Freren - Freren

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Freren is a city in Emsland.


The oldest finds go back to the Mesolithic (around 8500 to 4500 BC). The first grave finds, however, go to the younger drinking cup culture around 3000 BC. back. The Lohe treasure hunt points to Roman activities in the 4th century AD. down. It is not known when a settlement or a village really came into being here. The place was first mentioned in the course of the 10th century, but its founding probably took place much earlier. In the following years the place got regional importance. In the 17th century, the plague and the Thirty Years' War took the place hard. Nevertheless, Freren received city rights in 1724. In 1852 the place was again downgraded to a rural community. It was not until 1950 that the town charter was given back to Freren.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is the Munster Osnabrück Airport.

By train

Freren itself has no train connection. The next train stations are in Lingen and Hörstel to find.

By bus

Lines 131, 192 and 195 stop at Marktplatz and line 131 connects Lingen with the community Thuine. With the line 192 you can reach Hops and Lengerich (Emsland). Line 195 commutes between Handrup and Fürstenau.

In the street

The runs west of Freren A31 of Bottrop to Emden. Ideally, you should take exit 25 Lingen B213and then drives over Lingen on the B214 towards Freren.

The runs south of the village A30 of Hengelo to Bad Oeynhausen. Exit 7 Rheine-Nord is a good choice here. Here you drive them B70 to the village of Lünne in a northerly direction. Here you leave the federal road in the direction of Messingen and Freren. After about 15 km you will reach Freren.

The A1 runs east of Lengerich between Muenster and Bremen. It is best to leave this at exit 66 Holdorf on the B214 in the direction of Bersenbrück to Freren.

By boat


Map of Freren

Tourist Attractions

  • 1 Old manor Hange - The manor goes back to the 10th century. In the 13th century, an extensive building complex was built here. This was replaced in the 18th century by the current facility, which is currently used as an educational facility.
  • 2 Protestant church - There was a baptistery here before it was built. Construction began around 1200. On the one hand, the building is worth seeing, which shows a tower with loopholes, which was built on large boulders. The nave was built in the late Romanesque and early Gothic styles. Furthermore, inside there is a remarkable organ from 1699, which is from the coat of arms of Wilhelm III. is crowned by Orange.
  • 3 Jewish Prayer House Memorial - From 1863, a Jewish prayer room was operated on Grulandstrasse. Today there is a memorial here. The house of prayer can be visited. Every year on November 9th, a memorial ceremony takes place here.
  • Geringhusener Marktplatz
  • 4 Large stone grave in the Alt Frerener Forest - These are the remains of a tomb of the drinking cup culture, which dates back to around 3000 BC. Was built. The supporting stones for the 20 meter long grave are almost completely preserved in their position. Four of the cover plates are still intact. The other 7 are only fragments or are no longer in place.
  • 5 Heimathaus Freren - The Heimathaus is located in the buildings of the old district court from 1830. Here you will find a handicraft museum, a library and an event room.
  • 6 St. Vitus Church - This Catholic church was built at the end of the 19th century







Practical advice



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