Castel San Giorgio - Castel San Giorgio

Castel San Giorgio
Monte Castello in Castel San Giorgio
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Castel San Giorgio
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Castel San Giorgio is a city of Campania.

To know

Geographical notes

The territory of Castel San Giorgio borders on Nocera Inferiore, Roccapiemonte, San Severino market is Let them be. It extends in the middle valley of the Sarno between the lands of Agro Nocerino Sarnese on one side, and of San Severo and Montoro on the other.

Its mountainous reliefs are: Montecastello (also called Monte Torello, 612 m), Monte or Collina di Sant'Apollinare (also called Mount of Santa Maria in Castello, 280 m), Paterno Chapel (183 m), Monte San Michele (479 m) and Poggio Coviglia (or Monte Iulio or "Dragon Mountain", 623 m).

The superficial hydrographic network is represented by the course of Solofrana stream (at canal of the Mills) which also crosses the territory of the neighboring Roccapiemonte. Several riverbeds converge to it, some of which have dried up.


Before the unification of Italy it was called San Giorgio, and Castel was added by prefectural decree of 4 January 1863. The current municipal area was formerly an integral part of the city of Nuceria Alfaterna. In its ancient territorial unity it has seen, over the centuries, moments of great historical and social interest. The territory stands out for the attention of history because it has been crossed by war events that start from the enterprises of Hannibal in Campania.

The latter, commander of the army of Carthage fighting with Rome in the Punic wars, he crossed the "Montagna Spaccata" (since then renamed "Passo dell'Orco", from the nickname that was given to the bloody Hannibal) with his soldiers and his elephants, and rested briefly in the area of Campomanfoli, the current hamlet of Castel San Giorgio, before setting fire to Nuceria Alfaterna.

Castel San Giorgio was at the center of every event that involved the Nocerino Sarnese territory, precisely because of its "hinge" position between the Agro and the Irno.

After the Fascist period and the terrible passage of the Nazi army, Castel San Giorgio faced the post-war period with humility, rebuilding bridges, railways, roads and restarting that local economy based on agricultural-canning products and crafts.

How to orient yourself

The hangers and the alleys: not only in the historic center, Castel San Giorgio is characterized by alleys, narrow streets, stepped climbs (the so-called pendini) clinging to the mountain. Particularly interesting is the "1st Lombard pendant", dominated by a small temple with a realistic Crucifix, which leads up to a sort of "religious citadel" formed by the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, the Congrega of the Immaculate Conception and the monastery. of the Crucified Sisters Adorers of the Eucharist. Also in the historic center, the alleys of Casa Izzo are of importance. Characteristic alleys are found above all in the hamlet of Lanzara ("vicolo degli Scalpellini" and "vicolo Setteventi"), but also in other hamlets, especially Monticelli currently called Castelluccio, which boasts ancient doors of both owners and farmers.


The hamlets of Castel San Giorgio are: Aiello, Campomanfoli, Castelluccio, Cortedomini, Fimiani, Lanzara, Holy Cross, Santa Maria a Favor, Taverna / Casalnuovo, Young bull, Crossroads

How to get

By car

The town is crossed by the Regional Road 266 ex SS266 Nocerina, which connects it to the center of Nocera Inferiore and the A3 motorway (Naples-Reggio Calabria). In Castel San Giorgio there is also an exit of the A30 motorway (Caserta-Salerno).

On the train

In the municipal area there are the three stations of Castel San Giorgio-Roccapiemonte, Codola is Lanzara-Fimiani.

How to get around

What see

Religious architectures

  • Church of the Savior (To Aiello). Mentioned in a document of 986. It is of simple manufacture, closed by a courtyard and positioned on a hill. Destroyed several times and always rebuilt, it preserves a panel depicting the Madonna of Loreto, attributed to the Neapolitan artist Leonardo Castellano and dated to 1588. The "August party" is held here.
  • Church of Santa Barbara (TO Young bull). It dates back to the 11th century and has recently been restored. It is located on the slopes of Monte Lungo. Secluded, it is preceded by a long staircase, surrounded by mountains and flanked by a vast clearing. Church of Santa Barbara di Torello on Wikipedia church of Santa Barbara di Torello (Q3672891) on Wikidata
  • Monastery of the Crucified Sisters Adorers of the Eucharist. The original residence of the feudal lord then transformed into a convent by the will of Baron de Sanctis in 1712. Consisting of about 40 rooms, it is protected by high stone walls that surround it. In its history, it first hosted nuns mostly from the noble families of the district, before being closed by the Suppression Laws of 1866. It passed to the State Property before being bought by mother Maria Pia della Croce-Notari who was the founder of the Crucified Adorers of the Eucharist, to be used also and for some time as a "boarding school" for "young girls of civil status". On the whole, the Blessed Sister Maria della Passione also fulfilled the religious office, who had the first mystical phenomena in Castel San Giorgio. The Monastery is adjacent to the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie and the Congrega of the Immaculate Conception.
  • Hermitage of Santa Maria a Castello. Also known as Lanzara Castle, it is located on the Sant'Apollinare hill in the hamlet of Trivio. It is located in a panoramic position, overlooking the entire Nocerino Sarnese countryside, with a view that reaches up to Pompeii and toIschia Island. It is a fortress of Lombard origin, inside which a church was built around 1300. The object of various political and religious disputes, the fortress is owned by the Parish of Lanzara and is in excellent condition and can be visited.

Civil architectures

  • Villa Soglia (Palazzo Conforti ex Sarnelli) (In the area of Cortedomini). An ancient noble residence that belonged to the Sarnelli baronial family and the Cuomo family into which the extinct Sarno-Prignano family merged, in fact the Sarnelli family added that of the Prignano family to its coat of arms, now transformed into a hotel, on the advice of Bruno Cuomo. It is surrounded by about three hectares of park on three levels.
  • Villa Calvanese (In the foothills area of ​​the hamlet of Lanzara). Built by architects of the Vanvitellian school, it was purchased by the Municipality and is now a cultural center. It is surrounded by one and a half hectares of "English" park, and in the past it was frequented by the Neapolitan aristocracy. From 1968 to 1992-93 the historic building housed the junior high school. Another relevant feature is the fountain located at the entrance to the park which was discovered by chance or by divine will, because it was actually dug by some hens. From that moment on, the authorities ordered the recovery of the enchanting sculpture from the land that had overlooked it for years.
  • Castle (Castle of San Giorgio) (At the top of the stony mountain (Montecastello) which houses its ruins). Probably built around the 12th century, it is surrounded by three walls marked by quadrangular towers of the Norman period. A round tower and the annexed spaces, on the other hand, testify to subsequent renovations. It "watches" on the Monastery of the nuns and on that sort of "religious citadel" that concerns the historic center of San Giorgio, even if the Castle can be reached with less difficulty from the hamlet of Torello through Via Cupa delle Selve, an ancient path.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Castel San Giorgio
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Castel San Giorgio
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