Herisau - Herisau

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Herisau is the capital of the canton Appenzell Ausserrhoden in the Switzerland.


Herisau: historical center

Herisau As the largest locality, administrative seat and seat of the cantonal council, it is the "de facto" capital of the canton of Appenzell A.Rh., even if no actual capital is specified in the cantonal constitution; the cantonal jurisdiction and the cantonal police are in Trogen domiciled.

The residents themselves refer to Herisau as the "largest village": as a market town, the place never had town rights and is still a village today, even though the population has long since reached town size. Herisauer go "to the village" when they stay in town and "to the city" when they go to nearby St.Gallen.

With numerous outskirts (Waldstatt and Schwellbrunn had already separated from Herisau earlier), the village grew somewhat "polyp-like" around the center with the settlement of industrial companies. It is said that the whole village cannot be seen from any place.


Of Irish monks Not only was the monastery of St.Gallen founded in the 7th century, the population in the surrounding mountainous region was also Christianized along the rivers. The settlement is recorded in the files of the St.Gallen monastery in 821 Schwanberg near Herisau and 837 Herisau (as Herinisauva / Aue des Herin) itself mentioned in a document, its own church is attested from 907.

The Lords of Rosenberg (Rorschach) built between the 11th and 13th centuries. the castles Urstein, Rosenberg and Rosenburg, which is administered up in the area of Urnaesch and the Schwägalp community from an abbot's office. During the Appenzell wars, Herisau turned away from the prince abbot of St. Gallen and turned to the Appenzell separatists, the castles in Herisau were destroyed after 1403, with the Appenzell land law and Appenzell jurisdiction, Herisau became part of the state of Appenzell and came with Appenzell in 1513 the confederation.

In 1516/20 the old tower from the 14th century was retained. a new church was built, and the Reformation brought to the canton by Zwingli, Vadian and the Anabaptists prevailed in Herisau around 1529. Since the community was seen as mediating, Reformed politicians relocated in 1588 Appenzell to Herisau, at the same time the Catholics and a little later also the Jews were expelled. After that took place in 1597 "Land division" Herisau was in rivalry with Trogen around the main location function, council and court sessions were distributed among the locations.

With the boom in linen weaving, cotton weaving and the embroidery industry, Herisau became an important place in Switzerland; after several devastating village fires in the 17th and 18th centuries Century Several factory owners' houses were built in the middle of the 18th century. newly built, which still characterize the village image today.

As a market town in Herisau, the weekly market and especially the regional cattle market (calf market) are of importance, city rights and typical city fortifications are searched in vain.

getting there

By plane

The nearest international airport is that of 1 Zurich-Kloten , approx. 1 hour drive away, at the closer airport Altenrhein Business flights and a scheduled connection to Vienna are operated by the People's Viennaline, dispatched.

By train

Appenzell Railways
Southeast Railway

As a special Swiss feature, the two Appenzell are not supplied by SBB but by private railways, ticket sales and timetables go seamlessly with the systems of SBB hand in hand.

The standard gauge Southeast Railway operates the S-Bahn St.Gallen and thus establishes the connections between Herisau and St. Gallen for sure. As Pre-Alps - Express direct express trains of the Südostbahn operate in two ways St. Gallen - Herisau and Lucerne with connection to the Gotthard line.

With trains of the Appenzell Railwayson the line Gossau - Herisau - Urnaesch - Appenzell - Wasserauen, the Appenzell hinterland is developed from Zurich coming here one climbs in Gossau to the connecting train of the Appenzeller Bahnen to Herisau.

The stations of the 2 SOB and the narrow-gauge 3 Appenzeller Bahn lie on both sides of Bahnhofstrasse and are connected by an underpass.

The Appenzeller Mittelland is with occasional Post bus - Courses opened up, one gets more quickly via the near St. Gallen to Teufen AR, Trogen AR and to the fore Heathen.

In the street

The highway A1 of Bern - Zurich circles the canton of Appenzell in the north and leads over St. Gallen into the Rhine valley and direction Bregenz and Vorarlberg. Herisau is about that Symbol: ASSt.Gallen-Winkel or alternatively via Symbol: ASGossau the A1 reachable.

It is known to motorcyclists Schwägalp - pass roadfrom the Rhine Valley via the Toggenburg to Urnaesch and continues from the south to Herisau. On Sunday evening after nice excursion weather, the traffic often jams Waldstatt to Herisau and further to Gossau to the motorway slip road.


Map of Herisau

The village with its outskirts is extensive, the way to one or the other outskirts can stretch from a walk to a hike. Of Regiobus a local bus system with 5 lines is operated.

Tourist Attractions

reformed Church
Manufacturers' houses in Herisau
Walser semi-detached house
  • The 1 reformed Church, a first house of worship built at today's location in 1225 was replaced by a late Gothic building in 1516/20. After it was destroyed by the fire in the village in 1559, the church was rebuilt around 1606 and in 1741 received a new octagonal spire designed by Johannes Grubenmann on the church tower. The church owes its stucco work in the Rococo style to a renovation in 1782/3, and in 1807 it was abolished by the monastery Salem I bought the largest bell of the Baroque bell known as the "Glockenhimmel von Salem", the Herrgottsglocke (5.5 - 9 t, depending on the sources) could only with difficulty (a covered bridge over the Sitter had to be covered) over Lake Constance and with horse and wagons are transported to Herisau, the rest of the bells were cast again. In 1959/60 a new organ was installed in the gallery.
  • A 2 Catholic Church was only rebuilt in Herisau after a parish was founded in 1867, the current church near the train station was built in 1937.

In the center around the place there are numerous manufacturers' houses:

  • 3 Walser semi-detached house, Retail stores.
  • 4 Weather house, erected in 1737 by the Wetter family.
  • 5 "Old Town Hall" / museum, Built in the classicistic style in 1827/8 and served as a meeting place for the municipal and municipal council, prison, mesmer's apartment; The cheese and butter market was held in the "Chäshalle" under the building for many years. Today the building is the seat of the Herisau Museum.
  • old rows of houses can be found on the Windegg, the Schmiedgasse and the Oberdorfstrasse.
  • at the Fruit marketThe canton is where the weekly market is also held 6 Government building, until they moved to a new building at the east end of the square, the former Cantonal Bank of Appenzell A.Rh. your seat.
  • 7 "Black House", former mill, then textile printing shop, now residential building, a monument of industrial architecture that is well worth seeing.

There are several in the Herisau area Castle ruins:

Castles around Herisau
Ruin Rosenburg ("Ramsenburg")
  • the 8 Ruin Rosenburg (among locals as "Ramsenburg" known): the castle, built around 1170 with a residential tower surrounded by a wall, was destroyed in the Appenzell Wars in 1403.
  • the 9 Rosenberg ruins (called "Rosenburg" among locals): the one near the Rüti, probably in the 12th / 13th centuries. Century The castle that was built was also destroyed in the Appenzell Wars; the surrounding wall and above all the western wall have been preserved from it.
  • the 10 Urstein ruins, which probably in the 11th century. The castle, the seat of the von Urstein family, was probably built in the 13th / 14th centuries. Century destroyed or fell victim to landslides. The castle, which was largely destroyed today, was located high above the Urnäsch gorge on the southern border of the municipality on the ledge between Stösselbach and Urnäsch. With emergency excavations in the 1970s, the remains of the wall were preserved, the majority of the ruins have already fallen into the Urnäsch, the remainder threatens to follow suit.

There are also several interesting bridges in the vicinity of Herisau:

Bridges around Herisau
Urnäsch Bridge in the Kubel
  • The 11 "Talking Bridge" in the Hundwilertobel over the Urnäsch on the old Landsgemeindeweg between Herisau and Hundwil is a 29 m long from the builder Johann Ulrich Grubenmann (from Depth) built covered wooden bridge. Inscriptions on the yoke stimulate the hiker to think; these have given the bridge the name "Talking Bridge".
  • The covered one 12 Urnäsch Bridge In the Kubel is the second bridge, also about 30 m long and with sayings on the yoke beams, designed by the Teufen builder Johann Ulrich Grubenmann.
  • The 13 Sitter Viaduct SOB the Bodensee-Toggenburg-Bahn / Südostbahn between the Gübsensee and St.Gallen-Haggen.
  • The 14 Cilander Viaduct west of the Herisau train station crosses the valley of the river Glatt with various textile industries
  • The 15 Wissbach Bridge, another covered wooden bridge leads over the "Wissbach" from the hamlet of Schwänberg to the Flawiler Egg.
histor. Buildings in the hamlet of Schwänberg
Schwänberg: "old town hall"

In the oldest settlement in the municipality of Herisau, which was named in 821 Suweinperac documented hamlet Schwanberg, there are historical buildings:

  • The so-called 16 Old City Hall, a residence of a mercenary captain from the Thirty Years War, was built around 1630. It can be viewed on the 1st Sunday of the month from 2pm to 4pm
  • The 17 Rod chimney house with a huge rod chimney
  • the White House with its tuff stone cellar
  • the restaurant Sternen with the bread oven from the 18th century.


  • Walking and hiking: numerous hikes can be undertaken around the place, the "Landsgemeindeweg" via the is worth mentioning 18 "Talking Bridge" in Hundwilertobel to Hundwil and the path through the 1 Wissbach Gorge, which leads through a tunnel-like footbridge suspended from the canyon wall. Towards Gossau along the Glatt one arrives at the grotto "Salpeterhöhle", which is also known as 19 Columbans cave is known. Excursions to the castle ruins are worthwhile with children 20 Rosenburg (Ramsenburg) and 21 Rosenberg. Barbecue areas are available at both locations.
  • A leisurely stroll leads around the reservoir 22 Gübsensee (with its own train stop), from which the power station in the Kubel is fed, unfortunately absolute bathing ban!
  • Children also appreciate visiting the play paradise on the 2 Sedel with different carousels, from the restaurant there is a beautiful panoramic view, the lookout point 1 Lutzenland can be reached on a short footpath.
  • Swimming in the indoor pool of the 3 Herisau sports center (here also artificial ice rink), in summer in 4 Sonnenberg outdoor pool
  • 23  Herisau Museum, place. Tel.: 41 (0) 71 352 40 10, 41 (0) 79 377 34 43, Email: . the historical museum shows a lot about the history of Herisau and Appenzellian folk culture and about the life and work of the writer Robert Walser (1878–1956). Lovers of literature from Robert Walser, who was a patient in the psychiatric clinic in Herisau, can also take the Robert Walser path. Boards with texts by Robert Walser are placed on a route he liked to walk from Wachtenegg to Rüti.Open: May-December, Wed-Sun, 1 p.m.-5 p.m.Price: 5.00 / 3.00 Fr. / up to 16 years free.
New Year's Eve

Special events keep the customs in the Appenzell hinterland alive:

  • New Year's Eve. On December 31st (if it falls on a Sunday the day before) the drifts New Year's Eve the winter off. In "Schuppeln" they go to the farms in the area in the early morning, in the morning to early afternoon in the traffic-free village center and in the evening sometimes in the restaurants. The "Chläuse" appear as "beautiful" with velvet robes and magnificently crafted hoods, as "Wüeschte" (with garments made from fir branches, straw and natural materials) and as "Schöwüeschti" (with garments and hoods made from natural materials, for example scenes of the peasant Life). The Kläus carry two large "bells" (bells), in addition there are two "roles women" (the Vorrolli and Nachrolli, both with robes with "roles", smaller horse bells, under the women's masks mostly men carry the heavy load). At the courtyards, the group arrives, led by the Vorrolli, who uses the bells to draw attention to the group. Then the other Kläuse join in with the bells and move them rhythmically. This is usually followed by a "Chlausenzäuerli", a traditional natural yodel. The Chlausenschuppel is thanked with a glass of white wine, sweets and cash. - If the experience in Herisau is not enough for you, you can go to the New Year's Eve on January 13th in Urnaesch see again at old New Year's Eve.
  • Gidio Hosestoss. On Ash Wednesday, the Carnival custom probably the best-known citizen of Herisau, Gidio Hosestoss, who suffocated on a stolen treat, was carried to the grave. On the funeral procession, the relatives, the "Gidiopfarrer" (who humorously commented on the past year in his abdication speech) and the barrel night folk follow him on wagons. On the following Sunday, the "Spark Sunday", Gidio will be burned at the stake, and spring may come. This is accompanied by numerous Guggemusik, in recent years Herisau has developed into a focus of Guggemusik.
  • Bloch Monday. In a parade on the Monday after Ash Wednesday, a group of men or boys in the hinterland of Orten Bloch, a huge tree trunk on a wagon on a parade through the community and last auctioned off. The tradition of the Blochführung was resumed in Herisau in 2012. Pioneers or heralds announce the coming of the "Bloch", Kässelibuebe in historical robes rattle with donation boxes for a gift. In typical clothing as a herdsman, farmer or woodworker, the train crew pulls the wagon with the huge tree trunk. The blacksmith heats up an iron stove mounted on the bloch, occasionally lets a fanatic crack and hits the anvil. The parade is accompanied by the "hunter" (on horseback), the bear and the bear keeper (occasionally the bear escapes the bear keeper and frightfully chases after the children in the audience until he is caught again).
  • in September, always on Tuesday after the own. The day of prayer will be in Herisau Cattle show held, you can see numerous herdsmen in their colorful costumes.
  • on the first weekend in December there will be a Christkindlimarkt held.
  • in the odd years in June / July the children Party with a colorful parade of the school children in the afternoon. Drum groups pick up the students from the school buildings, after lunch, for which the children are guests at private individuals or in restaurants, a procession moves through the village and in the Ebnet area the village festival continues into the night.


  • on Saturday takes place on the Fruit market place the weekly market takes place, fattening calves are every Friday on the Calf market sold.
  • Appenzell cheese is always a good souvenir, there are different gradations between mild and rass (then quite peculiar in taste).
  • Appenzell beaver can be purchased in several places, including at Messmer beaver bakery, the gingerbread pastry filled with almond paste, which is enjoyed in fine strips with coffee, is also a popular souvenir, especially in the version with a model print or a colorful marzipan image.
  • in goldsmiths' studios Appenzeller Chüeli Appenzellers often carry a little golden cow in their ears, and herdsmen on festive days and alpine trips golden chelleli, cream ladles made of gold. Appenzell Chüeligurte (Belts with brass fittings with senna motifs) are available in many places.
  • for depictions of alpine journeys Appenzell peasant painter known.


The Website The following are examples of rustic restaurants:

  • 1  Restaurant Sternen, Buchschachen, Celebs 2227. Tel.: 41 (0)71 351 20 43.


Bars, dancings and discos can be found in Herisau, many are drawn to St. Gallen "in the exit"


The Website the community.


  • The 1 Herisau cantonal hospital has an emergency station, there is also a well-organized family doctor emergency service in town.

Practical advice

  • The 2 Post office is located in a representative building from the early 20th century. on Poststrasse.


  • To the Appenzellerland, recommended, among other things, a trip to the Säntis, Visit of Urnaesch with the museum of customs, visit of stone with the show dairy, visit from Appenzell.
  • visit of St. Gallen with the monastery district, cathedral and abbey library.
  • For swimming in the Säntispark adventure pool in Abtwil or in the heated outdoor pool in Waldstatt.
  • To the hike on the Hundwilerhöhe (at Hundwil), the Hochalp (at Urnaesch), the Hochhamm (at Schönengrund), by train to the Kronberg or in the Alpstein, where next to the Säntis the high box (at Brülisau), the Ebenalp and the Schäfler (at Water meadows) and the lakes in the Alpstein are worth seeing.


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