Collelongo - Collelongo

Church of the Madonna del Rosario at the entrance to the village
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Tourism site
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Collelongo is a city of Marsica, subregion ofAbruzzo.

To know

The Italic people of the Marsi built here the vicus of the Amplero Valley, a wonderful example of Abruzzo architecture and urban planning of the Roman era. The Italic-Roman settlement of Amplero is one of the most important elements of the archaeological heritage of the Marsica. It is part of the club of the Authentic Villages of Italy.

Geographical notes

The town located in Vallelonga is located at an altitude of 915 meters above sea level, on the border with national park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, the Fucino plain and the Liri Valley. To the west the mountains of the Serra Lunga separate it from the Roveto valley.

When to go

Summer is the best time to visit Collelongo, the village, the museums and the numerous paths that lead in the protected area of ​​the Abruzzo park towards the ancient forests, the woods and the beech forest located in the localities of Val Cervara, Selva Moricento, Coppo del Principe, Coppo del Morto and Cacciagrande beyond the neighboring one Villavallelonga.


Baronial tower in Piazza San Rocco

In Vallelonga, civilization has very distant origins. The oldest evidence of human presence in the Collelongo area dates back to the Middle Paleolithic period, about 400,000 years ago. These are flint objects that attest to the mainly hunting activity of nomadic populations. Permanent presences also date back to the Neolithic period, about 7,000 years ago and to the Iron Age (IX century BC-VIII century BC), of which there remain glimpses of the wall enclosures of the "ocres", fortifications found on some hills, and of the necropolis of circular tumulus tombs. In particular, the archaeological site of the vicus of the Amplero Valley represents an important testimony that has allowed us to reconstruct the events in the Italic and Roman times of these places. In the Middle Ages the village followed the historical events of the Marsica. In contemporary times the town has been at the center of the events linked to the phenomenon of banditry and in 1915 suffered serious damage with the earthquake of 13 January which caused over 30,000 victims in Marsica and in central Italy.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

By car

The provincial road n.19 Ultrafucense connects Collelongo to the south with Trasacco ed Avezzano where there is the A25 motorway exit Rome-Pescara. To the north the village is connected to Villavallelonga and the area of National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise.

On the train

The nearest railway station is Avezzano located along the railway line Rome-Sulmona-Pescara.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg Bus lines managed by TUA bus lines (the only Abruzzese transport company - ex Arpa) [1]

How to get around

What see

Palazzo Botticelli seat of the museum area
Necropolis of Amplero
  • 1 Civic and archaeological museum of Collelongo, Narrow Street (Old Town), 39 0863 948113, fax: 39 0863 948537, @. The archaeological museum houses interesting archaeological finds from the Italic and Roman times coming from the archaeological area of ​​the Amplero Valley, while the museum of peasant civilization and work is dedicated to history, uses and popular traditions. In the Botticelli palace where the museums are housed there is a rich display of artifacts dating from the sixth century BC. to the 1st century AD Of particular interest is the copy reproduced in pear wood of the valuable bone funerary bed from the 1st century BC. exhibited in the archaeological museum of Chieti. A multimedia station traces the history of the Marsica and the marsi in the Italic period.
  • 2 Amplero Valley, Amplero Valley (mountainous area located in the north east of the country), 39 0863 948113, fax: 39 0863 948537, @. Area of ​​archaeological interest. The excavations carried out since 1968 have brought to light the remains of the vicus and the fortified center dating back to between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC. Of particular interest is the acropolis in La Giostra and the necropolis in the nearby Cantone valley, between Amplero and the Fucino plain. The tombs are included in a time period that goes from the 1st century BC. to the 1st century AD The precious bone bed found in the area is housed in the archaeological museum of Chieti, while the faithful reproduction in copy, the work of the Fubelli brothers of Rome, is exhibited in the Botticelli palace. In the localities of Fonte Jò, Fonte di Sotto and Fonte Elia there are the remains of human settlements dating back to the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages, while in Civita Rosa di Colle Colubrina the remains of a fortified center and buildings of cult.
  • 3 Vallelonga, Vallelonga (mountain area included among the municipalities of Luco dei Marsi is Villavallelonga), 39 0863 948537, fax: 39 0863 948537, @. Area of ​​archaeological, naturalistic and historical-artistic interest. The area offers a rich network of paths and several shelters and refreshments. Environmental and religious thematic itineraries cross the four municipalities of the area.

Events and parties

The rescagnate basins
  • 1 Feast of Sant'Antonio Abate, Old Town (Parish church of Santa Maria Nuova), 39 0863 948537, fax: 39 0863 948537, @. Simple icon time.svgJanuary 16 and 17. On the evening of January 16, the ultra-centuries-old feast of Sant'Antonio Abate begins annually. In the taverns of the historic center, in copper pots ("cucer" or "cottore"), corn, cicerchie and red chickpeas (called "cicerocchi" by the locals) are boiled and offered to visitors along with pizzas, sweets and drinks . After the lighting of the bonfires (the "torcioni") the parish priest blesses them along a path lit by torches. The party continues with popular songs throughout the night. The following morning at dawn a procession of boys dressed in traditional clothes carries the "conche rescagnate", copper containers surmounted by scenes of peasant life, embellished and equipped with lights, around the town. The corn cooked the night before is donated to be distributed to pets.

What to do

  • 1 Chiaravalle sports center, Via Casiline (Entrance to the village), 39 0863 948368, @. The sports center has a gym and an outdoor swimming pool. The structure located next to the synthetic grass football field is equipped for the practice of various sports activities. It has indoor and outdoor bars.


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

Where stay

Average prices


How to keep in touch

Post office


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Collelongo
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Collelongo
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).