Department of Valle del Cauca - Dipartimento di Valle del Cauca

Department of Valle del Cauca
Panorama of Cali from Cristo Rey
Department of Valle del Cauca - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Department of Valle del Cauca - Coat of arms
Department of Valle del Cauca - Flag
Institutional website

Department of Valle del Cauca is an administrative division of the region Colombian of the Pacific.

To know

Geographical notes

The department takes its name from the Cauca river which in its course to the north forms a valley between the Andean chains of the Western Cordillera and the Central Cordillera. It was established in 1909 by separating it from the Cauca department.

The territory is divided into four distinct areas. A coastal plain along the Pacific coast with a humid climate, the area crossed by the Western Cordillera, the fertile valley crossed by the Cauca River, and to the west the reliefs of the Central Cordillera.

Valle del Cauca is bordered to the north by the Risaralda department, south with the department of Cauca, east with the departments of Tolima is Quindío and to the west with the Chocó department and with the Pacific Ocean.

Territories and tourist destinations

Urban centers

  • 1 Buenaventura - Greater port Colombian on Pacific coast, Buenaventura it is not a tourist city but has several isolated beaches in its surroundings, reachable only by boat. Among these the most famous is that of Ladrilleros.
  • 2 Buga - Pleasant university town, full of colonial buildings.
  • 3 Cali - Departmental capital, Cali is the third largest city Colombian and offers foreign visitors a wide range of activities and entertainment.

Other destinations

  • 1 Gorgona Island (Isla Gorgona) - Small island of 10 x 2.5 km, famous for its magnificent beaches surrounded by lush vegetation and for its coral reefs. To reach it you have to rent private boats at the port of Buenaventura or to the much smaller one of Guapi, located further south, in department of Nariño and much closer. Gorgona it is part of a national park and you pay a fee to enter it. It has a single hotel with basic but very expensive services
  • 2 Ladrilleros - Coastal village with whale watching opportunities from mid-July to September.
  • 3 San Cipriano - Village in the hinterland of Buenaventura, nestled in a dense jungle.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


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