Nandrin - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Nandrin — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Tower and surrounding wall of the former commandery of the Order of the Temple.
Tower and surrounding wall of the former commandery of the Order of the Temple.
Postal code
Telephone prefix
50 ° 31 ′ 12 ″ N 5 ° 24 ′ 7 ″ E
Official site

Nandrin (also Nandrin in Walloon) is a municipality Condruzian of the province of Liège in Belgium.


Located at the limit of True Condroz andCondrusian Ardennes, the town is made up of 65% of agricultural land and 20% of woods and forests.

Tourist information

Nandrin does not have its own tourist information office but has entrusted, with 26 other municipalities, its promotion to theASBLLand of Meuse whose info point is at Huy. However, the municipality has a tourist office.

  • Tourist office Logo indicating a link to the website Place Ovide Musin 1 (in the communal house), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 519490 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sea. : h 30 - 12 h and14 h - 16 h, Game. : h 30 - 12 h and18 h - 19 h 30, Fri. : h 30 - 12 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Number of days of precipitation
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm

The climate is of a degraded oceanic type characterized by mild and rainy winters and cool and relatively humid summers. If the heaviest precipitation occurs in summer, it is mainly due to thunderstorms at the end of the day or during the night.

Between early November and mid-April, Nandrin experiences an average of 22.7 days with snowy precipitation


Archaeological excavations have shown that the valley of Oxhe background, north of the town, was already frequented by the ribbon civilization at the time of Neolithic from .

In Gallo-Roman times, a latifundium with a villa urbana along the causeway connecting Tongeren To Arlon at the place of the current Villers-le-Temple.

In 1091, Gislebert de Duras, count of Clermont, built a priory on his lands of Saint-Symphorien (the current Saint-Séverin). In 1096, he donated half of the priory to theCluny abbey before leaving for the first crusade with permission to settle there. It was between 1136 and 1145 that the Cluniac monks built, with the approval of the prince-bishop of Liège, Alberon II, the current church dedicated, according to the Cluniac tradition, to Saints Peter and Paul.

Around 1260, the knight of theOrder of the Temple, Gérars de Villers, built on, it is believed, the site of the old Roman villa, which will become the most important Commandery in the current province of Liège. In 1312, the order of the Temple was abolished by order of the Pope Clement V. The Knights of theOrder of St. John of Jerusalem take possession of the property of the Templars and settle in Villers-le-Temple until the French Revolution.

1854, sees the birth of the famous violinist and composer Ovide musin.

In 1890, the line of local tram Between Keyboard and the Val-Saint-Lambert. This line will allow, until 1952, the Condruziens, and in particular the Nandrinois, to go to work in the Val-Saint-Lambert crystal works, the mines and the steel industry in Liège. The transport of goods stopped in 1958.

When merger of municipalities in 1977, the former municipalities of Saint-Séverin-en-Condroz, Villers-le-Temple and Yernée-Fraineux are attached to Nandrin to become a single municipal entity


  • Théo Pirard, Villers-le-Temple: chosen land for the Templars and the Order of Malta (history), Liège, Librairie Halbart, , 36 p.(OCLC462131971)

To go

By public transport

Three bus lines from TEC serve the municipality:

The national road NOT63 (Route du Condroz) to the Quatre bras crossroads

A connection between buses 94 and 97 can be made at the “Quatre-Bras” stop in Nandrin

By car

Distances, times and routes

Distance and time table from Nandrin
(center to center)
by the roadgreat circleby car
BrusselsE40NOT64NOT66NOT63102 km83,9 kmh 10 min
HuyNOT66NOT6317 km12,8 km      15 min
CorkNOT6325 km18,8 km      20 min
Marche-en-FamenneNOT6334 km31,5 km      20 min
Routes via Nandrin
(NOT86) Marche-en-FamenneTinlotSO national road 63 BORN NeupréCork (NOT617)
Logo representing the flag of Spain countrySantiago de CompostelaHuyO Routes of Compostela BORN CorkNorth and East of Europe
HuyO GR 576 (Tour du Condroz Liège) E Remouchamps


Nandrin is a rural town with no traffic problems except on the national road NOT63 which is a separate dual carriageway and can be quite congested at peak times.

For cyclists and pedestrians, the relief is fairly flat except for the Route de France and the Route de Yernée when coming from the hamlet of La Malherbe tower. The NOT63 is dangerous in the sense that there are no continuous cycle paths or sidewalks. They therefore have a great interest in wearing reflective clothing or accessories after dark. Pedestrians should preferably walk on the left shoulder in the direction of travel.

If necessary, a Nandrinois store sells bicycles and accessories for cyclists. In addition, he can repair your bike or rent one from you:

  • 1 E-Bike Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Route du Condroz 1b, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 236313 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h - 17 h 30 (17 h the sat.).

To see

  • 1 Church of Saints Peter and Paul Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Church Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3665604 (for a guided tour) Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (5 steps taking the ramp on the right). It is the major heritage of the town and the oldest Romanesque church in Belgium. Built between 1136 and 1145 in psammitis local and in plan of Latin cross without western solid mass, it is a splendid example of the style known as of "Cluny », Of the purest novel and of balanced proportions where the decorative motifs specific to the Mosan regions come to be superimposed on an entirely Burgundian structure. The interior closes the baptismal font of the XIIe century as well as a statue of Saint John of XVIe century. To the north, the old parish cemetery which still has a few graves and tombstones. Attached to transept south, the cloistered house, which has become a presbytery, XVIe century and, to the southwest, the former priory farm, parts of which date from the second half of the XVIIe century and others from XVIIIe century.
The Church of Saints Peter and Paul and part of the old cemetery.
Another part of the old cemetery.
The old priory farm.
The presbytery.
The baptismal font of XIIe century.
Detail of the choir ceiling and its cruciform oculus.
  • 2 Halleux farm Rue des Peupliers 9 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
The farm of the Tower.
  • 3 Tower Farm Ovide Musin Square – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The keep tower dates from the end of XIIe century and was the seat ofconfession
  • 4 Municipal Museum of Condruse Life Logo indicating a link to the website Rue du Presbytère 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 511157 Logo indicating timetables call. Logo indicating tariffs 2,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Collection of objects from XIXe and XXe centuries divided into 6 spaces. The collections address different themes, from geology to popular traditions, including agriculture and crafts. Scenographies of a blacksmith's workshop, a school class, a kitchen from the early XXe century.
  • 5 Saint-Martin Church Rue du Presbytère – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 downward step at the entrance). From the early church of XIe century remains only the tower. The rest was built between 1928 and 1930.
  • 6 Castle of Fraineux Rue de la Chapelle Logo indicating timetables private property widely visible from the road. – The tower dates from XVIIe century while the main building dates from XVIIIe century. A few meters to the east, along the road, a chapel built in 1619 which has the particularity of having a period access ramp; a ramp for PMR before the hour.
  • 7 St. Peter's Church Rue de la Tourette – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (7 steps at the entrance). Built in Romanesque style, the oldest parts date from 1260. Inside, baroque decoration dating from around 1760, donated by the Commander of the Hospitallers at the time.
The western door of the old commandery.
  • 8 Former Commandery rue de la Tourette – Around 1260, the knight of the Order of the Temple, Gérars de Villers, built on the site of an ancient Roman villa, it is believed, which would become the most important commandery in the province of present-day Liège. This commandery consisted of a fortified house with four towers, a chapel, farm buildings, stables and stables, all surrounded by a wall with towers and two gates forming an enclosure of nearly 28 bonniers of Liège (24.4048 hectares). Following its destruction in the middle of XIXe century, only the enclosure remains today with two towers of the four towers, one of which is truncated, and the west gate (thier de Scry), a third tower, which was one of the four towers of the castle of the upper court, giving access to the underground passages as well as the farmyard consisting of a farm and a tithe barn (near the western gate).
  • 9 Manor of the Tower (Brasserie Castle) Joseph Pierco Street Logo indicating timetables Private property visible only from the outside.. – The mansion consists of a keep dating from the second half of the XIIe century which depended both on prince bishop of Liège and the Villers Censal Court. At the end of XVIe century and early XVIIe century was added to it a main building.
  • 10 Abbey farm Rue de la Ferme de l'Abbaye – It is an old outbuilding dating from XVIIIe century ofCistercian abbey of Val Notre-Dame To Antheit.
  • 11 Château de la Tour au Bois Rue de la Tour au Bois – Built between 1791 and 1801 for the account of Jean Théodore Rome, last administrator of the goods of the commandery of Villers-le-Temple, it replaces a building dating from 1454 and which belonged to the “Boys” family, hence the name of the castle. . It has the particularity, rare in rural areas, of having two carriage doors which allowed the entry of the carriages into the building and then their exit at the rear towards the park. Note also some windows painted in trompe-l'oeil to ensure the symmetry of the building. It is flanked on the right and left by annexes in sandstone rubble from the XVIIIe century.
  • 12 Malherbe Tower Rue de la Tour Malherbe – "Tour Malherbe" comes from Walloon Toûr a måles yèbes which means "Weed Tower". It is an old fortified house of medieval origin, it is currently used as a dwelling. It is surrounded by a group of buildings XVIe and XVIIe centuries that form a hamlet.



THE'ASBLHeritage of the Land of Nandrin (e-mail : [email protected]), has set up and manages several walking circuits:

  • Swallow walk Logo indicating a link to the website (tag Beacon of the swallows promenade) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (La Rochette massif). 8 km from theSt. Peter's Church passing, among others, in Les Rochettes Panorama
  • Yernée promenade Logo indicating a link to the website (tag Beacon of the promenade of Yernée) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (crossing a ford). 9.1 km at the start of the intersection of the route d'Ombret and the rue du Cimetière.
  • Vôye des mwèrts (path of the dead) Logo indicating a link to the website (tag Beacon of the Vôye des Mwèrts promenade) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (in wooded areas). 8 km from the town hall.


Aquatic activities

Nandrin does not have a water course for swimming or a swimming pool, the closest natural swimming pools are nearby. Esneux and the nearest swimming pool is the communal swimming pool of Neupré.


  • 1 Condroz Tennis Club Logo indicating a facebook link Rue du Petit-Fraineux 12, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3715627
  • 2 Tenis Club Templar Logo indicating a link to the website Priespré 3, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 359627, e-mail :  – 6 outdoor and lighted clay courts, club house Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility with terrace. Free parking. Access to non-members by invitation of a member.


  • Rallye du Condroz Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables 1er November weekend. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The rally is part of the Belgian Rally Championship and the Northern European Rally Cup FIA. Two special stages take place between Strée and Yernée (generally on the first day).


Asian food

  • 1 Keyaki Condroz Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 314, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3675888 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 23 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Chinese, Thai and Japanese cuisine. Free parking.
  • 2 QiLin Logo indicating a facebook link Rue de Dinant 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 216888 Logo indicating timetables Mon. : 18 h - 23 h, sea.- Sun. : 12 h - 15 h and18 h - 23 h. Logo indicating tariffs main course between 9,5  and 13,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (2 small steps to the entrance terrace. Chinese cuisine. Terrace. Parking along the rue de Dinant or off the route du Condroz

Brasserie cuisine

  • 3 The Batatraf Logo indicating a facebook link Rue de Dinant 2/1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 493 692428 Logo indicating timetables sea.- Sun. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h 30 - 21 h (Fri.- sat. until 21 h 30). Logo indicating tariffs menus at 27  and 44 , main course between 22  and 24 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Small terrace. Parking along the rue de dinant or off the road on the Condroz road.
  • 4 Jacob's Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 211, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 313744 Logo indicating timetables Game.- Fri. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and19 h - 22 h 30, sat.22 min - 30 h, Sun.- Mon. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and19 h - 22 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs main course between 15  and 72 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityScore between 12.5 and 13.50 / 20 to the Gault and Millau 2020 guide and Michelin plate; quality cuisine. in the Michelin guide 2020. Beef specialty from all over the world. Covered terrace, small shaded garden. Free parking
  • 5 The last stop Logo indicating a facebook link Route du Condroz 320, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3612902 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Game. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 21 h, Fri.- Sun. : 12 h - 21 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Free parking.
  • 6 At Pol Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 123, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 513196 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- sat.. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 step at the entrance). Brasserie cuisine based on French, Liège and Asian cuisines, wine bar, children's menus, take-away meals. Holder of "Crystal ball »2013. Small terrace. Free parking along the Route du Condroz or at the “Proxy Delhaize” store.

Italian food

  • 7 It Cervinia Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 203, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 843480 Logo indicating timetables Sun.- Fri. : 12 h - 14 h 30 and18 h - 21 h 30, sat. : 18 h - 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs main course between 15  and 28 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Terrace. Free parking.
  • 8 Pizzeria Gioia Logo indicating a facebook link Place Ovide Musin 15, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 317102 Logo indicating timetables Tue. : 17 h - 21 h, sea.- Sun. : 11 h 45 - 13 h 30 and17 h - 21 h (Fri. and sat. until 22 h). Logo indicating tariffs dishes between and 13,5 , pizzas between and 11 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Pasta and pizza specialties, take-away meals. Terrace. Free parking.
  • 9 Daddy's Pizza Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 304, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3611261 Logo indicating timetables Mon., sea.- Fri., sat.- Sun.. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 step at the entrance). Terrace. Free parking.
  • 10 Pizzeria Pino Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 131, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 513339 Logo indicating timetables Tue.- Sun. : 12 h - 14 h and17 h - 21 h (Fri.- Sun. until 22 h). Logo indicating tariffs pizza between and 10  (less for children's formats), other dishes between and 10,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Take away food. Terrace. Free parking


  • 11 Friterie and Snack of Condroz (At Marcel) Route du Condroz 202, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 512440 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : 11 h - 14 h 30 and17 h 30 - 22 h 30, sat.- Sun. : 11 h - 22 h 30.
  • 12 Rover Scouts Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 312, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3713351 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h 45 - 14 h 30 and17 h 30 - 22 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Brasserie and chip shop cuisine. Terrace, free parking.

Fast food

  • 13 The Huggy's Bar Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 310, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3652204 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 11 h 45 - 22 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Terrace upstairs (Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility). Free parking.
The Milk Cat.

To buy

For travelers who like or need to prepare their meals, the easiest way is to get supplies in one of the many supermarket chain stores present in the town along the Route du Condroz (national road NOT63). There is no weekly market in Nandrin.

For lovers of fresh milk and butter:

  • The Milk Cat Logo indicating a facebook link Rue des Peupliers 9 (to the Halleux farm) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 21 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Distributor of milk, butter and other products from the Halleux farm.

Have a drink / Go out

The disco The monastery.
  • 1 Live & Cafe Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 147, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 495 860991 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sea. : h - 22 h, Game. : h - h, Fri.- sat. : h - h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Live concert every Saturday at 21 h (in line : 11 , at the entrance : 14 ). Snacks. Terrace. Free parking along the Route du Condroz.
  • 2 The monastery Logo indicating a facebook link Route du Condroz 245, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 476 553542 Logo indicating timetables sat. : 22 h 30 - h 30 (same schedule on the eve of a public holiday). Logo indicating tariffs free entry before 23 h, after 23 h. – Nightclub. Illegal to those under 18. Free parking.
  • 3 Victoria's Logo indicating a facebook link Route du Condroz 145, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 465 812300 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : 19 h - h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (3 steps at the entrance). Cocktail bar. Terrace (Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility), Free parking.


  • 4 Grand-feu Logo indicating a facebook link Rue du Péry, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 477 587782 Logo indicating timetables . – Spring Equinox bonfires followed by a dance party.



  • 1 The Musardière Logo indicating a link to the website Thier du Marnave, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 475 445812, e-mail : room available from 17 h, to be released before . Logo indicating tariffs Between 449  and 929  for 1 week depending on the season. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (ground floor) Wireless free. Cottage for 9 people maximum. Accepted animals. Partly wooded garden and terrace. Private parking.
  • 2 Gîte des Templiers Cemetery Street 3, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 474 268150, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 300  and 380  per week depending on the season. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility 3 bedrooms for a maximum of 8 people. Animals not accepted. Terrace, barbecue and garden. Parking in front of the gîte.


  • 1 Post Office (bpost) Logo indicating a link to the website Place Ovide Musin, 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 2012345 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h (until 18 h the Tue. and the Game.), sat. : h 30 - 13 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility All postal products and services, banking products, Western Union agent.

Telephony, internet and Wi-Fi

With regard to telephony, internet and Wireless, The entire municipality is covered by 3G and 4G networks allowing mobile telephony exchanges via your operator or via its home operator in Belgium (roaming). When the interior of a building is accessible to the wireless network, it is often indicated by the logo WiFi Logo.svg of the Wi-Fi Alliance, possibly accompanied by a mention indicating that access to the terminal is free.

  • BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) Logo indicating a link to the website – Mobile network coverage map.

Manage the day-to-day

Intelligence service

To find the contact details of a person, a professional, a company or an administration such as, for example, a general practitioner, a dental surgeon, a pharmacist, an optician, etc. in Nandrin, it is necessary to refer to the section "Intelligence services »Of the article on Belgium.


  • 2 Communal house Logo indicating a link to the website Place Ovide Musin 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 519490 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sea. : h 30 - 12 h and14 h - 16 h, Game. : h 30 - 12 h and18 h - 19 h 30, Fri. : h 30 - 12 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


Location of ATMs. For their operation, refer to the section "Cash dispensers »Of the article on Belgium.

  • 3 CBC Route du Condroz 21, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 519770 Logo indicating timetables Mon. : h - 12 h 30, Tue. : h - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h, sea. : h - 12 h 30, Game. : 13 h 30 - 17 h, Fri. : h - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Several inland terminals. Also for credit cards (accessible: Mon.- Sun. : h - 24 h).
  • 4 ING Logo indicating a link to the website Place Ovide Musin 13, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 085 274280 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 16 h. – Several inland terminals. Also for credit cards (accessible: Mon.- Sun. : h - 23 h 30).


There is no hospital center with emergency service in Nandrin, the closest are:

However, the Center hospitalier du Bois de l'Abbaye has a medical center in Nandrin:

  • 8 Condroz Medical Center Route du Condroz 323, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3389800 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - h 30, sat. : h - 10 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

You will also find in Nandrin 17 general medicine practices, 8 dental offices, 7 pharmacies, 1 optician-eyewear as well as, for those traveling with a pet, 3 veterinary surgeries.

  • General practitioners Logo indicating a link to the website – List, with address and telephone number, of general practitioners in Nandrin.
  • Doctor on call , Logo indicating a telephone number  32 471 750268 Logo indicating timetables sat.- Sun. and public holiday: h - 22 h.
  • Pharmacies ( Logo indicating a link to the website – List, with address, telephone number and location of the twenty pharmacies of Nandrin.
  • Pharmacies on duty ( Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 903 99000 (premium rate number) Logo indicating tariffs shot of a call: 1,5  the minute. – Contact details and location of duty pharmacies in Nandrin and the immediate surroundings.
  • Dentists ( Logo indicating a link to the website – List, with address, telephone number and location of the 8 dental offices in Nandrin.
  • 9 Optical Design Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 125, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 513505 Logo indicating timetables Mon. : 14 h - 18 h 30, Tue.- sat. : h 30 - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Optician-eyewear.
  • Veterinarians ( Logo indicating a link to the website – List, with address, telephone number and location of the 3 small animal veterinary surgeries in Nandrin.



  • 10 Antoinist temple Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Condroz 101 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Game. : 19 h, Sun. : 10 h.

Roman Catholic

  • Saint-Martin Church Rue du Presbytère Logo indicating timetables Sun. : 10 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 downward step at the entrance).

Other cults

For Islamic, Orthodox and Protestant cults, you have to go to Seraing.

There is no place of Buddhist or Judaic worship in Nandrin. The nearest synagogue is at Cork, while, for Buddhist worship, it will be necessary to go to Huy.


Nandrin is a rural commune without any particular problem apart from the night flight in unoccupied dwellings, which should not disturb the traveler. However, apart from emergency cases requiring a call to <phone: 101> or <phone: 112>, a police station is in Nandrin.

Local police

  • 11 Nandrin Police Logo indicating a link to the website Rue de la Gendarmerie 8, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 85 512710 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Tue. : h - 12 h, sea. : 13 h 30 - 16 h 30, Game.- Fri. : h - 12 h.


  • 1 Neupré American Military Cemetery (to North-east) – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. WWII American Military Cemetery.
  • 2 Roche-aux-Faucons (to North-east) – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityListed as an exceptional heritage of WalloniaPanorama One of the most beautiful panoramas towards the valley of the Ourthe which it overhangs of a drop of 120 meters with sight on a complete bend of the river, known under the name of “The loop of the Ourthe”, and the hamlet of Ham.
  • 3 Cork (to North-east) – Logo of a star article The capital of the eponymous province and, although more than a thousand years old, still overflowing with activity and tourist center of certain interest which deserves more than a simple visit.
  • 4 Durbuy (South) – Considered the smallest city in the world, it has kept its character from XVIIIe century, topiary park.
  • 6 Modave Castle (at the South West) – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Located overhanging a tributary of the Meuse, it is one of the rare examples in the Liège region of a style that perfectly evokes the French architecture of the XVIIe century
  • 7 Huy (West) – Pretty city whose four wonders, li Bassinia (Fountain), li tchestia (the Citadel), li rondia (the rose window) and li pontia (the bridge), are nicely highlighted.
Destinations bordering Nandrin in Wikivoyage
| city = Nandrin | south-east =Anthisnes| south =Tinlot| southwest =Modave| north-west =Amay| north =Engis| northeast =Neupré


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Complete list of other articles from the region: Province of Liège