Cornello dei Tasso - Cornello dei Tasso

Cornello dei Tasso
Panorama of Cornello dei Tasso
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Cornello dei Tasso

Cornello dei Tasso is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

Small ancient center, secluded in the mountains ofAlto Bergamasco in Val Brembana, in the municipality of Cornello dormitory, is preserved extraordinarily out of time with its ancient urban heritage and a quality of life of other times, which rightly made it count among the most beautiful villages in Italy. Here the Tasso family gave birth to the postal service.

Geographical notes

IS reachable only on foot, from two comfortable paths that are 5 minutes away from the town. To reach the village it is necessary to follow the signs for Valle Brembana (SS 470) and San Pellegrino Terme. After passing the municipalities of San Pellegrino Terme and San Giovanni Bianco, before taking the tunnel at the exit from the municipality of San Giovanni Bianco, turn right towards Camerata Cornello and take the old state road along the Brembo river. Follow the signs for Cornello dei Tasso and Museo dei Tasso and Postal History. The Municipality of Camerata Cornello is 32 km from Bergamo.


Badger coat of arms

Cornello is an inhabited nucleus in Val Brembana, known for being the town of the Tasso, the family who first gave organized a modern postal service, developing a network of couriers that gradually expanded to cover most of Europe. In the fourteenth century there are the first documents that name the family, which starting from the fifteenth century had already established its own important postal service, managing the papal post office and expanding in Tyrol and Flanders, where they took the surname of Thurn und Taxis and they assumed various noble titles becoming princes. In the 18th century the family moved to Germany where they still live today.

The town of Cornello was located on the important trade route called Via Mercatorum, connecting between Bergamo and the Upper Brembana Valley, and consequently between the Po Valley and the Germanic countries.

1592 was the beginning of the end for Cornello. The Serenissima began the construction of a new road in Val Brembana, the street Priula, which from Bergamo crossed the valley towards Valtellina and i Grisons. The new connection was kept away from Cornello, which inevitably lost its role as a shopping center and fell into the most desolating isolation, which if on the one hand caused the marginalization of the center, on the other was the reason for its preservation without disruption neither devastation buildings. Now the country is an oasis of peace almost without equal, as if it were an enchanted place that has remained indifferent to the passage of time and incorruptible. In memory of the events of the past he added the name of the Tasso family to his own.

How to orient yourself

Arcaded street
Arcaded street


The country is structured on four levels. The buildings in the lower part face aligned overhanging the Brembo valley below, clearly revealing their original function as a defensive curtain.

Above it develops what is the most interesting feature of the village: the porticoed street, with stone arches and ceiling with wooden beams; the flooring is cobbled.

The third row of buildings also contains more refined buildings, the homes of the wealthiest families and nobles; in this area, however a little distant and secluded, is the house of the Tasso.

Finally, the upper level houses the church, in a dominant position over the town.

How to get

By plane

The nearest airports are:

By car

How to get around

What see

Church of Saints Cornelio and Cipriano
Interior with frescoes
  • 1 Church of Saints Cornelio and Cipriano. Its original nucleus dates back to the 12th century; the current appearance is the result of renovations that have taken place over the centuries. The Romanesque style of the bell tower with mullioned windows is a rare example in the valley. The interior is embellished with an important cycle of frescoes which were fortunately discovered and brought to light during restoration work. These works can be dated between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; of exquisite workmanship, they present a great variety of themes and a remarkable stylistic taste. The quality of the frescoes has led to the hypothesis of an intervention by the famous painters of the Baschenis family of Averara, who worked between Bergamo and Trentino, a region where they left their works for example in almost all the churches of the Val Rendena, where the remarkable works in Santo Stefano a Carisolo and in San Vigilio a Pinzolo.
The fresco by Miracle of Sant'Eligio of the mid-fifteenth century. Among the various figures San Giorgio, San Vincenzo Ferreri, Santo Stefano, Sant'Agata. The surrounding figures represent commoners and workers, but also wealthy people who are recognized for the refinement of clothing.
The shovel of the Crucifixion of the seventeenth century shows, in the frame, the coat of arms of the Tasso with the post horn and the badger.
House of the Tasso
  • 2 Tasso and Postal History Museum, via Cornello 22, 39 0345 43479, @. In addition to the main site, the Museum is also located in other buildings in the village. Collects postal documents of the Tasso; among the many objects there is a letter from 1840 with the famous Penny Black, the first postage stamp in the world.
However, the Tasso family is not just postal history. In fact two components were Bernardo and the famous son Torquato, the author of the Jerusalem Liberated: a room in the museum is dedicated to them. A glance is also reserved for the evolution of communications, which once only took place through letters, then also made use of other tools produced by technological evolution; therefore, a room collects telegraphs, telephones and other communication tools.
  • 3 Palazzo dei Tasso. What was the home of the Tasso, before the family first moved to Bergamo, then to Venice, finally expanding to Rome, in Germany, in Spain, it was isolated from the body of the country; on a spur of rock south of the town it looked almost like a lookout towards the valley. Its ruins have been partially recovered and restored, so that it is still possible to guess its structure.
  • 4 Arcaded street.

Events and parties

What to do

  • Val Brembana cycle path. It is a path equipped for cyclists along the Brembana Valley which also passes through Cornello with a short detour on a dirt road from Camerata Cornello; largely follows the ancient one Via Mercatorum. the street of the markets, one of the most important of which was Cornello.


  • The I formed de mut, mountain cheese of the Alta Val Brembana it is a local product that affects the territory of 21 municipalities in the valley. There are two types: summer production with milk from grazing cows, and winter production with milk from farms in the valley. Other cheeses of the area are Branzi with a delicate flavor; goat cheeses; the Agrì; there Formaggella; stracchino, all bearing the brand Products of the Brembana Valley.

It is also DOP cheese Taleggio cheese, commercially the best known. The origin of the processing of Taleggio is located in the X-XI centuries, and takes its name from the nearby valley of the same name.

How to have fun

Where to eat

The pillars of the cuisine, always genuine, are the meat dishes - rabbit, chicken, venison, hare, braised meat - accompanied by the inevitable polenta. Local dish with polenta is the polenta cunsada, served in steaming morsels covered with taleggio cheese and melted butter with sage; or the chisöl, polenta stuffed with taleggio cheese and roasted on the grill or on the shelves of the wood stove.

Among the first courses stand out the casonsèi, large ravioli filled with a mixture of breadcrumbs, cheese, egg, garlic and parsley, seasoned with butter and sage; or risotto with freshly picked mushrooms in the area.

Average prices

Where stay


Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacy

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • Italian post, via Orbrembo 15 (In the municipal capital Camerata Cornello), 39 0345 45395, fax: 39 0345 42437.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Cornello dei Tasso
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Cornello dei Tasso
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