Lessini Mountains - Monti Lessini

Lessini Mountains
Vineyards in the hills of Negrar
Itinerary type

Lessini Mountains is an itinerary that takes place through the province of Verona, in Veneto and reaches about 1,500 m a.s.l.


Closed to the north by the deep and wild Ronchi Valley and the majestic Carega Group, bordered to the east by the Val Leogra, to the south from the course of the Adige and from the high Veronese plain and to the west from the Val Lagarina, it is almost a unit in its own right in the context of Venetian Pre-Alps. Numerous valleys run through it that descend from the high pastures and spread out in a fan towards Verona and the plain. Lessinia Regional Natural Park.

The mountains of Lessinia offer numerous opportunities to sportsmen. In the winter period in the area around Malga San Giorgio there is a ski resort with some ski lifts. Malga San Giorgio is also one of the departures of the famous Fondo Alta Lessinia center, a cross-country ski route that winds through the most beautiful corners of the mountain range, reaching altitudes ranging from 1390 to 1755 m. In summer, Lessinia sees the presence of numerous hikers, and in recent years the presence of mountain bike lovers has grown considerably. The dirt paths through the huts have attracted lovers of off-road bikes. In the areas around Sega di Ala the "Lessinia Bike" is held every year, a competition that sees numerous athletes engaged in a path that touches the most evocative places of eastern Lessinia. The western part was instead the scene of many editions of another important mountain bike race: the Lessinia Legend.

Also in Lessinia a tourism linked to nature and in particular to bird watching is gradually developing (birdwatching), thanks to the presence of numerous alpine species such as the golden eagle, the black redstart or the dipper. Recent is the possibility of seeing in winter a species that is infrequent and not very numerous in Italy, such as the snow bunting, which has brought numerous photographers and birdwatchers to Lessinia. The main point where to observe this arctic passerine is the locality of Bocca di Selva.

How to get

Verona, Piazza dei Signori
Exquisite-kfind.pngTo learn more, see: How to get to Verona.

By plane

By car

The motorways involved are:

  • A4 motorway Serenissima motorway, Verona Est exit
  • A22 motorway Brenner motorway, Verona Nord exit

On the train


The itinerary runs along the initial stretch of the Valpolicella, a hilly area that precedes the beginning of the Veronese Prealps.

  • 2 Parona di Valpolicella
  • 3 Pedemonte
  • 4 Negrar - Altitude 190 m a.s.l. - Compared to the capital it is in a north-west position. It is enclosed to the north by the municipality of Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo, east from Grezzana, south from Verona, west from San Pietro in Cariano is Marano di Valpolicella. Orographically it is divided into two parts, the hill to the north on the border with Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo and around the valley that leads to the capital, and the plain to the south and the wide valley that winds up to Negrar. Agriculture specializes in cherries, grapes and fruit, with a wine production specialized in Valpolicella and Recioto della Valpolicella wines. A clear prevalence of red wines with a strong export orientation. The mountain shares with the neighboring municipalities a specialization in breeding with typical derivative products (cured meats, Monte Veronese cheese). exploitation with the municipality of Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo. It is the production area of ​​the classic Valpolicella DOC wine, the classic Amarone DOC and the classic Recioto DOC.
  • 5 Fane
  • 6 Sant'Anna d'Alfaedo - Altitude 939 m a.s.l. - The municipal territory extends in the westernmost part of the Lessinian plateau, on the border with the Val d'Adige (Sweet, Avio is Wing) to the north-west and Valpolicella (Marano, Fumane, Negrar) to the south. It is bordered to the east by the engravings of the deep Marciora vajo, which in the plain gives rise to the Valpantena. In the municipal area there are fossil evidence starting from the Jurassic and reaching the last lithic industries of the Würm glaciation (10,000 years ago).
  • 7 It were
  • 8 Herb - Altitude 1,118 m a.s.l. - It is 31 kilometers from Verona, it is the westernmost of the Thirteen Municipalities. It has the highest municipal house in the province (1,118 meters above sea level). Its territory is almost totally inserted in the Lessinia Regional Natural Park and develops between 700 and 1,765 meters of Castelberto, which enjoys a view of the val d'Adige. It is also one of the municipalities that delimit the Vallagarina eastern, mainly mountainous, which includes the Corno d'Aquilio, Corno Mozzo and Monte Pastello mountains.
  • 9 Bosco Chiesanuova - Altitude 1,106 m a.s.l. - It is located on the ridge between the vajo di Squaranto and the vajo dell'Anguilla, two deep canyons that give rise to the plain, respectively val Squaranto and to Valpantena, in the province of Verona. The town is located at an altitude of about 1100 m s.l.m., it is the second highest municipal capital of Verona after Erbezzo (1118). Its territory has an anthropized part to the south and one to the north that has pastures for mountain pastures in summer and ski fields in winter, in the nearby town of Malga San Giorgio, in which the ski lifts have been renovated with the construction of a new two-seater chairlift and an illuminated slope.
  • 10 Maregge
Alta Lessinia in winter from Malga San Giorgio
  • 11 Malga San Giorgio - Altitude 1,498 m a.s.l. - It is located at the northeast end of the municipal territory, near the end of the Val di Squaranto. It is surrounded by some massifs included in the Lessini Mountains: to the north-east the Castel Gaibana-Sparavieri ridge separates it from the Rivolto valley while, further north, the Carega group rises; to the west stands the hilly outline of Mount Tomba (1766 m). In San Giorgio there are both downhill and cross-country skiing facilities. In fact, from this locality there is a cross-country track that enters the Translessinia area and downhill slopes mainly served by a two-seater chairlift, which has replaced a rather old one-seater one, and by three ski lifts, but there is also a lift. and a toboggan run.



Morainic hills of Lake Garda
  • Way of Bardolino - An itinerary to discover the hinterland of Lake Garda.
  • Morainic hills of Lake Garda - On the first corrugations of the Po plain that becomes a hill, where the great lake basin of the Lake Garda, the route touches towns and cities that were the domain of Gonzaga, Venice, Scaligero, and then became the scene of the bloody battles of the Risorgimento that were the prelude to the unification of Italy. To the tourist, historical and naturalistic importance the area combines an oenological interest as an area of ​​production of wines from the hills, tokai, merlot and claret.
  • Walled cities of Veneto. An itinerary to discover the strongholds and the history of Veneto.
  • Way of Bardolino - An itinerary to discover the hinterland of Lake Garda.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Lessini Mountains
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Lessini Mountains
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