1, Rue du 13 Septembre 1944, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 3 84 20 50 50, fax : 33 3 84 20 59 57, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs From 72 . – accessible Wi-Fi network3 stars



  • Luxeuil-les-Bains (To 17 km north of Lure by the expressway and 28 km from Vesoul by the N57.) – Spa town already known in Roman times.
  • Fougerolles-Saint-Valbert  – Capital of kirsch, Fougerolles extends over 5 112 Ha. In spring, the white tide of this immense orchard precedes the cherry season and the silence of winter disturbed by the murmur of kirsch flowing from the stills. Hermitage (7th century), listed church from the 18th century - 54 crosses, one of which is listed as a historic monument - Oratories - Chapels
  • Ronchamp  – altitude 450 to 1 148 m. Paris to 450 km, Belfort to 20 km, Besançon to 90 km, Luxeuil-les-Bains to 30 km, Montbéliard to 40 km. Access by RN19 SNCF station, Paris-Basel line, bus connection. Former city of coal mines whose slag heaps covered with vegetation remain all around the city.
  • Champagney (To 4 km de Ronchamp on the D4.) – The village, very extensive in the middle of fields and forests, is best known for its dam-reservoir.
  • Faucogney-et-la-Mer  – 14th century tower, beautiful façade units, 18th century houses, fountain from the same period, Remains of the former priory of St John the Baptist, foundation of the monk St Colomban in 580 remains of the old fortress and the ramparts razed to the ground in 1674. City with a long and glorious historical past, Faucogney was one of the last strongholds of Comtoise independence.
  • Haut-du-Them-Château-Lambert Logo indicating a link to the website – (located after the Col des Croix at 34 km de Lure on theD486or to 4 km from Thillot (Vosges), in the Vosges Saônoises region) - The departmental mountain ecomuseum between Franche-Comté and Lorraine, was created in 1977, the museum evokes rural life in the mountains, in particular forestry and woodworking trades at the beginning of the XXe century. Installed partly outside, it also presents the activities of the farm, the mill and the forge.
  • Saulnot
  • Granges-le-Bourg
  • Gouhenans
  • Hericourt  – To 30 km de Lure and 9 km of Montbeliard, until 1793 the Seigneurie D’Héricourt was part of the County of Montbéliard with a common history. Face to face of two civilizations: Celto-Gallo-Roman and Germanic, face to face of two churches: Roman and Reformed, The Minal Museum Occasionally hosts photo exhibitions, paintings, sculptures, crafts, student work, as well as themed exhibitions (liberation of Héricourt, Printemps Musical, Adolphe Kégresse inventor of the caterpillar and his famous Yellow Cruise ...). True fortress of the Middle Ages, stood on a limestone bench in the upper part of the city on the north side, flanked by strong towers linked together by a solid rampart of 12 m from above - 4 m wide surrounded by a ditch 8 m filled with spring water - a well of 26 m deep and 2,50 m in diameter fed the inhabitants of the castle. Dismantled at XVIIIe century, only the big tower remains - a stone staircase gives access to 3 spacious rooms - a fireplace occupies each one. The Fort of Mont-Vaudois (1874), being restored and can be visited, served as an entrenched camp for Belfort with the fort of Salbert.
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