Buggerru - Buggerru

The port
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Buggerru is a seaside resort of the Southern Sardinia, in the province of Southern Sardinia.

To know

Geographical notes

Buggerru is located in the historical region ofIglesiente and borders on Fluminimaggiore is Iglesias.


Its birth, in 1864, is linked to the mining events of south-western Sardinia.

Looking at the demographic evolution of the country it can be seen that, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the population of Buggerru was five times that of the beginning of the twenty-first century; this is because in those years the town was experiencing the most flourishing period of its mines. At that time the town was called "petit Paris" or "little Paris" because the mining managers who had moved to the mining village with their families had recreated a certain cultural environment. Among these Achille Georgiades, a Greek from Constantinople who arrived in Sardinia in 1903 to manage the mines of the Societé des mines de Malfidano in Paris, whose operational headquarters in Sardinia was Buggerru. There was also the Frenchman Georges Perrier who ran a cinema; in addition, in the village there was also a theater and a club reserved for the small elite of the French company executives. On the other hand there were the miners who worked in inhumane conditions, underpaid and forced into grueling shifts, often victims of fatal accidents at work; these were organized in the Federation of Miners. In 1904, following the tightening of the treatment imposed by Georgiades, the miners refused to work and presented their requests to the French company; in response they called the army which fired on the workers, killing three and wounding many others. That Sunday 4 September 1904 will be remembered as the date of the Buggerru massacre, for which the first general strike in Italy will be made.

It was established as an autonomous municipality in 1960 with the homonymous hamlet detached from the municipality of Fluminimaggiore.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

From the following airports it is possible, thanks to several car rental companies present, to rent a car to reach Buggerru.

By car

Get to Cagliari, then take the SS 130 Iglesiente towards Iglesias, pass the latter and continue in the direction Carbonia until the exit "Nebida-Buggerru", arrived here, take the latter turning right and continue until Buggerru.

On boat

From the ports of Cagliari, Porto Torres, Olbia-Isola Bianca e Golfo Aranci.

By bus

You can reach Buggerru from Iglesias with the ARST line 804.

How to get around

What see

Coastal tower of Cala Domestica, 16th century
Laveria Malfidano

Military architectures

  • 1 Tower of Cala Domestica.


Several disused mines present including:

Beaches, coves and coasts

Cala Domestica
Cala Domestica beach
Portixeddu beach
  • 11 Portixeddu beach - Riu Mannu.
  • 12 Is Compingius beach (Is Compinxius).
  • 13 Is Compingieddus beach (Is Compinxeddus).
  • 14 San Nicolò beach.
  • Coast of San Nicolò.
  • Cala dell'Acquedotto (Cove of the Aqueduct).
  • 15 Punta Nido dell'Aquila.
  • Costa Nido dell'Aquila.
  • 16 Buggerru beach.
  • Coast of Pranu Sartu.
  • 17 Blue Cave.
  • 18 Costa Punta Su Zippiri.
  • 19 Coast Punta Toppi Vacca (Punta Toppi Bacca).
  • 20 Cala Domestica beach.
  • Cala Domestica cove.

Places of naturalistic interest

  • 21 Cave of S'Aqua Gelada.
  • 22 Cave of snails.
  • Slopes, decauville and mining trails


  • 23 Parish church of San Giovanni Battista.

Civil architectures

  • 24 Palazzina Beni Beni or Villa of the Guests.
  • 25 Turret Ex Bà.
  • 26 Old mining village of Caitas.
  • 27 Vat furnaces, Via Marina.
  • 28 Ingersoll-Rand air compressor.
  • 29 Henry Gallery.


Events and parties

What to do

The tourist port of Buggerru


How to have fun


  • 1 Perrier Theater, Via Diaz.

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 The Eagle's Nest, Via Roma 136, 39 0781 54251, 39 347 9138328. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 7: 00-24: 00. Seafood restaurant.
  • 2 The Privilege, Via Roma 98, 39 0781 548030. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 12: 30-15: 30 and 19: 00-23: 00. Restaurant Pizzeria.
  • 3 The Baia da Tore, Via Roma 68, 39 0781 54205. Restaurant.
  • 4 Natalino La Caletta, Via Diaz 38, 39 0781 548000. Restaurant.
  • 5 Stella Maris, Via Roma 7, 39 0781 1864390. Simple icon time.svgMon-Sun 12: 00-15: 00 and 19: 30-23: 00. Restaurant.
  • 6 San Nicolò, Contrada San Nicolò, SP 83, 39 328 7580557. Simple icon time.svgSun-Fri 12: 45-14: 30 and 20: 00-22: 30; Sat 12: 45-14: 30 and 20: 00-23: 00. Restaurant.

Where stay

Moderate prices

Average prices

High prices


Useful numbers

  • 4 Carabinieri, Via Roma 33, 39 0781 54022.
  • 5 Emergency medical Service, Via Cagliari 16, 39 0781 548021.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 6 Post Office, Via Roma 27, 39 0781 54062, fax: 39 0781 54062. Simple icon time.svgMon-Fri 8: 20-13: 45; Sat 8: 20-12: 45.


The Porto Flavia mining site
Laveria Lamarmora
  • 7 Porto Flavia mining site, to Masua
  • 8 Laveria Lamarmora, to Nebida

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Buggerru
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Buggerru
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