Monteroduni - Monteroduni

Panorama of Monteroduni
Name inhabitants
Prefix tel
Time zone
Map of Italy
Institutional website

Monteroduni is a center of the Molise.

To know

Geographical notes

Located on a hill ofMolise Apennines it is located about halfway between Venafro is Isernia.


Monteroduni is a town of ancient origins that are lost in the mists of time. It was sacked by the Vandals in 456.

How to orient yourself

Over the last few decades the town has developed into the valley below.


Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Campo Fiorito, Campo La Fontana, Carpinete, Guado Largo, Limate, Pagliara, San Nazzaro, Sant'Eusanio, Selvotta, Socce and Starze.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • It is not far from the state road 85 venafrana.

On the train

  • Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon Railway station of Isernia (about 16 km away): Direct connections with Rome is Naples

Connections to Monteroduni by bus with the "SATI" bus lines (Monteroduni - Isernia line).

By bus

How to get around

What see

The Pignatelli castle
  • Pignatelli Castle. It has a rectangular plan with four cylindrical corner towers decorated with battlements. The façade still has the Pignatelli coat of arms above the portal, which is surmounted by a balcony decorated with corbels.
It was built in the 9th century by the Lombards, and renovated in the period of the Contado del Molise in the 13th century. In the fifteenth century it had new structural interventions after an earthquake that altered its structure. It was a fiefdom of the d'Evoli, with whom it experienced its maximum splendor, of the Caracciolo and finally of the Pignatelli who restored it after yet another earthquake, that of 1805. Currently it is the seat of the town hall, but can be visited.
  • Church of San Michele Arcangelo. The current church was built after the earthquake of 1805. The facade is in neo-Gothic with pointed arches, the same for the portal. The interior has a single nave, decorated with polychrome frescoes.

Events and parties

What to do


Among the more traditional activities there are artisanal ones, which although not as widespread as in the past have not completely disappeared, and are distinguished by woodworking, carving, mosaic, or for the creation of furniture and other objects.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch


  • Venafro - His long membership in the language emerges in speech and traditions Campania. City of the Samnites, later a Roman colony, the vestiges of the empire flanked by an important medieval urban heritage, in which the numerous churches stand out, unfortunately in large numbers deteriorated.
  • Isernia - Among the first documented Paleolithic settlements in Europe, it was then a flourishing Samnite city, capital of the Italic League, later a Roman Municipium. Its millennial past has left it with an important monumental heritage that extends up to the pre-Roman era, as well as very important prehistoric finds.


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Monteroduni
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Monteroduni
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