Limousin - Limosino

Limoges Cathedral
Limousin - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Limousin - Coat of arms
Limousin - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Limousin (Limousin, in Occitan Lemosin) is a region of the France located almost entirely on the central massif.

To know

Limousin is the second least populated region of metropolitan France.

Geographical notes

The territory of the region borders on that of Center north ofAuvergne to the east, del Midi-Pyrenees south ofAquitaine southwest and del Poitou-Charentes West.


The territory currently known as Limousin was conquered by the Romans starting from 51 BC; with the fall of the Roman Empire this region was first occupied by the Visigoths, between 419 and 507, and then by the Franks. Later, it was part of the kingdom of Neustria (511-584), and Aquitaine (584-876). Between 876 and 918, the Limousin was controlled by the counts of Toulouse, then it was under the influence of the counts of Poitiers and the Dukes of Aquitaine. The county of Limousin was created during the Carolingian period. From 1154 it remained under English rule, after which it was definitively conquered by Charles V.

Spoken languages

If we exclude the various languages ​​spoken by the groups of expatriates who own a second home here, the only language spoken in the region is the French.

Suggested readings

Despite its eccentric position with respect to the central nucleus of Occitania, the first works in the language of Oc were created in the Limousin. Among these are worth mentioning The song of Antioch, by Grégoire Bechada, and Boethius's poem (anonymous work).

Territories and tourist destinations

The region is divided into the following departments:

Urban centers

How to get

By plane

Limoges Bellegarde International Airport receives several flights from Great Britain and from the rest of the France.

By car

The communication routes are excellent, first of all the A20 which crosses the entire region.

On the train

There is a project to extend the TGV line from Poitiers to Limoges.

How to get around

Since there is not a lot of traffic, it is possible to use the bicycle in short distances.

By car

The car is undoubtedly the best means of transportation in this region.

By bus

Bus connections are existing but limited.

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects