Conca Casale - Conca Casale

Conca Casale
view of the village
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Conca Casale
Institutional website

Conca Casale is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

It is located on theMolise Apennines in a basin on the slopes of Monte Santa Croce (1026 m a.s.l.) and surrounded by other mountains. It is located 11 km from Venafro, about thirty from Isernia and enjoys a pleasant and cool climate.


Campo Valley it is the ancient name of the town that emphasized its function as a defensive garrison for the Sannio valley. From the town he was visually in contact with the fortresses of the surrounding area. The area has been inhabited since ancient times, as evidenced by the remains of the polygonal walls of Monte Cerino and Monte Sammucer. Conca Casale was linked to the Benedictine abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno, therefore to Venafro and later to Pozzilli, finally gaining municipal autonomy in 1911.

The position of the country, strategic for the control of the entrance to the Molise, made Conca the center of the German defense line Bernar-Rehinard (Winterline for the Allies) during the last world war.

How to orient yourself

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon The nearest train station is a Venafro.

By bus

  • Italian traffic sign - bus stop svg The main public transport companies operating in the Molise area are the following (consult the websites for destinations and timetables):
Lariviera bus lines: [1]
SATI bus lines: [2]
Molise Transport Bus Lines: [3]
Autolinee Moffa (Molise Line - France - Belgium - Switzerland - Germany): [4]

How to get around

What see

Snow-covered village and Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova
  • Church of Sant'Antonio di Padova. Dedicated to the patron saint of the town, it has ancient origins. It houses frescoes of a certain value and a beautiful marble altar.
  • Church of Santi Cosma e Damiano. It is located just outside the village on a hill that allows you to enjoy a beautiful view of the town and the valley. Has a recent restoration.
  • Church of Santa Maria delle Fontane. It is a couple of kilometers from the town and is very dear to the inhabitants. In the month of May a feast is celebrated here, with the blessing of the water that flows from the existing well inside. Tradition moves pilgrimages from all over the area.
  • Remains of the convent of San Domenico. On Mount Corno, near the pass between Conca Casale and Venafro, there are the remains of this religious complex which was destroyed; traces of rooms and stone jambs remain. On reaching the site, there are two well-made religious shrines.

Events and parties

  • Feast of the Madonna delle Fontane. Simple icon time.svgSecond Sunday in May. The festival takes place at the small sanctuary of the same name; attracts pilgrims from all over the area to participate in the procession that accompanies the statue of the Madonna from the Sanctuary to the church of Sant'Antonio, where it remains until September. On the occasion of the anniversary, guided tours are organized at fountains, the springs that feed the well kept in the sanctuary.
  • Feast of St. Anthony of Padua. Simple icon time.svgJune 13. Festival of the patron saint of the town with a procession through the streets of the town.
  • Festival of legumes. Simple icon time.svgin August. On the town square, gastronomic stages are set up to promote knowledge of gastronomy and dishes based on local legumes: bean soups, chickpeas, lentils and cicerchie, pasta and beans, accompanied by local cheeses and meats.

What to do


There Lady of Conca Casale it is a pork sausage, of large size, typical of some mountainous areas of Molise in the Venafro area. Unlike other cured meats of the Molise gastronomic practice, the Mrs it is not part of a poor tradition, but is considered a precious and particular product. The fine cuts required by the processing, and the large size in which it is made (from 800 grams up to 5 kg), mean that, for example, only one cured meat can be made from each garment. Slow Food Food Presidia and identified among the Traditional Molise food products.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • Pizzeria Napul'è, via Provinciale 10.

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office


  • Venafro - His long membership in the Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the vestiges of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.
  • Cassino - For centuries the administrative center of the ancient Land of San Benedetto, the city develops at the foot of the hill on which stands the famous abbey of Montecassino, for which it is mainly known. However, it also boasts important evidence of its Roman past: amphitheater, theater, mausoleum, nymphaeum, urban walls of the archaeological park Casinum.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Conca Casale
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Conca Casale
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