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La Tremblade
Oyster huts at the port of La Grève.
Oyster huts at the port of La Grève.
Population of the agglomeration
Postal code
Telephone prefix
Tourist information office
45 ° 44 ′ 38 ″ N 1 ° 11 ′ 38 ″ W
Official site
Touristic site

La Tremblade is a port city and a seaside resort of Charente Maritime, in the South West of France. Located in the northwestern part of the Arvert peninsula, facing the town of Marennes to which it is connected by a bridge crossing the Seudre, it belongs to the large suburb of Royan.

First oyster port in France, this small town of about 4,500 inhabitants (more of 10,000 inhabitants counting its agglomeration, formed by the towns ofArvert, ofShoulders and of Chaillevette) is at the heart of the famous Marennes-Oléron. Flat oysters are raised there in ripening tanks called "claire", where they acquire a salty flavor and a characteristic blue-green color.

La Tremblade is made up of several distinct urban cores: the port of La Grève, the city center and the seaside district of Ronce-les-Bains, surrounded by the national forest of La Coubre, a pine forest of nearly 8,000 hectares.



Located in the southwestern part of the department of Charente Maritime, the town occupies the western end of the Arvert peninsula, a vast expanse of land between the estuaries of the Seudre (to the north), the Gironde (to the south) and the Atlantic Ocean (to the west ). A little less than 20 kilometers from the city of Royan, it is one of the elements of its large western suburbs. It is also at the heart of a small town of roughly 10,000 inhabitants, comprising the towns ofArvert, ofShoulders or even Chaillevette. In addition, it directly faces the city of Marennes and the 8,000 inhabitants of its agglomeration, i.e. a population basin bordering on 20,000 inhabitants.

The situation of the town predisposes it for a long time to see the development of two economic sectors: fishing and oyster farming on the one hand, seaside and green tourism are thus the two engines of this small town of 4,500 inhabitants, whose population more than doubles during the summer months. Historically belonging to the former province of Saintonge and geographically to Royannais, the town is also one of the key elements of the oyster basin of Marennes-Oléron, one of the most important at European level. In fact, it is the most active port, in front of Marennes and The Château-d'Oléron, and is classified as "the first oyster port in France". Shellfish activity naturally focuses on the port of La Grève, a long channel of nearly 2 km perpendicular to the Seudre where the visitor can contemplate all day long the incessant ballet of "batas" and "plates", small barges typical of the region. In this salty atmosphere, the view extends over thousands of hectares of "clear", ripening basins where oysters acquire a unique color and flavor for which local products are known. Vast expanses scintillating in the sun where land and sea come together intimately, these oyster marshes sometimes look like Asian rice fields.

The westernmost part of the municipal territory presents a very different aspect. A veritable desert covered with thousands of hectares of dunes until the beginning of the XIXe century, it is now planted with thousands of pines. This national forest of 8,000 hectares, the Coubre forest, is part of a relatively homogeneous forest set that extends to the south, beyond the Gironde estuary, by the gigantic massif of Landes of Gascony and to the north-west, beyond the Maumusson sluice, through the Saint-Trojan national forest, to the south of theIsland of Oléron. Maritime pines and parasols, holm oaks, strawberry trees thrive in a mild climate with affinities with the Mediterranean climate, and in summer, on the hottest days, thousands of cicadas have a blast. . The forest is dotted with paths that lead to the beaches of the west coast, a vast ribbon of blond sand of nearly 20 km where the rollers crash into a crash. This is the domain of surfers and thrill-seekers, but also of those who want to enjoy a "tonic" swim (but with caution, because of the strong currents and "baïnes") or simply let themselves be caressed by the water. sunshine.


Apart from some traces of human occupation dating back to the Neolithic period, the territory of La Tremblade remained somewhat on the fringes of civilization for a long time. In the Middle Ages, surrounded by an impenetrable and hostile forest (Salis forest) and large expanses of dunes battered by the harsh waves of the ocean, it was shared between different monastic communities by the lords of Mornac Aléard in 1166 and by his successor Gombeau in 1189.

The baptismal font of the former Notre-Dame de Buze priory, buried in the 16th centurye century, are today in the church of Mathes.

The Clunisians are settling in the southwestern part of the current town, near a pond connected to the sea by the Barrachois channel. They founded the priory of Notre-Dame de Buze, made up of convent buildings, agricultural outbuildings and a leper colony. Further north, the monks of the Order of Grandmont founded the priory of Notre-Dame de La Garde, which adjoins the priory of Notre-Dame de La Couronne. The religious have a duty to say Mass for the few inhabitants of the place, but above all to highlight these ungrateful lands which must be cleared and cultivated, a mission which they carry out perfectly. They are also busy rescuing the castaways washed up by the waves, particularly numerous in the vicinity of the notorious Maumusson sluice. Very quickly, a first hamlet was born around the priory of La Garde: baptized "Trembledam" (named after aspen, a common tree in the surrounding woods) is the embryo of the current city. Its port, well located at the entrance to the Seudre estuary, is in contact with merchants from all over Europe who come to load the products from the surroundings: wheat, wine, but above all salt, great wealth. de la Saintonge at that time (being the only way to preserve food).

In the XVIe century, the Protestant Reformation found an immediate echo in this region open to the ocean and endowed with numerous ports, frequented by sailors and traders from northern Europe. Men such as Philibert Hamelin (first pastor of the land of Arvert and Oléron) came to organize the local communities, but quickly encountered repressive measures from the authorities, who condemned this "heresy". Philibert Hamelin was arrested in 1557, strangled and then burned. The faithful keep a low profile, but wake up at the time of the Wars of Religion. Protestants and Catholics are torn apart. Churches were burnt and the monasteries of La Garde and La Couronne were sacked. Helping hands and settling of scores are commonplace. The priory of Buze is also destroyed; not by men but by nature. For centuries, the dunes, carried by westerly winds, have been moving continuously. It is then said "that they walk in Arvert". In the course of XVIe century, they reached the priory and purely and simply buried it. Nowadays, only a few ashlar stones scattered in the middle of the forest testify to its past presence, as well as its baptismal font, today in the church of Mathes.

Fénelon was sent on a mission to La Tremblade in 1686 in order to "bring to reason" the Protestants.

In the XVIIe century, the return of peace brings back economic prosperity. La Tremblade is one of the main ports in the area: it is armed for cod fishing on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland ; there are also shipyards, stores and workshops of the Royal Navy. François de Vendôme, Duke of Beaufort, had his ships fitted out there for his expeditions in Africa. We embark there for New France (Quebec, Acadia ...). The idea of ​​setting up the Grand Arsenal du Ponant was mentioned. We also think of Chaillevette, but this is ultimately the site of Rochefort, considered more accessible, which is retained. Oyster farming took its first steps around 1650. In a few years, green oysters from the "Isles d'Arvert" became a sought-after delicacy, prized by the French nobility and by King Louis XIV himself. At the same time, the Counter-Reformation policy is in full swing and efforts are being made to bring the "lost" back into the fold of the Catholic Church. The temple was closed in 1681 and the Protestants went underground: the time of the "Desert" began for them. The more adventurous go into exile to more lenient skies: England, Netherlands... Fénelon was sent by the king to La Tremblade in 1686, but did not obtain the expected results. Follow the infamous "King's Dragons" who live in the country.

La Tremblade became a parish in the 18th centurye century. In 1758, the stately home of the Barony of Arvert was moved there. The XIXe century saw the town, which became the capital of the canton during the Revolution, acquiring modern infrastructure: market halls, town hall, new church, temple. The first villa in the new seaside resort of Ronce-les-Bains was built in 1860 by its promoter, Joseph-Édouard Perraudeau. It was, however, through a brochure by Dr. Brochard, written two years later and extolling the healthiness of the climate, that the station was launched. In a few decades, it became one of the economic lungs of the town, in full vogue for "sea bathing". In 1940, the city was occupied by the Germans, who integrated it into one of their pockets of resistance in 1944: the "Royan pocket". Cornered by the Allies, tested by several bombings, the Wehrmacht evacuated the city in February 1945, not without setting it on fire in the process. Refugees in their blockhouses in the Coubre forest, the last German soldiers were dislodged during Operation "Venerable" on . The city continued to develop in the years that followed: creation of numerous housing estates, construction of a viaduct over the Seudre in 1972 and construction of a casino in 2007 testify to its vitality at the start of the 21st century.e century.


La Tremblade
Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm
Source: Monthly climatology in La Rochelle, Infoclimat website [1]

La Tremblade benefits from an Aquitaine-type oceanic climate, with a micro-climate distinguished by its affinities with the Mediterranean climate, which allows the emergence of already southern vegetation: maritime pines and parasols, holm oaks, but also olive trees, mimosas, eucalyptus, agaves, etc. The sunshine is particularly important here and totals nearly 2250 h per year ; which is comparable to a city like Perpignan.

Rainfall is relatively low, with precipitation barely exceeding 750 in 800 mm on average, but with great disparities between the seasons. Periods of drought are not uncommon, especially during the warmer months.

The wind, generally from the westerly sector, translates into a warm breeze in summer, but can be much more violent in autumn and winter. Storms periodically affect the region; the storm of January 1924 or that of December 1999 with gusts close to 200 km / h however, there are still exceptions.

To go

By car

The main roads are the D 14, the D 25 and the D 728e. The first, arranged as a ring road bypassing the neighboring towns ofArvert and D'Shoulders, allows to make the connection with Royan and Saujon and beyond, Rochefort and Saintes, where there is a motorway exit (motorway A10) which gives access to regional metropolises (Bordeaux, Poitiers) and to Paris. The second, also partially converted into a bypass (southern bypass between Arvert and Ronce-les-Bains) then crosses the national forest of Coubre right through and leads to La Palmyre, then to Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, Vaux-sur-Mer and Royan. Finally, the third leads to Marennes, on the other side of the Seudre estuary, via a viaduct (Seudre bridge) and then allows you to join theIsland of Oléron.

By train

La Tremblade station no longer accepts passenger trains (only a tourist train: “Le train des mouettes”). Trains stop at SNCF stations in Saujon and of Royan, distant from about 20 km. Both are served by trains from the network TER Poitou-Charentes and by Corail trains during the summer. The arrival of TGV should take place by 2018, once the network has been brought into conformity.

By plane

The nearest aerodrome, reserved for light aviation, is that of Marennes (5 km). The aerodrome of Royan is located approximately 20 km. The nearest airports are those of Rochefort - Saint-Agnant (about 25 km), from La Rochelle - island of Ré (about 55 km) and of Bordeaux - Merignac (about 115 km).

By bus

Buses from the “Les Mouettes” departmental network serve the neighboring town of Marennes, from where a connection with the buses of the urban transport network of Royan "Cara'Bus" is possible. The "Eurolines" buses stop at Rochefort (25 km) and to Saintes (40 km).

By bike

The town of La Tremblade is a stage on the European cycle route EuroVelo 1 (called "La Vélodyssée" in its French part) which connects the Norway to Portugal. The cycle route, entirely on a clean track and at a good distance from the D 25 road thus allowing full contact with the surrounding nature, passes through the Coubre forest and borders the beaches of the Côte Sauvage. Cycle paths connect the city center with the seaside district of Ronce-les-Bains.


The Cara'Bus public transport network serves several stations in town and allows you to reach Royan and many towns in its suburbs. It also allows you to go to Marennes (transport on demand).

It consists of ten regular bus lines plus two on-demand transport lines. Two tourist lines are operational during the tourist season (July-August). In 2014, the price of the unit pass is 1,6 , but there are also "day" packages (day pass: 3,7 ) or over several days (three-day pass: 7,4  or weekly pass: 10,5 ) which allow unlimited travel on the entire network.

The buses of the “Cara'Bus” network serve the entire agglomeration of Royan.

During the months of July and August, at the height of the tourist season, the municipality sets up a small train on the road providing tourist circuits between the city center and Ronce-les-Bains (morning) and to the port of La Grève (afternoon). Called “La coquille filante”, it is completely free: all you have to do is get on or off at the desired stop.

Free parking areas are available in the city center (place Faure-Marchand) and in Ronce-les-Bains (esplanade du casino). From Ronce-les-Bains to La Coubre, near the main accesses to the beaches of the Wild Coast, car parks have been set up in the forest. A gantry (height: 2 meters) limits access to the largest vehicles. During the summer months, finding a place requires great patience. At night, access is prohibited to all vehicles between midnight and h in the morning.

Traffic in La Tremblade is relatively fluid in all seasons, except in the seaside district of Ronce-les-Bains where strong slowdowns are commonplace during the months of July and August.

To see


La Coubre lighthouse, highest lighthouse in Charente-Maritime (64 meters away)
  • 1 Coubre Lighthouse Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 06 26 42, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Open from February 10 to November 12: every day except Tuesday, July - August: every day. Logo indicating tariffs Visit of the lighthouse and the ecomuseum: 2,5  for children aged 5 to 11, for adults. – Built near the Pointe de la Coubre, a place renowned for its violent breaking waves, treacherous currents and constantly moving sandbanks, the La Coubre lighthouse succeeds several other buildings, victims of a particularly marked erosion phenomenon. and gradually carried away by the waves. The start of construction of the current lighthouse dates from and its first fire dates from : it was originally close to 2 km from the coast and is only more distant 150 meters. Top of 64 meters away, painted red and white to enhance its visibility, it is the highest in the whole department. From the summit platform, which is reached after an ascent of 300 steps, the view extends for tens of kilometers around, on the national forest of the vast Coubre of 8,000 hectares, the Gironde estuary, theIsland of Oléron and the beaches of the Côte Sauvage. Before or after enjoying the panorama, the ecomuseum, at the foot of the lighthouse, traces the history of the Pointe de la Coubre lighthouses and presents the various materials necessary for their operation.
  • 2 Church of the Sacred Heart  – Built from 1880 in order to provide the city with a larger and more modern place of worship, the Church of the Sacred Heart owes its existence to the parish priest of the place, Abbot Barbotin, who launched a large subscription to the faithful of his parish. Work of the architect Jean-Michel Alaux, it is characteristic of the neo-Gothic style then very fashionable. Very slender if not very high, the bell tower was partially rebuilt in the early 2000s, after being overturned by the violent storm of 1999. The interior of the church houses beautiful stained glass windows from the early twentieth century.e century, a finely crafted high altar and a flamboyant "polyptych of the cross", the work of contemporary artist Michel Genty.
  • 3 Protestant temple  – Dedicated on , anniversary of the Saint-Barthélémy massacre, the temple of La Tremblade stands between the place du Temple and the rue de la Coutre-Boule. It testifies to the strong Protestant presence in the Arvert peninsula since the origins of the Reformation. Very sober, it is inspired by neoclassicism with its antique pediment and Doric columns framing the front door. Two oculi arranged on either side of the facade bring a touch of originality. Inside, a beautiful pulpit to preach.

Remarkable sites

Boats along the Grand-Chenal de La Grève
  • 4 Port of La Grève Logo indicating a wikipedia link – First oyster port in France, the port of La Grève develops along a channel of nearly 2,5 km connecting the city center (Place Faure-Marchand) and the Seudre estuary. Bordered by oyster huts characteristic of the Marennes-Oléron whose variegated colors are due to the fact that they are traditionally painted with the remains of paints used for boats, the port is frequented by many old rigs such as "Le p'tit Falot" (shellfish boat with auric sail), "L'Aiglon" (pleasure boat "sloop"), "Le Galathée" (oceanographic boat), "Le Vieux Reméde" (fishing boat) or even the "Guide Me" (ketch), but also by the "batâs », Small boats used to transport oysters. At the end of the channel is a belvedere near which there are many restaurants, souvenir shops and a landing stage for Marennes (of which one cannot miss the monumental bell tower, 85 meters) and theIsland of Oléron. At night, the oyster huts are illuminated and in season, parties and fireworks are organized in this fishing port which has become one of the “hot spots” of tourism in Tremblad.
  • 5 Beaches of Pertuis de Maumusson (Ronce-les-Bains) – To the north-west of the town, four fine sandy beaches open directly onto the Maumusson sluice. Sandbanks protect swimmers from the dangerous currents that prevail further offshore and the sea here is almost always without the shadow of a ripple, shallow and therefore often a little warmer than in the surroundings. Mus-du-Loup beach is located near the Seudre bridge, at the mouth of the river of the same name. We take sunbaths more often than we bathe, because the water is loaded with alluvium which often makes it muddy. Further west, the Cèpe beach is located in the heart of the Ronce-les-Bains district. It is accessed by a wooden boom which is also used by boats. It houses a beach club and picnic tables have been set up nearby. Then come the beaches of Galon d'Or and L'Embellie, more discreet, surrounded by dunes with the Coubre pine forest and the coasts of the island of Oléron as a backdrop.
The wild coast, a vast expanse of sand exposed to the onslaught of the ocean, is a hotspot for surfing in the Royannais region.
  • 6 Beaches of the wild coast Logo indicating a wikipedia link (Coubre Forest) – Occupying the western flank of the municipal territory, the Wild Coast is made up of a vast expanse of perfectly straight sand. Five portions of this vast beach (almost 20 km long) have been fitted out for swimming. With characteristics similar to the beaches of Aquitaine, the Côte Sauvage is directly exposed to the swell and is therefore subject to strong waves and powerful currents, to the delight of surfers in the region who invest the place at the first opportunity. It is also advisable to beware of the phenomenon of "baïne" which is found on all this coast, and to be particularly vigilant, in particular with children. The beach at the Spanish point is the most northerly of all. It is supervised by lifeguards during the summer months, and has an equipped car park and a snack bar. The view over the Ile d'Oléron and the Pointe de Gatseau is breathtaking. Between the beach of the Spanish point and the beach of Bouverie (more precisely between the trenches 13 and 32) is a naturist beach. Going down to the south, we then find La Bouverie beach (parking, snack bar, lifeguard post), Vieux-Phare beach (unsupervised) and Coubre lighthouse beach (parking lot, lifeguard post) ), shared with the municipality of Mathes. Currents can be particularly strong there.
  • 7 Coubre Forest Logo indicating a wikipedia link – One of the largest forests in the Poitou-Charentes region, the Coubre national forest covers an area of 8,000 hectares and spans four municipalities. Planted in the 19th centurye century in order to contain the advance of moving dunes, it is a pine forest with characteristics similar to the neighboring Landes de Gascogne forest. However, its vegetation is more varied than one might imagine at first glance: to the different species of pines (maritime, parasol, more rarely Aleppo) are added holm oaks, locust trees, arbutus, hackberry, garlic, Osages orange trees ... The fauna includes red deer, whose slab can be heard for miles around at the end of summer, deer, wild boar, but also many species of birds and birds. 'insects (dragonflies, cicadas ...). Near 25 km asphalted cycle paths run through the forest, as well as 50 km bridle paths and hiking trails (including the GR4). Near the Galon d'Or, the forest unexpectedly gives way to a real small lagoon: the Galon d'Or marshes.



  • 1 The strike in celebration La Grève pier – La Grève en Fête takes place every year at the end of July. On this occasion, various activities take place (musical performances, traditional dances ...), exhibitions of vintage cars or motorcycles, humorous shows and fireworks.
  • 2 Festival of the Sea La Grève pier – One of the main events in August, the Fête de la Mer is traditionally held in the port of La Grève. The activities offered include musical strolls, water games, a parade of flowery boats and various competitions. Free sea trips, meals, concerts and fireworks.

Tourist train

A Y51147 diesel locomotive from the "Train des Mouettes"
  • 3 Seagull train Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a facebook link Rue de la Résinerie (Close to Place Faure-Marchand), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 05 37 64, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Round trip: adult: 13 , child: 6,5 . – The section of railway between Saujon and La Tremblade (21 km) was converted into a tourist circuit in the 1980s, first under the leadership of an association (La Seudre tourist railway), then that of the department and a new association (Trains and traction). The oldest steam locomotive in France still in operation, dating from 1891 and listed as a historic monument, tows travelers at a speed of 30 km / h through the vast palustrine expanses of the Seudre marshes, allowing a better understanding of this remarkable natural space partially remodeled by man (oyster beds). The other locomotives used are diesel locomotives (Y51147, BB64073, BB71008). The Mouettes train stops at Chaillevette, oyster port, and Mornac-sur-Seudre, classified among the most beautiful villages in France.

Sea trips

  • 4 Ferry boats Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link La Grève pier Logo indicating tariffs La Tremblade-Marennes crossing: 1,5  (free for children under 5). Crossing La Tremblade-Saint-Trojan-les-Bains: (free for children under 5). – The ferry boats "Le Balusot" and "Le Vauban" allow you to cross the Seudre estuary towards Marennes or Saint-Trojan-les-Bains, on the island of Oléron. Boarding on foot or by bike.
  • 5 Alizé Cruises Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link La Grève pier, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 63 59 94 73 Logo indicating tariffs “Ile d'Aix” cruise: 27  per adult, 19  per child from 4 to 12 years old and per child under 4 years old.. – Sea trips departing from the port of La Tremblade. Discovery tour of Fort Boyard (not open to visitors) and the island of Aix and its fortifications. "Aix island" cruiseh 30 with approach of the island of Oléron and the citadel of Château-d'Oléron, Fort-Louvois, tour of Fort Boyard and stopover in h - h on the island of Aix.
  • 6 El Sol / El Campo Logo indicating a link to the website La Grève pier, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 14 52 32 73, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Sea fishing : 85  per person. Discovery walk of the Seudre (h) : 11  per person. Discovery of Ronce-les-Bains and the Maumusson sluice: 20 .. – Walks and sea fishing to discover the Marennes-Oléron basin and the islands of the Charentais archipelago: the islands of Oléron, Aix, Madame, Ré ... The boat "El Sol" is specially dedicated to fishing. sea ​​fishing and "El Campo" to sea trips.



  • 7 Municipal Stadium Avenue of General de Gaulle (Downtown) – Main sports infrastructure of the city, the municipal stadium consists of a football field and a rugby field. The local teams are the USTR (Union Sportive Trembladaise Rugby) and the Presqu'île d'Arvert Football Club.


  • 8 Tennis Club Trembladais Logo indicating a link to the website 3 sports alley (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 05 67 Logo indicating tariffs 12 / hour for clay courts. / hour for quicks.. – Open all year round, the tennis club is a sports complex with 19 courts, including one in clay (outdoor), three in clay (covered), 8 quicks, 3 beach tennis and 2 mini tennis, add a practice wall.

Nautical sports

As in many towns on the Atlantic coast, surfing is an extremely popular sport here which transcends generations and social conditions. With its almost twenty kilometers of coastline directly exposed to the swell which promotes the formation of powerful rollers, the town is one of the high places of this discipline in the Royan region. The various spots - particularly those of La Coubre and La Pointe Espagnol - are suitable for experienced surfers, beginners preferring more sheltered beaches such as Pontaillac in Royan. Other water sports are however practiced in the town (sailing, windsurfing, funboarding, canoeing, stand-up paddle ...) or in the rest of the Royan conurbation (see the nautical bases of La Palmyre, of Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, of Royan, of Saint-Georges-de-Didonne...).

  • 9 Nautical base of the Arvert peninsula Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Place Brochard (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 85 03, e-mail :  – Holder of the “France nautical station” label, the La Tremblade nautical base is located on Place Brochard, in the center of Ronce-les-Bains. Its premises extend over nearly 3000 meters, which makes it one of the most important in the Royan conurbation. During the summer months, a “passion beach point” is also located on the Galon d'Or beach.
Surfer at the Pointe de la Coubre, one of the main spots in the town.
  • 10 Coubre surf spot Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link (Close to the Coubre lighthouse) – The Coubre spot (also known as "La Palmyre") is located in the south-western part of the town, on the edge of the town of Mathes and - as its name suggests - near the Pointe de la Coubre. It is a beach-break / shore-break spot, like those on the neighboring Aquitaine coast. There are various board sports, mainly surfing, windsurfing and skimboarding.
  • 11 Surf Club Royan Atlantique Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Esplanade de Pontaillac, 17200 Royan (Royan), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 39 03 22, e-mail :  – The main surf club in the agglomeration of Royan was founded in 1993. It is affiliated with the French Surfing Federation.
  • 12 Wild Coast Rip Curl Surf School Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Discovery course (h) : 45 . Ministry (h per day for 3 days): 119 . – The “Rip Curl” surf school of the Wild Coast was created in 2003. It offers lessons for all ages as well as courses and “surf trips” in other spots in the region (Island of Re, Silver Coast, Basque Coast), or even much further (Spain or even Indonesia !).

Sports and fitness rooms

  • 13 Fitness Club Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 23 rue de la Seudre (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 14 34 95 17 Logo indicating timetables Of h - 20 h. – Gym offering gym, stretching, muscle building and aerobics sessions.
  • 14 UST Muscu 14 rue des Sapins Vertes (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 07 88 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from 18 h - 20 h. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18 h - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs  the session. 15  the week. 39  the month and 95  year. – Weights and body building room.
  • 15 Gym stretching Cèpe beach (Ronce-les-Bains) Logo indicating timetables In July and August, every Tuesday and Friday at 10 h. – The town offers free gym and stretching sessions on the beach twice a week in the morning.

For kids

Located on Place Brochard, the Ferris wheel of La Tremblade culminates in 55 meters.
  • 16 Ferris wheel of La Tremblade Place Brochard (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 07 53 11 11 Logo indicating timetables from June 15 to September 15. Logo indicating tariffs  for adults. for kids. – Installed for the first time in spring 2013, this tall Ferris wheel 55 meters and weighing almost 120 tons is one of the highest in France. De son sommet, la vue est imprenable sur la forêt de la Coubre, l'île d'Oléron, l'estuaire de la Seudre, Marennes et les côtes du Pays Rochefortais. Accès par la place Brochard, devant l'estacade.
  • 17 Fête foraine Place Brochard (Ronce-les-Bains) Logo indicating timetables du 15 juin au 15 septembre : tous les jours de 13 h - h du matin. – L'installation d'une fête foraine sur la place Brochard pendant les mois d'été est une tradition remontant aux années 1950. Incontournable animation de ce quartier balnéaire, elle rassemble des attractions diverses adaptées à toutes les tranches d'âge : Miami Vice, Jump Trampoline, Game House, Pêche aux canards, Billard japonais, Disney Baby, Tir au ballon, etc.
  • 18 Club Mickey Plage de la Cèpe (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 81 83 05 32 Logo indicating timetables du 15 juin au 15 septembre. Logo indicating tariffs  pour les adultes. pour les enfants. – Implanté sur la plage de la Cèpe, ce club de plage accueille les enfants de 3 à 12 ans. Les animations proposées vont des cours de natation aux jeux de plage. Structures gonflables et trampolines sont mis à la disposition des enfants.

To buy

Les principaux axes commerçants sont la place Gambetta, le boulevard Pasteur, la rue de la Seudre, la rue du Général Leclerc et la rue Foran en centre-ville, et l'avenue Gabrielle à Ronce-les-Bains. Deux centres commerciaux sont situés en périphérie (Intermarché et Super U). À noter également la présence d'un hypermarché E.Leclerc à Marennes, et de plusieurs grands centres commerciaux à Royan.

Supermarchés et hypermarchés

  • 1 Coop Beaupréau 109 avenue Beaupréau (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 08 11 – Supermarché de proximité.
  • 2 Intermarket Logo indicating a link to the website ZAC des Bregaudières (À l'entrée de la ville en empruntant la rocade), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 52 22 Logo indicating timetables From Mon.- sat. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and of 14 h 30 - 19 h 30. Le dimanche de h - 12 h 30. – Centre commercial dont l'agrandissement est prévu d'ici 2015. Boucherie et Pains. Station service (en libre service, avec carte bleue uniquement).
  • 3 Super U Logo indicating a link to the website 107 rue de l'étrade 17530 Arvert (À l'entrée de la ville en venant d'Arvert), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 46 57 Logo indicating timetables Du lundi au samedi de h - 19 h 30. Le dimanche de h - 12 h 30. – Le principal centre commercial de l'agglomération, agrandi en 2014, est un hypermarché d'environ 3 000 mètres squares. Boucherie, Pains, Poissonerie. Station service et drive.
  • 4 U Express Logo indicating a link to the website Boulevard Pasteur (En centre-ville), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 20 07 – Le supermarché le plus central.



La cuisine saintongeaise est basée sur trois types de produits : les produits de la terre, les produits de la mer et les produits de la vigne.

L'huître de Marennes-Oléron est la grande spécialité de la commune, et sa notoriété a depuis longtemps dépassé les simples frontières régionales. Affinées dans d'anciens marais salants reconvertis en « claires » où elles acquièrent leur saveur et leur couleur particulière, elles se divisent en « fine de claire » (IGP) à la subtile saveur iodée, en « fine de claire verte » (label rouge) au goût plus prononcé, en « spéciale de claire » (IGP), plus charnue, et en « pousse en claire » (label rouge), qui allie une chair ferme et une saveur de noisette bien particulière. Toutes se dégustent de préférence crues et sans aucun accompagnement, mais elles peuvent également être cuisinées chaudes. Une recette très populaire dans tout le sud-ouest les mêle aux crépinettes (ou aux saucisses), mais elles peuvent également être servies cuites au four avec une touche de crème fraîche fermière.

Les huîtres de Marennes-Oléron sont la grande spécialité de la ville.

Autre spécialité de la commune, la soupe de poissons était confectionnée autrefois avec les petits poissons que les pêcheurs ne pouvaient vendre. Le « velouté trembladais » se déguste chaud avec de petits croûtons revenus dans du beurre (Charentes-Poitou !) ou accompagné de rouille. Autre soupe de poisson qu'on trouve préparée de différentes façons dans toute la Charente-Maritime, la chaudrée est à base de poissons, de vin blanc et de pommes de terre. Spécialité de l'Island of Oléron voisine, l'éclade de moules consiste simplement à cuire ces coquillages sur un feu d'aiguilles de pin. La mouclade, elle aussi à base de moules, les associe à une sauce à la crème et au vin blanc. La sardine reste un met typique de la région : une espèce de sardine plus particulièrement, les « royans ». Enfin, les pibales (alevins d'anguille) sont une spécialité de la ville de Mortagne-sur-Gironde, au sud de Royan.

On trouve également dans toute la Saintonge des plats à base de viande : grillons (sorte de rillettes à base de viandes rissolées et cuites dans leur graisse), lapin ou daube de bœuf à la saintongeaise (c'est-à-dire au cognac et/ou au pineau) ou encore les célèbres « cagouilles » (escargot petit gris) qu'on déguste à la charentaise (avec des légumes et du vin blanc). On se régale volontiers de « caviar de cagouille » (œufs d'escargots), même s'il s'agit d'un produit rare et donc cher.

En guise de dessert, il est impossible de ne pas mentionner la galette charentaise, au beurre et à l'angélique confite, les merveilles (beignets) et le millas (gâteau à la farine de maïs).

Les alcools locaux sont le cognac et le pineau des Charentes. La région produit également des vins de pays charentais. De l'autre côté de l'estuaire de la Gironde débutent les vignobles du Bordelais (Medoc).


  • 1 Amarena 77 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 31 77 Logo indicating timetables Of 12 h - 14 h (dernier service du midi) et de 19 h - 21 h (dernier service du soir). Logo indicating tariffs 10  - 20 . – Restaurant italien spécialisé dans les pizzas, les salades et les produits de la mer. Moules-frites et viandes grillées.
  • 2 La Belle époque 29 rue Foran (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 00 11 Logo indicating timetables Of 12 h - 14 h and19 h - 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs 15  - 30 . – En centre-ville, restaurant proposant crêpes (bretonnes, aux Saint-Jacques...), galettes et pizzas, mais aussi des fruits de mer : moules, mouclades, etc.
  • 3 La Bonne Renommée Boulevard Roger Letelié (Port de La Grève), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 12 02 Logo indicating timetables Of 11 h 30 - 14 h (dernier service du midi) et de 18 h 30 - 21 h 30 (dernier service du soir). – Restaurant de poissons et de fruits de mer. Spécialités régionales. Plateaux d'huîtres de Marennes-Oléron
Terrasse de restaurant sur le port de La Tremblade, au milieu des « claires » d'huîtres
  • 4 Chez Roberte Logo indicating a link to the website Boulevard Robert Letelié (Port de la Grève), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 12 90 Logo indicating tariffs 15  - 30 . – Dans une ambiance inspirée de la marine, cet établissement propose des spécialités régionales revisitées mêlant produits de la mer et de la terre. Tartate de dorade rose et de saumon au citron vert. Saumon fumé artisanal de l'île d'Oléron. Huîtres de Marennes-Oléron. Foie gras. Pavé de bœuf sauce bordelaise. Terrasse ombragée au bord du chenal et deux salles intérieures avec vue panoramique.
  • 5 Fleur de Sel 81 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 85 57 Logo indicating timetables Of 12 h - 14 h (dernier service du midi) et de 19 h - 22 h (dernier service du soir). Logo indicating tariffs 10  - 20 . – Crêperie située dans la principale avenue de Ronce-les-Bains. Garnitures sucrées et salées. Grill.
  • 6 Les Jardins de l'Estran 91 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 98 97 – À une centaine de mètres de la plage. Brasserie. Restaurant de fruits de mer.
  • 7 Le Martin Plage 2 avenue Saint-Martin (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 06 15 Logo indicating timetables Of 12 h - 14 h 30 and19 h - 22 h. – Installé dans un ancien relais de Poste datant de 1910, cet établissement propose une formule « brasserie ». Spécialités regionales revisitées : magret de canard, sardines grillées au sel, tartare d'avocats et gambas... Burgers et frites maison. Terrace.
  • 8 Le Pilotis Logo indicating a link to the website Boulevard Roger Letelié (Port de la Grève), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 85 07 67 – Situé sur le port de la Grève, ce restaurant propose fruits de mer, viandes et salades. Spécialités : gambas à la crème d'ail, marmite de fruits de mer (langoustines, moules, palourdes, saumon). Huîtres chaudes de Marennes-Oléron (gratinées ou au pineau des Charentes). Mouclade traditionnelle ou « revisitée » au curry.
  • 9 Le Ponton Boulevard Roger Letelié (Port de La Grève), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 06 31 – Surnommé « Chez les Filles » car son équipe est entièrement féminine, cet établissement est le plus ancien restaurant à avoir installé une terrasse sur le port. Spécialités de crêpes, de galettes et de salades. Huîtres de Marennes-Oléron
  • 10 Le Stromboli 14 avenue Camille Daniel (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 02 97 Logo indicating timetables Of 12 h - 14 h and of 18 h à minuit. – Situé dans une petite arrière-cour, une pizzeria proposant également des salades fraîches.

Snacks et fast-foods

  • 11 Burger Avenue Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 72 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 53 73 Logo indicating tariffs Menu enfant à 4,5 , Menu « First avenue » à 6,8  et menu « Giant avenue » à 9,95 . – Fast-Food proposant essentiellement des hamburgers (cheeseburger, baconburger, pepperburger, fishburger, bicketburger...), des sandwiches (sandwich américain, bacon roll...), des hot-dogs et des snack en tout genres (onion rings, nuggets...). Burgers « spéciaux » proposés périodiquement : rastafari burger, mozzaburger, red hot chili burger, etc. Ambiance jeune et déco « vintage ».
  • 12 Chez Morell'i 20 avenue Camille Daniel (Ronce-les-Bains) – Établissement proposant des pizzas, sandwiches, hamburgers et paninis à déguster sur place ou à emporter. Fait également glacier.
Les churros, spécialité d'origine espagnole, très populaires dans tout le Sud-Ouest de la France
  • 13 Le Kiosque à Pizzas Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Avenue de l'Étrade 17530 Arvert (Proximité rocade sud) – Un point de vente de la franchise « Le kiosque à pizzas », présent dans toute la France. Pizzas artisanales à emporter.
  • 14 Pizza Joffre Logo indicating a link to the website Boulevard Roger Letelié (Port de La Grève), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 36 72 – Sous l'égide de sa mascotte « Le lapin pêcheur », cet établissement doit son nom à son ancien emplacement (boulevard du Maréchal Joffre). Il propose des pizzas originales (arménienne, basquaise, catalane, marseillaise, tajine, côte sauvage, etc.) mais aussi des pâtes, des lasagnes et des salades. Livraison gratuite à La Tremblade et dans sa banlieue (Arvert, Étaules, Les Mathes and Chaillevette).
  • 15 La Sirène des mers 13 avenue Camille Daniel (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 29 96 – Fast-Food proposant sandwiches, hamburgers, paninis et kebabs. Propose également des glaces (traditionnelles ou à l'italienne), des crêpes, des gaufres, des mascottes, des churros (beignets d'origine espagnole) et des croustillons (petits beignets d'origine belge et néerlandaise).
  • 16 Tino'Pizz 8 boulevard Pasteur (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 13 35 28 85 Logo indicating timetables Du mardi au samedi de 18 h - 22 h et tous les jours en juillet-août. – Créé en 2012, cet établissement propose des pizzas à déguster sur place ou à emporter. Spécialités : pizza « charentaise », mais aussi « orientale », « américaine » ou « hawaïenne ».

Ice cream parlors and confectioners

  • 17 Confiserie Mignon Place Brochard (Ronce-les-Bains) – La confiserie Mignon propose nombre de sucreries parmi lesquelles des sucettes, des sucres d'orge, des barbes à papa mais aussi des crêpes, des chichis et des churros.
  • 18 Ice Dream Logo indicating a facebook link 1 rue de la Seudre (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 32 24 89 41 Logo indicating timetables From Mon.- Sun. : h 30 - 19 h 30. – Installé en centre-ville, cet établissement propose des crèmes glacées artisanales garanties « 100 % naturelles » vendues en cornet ou au litre, ainsi que des gâteaux glacés.

Have a drink / Go out


  • 1 Le Bordeaux 45 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 6 12 75 39 23 – En face de la place Brochard, un bar d'ambiance proposant aussi bien des grands crus du Bordelais que des cocktails plus exotiques. Terrasse et concerts en saison.
  • 2 Le Gambetta 13 place Gambetta (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 00 03 – Situé en plein centre-ville, Le Gambetta est un bistrot typique, où l'on peut tout aussi bien boire une bière à la pression qu'un « petit noir » ou un chocolat chaud.
  • 3 Le Lounge Bar 46 avenue de la Chaumière (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 88 86 – Le bar du casino Partouche. Cocktails du monde et cafés rares. Ambiance cosy.
  • 4 Le Presqu'île 43 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 47 55 58 – Situé à quelques mètres de la place Brochard, centre névralgique de Ronce-les-Bains, ce bar d'ambiance propose un vaste choix de cocktails : shooters (bazooka, kiss cool, cauchemar de Dracula...), long drinks, cocktails à base de rhum, de champagne, de whisky ou de tequila, mais aussi cocktails chauds (café charentais, irish coffee...) ou plus simplement bières du monde. Les soirs d'été, des artistes viennent se produire sur sa terrasse. Fait également glacier.
  • 5 Le p'tit Ronce 55 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 93 12 – Bistrot et bar à vin situé dans la principale rue commerçante de Ronce-les-Bains


Le casino « Partouche » de La Tremblade
  • 6 Casino Partouche Logo indicating a facebook link 46 avenue de la Chaumière (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 76 88 86, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Du dimanche au jeudi de 12 h - h in the morning. Le vendredi de 12 h - h in the morning. Le samedi de 12 h - h in the morning.. – Inauguré en 2007, le casino Partouche est avec le casino Barrière de Royan un des deux établissements de jeu de l'agglomération royannaise. Il se compose d'une salle (machines à sous, boule 2000, roulette anglaise électronique, black jack...), d'un bar d'ambiance « lounge » et d'une brasserie proposant des produits de la mer et des variations de la cuisine régionale. Des soirées thématiques sont proposées ponctuellement.

Movie theater

La ville dispose d'un cinéma, implanté dans le quartier balnéaire de Ronce-les-Bains. Les villes voisines de Marennes and Mathes, toutes deux distantes d'un peu plus de 5 km, disposent également de plusieurs salles. Enfin, plusieurs cinémas sont également situés dans le reste de l'agglomération de Royan (Royan, Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, Saint-Georges-de-Didonne...)

  • 7 The crystal 99 avenue Beaupréau (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 14 31 – Le cinéma de La Tremblade dresse sa façade de style art-déco dans le quartier de Ronce-les-Bains.



  • 1 La Côte d'Argent Logo indicating a link to the website 32 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), email: Logo indicating tariffs from 45  la chambre double. – Se présentant comme une « maison d'hôtes hôtelière », cet établissement propose des chambres spacieuses, toutes équipées de toilettes et de salles de bain privatives dotées d'une baignoire et d'un lavabo. Les animaux sont acceptés.
  • 2 Grand Hôtel de L'Embarcadère Logo indicating a link to the website 16 avenue Gabrielle (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 06 05, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 10 h. – Cet établissement est connu pour avoir servi de cadre à la série télévisée de France 2 « L'hôtel de la Plage ». Bénéficiant d'une situation privilégiée à quelques centaines de mètres du centre de Ronce-les-Bains et à proximité immédiate de la plage, il abrite 60 chambres et bénéficie de la présence en son sein d'un spa, d'un centre de bien-être et d'un institut de beauté. Bar « Les planches » avec terrasse donnant sur la plage. Piscine chauffée, court de tennis, terrain de pétanque.
  • 3 Le Héron Cendré Logo indicating a link to the website 71 avenue du Général de Gaulle (Proximité centre-ville et Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 09 19 – L'hôtel du héron cendré propose 17 chambres, toutes équipées d'une salle de bain ou d'une salle d'eau privative et de la télévision. Espace-bar et terrasse ombragée.
  • 4 Hotel de France Logo indicating a link to the website 29 rue Foran (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 00 11, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs from 36 . 1/2 pension : entre 48 et 58  par personne en fonction de la chambre. Pension complète : entre 60 et 70  par personne.. – Situé en centre-ville, face à la place Faure-Marchand (place du marché) et non loin du port, cet établissement propose plusieurs chambres avec télévision et accès internet.
  • 5 Le Phœbus Logo indicating a link to the website 13ter rue Foran (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 29 85 Logo indicating tariffs Basse saison : chambres entre 46  and 62 . Moyenne saison : entre 52  and 68 . Haute saison : entre 62  and 80 . Petit-déjeuner : .. – Cet hôtel deux étoiles situé en plein centre-ville propose neuf chambres, toutes équipées d'une salle de bain ou de douche et de sanitaires privatifs, d'une télévision et du Wi-Fi. Attenant à l'hôtel proprement dit se trouve un salon de thé où on peut déguster tartes maisons (spécialité de tarte aux prunes) et glaces.

Résidences de vacances

  • 6 Club Azurèva Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 19, avenue des Érables (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 12 57, e-mail : room available from h 30, to be released before 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs of 294  To 651 . – La résidence de vacances du club Azurèva se situe dans le quartier de Ronce-les-Bains, au milieu de la pinède et à proximité des plages. Classée quatre étoiles, elle se compose de 292 chambres avec terrasse ou balcon, toutes équipées d'un téléviseur, d'un téléphone et d'un réfrigérateur. Le club dispose d'une piscine chauffée et de deux pataugeoires pour les enfants, de courts de tennis, de terrains de volley-ball, d'un boulodrome ou encore d'un sauna (en option). Une boutique de souvenirs et de produits régionaux, un restaurant, un coin snack et un bar sont à la disposition des clients.
  • 7 Renouveau Vacances Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 17 bis avenue de l'Océan (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 06 09 room available from h 30, to be released before 10 h. Logo indicating tariffs of 419  To 790  pour deux personnes. – La résidence de vacances (deux étoiles) « La Lande Océane » comporte 53 chambres et 15 appartements qui tous disposent d'une terrasse ou d'un balcon. Situé au milieu des pins, le parc entourant la résidence intègre une piscine chauffée (ouverte de mi-avril à la toussaint), de terrains de volley, de boulodromes, d'un théâtre en plein air, d'un bar avec terrasse et d'un restaurant. Spectacles et stages thématiques en saison.

Guest rooms

  • 8 L'Agapanthe Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 21 bis rue des Coulemelles, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 30 60, 33 6 74 72 61 55 (cellphone), e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 65 . – Danielle et Jean-Claude accueillent leurs hôtes dans une maison à ossature bois dotée de deux chambres à la décoration contemporaine équipées de salles d'eau (douche et lavabo) et d'une télévision. Réfrigérateur et micro-onde à disposition des invités.
  • 9 Les Volets Bleus Logo indicating a link to the website 1 rue de la Bergerie (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 64 38 room available from 16 h, to be released before 11 h. – Cette maison d'hôtes se compose de deux chambres : chambre « Terre » (2 places avec salle d'eau) et chambre « Marine » (4 places avec salle d'eau). Piscine chauffée à disposition des hôtes. Le petit-déjeuner est servi sur une terrasse donnant sur le jardin.


  • 10 Activ Loisirs Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link 16 avenue de la Côte de Beauté (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 07 75 Logo indicating tariffs Entre 24  and 40  en fonction de la période. – À proximité de Ronce-les-Bains, ce camping trois étoiles propose 89 emplacements, une piscine chauffée et deux petits bassins pour les enfants, une aire de jeux, une bibliothèque privée et une salle de télévision. Soirées aquagym, zumba, aquabasket ou tir à l'arc en saison. Snack-bar « Alizée-les-Pins » : pizzas, plats cuisinés à emporter, pain, boissons, glaces, crêpes.
  • 11 La Clairière Logo indicating a link to the website Rue du Bois de la Pesse (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 36 63 Logo indicating tariffs Entre 23  and 59  en fonction de la période. – Set among the pines of the Coubre forest, this 12-hectare family-oriented resort is rated four stars. It offers an aquatic area consisting of two heated swimming pools with slide and a paddling pool, 16 pétanque courts, basketball, football and volleyball courts as well as tennis courts. It also has a restaurant and a fast food outlet.
  • 12 The Mus de Loup Logo indicating a link to the website Alley of the Farm (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 31 17 Logo indicating tariffs Mobile homes between 265  and 580  the week depending on the period. – Located near the tip of Mus de Loup, near the vast estuary of the Seudre and the beaches, this two-star campsite offers 100 pitches. Its owners want it designed to be "close to everyone for a return to true values".


  • 13 La Tremblade motorhome service area 85 rue Marcel Gaillardon, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 99 00, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs 10 /24 h. – The town has set up a motorhome area with 49 places adapted to different sizes. All are equipped with a 16 amps. Parking cannot exceed 3 consecutive nights. Parking outside this area is prohibited between 23 h and h.


  • 1 Central post 5 avenue du Général de Gaulle (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 02 01 Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from h - 12 h and13 h 30 - 17 h. Saturday from h - 12 h. – The central post office of La Tremblade.
  • 2 Ronce-les-Bains substation 1 avenue Saint-Martin (Ronce-les-Bains), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 07 19 – The postal point of Ronce-les-Bains.

Tourist information offices

  • 3 Tourist Office - La Tremblade Office Logo indicating a link to the website 1 boulevard Pasteur (Downtown), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 37 71, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables From October to March: Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 17 h 30, sat. : h - 12 h. From April to May and September: Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 17 h 30. In June : Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h - 17 h 30, sat. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and14 h 30 - 17 h 30, Sun. : h 30 - 12 h 30. In July and August: Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h 30 - 18 h, Sunday of h - 12 h 30, Public holidays from h - 12 h 30. – The main office of the Tourist Office.
  • 4 Tourist Office - Ronce-les-Bains Office Logo indicating a link to the website Place Brochard (Place Brochard), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 06 02, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables April, May, June and September: Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h and14 h 30 - 17 h 30, Sun. : h - 12 h. Public holidays from 10 h - 12 h (closed on May 01). July and August : Mon.- sat. : h - 12 h 30 and14 h 30 - 18 h 30, Sun. : h - 12 h 30. – The office of the tourist office of Ronce-les-Bains.


In addition to the main national radio stations, the municipality is covered by several regional radio stations:

RadioFM frequencyContentsStudio
Demoiselle FM102.2Varieties and local informationSaint-Georges-de-Didonne
Vogue Radio103.1Varieties and local informationMarennes
France Bleue La Rochelle103.6Varieties and local informationLa Rochelle
Mixx Radio106.5Techno, electronic musicCognac/ Saintes

The regional press is represented by the daily "Sud-Ouest" with its head office in Bordeaux and the local editorial staff at Royan, and by the weekly "Le Littoral" whose head office is at Marennes. The “Royan Actu” website covers news from the agglomeration of Royan.

The regional television is France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine (local edition Poitou-Charentes). It has a local editorial staff in Royan, responsible for reporting the main current events of the agglomeration in the various television news programs.


  • 5 La Tremblade police station 6 avenue du Général de Gaulle (Downtown, near Fernand Garandeau College), Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 11 43


There is no hospital center at La Tremblade. The closest is located near Royan (CHR "Malakoff" in Vaux-sur-Mer), To 18 km. This is the public hospital center for the entire agglomeration, which has an emergency service open 7 days a week and 24 h of 24. Several private clinics are also located Royan.

  • 6 Medico-Sociological Center 22 rue du Bois de Fouilloux 17 530 Arvert, Logo indicating a telephone number  33 5 46 36 59 07 – The psychological assistance service of the agglomeration of La Tremblade.


  • 1 Marennes Logo indicating a wikipedia link (To 6 km North) – One of the highlights of the oyster farming basin of Marennes-Oléron, Marennes retains a historic town center conducive to strolling. Picturesque streets lined with old mansions lead to Place Chasseloup-Laubat, named after the Marquis Prosper de Chasseloup-Laubat, Minister of the Navy and Colonies and Member of Parliament for Marennes in the 19th century.e century. Nearby, the Saint-Pierre church is the emblematic monument of the city. Its Gothic bell tower (XIVe century) which culminates in 85 meters is the highest in the department: it constitutes a landmark visible for tens of kilometers around. From its summit, the view is breathtaking over the entire region. The city also counts on the presence of a marina and a fishing port (Port de la Cayenne) which directly faces that of La Tremblade. A vast oyster farming interpretation center, the “Cité de l'Huître”, was set up there in 2006.
  • 2 La Palmyre Zoo Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link (To 12 km at the South West) – Located in the heart of the pine forest and covering more than 18 hectares, it is one of the largest zoos in Europe. It is home to nearly 130 species and more than 1,600 animals. Shows of sea lions and parrots during the afternoon (included in the price of the ticket). Catering and souvenirs on site. Allow at least four hours for the visit.
  • 3 Mornac-sur-Seudre Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link (To 12 km South) – In the heart of the Seudre marshes, the medieval village of Mornac-sur-Seudre develops its alleys decorated with hollyhocks around the medieval market halls, the Saint-Pierre church and the fishing port. The small whitewashed houses house artisans' stalls. Mornac-sur-Seudre is classified among the “most beautiful villages in France”.
The stronghold of Brouage, homeland of the “Father of New France” Samuel de Champlain
  • 4 Place-Forte de Brouage Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link (To 14 km North) – Isolated in the heart of vast marshy expanses, the fortified city of Brouage (classified as a “Grand site of France”) was founded in 1555. It was then a seaport and a leading commercial place, serving as a hub for commerce. salt, the region's fortune for centuries. She counts at her peak until 4,000 inhabitants (civilians and soldiers in cantonment), an important figure for the time. The city owes its notoriety to one of its sons, Samuel de Champlain, who was born there between 1567 and 1580. Famous explorer and cartographer, the latter founded the colony of Quebec and thus becomes the “Father of New France”. When the sea recedes, commerce collapses and the city sinks into a long sleep from which it does not emerge until the middle of the 20th century.e century. Visited each year by nearly 500,000 people (including many Quebecers and Canadians), the citadel has retained its rectilinear streets, its ramparts and its small church.
  • 5 Citadel of Château-d'Oléron Logo indicating a wikipedia link (To 16 km to the northwest) – Built from 1630 to 1704 by Pierre d'Argencourt, Louis Nicolas de Clerville and François Ferry (under the supervision of Vauban) in order to protect the southern coasts of theIsland of Oléron, this vast ensemble occupies the site of the old medieval fortress of Aliénor d'Aquitaine. At the beginning of the XVIIIe century, the citadel was a place of transit for the soldiers leaving for New France, then, during the revolutionary period, it became a prison. Severely damaged by bombardments during the Second World War, it retains part of its original buildings, casemates, bastions and its ramparts. It fits into the urban fabric of Château-d'Oléron, the former capital of the island which was completely rebuilt between the end of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th century.e century (see the streets at right angles, the Place d'Armes, the fortified gates)
  • 6 Royan Logo indicating a wikipedia link (To 18 km at the South West) – Capital of "Coast of Beauty », The city of Royan is one of the main seaside resorts on the French Atlantic coast. Almost completely razed to the ground by bombardments during the Second World War, it was rebuilt from the 1950s following the canons of “tropical” modernist architecture where concrete was worked in multiple ways. Classified as a “City of Art and History”, this atypical city takes advantage of its five fine sandy beaches and its rich monumental heritage. Ellee is also a port city (fishing and marina port, ferry terminal) and the main economic and cultural hub in the area.
  • 7 Iléo Aquatic Center Logo indicating a link to the website (To 18 km to the northwest) – Located at the entrance to the island of Oléron (municipality of Dolus-d'Oléron), the Iléo center offers water games, an artificial lagoon, a surf wave (additional charge), giant slides and a swimming pool. wave. It also has a snack area
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