Aywaille - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Aywaille — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Harzé castle
Harzé castle
Postal code
Telephone prefix
50 ° 27 ′ 14 ″ N 5 ° 42 ′ 18 ″ E
(Modified GPX file)  
Official site

Aywaille is a municipality of Belgium located in Wallonia in the province of Liège and which is part of the tourist region "Ourthe-Vesdre-Amblève ". It brings together the villages of Aywaille, Sougné-Remouchamps, Harzé, Ernonheid and Deigné.


Tourist town, you can go hiking or cycling. Its main attractions are the Remouchamps caves with the longest navigable underground route in the world, an animal park (the Wild World) and several castles, including that of Harze. Straddling the Condroz, the Calestienne and theArdennes, Aywaille is located about twenty kilometers south of Cork, fifteen west of Spa and sixty north of Bastogne.

Several slopes well known to cyclists are located on the territory of the municipality and are extracted from the valley of the Amblève. We can cite the famous La Redoute coast but also the Côte de Chambralles, the Côte des Crétalles or the Côte de Niaster from the valley of the Fond de Harzé stream.

Located in the middle of the Chantoirs valley, the village of Deigné tends to retain its rural character and its houses mostly dating from the XVIIIe century.

Tourist information

In addition to its membership in the Ourthe-Vesdre-Amblève Tourist Office, whose main office is in Remouchamps, Aywaille has two tourist offices:

  • 1 Royal Syndicat d'Initiative d'Aywaille place Joseph Thiry 9a, Aywaille, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 489 564121 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 2 Royal Tourist office of Sougné-Remouchamps, Nonceveux, Harzé, Quarreux rue du Broux 18, Sougné-Remouchamps, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845247, 32 4 3845242 Logo indicating timetables call for an appointment. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (3 steps at the entrance).


(h / year)
Rain Snow
Mean temperature
(° C)
(mm / year)(Jan)
1 554,377021838128010,2
Average water temperature of Amblève
7 ° C8 ° C7 ° C8 ° C12 ° C13 ° C16 ° C18 ° C17 ° C16 ° C12 ° C8 ° C11.8 ° C
Source: Meteovista
7 day weather forecast Logo indicating a link to the website – Source MRI.
Precipitation diagram in mm
Temperature diagram in ° C
Temp. max. annual mean in ° C
Temp. min. annual mean in ° C
Annual precipitation in mm
Number of days of precipitation
Legend: Temp. maxi and mini in ° CPrecipitation in mm


  • Aywaille: it is the name in Walloon which gives the explanation, Aiwêye who comes from to waye meaning "(to ford)".
  • Dieupart: comes from Latin Dei Pars which means "the part of God".
  • Remouchamps: in Walloon R'moutchamp which could mean "place where the cattle are withdrawn" (rimoutt “Withdrawal action”).


  • P. Aimont, Aqualia: history of the seigneury of Aywaille and the Dieupart Basilica (history), Bomal, Éditions Petitpas, , 310 p.(OCLC3413300)
  • Edmond Rahir, The Ninglinspo, or the Vallon des Chaudières: sites and curiosities (tourist guide), Brussels, Les Amis de l'Amblève, coll. "In the land of Amblève", , 31 p.(OCLC65655466)
  • Ernest van den Broeck, Edouard Alfred Martel and Edmond Rahir, Caves and underground rivers of Belgium (geology), Brussels, Berqueman, , "The cave of Remouchamps and the valley of Chantoirs", p. 468-592(OCLC902025012)

To go

By train

The town is crossed by line 42 (Liège-GuilleminsRivage stationGouvy station) and has a station in its territory. In 2020, a single adult journey from Liège is 5,5 . The price of a “Local Multi” ticket for ten trips departing from Liège is 27  ; you must use a trip to the Poulseur station and a second trip to Aywaille station (total price of one way = 5,4 ). The journey time is 30 min

Train stationLineConnection with other transport
  • 1 Aywaille station Logo indicating a link to the website – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Staff present on site Mon.- Fri. : h - 13 h 30. No counter, automatic ticket office. Free parking for cars and bicycles.
  • Bus  – TEC 10, 10/2, 62, 64, 65, 142, 165, 265, 465 and 727
  • Taxi  – Not done no.

By coach and public transport

No international passenger transport company has a stopping point in the municipality.

Several lines of the TEC pass through the municipality and, in particular,:

By car

Aywaille is crossed by the highway A26E25 (split by the national road NOT30) :

  • exit 46Turn right Remouchamps and the east of the town, Aywaille and the north of the town,
  • exit 47Turn right Harzé and the south of the town.

Distances, times and routes

Distance and time table from Aywaille
(center to center)
by the roadgreat circleby car
by train
BrusselsE40E25NOT633123 km102,4 kmh 20 minh 23 min*
BastogneE25NOT63362,8 km  52,7 km      40 min      —
CorkE25NOT63326,9 km  19,0 km      25 min      30 min
Marche-en-FamenneNOT86NOT3040,3 km  36,0 km      40 min      42 min**
SpaNOT62NOT697NOT63316,8 km  13,5 km      20 min      —
VerviersE42NOT657NOT62NOT678NOT3023,9 km  18,8 km      30 min      50 min*
* To increase the waiting time for the connection at the train station Liège-Guillemins
** To increase the waiting time for the connection at the train station Shore
Routes via Aywaille
Logo representing the flag of the country NetherlandsHoek van HollandCorkNOT European route 25 S BastognePalermoLogo representing the flag of the country Italy
CorkSprimontNOT National road 30 S FerrièresBastogne
Comblain-au-PontO National road 633 SE Three-Bridges
CorkShore' SNCN line 42 'Line 42 Three-BridgesGouvy
Comblain-au-Pont (RAVeL Ourthe)O RAVeL 8b E StoumontWaimes (Vennbahn)
CineyPont-de-SçayO GR 575-576 (Through the Condroz) S GouvyCiney
ArlonManhayS GR 15 (From Belgian Lorraine to Eiffel) E SpaMontjoieLogo representing the flag of the country Germany


To see

The pier of the caves of Remouchamps.
  • 1 Remouchamps caves Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de Louveigné, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3609070 Logo indicating timetables open all year except the 1D fortnight of December Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 17 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) adult: 16 , senior (60 years old): 14 , child (3 to 11 years old): 11 . – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityListed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia (2013) Magnificent limestone caves that were formed over a million years ago thanks to the action of an underground river, the Rubicon. Long 1,500 meters, the circuit of the visit which lasts approximately h 30 starts, on foot, over a distance of 800 meters dotted with no less than 400 steps and allows you to admire, among other things, the hall of ruins and its suspended block of around forty tons, the large drapery 7 meters high and formed by rainwater transforming into crystalline deposits, the room of the virgin and its stalagmite evoking the Virgin Mary carrying the infant Jesus, the large gallery and its calcite dams and finally the cathedral, 40 meters high and 100 meters deep. The route continues with a long underground navigation 700 meters during which you may be able to spot blind niphargus shrimp (Niphargus fontanus) and whose main attraction is the palm, a column formed by the junction of a stalactite and a stalagmite and whose curious position, in the middle of the Rubicon, is a unique phenomenon. The visit ends optionally with a small museum, the entrance to which is included in the price of the ticket, dedicated to the caves and the Vallon des chantoirs. Please note that animals are not allowed in the caves.
  • 2 Wild World Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Mire of Deigné, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3609070 Logo indicating timetables from mid-March to mid-October Mon.- Sun. : 10 h - 18 h (later during school holidays). Logo indicating tariffs (2016) adult: 19 , senior (60 years old): 17 , child (3 to 11 years old): 15 , supplement for a visit with the little train: , car park : . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityNo Bancontact terminal Animal park presenting fauna from all over the world in a natural setting. Part of the park can be traveled by car (neither by motorbike nor by bicycle) or with the small road train and part by foot. Shows of sea lions, parrots and birds of prey (included in the price of the entrance ticket). Self-service restaurant with African and brasserie cuisine, bar with terrace, playground.
  • 3 Ninglinspo Valley (Chaudières valley) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Tag GR sign.svg (GR 15) or Bild 2-Immaterial Farg.jpg(AY 21)) – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Valley of the Ninglinspo stream, a tributary of the Amblève, classified as an exceptional real estate heritage of the Wallonia. With a drop of 250 meters and an average slope of 7.5%, it is one of the fastest rivers in Belgium. It is also characterized by the presence of ten natural vats formed by the continuous action of torrential waters from the heights on the soft rocks and bearing the evocative names of “bath” or “broth”. In some of these tanks, the water is deep enough to be able to swim and the rock of the waterfall forming the tank is smooth enough to be able to slide through the water without hurting yourself. There are two trails to follow the stream; the first Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility follows it as closely as possible and is not recommended when accompanied by young children, the second Access limited to people with reduced mobility. follows it at a greater distance but is much easier to cover. Along this second path, we can also see a 4 pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) whose dimensions in October 2013 were 3,75 m circumference at 1,50 m soil and 26,80 m from above.
In Sedoz
The Ninglinspo near its confluence at Sedoz.
Boiler broth
The Chaudière broth.
Hermes bath
The Hermès bath.
The main tanks are, in the order of appearance along the upstream route,:
  • 5 Boiler broth
  • 6 Bath of the naiads
  • 7 Hermes bath
  • 8 Otter bath
  • 9 Deer bath
  • 10 Diane's bath
  • 11 Venus bath
Point of view :
  • 12 Drouet point of view  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityPanorama
The Quarreux Funds.
  • 13 Quarreux Fund Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (Tag GR sign.svg (GR 575-576) or Cricket SA colour.svg(AY 18b)) – Access limited to people with reduced mobility.Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia A tumultuous part of the Amblève strewn with enormous quartzite blocks. The resistance of this type of rock explains that at the place of the Fonds de Quarreux the valley is deeply steeped. The erosion of the slopes during the Quaternary era caused landslides towards the bed of the river, causing boulders of all sizes. These materials were washed away by successive floods except, precisely, the blocks of quartzite because of their large size. Located in the municipalities of Stoumont and D'Aywaille, the most spectacular part is on the latter. Like all somewhat mysterious places, the place has its legend: in exchange for its soul, Hubert Chefneux, miller from the Fond de Quarreux, obtained from the devil the beautiful windmill he dreamed of. But, anxious to save this soul, the miller's wife was on the watch. She hid in the mill, clutching a medal of Our Lady of Dieupart in her hands and prayed all night. At sunrise, the wheels of the mill refused to turn and, mad with anger, Satan brought down the mill, the colossal blocks of which tumbled down the slope to the bed of the Amblève. Please note that, although it is not forbidden to soak your feet in water, bathing, in the proper sense, is prohibited there because of the possible dangers.
  • 14 Heid des Gattes nature reserve Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Nature reserve with unique flora. Covering an area of ​​54 ha, it is crossed by the path GR 575-576.
  • 15 Elven Brewery Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Raborive 2 (left after the railway bridge), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2630717 Logo indicating timetables sea.- sat. : 10 h - 16 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs 10  (tasting visit) (duration: approximately h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The visit includes a detailed explanation of the stages of the manufacturing process of their beers as well as a tasting of a selection of their products.
  • 16 Tartines de Chambralles Logo indicating a link to the website Hamlet of Chambralles (2 possibility to park your car) Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Listed as part of the real estate heritage of Wallonia since 1976, the site with an area of 5.48 hectares consists of an old sandstone quarry exploited between the XIXe century and the end of the XXe century. There are about fifteen vertical sandstone bands that can reach more than 25 meters tall and nicknamed "toast". There are also many old fossils from 300 million years as well as viviparous lizards (Zootoca vivipara), wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) and grass snakes (Natrix natrix).
  • 17 Cross of Septroux (Cwimont hill) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityPanorama This tall wooden cross was placed on top of the hill on by workers of the Seraing Electricity Company and Extensions. On winter evenings, it is lit and visible for miles around.
  • 18 40-45 Memories Museum Logo indicating a facebook link rue des Ardennes 54, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 478 725942, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables call for an appointment. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. Memories of civilian and military life in the region during World War II. Organization of exchange exchanges.
  • 19 Animal cemetery Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue des Trixhes, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 476 339419 Logo indicating timetables sea., sat. and Sun. : h - 16 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated in 1984, it is the first of five of its kind in Belgium (one in the Flemish Region and four in the Walloon Region). The land of about 5 000 m2 is a landscaped park with lots of trees, breathing calm and serenity. Unlike the animal cemetery of Cork which also accepts horses, here only pets are buried (dogs, cats, birds, rabbits).
The main facade of Harzé castle.
  • 20 Harzé Castle Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element rue de Bastogne 1 Logo indicating timetables open all year. Logo indicating tariffs access to the lower courtyard and the upper courtyard are free, access to the castle is, in principle, reserved for clients and seminarians. – Erected from a fortified house dating from IXe Where Xe century (the right part on two levels), the castle and its outbuildings, as they stand today, were built in several phases between 1632 and 1753. It is a magnificent example of style. Renaissance mosane in ruled blue stone rubble. Starting from the lower courtyard (the front courtyard), the passage between the old fortified house and the museum gives access to the upper courtyard with a view of the old castle cemetery. The premises are currently owned by the province of Liège and serve as a setting for seminars as well as a restaurant with Liège and international cuisine and a hotel with 24 rooms, The p'tite AubergeAccess limited to people with reduced mobility. (8 steps to access the terrace). For the record, the castle was requisitioned by the American army during the Second World War to install the headquarters of the 18th Airborne Corps and saw pass, on December 24, 1944, the Field MarshallBernard Montgomery and, on December 28, 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower.
    • 21 Museum of flour milling and bakery Logo indicating a link to the website (in the outbuildings of the castle), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 86 212033 Logo indicating timetables from 1er May to October 31: Sun. and public holiday 14 h - 18 h, from 1er July to August 31: sat.- Sun. : 13 h - 18 h (also public holiday). Logo indicating tariffs (2020) adult: 4,5 , under 14 years old 3,5 , 1er Sunday of the month: free for all. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (1 step at the entrance and no elevator for the first floor). This museum tells the story of bread and its journey from grain to bread. The route begins with the reconstruction of an authentic water mill. Hundreds of rare and unusual objects, an old workshop, kneaders and beaters that turn before your eyes, evoke the hard work of bakers. They reveal their little secrets to you and let you taste their production.
  • 22 Sainte-Anne des Pouhons Chapel Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Built in 1524 in a place where many furnaces and forges were active in this region rich in iron, it is dedicated to Sainte-Anne and Saint-Remacle. It is the only vestige of the seigneury of Pouhons. The chapel, of which the nave is a single nave, is rectangular in shape with gables at an acute angle, built in sandstone rubble and covered, like the walls of the steeple, with Lienne slates. Next to the chapel, a relaxation area including a barbecue allows you to picnic in peace. Every Sunday closest to November 11, a blessing of horses, teams and dogs takes place under the music of horn sounders.



Liège-Bastogne-Liège 2018 in the Côte de la Redoute.
  • 1 Côte de la Redoute Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – It is used every year during the oldest cycle races on the “Liège-Bastogne-Liège” roads and, on occasion, during the “Tour de France”. From a distance of 1,650 meters and a slope of 162 meters away, its average slope is 9.7% with a maximum of 20% The route is underlined in Royal blue on the map.
  • 2 Coast of Chambralles Logo indicating a link to the website – It is sometimes used during the oldest cycle races on the “Liège-Bastogne-Liège” roads. Long 1,550 meters and a slope of 147 meters away, its average slope is 9.5% with a maximum of 20% The route is underlined in Brown on the map.
  • RAVeL 8b (Way of the Alders) (tag RAVeL-stripe.svg) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cycle-pedestrian route that connects the RAVeL W7 to Comblain-au-Pont to the Vennbahn To Waimes. On the territory of Aywaille, it follows the Amblève valley.
  • GR 15 (From Belgian Lorraine to the Eiffel) Logo indicating a link to the website (tag GR sign.svg) – Walking route of 229,2 km who links Arlon To Montjoie. In Aywaille, it goes from Bosson mill to the Voie de la Porallée.
  • GR 575-576 (Through the Condroz) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (tag GR sign.svg) – Pedestrian loop of 293 km from Ciney. To Aywaille she goes from Piromboeuf To Rouge-Thier.
  • Geocaching Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating timetables accessible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – At , there are 1,415 caches (from micro to large) on the territory of Aywaille.
  • 3 The Parada Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Pouhon 22b, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 478 085865, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon. and sea. : h - 18 h 30, Game. : h - 13 h, Fri.- sat. : h - 19 h. Logo indicating tariffs 35  for h horse rental included, supplement for guide: 30  for h. – Horse rides.

Playgrounds and sports

  • 4 Aywaille area rue de la Heid Logo indicating timetables permanently open. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Separate play areas for 2 to 5 years old, 4 to 10 years old and over 10 years old. Fitness area. Beach volleyball and beach football area. Area streetball. Pétanque area with 4 courts.
  • 5 Remouchamps area park street Logo indicating timetables permanently open. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Playground for 2 to 6 year olds
  • 6 Mountain bikes Alder lane Logo indicating timetables permanently open. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility BMX area and trial area.


  • 7 RTC Aywaille Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link rue de la Heid 50, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3844266, 32 497 334717, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Tue. : 16 h - 23 h, sea. : 13 h - h, Game.- Fri. : 16 h - h, sat. : h - 17 h, Sun. : 10 h - 19 h. Logo indicating tariffs non member: 12  the time outdoors and 16  time indoors lighting included. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 5 outdoor courts and 3 lighted indoor courts, all in crushed brick. Club house with terrace and catering. Free parking.

Water related activities

  • 8 Communal swimming pool Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Heid, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845234 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat.. Logo indicating tariffs from 3 years : 3,5 , under 3 years old: free. – Swimming pool 25 meters with covered paddling pool slide. Wearing a hat is compulsory. Sauna (nudist or non-nudist sessions). Cafeteria. Ample free parking.

Except in places marked with a “Swimming prohibited” sign (for example: in Quarreux Fund), this is authorized in the Amblève between and the but at your own risk as no area is supervised.

The Amblève is classified as a navigable or floatable watercourse from the old bridge of Remouchamps to its mouth in the Ourthe. It means that :

  • the use of a kayak, a fishing boat, an inflatable raft boat (all non-motorized) as well as snorkeling or scuba diving (group of maximum 20 people) is authorized there any the year except temporary prohibition (in the event of prolonged drought for example) announced by the regional authorities. Note that Aywaille does not have any boat rental companies,
  • the only obligation to fish is the purchase of a Walloon Region fishing license obtainable only online. To know the fishing periods and which fish to catch, please refer to the section "Peach »Of the article dedicated to Wallonia.

Upstream from the old Remouchamps bridge to the Roanne-Coo railway bridge as well as over the last 5 kilometers of the Lienne, an additional fishing authorization is required. This is issued by the company "Pêcheurs Réunis de Sougnée - Remouchamps - Nonceveux". This permit can be obtained at the Ourthe-Vesdre-Amblève tourist office in Remouchamps.

  • Fishermen Gathered in Sougnée - Remouchamps - Nonceveux Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 496 384345 Logo indicating tariffs adult daily permit: 12,5 .

Aywaille has a private fishing pond but no fishing tackle store, the closest is The landing net in Esneux.

  • 9 Rouge Thier fishery Logo indicating a facebook link Red Thier 8, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 468 427334 Logo indicating timetables Fri.- sea. : h - 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Cafeteria, children's playground, free parking.


  • Liège-Bastogne-Liège Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Logo indicating timetables the last Sun. April. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The “Dean” of classic road cycling races and one of the five “Monuments” of cycling. One of the high points of the race is in the town with the rise of the Redoubt coast.
  • 10 Full moon market Logo indicating a link to the website rue Hongrée and rue Saint-Pierre Logo indicating timetables every full moon night between July and October: 16 h - 21 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Local food, crafts and local trade.
  • Flea market Raborive 2 (inside the Elvish brewery) Logo indicating timetables 1erSun. September: 10 h - 18 h. Logo indicating tariffs entrance : . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility About fifty exhibitors offer vintage objects, ceramics, glass objects, industrial design, creations by upcycling.

To buy

A White Elven and a Triple Brown Elven.
  • Elven beers Logo indicating a link to the website Logo indicating tariffs to count 12  6 bottles of 33 cL. – They can be obtained either directly at the store of the brewery, either in certain convenience stores, or in certain chain stores of the mass distribution such as Delhaize Where crossroads.
    • Elven Amber : compromise between a lager and a dark beer, it is unfiltered and its alcohol content is 7%
    • Elven Triple Brown : refermented and unfiltered, it produces 8%
    • Elvish IPA : blond beer with high fermentation pulling 6%, IPA means India Pale Ale
    • White Elven : brewing with 30% wheat explains its cloudy appearance, it produces 5.5%
    • Elvish Triple Blonde : brewed with 3 types of hops, it yields 8%
    • Heeren : type beer pils pulling 4.8%


  • 1 Beef Head Logo indicating a link to the website Deigned 25, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2636898, e-mail :  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityMichelin plate; quality cuisine. in the Michelin guide 2020. Specialty of wood-fired grills. Terrace.
  • The little inn Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Bastogne 1 (in the Harzé castle), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2466353, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables sea.- Sun. : 12 h - 14 h and18 h - 21 h. Logo indicating tariffs main course: between 17  and 28 . – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility Brasserie cuisine. Terrace overlooking the park. Free parking.


For travelers who like or need to prepare their meals, the easiest way is to stock up either on the weekly market or in one of the convenience stores concentrated around the city. 2 Joseph Thiry Square , or in one of the chain stores of the mass distribution present in the commercial area 3 Dieupart-Porallée .

  • 4 Weekly market Logo indicating a link to the website Marcellis square Logo indicating timetables sat. : h - 13 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility

Have a drink / Go out

  • 1 Alatag Logo indicating a link to the website Place de Renoufosse 8, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 483 499119, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs list of prices. – Laser game, bubble soccer, arrow combat, prison break, escape game, geocaching, paintball. For children, learn to live like Robinson Crusoe, donkey ride and birthday organization.
  • 2 Aywaille moto club avenue Louis Libert, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 478 359319 Logo indicating timetables Fri. : 19 h 30 - h. – To have a drink or chat with bikers.
  • 3 L'Estaminet Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Raborive 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2630717 Logo indicating timetables Game. : 16 h - 23 h, Fri.- sat. : 12 h - 23 h, Sun. : 12 h - 22 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Tavern of the Elvish brewery. Large terrace. Snacks.


  • 4 Feast of St. Anthony Logo indicating a link to the website rue de l'Ecole (in the village of Nonceveux), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3847782 Logo indicating timetables Sun. closest to . – Over three centuries old, this tradition begins in 10 h 30 at the Sainte-Thérèse church at the foot of the statue of Saint Antoine with a mass in Walloon, followed by the blessing of pebbles then a tasting of peket during which the packs of four pebbles came at the cost of . Finally, at 13 h, tasting of a Liège hotpot, sold at the price of 13 , accompanied by a musical atmosphere.


Area for motorhomes

  • 1 Fair Play area Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Heid (address the communal swimming pool)), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845234, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open all year round (facilities inaccessible from to ). Logo indicating tariffs  for 24 h (including access to drinking water and connection to sewers), for h electricity - tokens at the communal swimming pool during its opening hours). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 8 sites for motorhomes. Playground, pétanque grounds, picnic tables. Next to the communal swimming pool and its cafeteria.


  • 2 Dieupart castle Logo indicating a link to the website route de Dieupart 37, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2631238, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables from 1er March to November 15 and during the Christmas holidays. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 120 sites with power supply. On the banks of the Amblève. Accepted animals. Cafeteria, Grocers, playground. 7 luxury apartments in the castle.
  • 3 Olympia Campsite Logo indicating a link to the website Trois-Ponts street 40, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2397090, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs per night: from 18,75  for 1 person at 41,75  for 6 people (ecotax and tourist tax included), electricity: 4,5 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. (in the cafeteria and on its terrace). On the banks of the Amblève. Free hot showers. Cafeteria with catering, playground, pétanque grounds, washing machines () and tumble dryers (). Mountain bike rental: 15  half day (deposit of 30 , bike : per hour. Rental of chalets.
  • 4 Eden campsite rue de Trois-Ponts 92, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3840055, e-mail :  – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility 105 sites with power outlet (including 4 for motorhomes). On the banks of the Amblève. Animals accepted, free showers, caravan rental. Cafeteria.
  • 5 Camping Plein Soleil rue du Fond 12/14, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845720 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility On the banks of the Amblève.


  • Harzé Castle Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Bastogne 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2466363, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 10 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 83  breakfast included. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. 22 double, triple or quadruple rooms. Bar and restaurant (The little inn). Terrace and wooded park. Free and secure parking. Domestic animals accepted.
  • 6 Royal Hotel Bonhomme Logo indicating a link to the website rue de la Reffe 26, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3844006, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 65  and 135  breakfast included. – 3 starsAccess limited to people with reduced mobility. (5 steps at the entrance). Wireless free. Double or triple rooms. RestaurantBest value for money ≤ 37 €.in the Michelin guide 2020 (menus between 30  and 50 ). Free parking in front of the hotel. Pets accepted.
  • 7 Villa of Roses Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link avenue de la Liberation 4, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3844236, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 60  and 90 . – 3 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. 7 double bedrooms. Restaurant with trout specialties (menu between 10  and 36  and menu at 37 ). Terrace.
  • 8 R Hotel Experience Logo indicating a link to the website square Philippe Gilbert 01, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2475555, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs double room: from 147  breakfast included. – 4 starsAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Wireless free. Double rooms and en suite. Bar and restaurant. Indoor swimming pool and fitness room. Free private parking. Pets not accepted.

Guest rooms and gîtes

  • 9 Au Chat Moineau Logo indicating a link to the website rue Lombry 52, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 496 277533 – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityaccessible Wi-Fi network Apartment for maximum 4 people. Sauna with infrared lamps. Terrace and flower garden.
  • 10 The Fushias Logo indicating a link to the website Red-Thier 3/1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 476 797168, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 135  and 400  depending on season and duration. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. House for maximum 3 people 1 baby. Small pets accepted. Terrace and garden. Secure private parking.
  • 11 The blue Hour Logo indicating a link to the website Play 7, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 474 891724, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before . Logo indicating tariffs Between 166  and 429  depending on season and duration (weekend, week). – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. Gîte in a farm dating from 1739. Maximum 4 people 1 baby. Terrace, large shaded garden with barbecue. Private and secure parking.
  • 12 The Moulin de Martinrive Logo indicating a link to the website Castle Street 7, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 3706110, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 730  and 1 675  depending on season and duration. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityaccessible Wi-Fi network For a maximum of 14 people 1 baby in an old mill-farm, the oldest parts of which date from the XVe century. Maximum 1 pet accepted. Games room with kicker and cork billiards. Large terrace with barbecue and wooded park of 5,000 m2. Private parking for a maximum of 8 cars.
  • 13 Ninglinspo gîte Logo indicating a link to the website Sedoz 17, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845886 Logo indicating tariffs Between 540  and 815  depending on season and duration. – Access for people with reduced mobility unknown House with 7 bedrooms for maximum 15 people 2 babies. Sauna, games room with kicker. Terrace with barbecue, wooded garden. Private parking, garage for bicycles and motorcycles.
  • 14 Nirvana Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Pavillonchamps 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 493 485482, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 350  and 600  depending on season and duration. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobility House for 2 people. Indoor swimming pool heated to 27 ° C., massage chair, traditional Finnish sauna, jacuzzi.


  • 3 Post Office (bpost) Logo indicating a link to the website Libert Avenue 11 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 30 - 17 h (until 18 h the Tue. and the Game.), sat. : h 30 - 13 h. – Bancontact terminal withdrawal (distributor outside). Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility All postal products and services, banking products.
  • 4 Post point (Roka bookstore) rue du Chalet 21, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3613761 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 small step at the entrance). Sale of stamps, sending and receiving of packages.

With regard to telephony, internet and Wireless, The entire municipality is covered by the 3G network allowing mobile telephony exchanges via your operator or via its home operator in Belgium (roaming). The 4G network allowing paid digital data exchanges via the Wi-Fi network is not accessible in Nonveveux and in the eastern part as regards the operator. Based but good for Proximus and for Orange. When the interior of a building is accessible to the wireless network, it is often indicated by the logo WiFi Logo.svg of the Wi-Fi Alliance, possibly accompanied by a mention indicating that access to the terminal is free.

  • BIPT (Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications) Logo indicating a link to the website, fax : vs – Mobile network coverage map.

Manage the day-to-day

Intelligence services

To find the contact details of a person, professional, company or administration in Aywaille, please refer to the "Intelligence services »Of the article on Belgium.



Location of ATMs. For their operation, refer to the section "Cash dispensers »Of the article on Belgium.

  • 6 Belfius place Joseph Thiry 47 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Indoor terminals, also for credit cards.
  • 7 BNP Paris place Joseph Thiry 9 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobilityWireless free. (bnppf_Free_WIFI). Indoor terminals with voice guidance, also for credit cards.
  • 8 Agricultural credit avenue de la Porallée 55 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Indoor terminal, also for credit cards.
  • 9 ING place Joseph Thiry 43 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 small step at the entrance). Indoor terminals, also for credit cards.


The nearest emergency department is at Sart-Tilman to Liège University Hospital (by bus : TEC 64 or 64 and correspondence with 28 at the stop "Beaufays Route de Tilff" - final stop "CHU", by car: take the motorway A26E25 at Remouchamps then the exit 46 "Tilff" and follow the signs Belgian road sign F53.svg C.H.U.). However, the municipality has a polyclinic and a medical center:

  • 10 Aywaille Polyclinic University Hospital Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Septroux 3, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2425200 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 11 CHC Medical Home Logo indicating a link to the website Marcellis Square 8, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3845338 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h 30 - 17 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 12 General medicine guard house Playe 50 (in the fire station), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2288400 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : 21 h - h, sat.- Sun. : h - 12 h and15 h - 18 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Always call before going there. 24/7 on-call service to send a general practitioner home. Works for the communes of Aywaille and Sprimont
  • Pharmacies Logo indicating a link to the website
  • Pharmacies on duty (Pharmacy.be) Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 903 99000 Logo indicating tariffs shot of a call:1,5  the minute. – Addresses of on-call pharmacies in Aywaille and the immediate surroundings.
  • 13 Dental clinic Logo indicating a link to the website avenue François Cornesse 82, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3802400 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 18 h, sat. : h - 13 h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 steps at the entrance).
  • 14 Optician Bonnesire Logo indicating a link to the website place Joseph Thiry 38, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3844103 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- sat. : h - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility
  • 15 Optician Laurent Logo indicating a link to the website place Joseph Thiry 14, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3844286 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Fri. : h - 19 h, sat. : h - 18 h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 steps at the entrance).
  • 16 Veterinary practice Logo indicating a link to the website rue de Spa, 47, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3848345 Logo indicating timetables without an appointment : Mon.- Fri. : 16 h - 18 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


It is only possible to follow Catholic worship or Protestant worship in Aywaille. You have to go for the Orthodox or Islamic worship in Verviers, for Judaic worship at the synagogue of Liège and for the Hindu worship at mandir from Durbuy.


  • 17 St. Peter's Church Logo indicating a link to the website Saint-Pierre street Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 18 h ; cult: Mon.- sat. : h, Sun. : 11 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


  • 18 Martin Luther King Center Logo indicating a facebook link avenue de la Porallée 40 (in the chapel of the Don Bosco Institute), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3843333 Logo indicating timetables Sun. : 10 h 30. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


  • 19 Police station (SECOVA Police) Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 3642300 Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h - 12 h and13 h - 17 h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (3 steps at the entrance).


  • 1 Cork Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (north-northwest) – Logo of a star article Capital of the eponymous province and, although more than a thousand years old, still overflowing with activity and tourist center of certain interest which deserves more than a simple visit.
  • 2 Banneux Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (north-northeast) – Place of Marian pilgrimage with a so-called miraculous water source and hospice for sick pilgrims on the site of the apparition of the Virgin in 1933. Every August 15, it is also a pilgrimage for all the gypsies.
  • 3 Theux (to North-east) – Logo of a star article The castle of Franchimont, the fort of Tancrémont, the arbor of Haut-Marais, the Roman bridge of Polleur, Forestia.
  • 4 Spa Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (to the East) – Ville d'eau par excellence et célèbre pour ses sources ferrugineuses.
  • 5 Cascade de Coo (At the South-East) – Haute de 15 mètres, c'est la plus haute cascade de Belgique. À son pied, s'étend le parc d'attraction de Plopsa Coo.
  • 6 Durbuy Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element (at the South West) – Considérée comme la plus petite ville du monde, elle a gardé son caractère du XVIIIe siècle, parc des topiaires.
  • 8 Grotte de l'Abîme (West) – Pour les sportifs, pas moins de 600 marches au menu.
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