Lorraine (French region) - Lorena (regione francese)

Lorraine (French region)
Panorama of Verdun, city of Lorraine
Lorraine (French region) - Location
Coat of arms and flag
Lorraine (French region) - Coat of arms
Lorraine (French region) - Flag
Tourism site
Institutional website

Lorraine (Lorraine, in GermanLothringen, in Lorraine Louréne) is a region of the France.

To know

Geographical notes

Lorraine is the only French region that shares borders with three other nations: Belgium (Wallonia), Luxembourg is Germany (Saarland is Rhineland-Palatinate) North. It also borders on three French regions: Alsace East, Champagne-Ardenne to the west and Franche-Comté South.


The first French attempts to conquer Lorraine occurred under the reign of Louis IV. However, they had little success and the region came under the crown of France only after negotiations aimed at favoring the balance between the transalpine kingdom, Austria and Spain (1766). The Franco-Prussian War, however, forced the French to surrender it with theAlsace to the newborn German Empire. However, it was returned after the First World War, as well as Alsace, following the treaty of Versailles with the Germany. Lorraine was one of the main Italian emigration destinations as it was rich in coal mines.

Spoken languages

In addition to French, the linguistic presence is still significant today German in the area, as well as the Alsatian dialect (Elsässerditsch).

Territories and tourist destinations

It is made up of 4 departments:

  • Meurthe and Moselle (Meurthe-et-Moselle) —
  • Meuse (Meuse) —
  • Moselle (Moselle) —
  • Vosges -

Urban centers

  • Metz - Capital of the region, with Germanic influence and strong military history.
  • Amnéville - Municipality located in the Moselle department.
  • Bar-le-Duc - Capital of the Meuse department, crossed by the canal that joins the Rhine to the Marne.
  • Forbach - Municipality located in the Moselle department.
  • Lunéville - Located 30 km southeast of Nancy.
  • Nancy - Capital of the department of Meurthe and Moselle. Lively cultural capital of the region with a large university population.
  • Pont-à-Mousson - Located in the department of Meurthe and Moselle.
  • Saint-Dié-des-Vosges - Municipality located in the Vosges department.
  • Saint-Mihiel - Small French commune located in the Meuse department.
  • Sarrebourg - Located in the Moselle department.
  • Toul - Located in the department of Meurthe and Moselle.
  • Verdun - Known for the Battle of Verdun during the First World War.
  • Épinal - Known above all for the artisanal production of embroidery and lace, which boasts a long tradition in the area.

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table

Quiche Lorraine
  • Quiche Lorraine - A type of quiche initially typical of French cuisine in particular of this region. It is mainly prepared with eggs and cream wrapped in a flour-based dough that is cooked in the oven.


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