Bretagne - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Bretagne — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

The Ploumanac'h lighthouse in Perros-Guirec
The Ploumanac'h lighthouse in Perros-Guirec
Flag of Brittany (Gwenn ha du) .svg
Regional capital
Telephone prefix
Tourist information office
48 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ N 3 ° 0 ′ 0 ″ W
Official site
Touristic site

The Brittany is a region located in the west of the France.


Formerly the Gallic peninsula of a large geographical area called "Armorica", Celtic Brittany received in the north and the west the contribution of Celtic cousins: the Bretons coming from Great Britain, whom they left in particular under the pressure of the Angles and Saxons who came to settle on this island. These brought their variant of the Breton language, relaunching this language undermined by the Roman invader and contributing to the existing differences between the Breton of Morbihan and that of the northwestern departments.

Kingdom or independent duchy having long stood up to the kingdom of France, it was annexed to it in 1532 following the marriage of the duchess Claude known as Claude of France with François Ier and retained its autonomy until 1789, with the French Revolution. Claude's mother, Anne of Brittany, married successively to the kings of France Charles VIII and Louis XII, had succeeded in preserving the independence of her duchy.

The residence of the Dukes of Brittany was Nantes, now the prefecture of Loire-Atlantique, although this department (then known as Loire-Inférieure) was detached from Brittany in 1941 and then in 1956. The majority of Bretons wishing for reunification.

Regionalist, autonomist and independence political movements still exist. Their violent actions ceased in 2002.

The Bretons are of Celtic origin and remain very attached to their identity and their traditions.

Brittany is very attached to its symbols and their meaning, the Triskell, the Ermine, the Celtic cross, and the Kroaz-Du to name a few. Its flag, made of ermine tails and black bands on a white background, has a certain stylistic kinship with the American flag. It is entirely black and white, hence its traditional name ar Gwenn ha Du (meaning "white and black" in Breton), and omnipresent throughout the country.


Brittany includes the four departments of Brittany region. the department of Loire Atlantique, is located in Pays de la Loire :

48 ° 6 ′ 0 ″ N 2 ° 54 ′ 0 ″ W
Brittany map
(29). Prefecture: Quimper
(22). Prefecture: Saint Brieuc
(56). Prefecture: Valves
(35). Prefecture: Reindeer

Detail of the various Breton countries :

  • Leon: BasLéon, Pays Pagan, Haut-Léon
  • Trégor: Bas-Trégor, Grand-Trégor, Petit-Trégor
  • Cornwall: Plougastel, Kernévodez, Crozon, Rouzig, Bidar, Poher, Calanhel, Fisel, Fanch, Pays de Loudéac (in small part), Pays de Pontivy (in small part), Chtou, Dardoup, Glazig, Penh Sardin, Cap Sizun, Pays Bigouden, Aven
  • Country of Saint-Brieuc: Goëlo, Penthièvre, Pays de Loudéac (mostly), Mené (mostly)
  • Country of Saint-Malo: Clos Poulet, Pondouvre, Porhoët, Mené (in small part), Clos Ratel (in small part), Pays de Rennes (in small part), Pays de Redon (in small part)
  • Country of Dol: Clos Ratel (mostly), Dolois
  • Rennes country: Pays de Rennes (in large part), Coglais, Vendelais, Guerchais, La Mée (in small part), Pays de Redon (in small part)
  • Vannes: Kost-ar-C'hoet, Pourlet, Pays de Pontivy (mostly), Pays de Baud, Bas-Vannetais, Haut-Vannetais, Rhuys, Vannetais gallo, Pays de Redon (partly)
  • Nantes country: La Mée (mostly), Pays de Redon (partly), Mitaud, Guérande, Pays de Nantes, Pays d'Ancenis, Pays de Retz, Vineyard

France Breton country map.svg


  • 1 Reindeer  – Administrative capital of the region and prefecture ofIlle-et-Vilaine. First city of Brittany, it is located at the confluence of the two rivers.
  • 2 Brest  – Second city in the region, sub-prefecture of Finistere, Maritime Prefecture of the Atlantic. The city is crossed by the Penfeld, a coastal river flowing into the harbor of Brest.
  • 3 Lorient (Morbihan - 56)
  • 4 Nantes Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The prefecture of Loire Atlantique and current capital of Pays de la Loire, located at the confluence of the Erdre and the Loire, is the capital of historic Brittany.
  • 5 Quimper (Finistere - 29)
  • 6 Saint Brieuc (Côtes-d'Armor - 22)
  • 7 Saint Malo (Ille-et-Vilaine 35)
  • 8 Valves (Morbihan - 56)

Other destinations


Two regional languages ​​coexist in Brittany. Breton, established in the western and southern half of the region and Gallo in the eastern / northeastern half. French is spoken by the entire population following the francization policy led by the IIIe Republic. Today, it is estimated that around 320,000 people are fluent in Breton.

To go

Brittany is served by a high quality road network. The 4-lane expressways are free there.

The TGV connects Paris to Brest (9 AR per day) and Quimper (7 AR per day) in just over four hours, serving the main cities of the north and south coasts; in low season, Saint-Malo (2 AR per day) and Lannion (1 AR per week) are also served. Additional trains are scheduled in summer. The TGV directly connects Rennes to Lille, Lyon, Marseille and Strasbourg (from June 2007).

Airports are Reindeer, Brest, Dinard, Lannion, Lorient, Quimper and Saint Brieuc.

Maritime links exist to the Britain (since Saint Malo and Roscoff) or toIreland (from Roscoff).


By plane

There are several airports:

In Côtes-d'Armor

  1. AT Lannion ;
  2. AT Saint Brieuc - Tremuson.

In Ille-et-Vilaine

  1. AT Dinard, the airport serves London Standsted and East Middlands all year round. Leeds in summer (Company: RYANAIR);
  2. AT Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, (Reindeer).

In Finistère

  1. AT Brest (Guipavas airport);
  2. AT Morlaix (Morlaix Ploujean airport);
  3. AT Ushant ;
  4. AT Quimper (Quimper Cornouaille airport).

In Morbihan

  1. AT Lorient ;
  2. AT Valves ;
  3. AT Pontivy ;
  4. AT Redon.

By car

The road network is of very good quality, including secondary roads. Signage is bilingual in western and southern Brittany. Most towns have bypass roads (ring roads). Expressways are free.

On a boat

The Nantes to Brest Canal


Culinary specialties There are several clothing brands in Brittany, as well as an acronym "Produced in Brittany" displayed by major brands with the primary aim of relocating.

In addition, Brittany is the only European region to have its own brand aimed at promoting itself internationally.Brittany brand logo



Quotes in municipalities or specific sites.


Brittany has five universities: the University of Rennes 1, the University of Haute-Bretagne (Rennes 2), the University of Bretagne-Ouest (Brest), and the University of South Brittany (Lorient and Vannes). Deconcentrated poles of these universities exist in Quimper, Lannion, Bruz, Saint-Brieuc and Saint-Malo. Note a strong establishment of private education, mainly Catholic, including beyond the baccalaureate.


Apart from certain areas of large cities, Brittany is a region where people yearn for tranquility. With tourists, summer brings its share of malicious acts, but this remains marginal. For example, in 2007, Lorient was the 3rd most secure city in France.


Many Bretons are strongly attached to their region. Also, be respectful of people and places. If you are not lucky enough to have sun, no need to dwell on "bad weather conditions". A humorous saying in connection with the rain is known to all Bretons, ask theirs! It is here that the weather is nice several times a day.

You may also have the impression that time passes more slowly than at home if you come from a big city: "Amzer 'zo!", We have time! No one gets impatient in queuing at the bakery.


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Destinations located in the region