Netherlands - Holandia

the Netherlands
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Main information
Capital cityAmsterdam
Political systemconstitutional monarchy
Currencyeuro €
Surface41 526
Population17 282 163
TongueDutch, Frisian
religionProtestantism, Catholicism
Code 31
Time zoneUTC 1 - winter, UTC 2 - summer
Time zoneUTC 1 - winter, UTC 2 - summer
Netherlands-CIA WFB Map-10-10-10.png

the Netherlands (nid. Nederland, dim. / ˈNeːdərˌlɑnt /) - state (constitutional monarchy) located in the western part Europe on the North Sea. It borders in the south with Belgium and in the east with Germany. The Netherlands is a member European Union.

The constitutional capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdamand administrative the Hague.


It is a country with one of the highest population densities in Europe, half of the territory of which is below sea level (hence the name of the country in the local language - Nederland), for this reason constantly fighting against the sea (polders). The Netherlands is associated with: Dutch windmills, tulips (flower production in general), the color orange, good cheeses (e.g. gouda) and bicycle transport. Compared to other countries in the Netherlands, there is high tolerance in many spheres of life.


The Netherlands has a humid (maritime) climate with a lot of rainfall (an average of 750 mm per year) and at the same time a low temperature range. The weather is also shaped by western and south-western winds. Extreme weather conditions, such as blizzards or heat waves, are rarely observed. In the coldest months the temperature is rarely lower than 0 degrees Celsius, and in the warmest months it does not exceed 25 degrees.


Culture and art





On April 30, the Dutch celebrate Queen's Day, which is accompanied by numerous festivals and games that attract thousands of tourists every year. The cities are decorated in orange royal colors. On this day, trade without tax is allowed, which causes crowds of Dutch people to appear in the shops.

Another holiday associated with the monarchy is the Princes' Day, which is celebrated on the third Wednesday of September. The Queen rides through The Hague in a golden carriage. You can both see the queen, but also hear about the budget assumptions for next year and political initiatives.

Three weeks before 5 December, Santa Claus arrives in the port of Scheveningen on a steamboat from Spain to the little citizens of the Netherlands. This is a preview of the upcoming Christmas and gifts. Together with his helpers - the Black Peters - he gives gifts to children all over the country.


Travel time selection


Customs regulations

Currency exchange



By plane

The cheapest way to get to the Netherlands is by airline Wizz Air flying to Eindhoven from:

By train

By car

Follow directions for A2 (Poland). Head for Berlin (DE) >> Hannover (DE) >> Osnabruck (DE) >> Hengelo (NL)

By bus

Transfer to the largest cities in the Netherlands, a Benelux country bordering Germany and Belgium can be checked on the website to buy tickets online Bus / Coach tickets to the Netherlands.

By ship



According to official data from 2012, the Netherlands had over 130 cities. The country's capital, Amsterdam, and the cities of Rotterdam and The Hague have over half a million inhabitants; 24 cities with a population of 100,000 ÷ 500,000; 11 cities with a population of 50,000 ÷ 100,000, 46 cities with a population of 25,000 ÷ 50,000 and the rest of the cities below 25,000 residents.

Interesting places

One of the most interesting places in the Netherlands is undoubtedly Amsterdamthough the whole country has many tourist attractions. The Dutch are very fond of museums, which makes the subject of the exhibition varied: from a museum with works by Rembrandt and van Gogh, through a museum of the resistance movement, ethnography, to film or sex. There is a miniature park in The Hague (Madurodam), which shows the most important monuments and interesting places from all over the country. It is the largest collection of buildings characteristic of the Netherlands in the world in the 1:25 scale.

Objects from the UNESCO World Heritage List

  • Droogmakerij de Beemster (Polder Beemster)
  • Defensive line Amsterdam
  • Rietveld Schröderhuis (Schröder Rietveld House) in Utrecht
  • Schokland and its surroundings
  • Historic zone in Willemstad, city center and port (Netherlands Antilles)
  • Windmills in the Kinderdijk-Elshout region
  • Woudagemaal - steam pump station




Information icon.svg Main article: Dutch phrasebook.

Most Dutch people speak Dutch, which belongs to the Indo-European language group. In contrast, in the northern part of the country, Friesland, the West Frisian language is used.



The everyday menu of the Dutchman includes many elements of exotic cuisines that appeared with colonialism. Dishes from Polynesia, Thailand, China and India are very popular. They often add spicy sauces, incl. sambal (thick chili sauce) or pidasaus (sweet and salty nut sauce with garlic). The young generation, however, is turning more and more towards Italian cuisine, which has long been valued in Europe.

In addition to dishes from distant corners of the world, the Dutch have some of their traditional dishes. Dutch cuisine is represented by green pea soup, as well as brown beans with peas and potatoes, served with meat.

For dessert, they very often eat vla, i.e. pudding (usually vanilla) sold in cardboard boxes, as well as biscuits stuffed with caramel filling or almond mass. However, apart from affordable sweets, we can find a creative combination of extreme flavors. Out of curiosity, try salmiakka (a combination of licorice and salt in the form of lollipops and in many other variants) and licorice drops.

The Netherlands is also the land of Gouda cheese (pronounced differently than in Poland: [homage]), which matures from 1 to even 36 months. Apart from it, coffee dominates and is drunk in large amounts. The average Dutchman drinks about 1.2 liters of coffee a day, most often from an espresso machine. Outside of Scandinavia, it is the highest consumption of this drink in Europe.



  • Vrienden op de Fiets (= Friends on Bicycles), 3,250 addresses for tourists who travel by bike or on foot through the Netherlands, [1]



Since 2005, Dutch law allows the so-called "Knowledge immigration". This means that local companies are allowed to 'import' workers from abroad to work in the Netherlands. The recruitment process is uncomplicated and lasts from 4 to 10 weeks.


The risk of crime in the Netherlands is lower than in other countries in Europe. Pickpocketing is common. You should be especially careful on city buses and trams, on the streets and in shops in Amsterdam and other big cities, mostly train stations.






Tourist information

Diplomatic representations

Diplomatic missions accredited in the Netherlands

The Embassy of the Republic of Poland in The Hague

Alexanderstraat 25, 2514 JM The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands

Telephone: 31 70 79 90 100

Web page:

E-mail: [email protected]

Diplomatic representations accredited in Poland

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Warsaw

ul. Cavalry 10

00-468 Warsaw

Phone: 48 22 559 12 00

Fax: 48 22 840 26 38

Web page:

E-mail: [email protected]

This website uses content from the website: [2] published on Wikitravel; authors: w editing history; Copyright: under license CC-BY-SA 1.0