England - Anglia

England (eng. England) - the largest and most populous component The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The largest cities of England


England has many faces. It is a country of tradition, monarchy, 5 p.m. tea, the London Underground and exceptional weather, it is a mainstay of European conservatism and a source of avant-garde trends. England is also a land of prosperity and cultivation of tradition, while presenting an amazing cultural mix. After all, it is the mecca of Polish economic emigration.


fauna and Flora


England has a very diverse and unpredictable climate. It is impossible to guess which month the weather in England will be the best. The English summer is rarely hot and the winter is cold, and there are also little climatic differences between individual regions. The average summer temperature inland is practically the same as on the beaches of the southwest and 1.2 degrees higher than in the north. One thing is certain - when going to England, it is worth getting a warm jacket and an umbrella, regardless of the season.




By plane

England has a well-developed network of air connections with Europe and the rest of the world. In addition, in the last few years, mainly due to the development of cheap connections, it has become possible to reach many places in England by air from Poland.

In addition to those mentioned, there are a dozen other regional airports in England, and sometimes in the case of long distances to travel, it is worth considering a domestic flight.

By train

No direct connections from Poland.

Train Eurostar combines London With Paris (2h 15m) i Brussels (1h 55m). Some of the trains also stop at Ashford in Kent.

From Wales and Scotland, a well-developed rail network allows you to get to most of the major cities in England.

By car

By bus

Bus journeys between Poland and England are operated by private companies. Timetables are available e.g. on websites Ticketsautobusowe24.pl, Ticketsautokarowe24.com.

By ship

Relatively numerous ferry connections. The shortest connection to Europe in between Dover and Calaisbut also in between Portsmouth and ports in France and Bilbao in Spain, Plymouth and France and Spain or Kingston upon Hull on the east coast and the Netherlands and Belgium.

For those traveling from Poland, an interesting alternative may be ferry connections from Ostend to Ramsgate (4h) or from Hook van Holland to Harvich (7h). You can also get to by ferry Newcastle upon Tyne (from the Netherlands) and Hull (from the Netherlands or Belgium).


Administrative divisions of England

England is divided into 3 areas, differentiated by history. In each of these areas, regions can be distinguished, and these in turn are divided into counties, most of which also have a rich separate history.

South England - roughly south of the Thames line and the Bristol Channel.
London - the capital and its immediate vicinity.
South East England - roughly covers the area around and south of London.
South West England - the peninsula extending towards the Atlantic and the surrounding counties
Midlands - from Wales to the North Sea, except in Cheshire.
East of England - a large lowland area north of London
East Midlands - the geographical center of the country extends to the North Sea.
West Midlands - industrial and agricultural area to the east of Wales.
North England - north of Staffordshire to the west and approximately north of the Humber line as far as the border with Scotland.
Yorkshire and the Humber - one of the most attractive and interesting counties for tourists.
North West England - here are the main industrial centers.
North East England - consists of heavily urbanized Teesside and Tyne and Wear, but also agricultural Northumberland and sparsely populated border areas with Scotland.


Interesting places




In theory, all people in England communicate in English. In fact, be prepared for dozens of different dialects and accents. Almost every part of the country has its own distinctive accent, and in some cities the language changes in each district. Add to that the thousands of expats flocking to the island each year, and don't expect every Englishman you meet to pronounce words like Elizabeth II. On the other hand, with the exception of a few East London boroughs, knowledge of the rhyming slang (cockney) is not compulsory.

Expedition to the north of the country, especially to the vicinity Newcastle or Liverpool, it can break down many diligent students of the Shakespeare language, and the fact that a native inhabitant of the Isles will speak a language other than English, there is no real reason to count. It should be emphasized, however, that most of the people we meet, especially in big cities or near tourist attractions, will patiently repeat everything until we understand it, and in the event of serious difficulties, meeting a compatriot living in England should not be complicated.

Information for tourists is increasingly appearing in Polish, but usually it will be a very limited version of what is available in English.

Worth seeing

Travel plans

It is worth a try


The culinary map of England has changed tremendously over the past few decades and alongside traditional cafes and restaurants serving greasy English specialties, dozens of great places to eat dishes inspired by cuisines from around the world have emerged.

From tiny take-away bars, often run by immigrants, to Michelin-starred upscale restaurants, it's all easy to find when traveling around England.

For lovers of English food, the following may be recommended:

  • Traditional English breakfast (eng. Full English breakfast) - depending on the place, it may consist of scrambled eggs, slices of bacon, beans in tomato sauce, grilled sausages, hashbrowns (a type of fried potatoes), slices of black pudding, grilled mushrooms and tomatoes, toast and tea (with milk, of course). In the afternoon or evening version, since most of the bars serve breakfast all day, chips may come.
  • Fish and chips (eng. Fish and chips) - it's worth trying on the coast, freshly caught. Various species to choose from, most often cod or haddock.
  • Plowman's lunch - sandwich with cheese and sauce, salad, sometimes also apple, celery and beetroot, found in less modern pubs
  • Bangers and mash - sausages with mashed potatoes and onion sauce. A dish also found in Ireland, invest in a slightly more expensive version of it with good quality sausages.


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