Geisenheim - Geisenheim

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Geisenheim is a city on the Rhine in Rheingau at Rudesheim am Rhein in Hessen. Johannisberg Castle in the district of the same name is world-famous. But the Marienthal pilgrimage monastery also attracts many travelers. Many new grape and eastern varieties are bred and studied at the Geisenheim research institute.

Johannisberg Castle above Geisenheim


Further Districts von Geisenheim are:

  • Johannisberg - with the districts of Grund, Berg, Schloßheide and Schloss Johannisberg.
  • Marienthal - with the Marienthal Monastery, which has become a popular place of pilgrimage.
  • Stephanshausen - Located at 365 m altitude in the Taunus.

The story of the late harvest courier

By chance, the monks on the Johannisberg discovered the late harvest in 1775. Due to the late arrival of the autumn courier from Fulda, who brought the permit for the grape harvest, the grapes had started to be harvested three weeks later than normal. The grapes, which had rotten in the meantime, were infected by a fungus (Botrytis cinerea), which until then had never received any attention. This 1775 vintage gave the monks such a good crop that from then on they only picked their grapes when all the grapes in the entire Rheingau had already been pressed.

getting there

By train

Regional train from Wiesbaden via Lahnstein to Koblenz, every hour.

By bus

Line 171 from Wiesbaden Hbf to Rüdesheim and Lorchhausen, every hour to Rüdesheim.

By bicycle

In the street

Bundesstrasse 42 along the Rhine

By boat

The next ferries are in the neighboring communities of Rüdesheim and Ostrich-Winkel (Mittelheim district).


Map of Geisenheim

From Geisenheim train station:

  • Bus line 181 via the research institute, Johannisberg Castle, Marienthal Abbey to the Rebhang settlement above Hallgarten, only runs Mon.-Fri.
  • Line 183 via the districts Johannisberg, Schloßheide to Stephanshausen and Presberg.

Tourist Attractions

Town hall in Geisenheim
Altstadtgasse with the Rheingau Cathedral
  • Rheingau Cathedral
  • town hall
  • 700 year old large linden tree in front of the town hall
  • Schönborn Castle
  • Ostein Palace
  • Villa Monrepos

Above the city in the district Johannisberg

In addition to the first monastery in the Rheingau, the Romanesque basilica was consecrated in honor of John the Baptist in 1130. During the peasant uprising of 1525, the monastery was looted and destroyed. In 1563 the monastery with its rich vineyards was dissolved and was now under secular administration. With the construction of the baroque castle, the old monastery buildings were demolished with the exception of the church and the wine cellar, which is now almost 900 years old.

  • Johannisberg Castle. The castle from 1716 is located next to the Romanesque basilica high above the Rhine in the midst of vineyards on the edge of the Johannisberg district above Geisenheim. The famous German sparkling wine "Fürst Metternich" is produced here. The winery also produces famous Riesling wines. With the planting of the Riesling vine in 1720, Johannisberg became the oldest Riesling vineyard in the world. Both the late harvest and the selection process were discovered here. The restaurant is now run by Käfers. It offers good regional cuisine. From the terrace you have a beautiful view over the vineyards to the Rhine. During the Rheingau Festival in July and August, most of the concerts take place here in the Fürst-von-Metternich-Saal with 600 seats. - Cellar tours are offered, but the castle courtyard and the interior cannot be visited except during events.
  • Basilica of Johannisberg Castle
  • The New Johannisberg Monastery is now a hotel complex
  • Hansenberg Castle - boarding school since 2003
  • "Burgruine" Schwarzenstein - today a restaurant and hotel.
Statue of the Virgin at the Marienthal pilgrimage monastery

Above the city on the edge of the Taunus in the district Marienthal

  • Marienthal pilgrimage monastery - The Franciscan monastery is one of the oldest pilgrimage sites in Germany and is hidden in a small valley near the Mariental district. · Bus 182, 183: "Marienthal Abbey".



  • Spring wine market at Johannisberg Castle
  • Geisenheim city spectacle] - Medieval life as it was back then in front of the picturesque backdrop of the Rheingau Cathedral, a toll-free festival for the people - from September 2nd to 4th, 2011
  • Geisenheim Research Institute - The research institute Geisenheim is one of the leading institutions in the field of research on viticulture, cellar management, beverage technology and horticulture. · Interested laypeople have the opportunity to visit the research institute and its subject areas on the open day on September 3 and 4, 2011 (in every odd year on the first weekend of September). · German Wine Institute: Everything about wine




The nightlife doesn't really take place in Geisenheim, as you can only have a drink there on platform 3 (directly at the train station) or in the Colors (pedestrian zone, opposite the tanning salon). In Rüdesheim there is already more selection of pubs, restaurants and co. But this cannot really be called nightlife ... Unfortunately, the real nightlife and the associated party are only available in the capital of Hesse, in Wiesbaden, or in the direction of Wiesbaden / Frankfurt and in the state capital Mainz.



The Geisenheim Research Institute is one of the oldest research institutions in viticulture and horticulture, it was founded in 1872. The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences (formerly Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences) trains around 1000 students in the fields of viticulture and oenology, beverage technology, horticulture and landscape architecture in Geisenheim.


Practical advice



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