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Place du Perron.
Place du Perron.
Postal code
Telephone prefix
50 ° 30 ′ 9 ″ N 5 ° 49 ′ 23 ″ E
(Modified GPX file)  
Official site

Theux is a tourist town in the north of Ardennes massif in the province of Liège in Belgium.


Apart from the town of Theux, the town has no less than 26 villages or hamlets which are: Becco, Bronromme, Desnié, Fays, Hautregard, Hestroumont, Hodbomont, Jehanster, Jehoster, Jevoumont, Juslenville, La Reid, Marché, Ménobu, Mont, Oneux, Polleur, Pouillou-Fourneau, Raborive, Rondehaie, Sasserotte, Sassor, Spixhe, Vert-Buisson, Vieux Cortil and Winamplanche.

The 83,36 km2 of surface area are almost 49% occupied by agricultural land (mainly meadows separated by hedges or coppices) and nearly 40% by woods and forests. Apart from agricultural, wood or industrial activities, in the small “Filaville” industrial park in Juslenville, socio-economic activity is centered on tourism.

Quiet place that does not lack historical charms or tourist attractions and ideal for resting from the hectic life, the town of Theux is however only ten minutes by car from the towns of Spa or from Verviers and thirty minutes from the "Fiery city »(Liège).

Tourist offices

Curiously, Theux has three tourist offices:

  • 1 Royal Tourist Office of Theux Logo indicating a link to the website Rue du Pont 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 531418, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 17 h.
  • 2 Polleur Visitor Information Center Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Xhavée 43, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 478 962396, e-mail :
  • 3 La Reid Visitor Information Center Logo indicating a link to the website Place du Marais 1, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 266686 Logo indicating timetables monday: from 13 to 17 h, Saturday: from 9 to 13 h, Sunday (in July and August): from 9 to 13 h.

Physical geography

Relief and geology

Located in the Ardennes massif, that is to say the remains of a mountain chain around 400 million years old (as a reminder, the Alps are not more than 250 million years old), the relief of Theux consists of a plateau, the maximum altitude of which is 568 m at the locality 4 "La Fagne" in Bronromme, intersected by several rivers or streams such as the Hoëgne, the Wayai, the Wayot, the Targnon, the Horay whose valleys are of the canyon type or of the “V” type except at Theux and Juslenville located at the place of a rare phenomenon called a geological window.

In geology, a window is a geomorphological and geological phenomenon which, following a folding of the earth's crust, brings the old layers on top of the more recent layers. In Europe, the Theux window is the only one in the Ardennes massif. There are others, more recent, in the Alps which are the window of the Tauern in the Eastern Alps between theAustria and theItaly, the window of Barcelonnette in France and the Sardona window in Swiss.

  • Royal Tourist Office of Theux Logo indicating a link to the website – Explanations on the geological window of Theux.


Summers are hot and humid, winters are cold and long. The climate is mainly influenced by the relief of the Ardennes massif. First of all, the temperatures are lower there than in the Meuse valley and in the nearby Condroz because of the attitude. As the air rises, the air cools, causing a loss of about 0.7 ° C all the 100 meters. During an anticyclonic situation, the temperature may be higher than those found in the plains (temperature inversion).

In addition to the relief, the forest massif also contributes to this temperate climate. The forest cover captures much of the solar radiation, preventing the rise in soil temperature. The air heats up less quickly than elsewhere. The opposite phenomenon also exists: at night, trees prevent nocturnal radiation, resulting in a sharp drop in temperatures. In the valleys, the relief protects certain places from the wind while exposing others more than on the reliefs.


The castle of Franchimont as it looked at the beginning of the XIIIe century.

Although the site and its surroundings have been occupied since prehistoric times by Eburons, a Celtic tribe, and that the Gallo-Romans built, at the current location of Juslenville, a farm known under the name of Villae Tectis, the story of Theux really begins with the erection, in the middle of XIe century, from Franchimont castle (« Castrum Franchiermont ”) By the Prince Bishop of Liège to be part of the principality's defense system. The small town of Theux, located at the foot of the castle, then becomes one of the five chiefs-bans (chief towns) of the seigneury of Franchimont.

It was from here that the men known as "600 Franchimontois »Which, on the night of the 27th to , were, little by little, on the verge of killing, at the same time, the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold, and the king of France, Louis XI, who besieged the city ​​of Liège. The strategy was simple: at night, a group invaded the camp of Charles the Bold, shouting "Death in Burgundy, long live France" while the other group was shouting "Death to the king, long live the duke" by investing the camp of Louis XI. Unfortunately, many of the attackers did not speak the middle french and even less the Burgundy-Morvandiau but only the Walloon Liège which, in the end, ended up betraying them to their adversaries.

At the beginning of XVIe century, the seigneury was elevated to the rank of marquisate and the prince-bishops of Liège took the title. If the castle is demilitarized in XVIIe century, it remains occupied until 1795, which is the date of the reunion of the principality of Liège with revolutionary France, and receives the visit, in 1717, of the Tsar Peter the Great and, in 1780, of the King of Sweden Gustav III. At XIXe century, the castle becomes an excursion destination for curists from Spa and receives the visit, among others, of the Scottish writer Walter Scott who comes to take the inspiration for his novel Quentin Durward.

Between the XVIe and the XVIIIe century, black marble quarries were exploited in the hill of the left bank of the Hoëgne between the localities "La Boverie" and "Le Stokis". This marble, which had the reputation of being the best rated and enjoyed a great reputation for sculpture, was widely exported and can still be admired, for example, in several monuments of Rome.

From at four o'clock in the morning, date of the order of general capitulation given by King Leopold III, the next day at eleven o'clock in the morning, date when the commander of the fort was convinced of the reality of this capitulation, the four hectares constituted by the central massif and by its ditch fort of Tancrémont were the last free space of Belgium during the Second World War. To "thank" them for having stood up to them, the Germans sent the 512 men of the garrison into captivity in Silesia.

When the municipalities merged in January 1977, the former municipalities of La Reid and Polleur were attached to Theux.


  • Patrick Hoffsummer, Nicolas Klingler et al., Franchimont castle, Namur, Ministry of the Walloon Region, coll. “Heritage Notebooks”, n ° 21, 1997, 52 p. (OCLC61460745)
  • Paul Bertholet and Patrick Hoffsummer, The Church-Hall of Saints Hermès and Alexander in Theux: history and archeology of a unique building, Dison, Imprimerie G. Lelotte, 1986, 308 p. (OCLC23139762)

To go

By train

Theux has three train stations served by line 44 of the SNCB who links Verviers To Spa.

  • 1 Juslenville Station Station Road, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5282828 Logo indicating timetables 24 h 24/7. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility neither staff nor automatic ticket office.
  • 2 Theux station Station Street 5, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5282828 Logo indicating timetables 24 h 24/7. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility no staff, automatic ticket office, indoor waiting room.
  • 3 Franchimont station Champs Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 2 5282828 Logo indicating timetables 24 h 24/7. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility neither staff nor automatic ticket office.

By car

Theux is accessible via two European routes:

  • E25 : exit 45Turn right Sprimont by national roads NOT678 then NOT62,
    • for the village of La Reid, take the exit 46Turn right Aywaille then, on the left, the national road NOT633 and, in the center of Remouchamps, still on the left the NOT697.
  • E42 : exit 7Turn right Theux by the national road NOT657,
    • for the village of Polleur, take the exit 8Turn right Spa then, on the right at the roundabout, the national road NOT640.

Coming from Spa, by the national road NOT62.

Distances, times and routes

Distance and time table from Theux
(center to center)
by the roadgreat circleby car
by train
BrusselsE40E42127 km108,9 kmh 30 minh 00 min
EupenE40E4231,6 km  18,8 km      30 min      42 min
CorkE25NOT6230,8 km  21,0 km      30 min      35 min
SpaNOT628,5 km    6,0 km      10 min      13 min
SprimontNOT6212,2 km  11,3 km      10 min      35 min*
VerviersE428,6 km    7,5 km      10 min      17 min
* Bus line TEC noto 62
Routes via Theux
Beaufays (NOT30)LouveignéO National road 62 S SpaSt. Vith
VerviersPepinsterNOT SNCB.svg logo Train "L" S Geronster Spa
AngleurPepinsterNOT GR 573 S SpaEupen


Except on the national road NOT62 (BeaufaysStavelot) where traffic can sometimes be very dense, travel does not generate much difficulty and the many parking areas are free. Only in the city center of Theux, it is compulsory for motorists to affix, from Monday to Saturday between h and 18 h, a parking disc giving the right to a maximum of two hours of parking:

There is no cycle path, but the circulation by bicycle presents no difficulty (except on certain slopes which can be quite steep to leave the valleys) or hardly of danger. For experienced cycle tourists, the Mont-Theux coast is famous in the world of professional cycling.

On the public transport side, the bus line TEC n ° 388 linking Verviers To Spa passes through the Hoëgne and Wayai valleys with passages at La Reid while line 62 connecting Spa To Aywaille goes through the national road NOT62 but does not run during school holidays or weekends.

  • TEC line 388 Logo indicating a link to the website – Bus stops and timetable.

To see

  • 1 Fort of Tancrémont Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Route de Tancrémont, Tancrémont (located half on Theux and half on Pepinster), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 4 2756580, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables each 1er Sunday in the month of May to October as well as every July 21 between 13 and 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2014) adults and children over 12: , less than 12 years : , under 6 years old: free. – Inaccessible to people with reduced mobilityWi-Fi network inaccessible (inside the book). Constructed of reinforced concrete in siliceous rock at depths of 25 to 30 meters depending on the relief, it was inaugurated on August 8, 1937. It is one of the most recent and modern works of the fortified belt of Cork at the dawn of World War II. The Germans never succeeded in making it surrender by force. It was not until May 29, 1940, the day after the order of general surrender given by King Leopold III, that the combatants surrendered their weapons. In perfect condition and always equipped with its weapons, its visit lasts around three hours and it is advisable to bring a woolen cloth, even in summer, the constant temperature is 12 ° C. May 29 and July 21, at 11 h , the dome of the BII block equipped with two twin cannons of 75 mm, fires 19 shots in memory of the 19-day siege of the fort.
  • 2 Wolff Tower Logo indicating a link to the website Chemin de la Tour Wolf, Oneux Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Semi-cylindrical tower, built in the 17th centurye century by François Wolff, notary, mayor of the court of justice of Spa and mayor of Theux in 1629, 1640 and 1647, who served as a defense for the inhabitants of Oneux. With four levels, the lowest of which constituting the entrance is half buried in the ground, it is capped with a hexagonal roof with cores and surmounted by a wrought iron weather vane.
  • 3 The Cazer Rue Rocheux 5 to 15, Oneux Logo indicating timetables exterior visible at all times but beware, the area is in local traffic for motor vehicles. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility In the colorful language of the Liégeois, a "cazer" (sometimes also spelled kaser Where cough) is a place, a street, a neighborhood where the inhabitants pile up on top of each other like a barracks for soldiers. This is a set of small dwellings from the first quarter of the twentiethe century for the no 5 to 15. Built for the workers of the iron mines of the Rocky, they are half-timbered with walls in cob and finished in solid baked bricks. They are double-fronted and on one floor because each house was used for two families. Each family had two bedrooms measuring five by five meters, one for living, with an open fire and the other for sleeping. the 4 site of the Rocheux mines is no longer exploited and has become a nature reserve classified as Walloon heritage which is accessible by the chaussée de Verviers (i.e. after the no 92, or after no 100).
  • 5 The Bailiff's house (Wolff house) Rue du Pré l´Évêque, Market – In Mosan Renaissance style, it was built in seated sandstone rubble and limestone in the 16th century.e century by the de Presseux de Hautregard family, two of whose members were lords of the Château de Franchimont. In the XVIIe century, it was occupied by François Wolff, mayor of Theux on three occasions, hence its second name of Wolff house.
  • 6 Franchimont Castle Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Allée du Château 17, Franchimont, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 530489 Logo indicating timetables from 1er to September 30: every day from 10 to 18 h, in April and October: weekends from 11 to 17 h. Logo indicating tariffs (2014-2015) adults: 3,5 , children and seniors (updated full rates). – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (in part only) Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Medieval castle of the XIe century, it is built on a rocky outcrop controlling the Hoëgne valley and was an important element in the defense of the principality of Liège. It was improved over the centuries, but finally demilitarized in the XVIIe century. It is from this castle that the "600 Franchimontois »Who tried, in 1468, to surprise Louis XI and Charles the Bold who besieged Cork.
The entrance to Fort Tancrémont.
The Wolf Tower in Oneux.
The so-called house Bailiff's house at Market.
The castle of Franchimont.
  • 7 Saint-Jacques Church (Notre-Dame and Saint-Jacques church) Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Place Victor Bouillenne, Polleur Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Dating from the middle of the XVe century and built in Gothic style, in sandstone and limestone, this church has one of the eleven twisted steeples recorded in Belgium. This one, of voluntary construction, consists in reality of two parts. The lower part rests on a square base from which rises an octagonal arrow which turns from left to right by 1/8e tower over a fairly limited height. This makes the twist stronger. This torso part connects to the upper octagonal but straight part. Also worth seeing is a replica of the grotto of Lourdes to the right of the entrance to the church.
  • 8 Roman bridge Logo indicating a link to the website Polleur Bridge, Polleur Logo indicating timetables visible at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Built in the 2e half of Ie century in limestone sandstone, on the ancient Roman road connecting Tongeren To Trier, it has kept its original appearance despite several repairs. In the middle of the bridge, two statuettes: on the left, coming from the center of the village, a Christ on the cross dated 1767 and on the right a Virgin and Child. The original of the latter dated from the same period as Christ on the Cross but, stolen in the 1990s, it has been replaced by a similar work but in a contemporary style.
  • 9 Memorial to the Unknown Maquisard Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Maquisard, La Reid (left at the top of the hill towards Spa) Logo indicating timetables open at all times. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Inaugurated on , it is a stele, in the middle of a wooded park, which pays homage to the many resistance fighters who lost their lives in the Ardennes during the Second World War. At the foot of the stele is sealed an urn, forever sacred, containing the ashes of the “Unknown Maquisard”.
  • 10 Charmille du Haut-Marais Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element La Charmille, La Reid (between rue Hautregard and chemin de Quarreux) Logo indicating timetables open 7 days a week, 24 h /24. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Planted for the most part in 1885 and long 573 meters in a straight line, it is one of the longest walks of this type in Europe. This real plant tunnel is made up of 4,700 plants common charms (Carpinus betulus). The course of the arbor is underlined in Royal blue on the map.
  • 11 Notre-Dame and Saint-Lambert Church Rue du Pré Boda, Desnié Logo indicating tariffs free. – This church has the particularity of being directly followed by the presbytery and the old municipal school. The whole, all in one piece, around a hundred meters in length, is here nicknamed "the tram". The small parish cemetery adjacent to the church contains five graves of British soldiers who died of CO poisoning in December 1918 as well as a curiosity called the “Trasenter Pavilion”. It is an exact replica of the family vault Queen Jeanne’s Pavilion of Love to Baux-de-Provence. Note that there is another replica, less consistent, of this love pavilion in the Maillane cemetery, in the Bouches-du-Rhône, and which is none other than the tomb of the writer Frédéric Mistral.
The church of Saint-Jacques de Polleur.
The Roman bridge of Polleur.
The arbor of Haut-Marais.
The "Trasenter pavilion" in the cemetery of Desnié.
  • In the center of Theux
    • 12 Saints-Hermès-et-Alexandre Church Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Rue de la Chaussée 50, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541754 Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs free. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (7 steps before entering the parish cemetery then 6 steps to enter the church). Built in sandstone rubble, the oldest parts of this hall church date from the XIe century and is still surrounded by its parish cemetery. The northern facade is dominated by the imposing silhouette of a fortified tower built in the 13th century.e century as to bedside Gothic in freestone, it dates from 1512 to replace the original Roman bedside. Note also theoculus of the western facade.
    • Perron Square  – The square is bordered by some beautiful houses classified as real estate heritage of the Walloon Region. In Mosan style, let us quote in no 2 the so-called house Lebrun house dated 1630 and currently forming an integral part of the town hall. Always in Mosan style the nbone 4 and 12. In Louis XIV style, the no 10 and in Louis XV style, the nbone 22 and 44.
      • 13 City Hall Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Perron Square 2, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 539210, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs free. – accessible Wi-Fi networkAccessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (via the reception desk on rue Hocheporte). Built in 1770-1771 in neoclassical style, you reach the entrance, located on the first floor, by a double flight staircase very characteristic of the buildings housing the municipal power built under the former principal regime. Its name of town hall, while Theux is a town, comes from the time of the old regime where Theux was, since the XVIe century the chief-ban (chief town) of the ban de Theux in the marquisate of Franchimont, itself an integral part of the principality of Liège.
      • 14 The porch Perron Square – With the "butt and the sword", the steps is the other visual symbol of the ancient principality of Liège. That of Theux was erected in 1457 by the magistrates of Liège. It was demolished in 1468 by Charles the Bold who wanted revenge on the "600 Franchimontois »Before being rebuilt in 1478. Like all the other principal steps, it is, at a minimum, made up, from the bottom to the top, of a stepped plinth, a shaft symbolizing the freedoms and municipal autonomy, a pine cone whose origin and symbolism remain obscure and a cross symbolizing the power of the prince-bishop. It was at the foot of this symbol that the Perron cry that is to say, the verbal announcement to the population of princely wishes or scabinal sentences, regulations, warrants and edicts, official prices as well as bans or even offenses committed in the ban.
    • 15 Rue de la Chaussée  – This street is lined with some interesting buildings and listed as part of the Walloon Region's real estate heritage: at no 31 the so-called house Del Heid house Where house with 50 windows in Mosan style, at no 29 a half-timbered house from the XVIIe century and no 25-27 the former Sainte-Josephine hospice.
    • 16 The ordinary mill Bouxerie Street, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 542853 Logo indicating timetables call to arrange a visit. – This mill is said to be ordinary because in the Middle Ages, the peasants of all the ban of Theux had to come to grind at this mill for a milling fee paid to the lord in the form of flour. Already cited in writings in 898, it operated until 1962. Restored since 1978 by a passionate couple, it retains its 18th century machinery.e century with, among others, wheels and gears, grinding wheels, hoppers, bucket chains, clutch system and silos. Also visible, a model allowing to understand the implantation of the mill as well as tools and objects which evoke the work and the life of a miller.
The Saints-Hermès-et-Alexandre church.
City Hall.
The Perron and, behind, the house known as Lebrun house
The rue de la Chaussée.
The so-called house Del Heid house
The former Sainte-Josephine hospice.
The presbytery.


La Vecquée in Vertbuisson.

The main activity here is country or forest walks on foot or by bike. The town is crossed by many small paths and trails including the ancient Gallic way "La Vecquée »As well as a portion of the GR 573 connecting Angleur To Eupen (OSM card web link). Most often these routes are also accessible to touring bikes or even strollers. Unfortunately, Theux does not have any bicycle rental business and you will have to go as far as Spa to do this.

Twenty-three signposted circuits, with a total cumulative length of 200 km, exist to travel around the town. A topographic map at a scale of 1/25000 representing the routes of these marked walks is on sale at Royal Tourist Office of Theux as well as a second, also on a scale of 1/25000, which includes nine walks Mountain biking.

  • Walks and guided walks Logo indicating a link to the website – 14 of the 23 signposted circuits shown in the map of the Royal Syndicat d'Initiative de Theux. For details and map, click on the circuit title. At the bottom of the page, also a link to a Google Earth map with elevation ratings.

Apart from the marked hiking trails, Theux offers the possibility of practicing other more or less sporting activities such as an adventure park, swimming, tennis and horse riding including walks in the forest. For experienced cycle tourists, the Mont-Theux coast is quite trying to climb.

  • 1 Mont-Theux coast Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element National road NOT62 (between the Boverie roundabout and the no 44 from Mont) – Hill regularly used by professional cyclists from the oldest of the “Liège-Bastogne-Liège” road cycling races, sometimes by those of the “Tour de France” and once, in 2009, by those of the “Vuelta”. The coast from a distance of 2,900 meters has a gradient of 150 meters with an average slope of 5.50% and a maximum slope of 12%. It is underlined in sea ​​green on the map
  • 2 Forestia Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link Rue Fond Marie 563, Becco, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541075, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open all year except Mondays and Tuesdays from mid-November to mid-March from h 30 - 18 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) depending on the activities chosen (animals, adventure, climbing) adults, seniors and children over 12 years old: from 13  To 30 , children between 8 and 11 years old: from 11  To 21 , children from 3 to 7 years old: from To 14 , under 3 years old: free. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (only the animal park). Animal park centered on animals, in semi-freedom, living or having lived in the Ardennes and adventure park with nine courses including 1 from the age of 2 years as well as a climbing wall of 12 m. Restaurant (Le Forest Bar).
  • 3 Spa equestrian club Logo indicating a link to the website Jehoster Street 51, Jehoster, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 376559, 32 495 105296 (cellphone), e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs (2015) Stroll by h in pony 15  per child (snack included). – All activities specific to an equestrian club are available. Organization of pony rides for children under 12 years old.
  • 4 Jonkeu equestrian club Logo indicating a link to the website Laboru 3, Fays, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 225293, 32 495 105296 (cellphone), e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open every day. Logo indicating tariffs the price of walks in the forest depends on the duration and the number of participants. – All activities specific to an equestrian club are available. Organization of forest walks.
  • 5 Communal swimming pool Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Les Forges, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 539353, 32 495 105296 (cellphone), e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open every day from June to August between 10 and 19 h. – outdoor swimming pool 33 m., paddling pool and playground for the little ones. Cafeteria.
  • 6 Maison Bois Tennis Club Logo indicating a link to the website Drève de Maison Bois 35, Oneux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 299090 – Wireless free. 6 covered courts. Terrace and playground. 1 bar and 2 restaurants. Parking for 250 cars.
  • 7 Theux Tennis Club Logo indicating a link to the website Avenue du Stade 74z, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 542289, 32 491 640314 (reservation of a plot), e-mail :  – 9 outdoor courts in crushed brick (including 4 courts with lighting), 2 covered courts. Bar and restaurant.
  • 8 Polleur fishery Route du Congrès de Polleur 106, Polleur, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 530687 Logo indicating tariffs quarter, half or full day rates. – Pond of 50 ares to fish for trout. No permit is required. No equipment rental. Cafeteria.

The Hoëgne and the Wayai are rivers allowing sport fishing. To do this, you must purchase a fishing license from the Walloon Region fishing license obtainable only online at the 2021 price of 12,39  to fish from the shore or from 37,18  to fish other than from the shore as well as the membership card for the company which has the right to fish. Authorized peaches are from 3e Saturday from March to Friday before 1er Saturday in June: brown trout (Salmo trutta) and from 1er Saturday from June to September 30: all species of fish. From 1er August to September 14: the red-footed crayfish (Astacus astacus).

  • 9 Friends of the Hoëgne and the Wayai Rue Laurent-François Dethier 61, Spixhe, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 678708 – Company holding the fishing rights on the Hoëgne and the Wayai in the town of Theux.

An annual sporting event takes place in Theux, you can simply attend but also participate:

  • Ardennes Thophy Monday, June 10, 2019web linkLogo image indicating that the following shows a facebook link (Departure and arrival at La Reid) Logo image indicating that the suite indicates times Sunday (for 7 to 14 years old): from 13 h - 17 h, Monday (for over 14s): from h - 16 h. Logo image indicating that the suite indicates rates free for spectators. Between 10  and 20  for participants of the Monday races (insurance and food included).—  Mountain bike races, the first edition of which took place in 1986, between 12 min and 45 min Sunday according to the age category and races of 25, 50, 75 and 100 km Monday. Open to all participants, the Monday races nevertheless count for the final classification of the “East Belgium Marathon Challenge”.

To buy

Theux has an artisanal distillery: the Wines and Elixirs of Franchimont. Established at Becco Village in La Reid, it produces spirits made from black elderflower. (Sambucus nigra) that the inhabitants of Theux harvest each year in the nature of the town.

  • Franchimont flower Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element Logo indicating tariffs Between 6,5  and the 75 cL bottle depending on the store. – Fermented fruit wine made from apples and wild flowers, mainly elderberry harvested by the inhabitants of Theux. With an alcohol content of 8.5% by volume, it is best enjoyed fresh, between 6 and 8 ° C, from aperitif to dessert.
  • La Fine Fleur de Franchimont Logo indicating tariffs 24,95  the 50 cL bottle. – Brandy obtained from the distillation of Fleur de Franchimont. It has a title of 43% alcohol by volume.
  • La FrancheFleur Logo indicating tariffs 1,55 ( 0,2  deposit for the bottle) in supermarkets, in 33 cL bottles. – High fermentation, artisanal blond beer brewed with the flowers used in the production of Fleur de Franchimont. It has a title of 6.5% alcohol by volume.


The places to eat are listed in alphabetical order and the prices are those applied in 2015.

  • 1 Al Pierino Logo indicating a facebook link Rue Bouxherie 5, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541858, 32 478 261545 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables Thursday and Friday: from 12 to 14 h and of 18 h 30 - 22 h, Saturday and Sunday: from 18 h 30 - 22 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 12,5  for a pizza and 23  for a garnished entrecote. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (one step at the entrance). Italian food. Terrace, parking.
  • 2 At Vieux Tancrémont Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Route de Tancrémont 9, Tancrémont, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 530223, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open from Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 18 h (18 h 30 Saturday and Sunday). Logo indicating tariffs portion to consume on site: between and 6,2 , whole pie of 34 cm in diameter to take away: between 18  and 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility A business founded in 1795, it is a real institution for both locals and Verviers who have flocked there with their families for generations. Artisanal tartery using organic products with specialties in blank dorêye and in neur dorêye as well as recipes for diabetics, take-out (eighth, quarter, half and whole pie). Large terrace, large car park, children's playground.
  • 3 Gropierre Place de l'Eglise 1, La Reid, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 376050, 32 475 588942 (cellphone) – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility. Friterie-sandwich shop. Terrace.
  • 4 La Fri "Theux" Se Rue du Roi Chevalier 9, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 770533 – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (one step at the entrance and fairly narrow door). Friterie.
  • The Rolling Pizza Logo indicating a link to the website Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 495 120973 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables Tuesday in Theux, Wednesday at La Reid, Saturday in Juslenville. Logo indicating tariffs pizza between 6,2  and 7,4 . – Mobile pizzeria.
  • 5 Beaubourg Logo indicating a facebook link Place du Perron 14/1, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 786808 Logo indicating timetables open from Sunday to Thursday until 21 h 30, Friday and Saturday until 21 h 30. Logo indicating tariffs between 20 and 25 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Belgian and French cuisine. Dogs allowed, terrace, parking.
  • 6 The Little Chef Rue Hocheporte 7, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541630 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (Terrace). Friterie. Terrace.
  • 7 The Foot of the Fagne Logo indicating a link to the website Foot of the Fagne 10, Becco, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 542799 Logo indicating timetables closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Logo indicating tariffs dishes between 12  and 22 , menus between 31  and 45 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility. Fusion cuisine. Terrace, private parking.
  • 8 The Pré des Oréades Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Chaussée de Spa 87, Spixhe, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 771866, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables Friday and Saturday evening, Sunday noon. Logo indicating tariffs menus at 34  and 52  aperitif included. – Brasserie and fusion cuisine. Catering service to take away or at home.
  • 9 The pans are going crazy Logo indicating a link to the website Route de Remouchamps 51, Hautregard, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 704416 Logo indicating timetables open Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Logo indicating tariffs menu of the month approximately 35 . – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility International cuisine. Payment only in cash. Terrace, parking. Possibility of taking cooking lessons.
  • 10 A family R Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a facebook link Place du Perron 36, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 631130, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 11 h 45 - 14 h as well as Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Fusion cuisine. Terrace, parking.

Have a drink / Go out

Several annual events, or biannual for the Cuckoo festival, punctuate Theutoise life.

  • Music Festival Monday, April 29, 2019web link (place Pascal Taskin at the Cultural Center), Logo image indicating that the suite displays a phone number  32 87 646423, e-mail : Logo image indicating that the suite indicates times of 15 h - h.—  Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Urban music festival.
  • Cuckoo Festival Saturday 25 July 2020 (Polleur) Logo image indicating that the suite indicates rates free.—  Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Every even year, on the last Sunday in July, the last groom of the previous year is thrown from the roman bridge in the water of the Hoëgne. According to legend, the "beast of Staneux" (a kind of centaur) threatened the Pollinois. The inhabitants decided to go into the forest to capture her except for the young groom who preferred "better occupation". In Walloon idiomatic language, a Cuckoo is, in reference to the eponymous bird which hides its egg in the nest of another bird, a "coward".
  • Fair Saturday 17 August 2019 - Sunday 18 August 2019web link (around and in the Franchimont castle) Logo image indicating that the suite indicates times Saturday: from h 30 - h, Sunday: from h at midnight. Logo image indicating that the suite indicates rates for the 2 days: 15 , for Sunday: 10 , children under 12: free.—  Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility The first frank fair was held in 1973 as a reminder that, since 1515, the prince-bishop of Liège granted the marquisate of Franchimont the right to hold a fair free of rights towards the state. Reconstitution d’un marché du Moyen Âge, cortèges folkloriques en habits d'époque reconstitués, reconstitutions de scènes de rue avec troubadours et saltimbanque, démonstration de fauconnerie, stands de vente et de dégustations de produits du terroir. (date update required)
  • Foire de Saint-Hubert Logo indicating a link to the website (aux alentours de la place du Perron) Logo indicating timetables le samedi le plus proche du of h - 19 h. – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility La première foire de saint Hubert eut lieu en 1867 et se déroule toujours le samedi le plus proche du 3 novembre (jour de la saint Hubert 1er évêque de Cork au VIIIe siècle et saint patron des chasseurs). C'est un marché d'artisanat local et de produit de bouche du terroir. L'attraction principale se déroule à 14 h avec la bénédiction des chevaux et des animaux de compagnie sur le parvis de l'église Saints-Hermès-et-Alexandre.


Les lieux sont classés par type d'hébergement puis par ordre alphabétique. Les prix renseignés sont ceux pratiqués en 2015.


  • 1 Camping de Polleur Logo indicating a link to the website Rue du Congrès de Polleur 90, Polleur, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541033, e-mail : room available from 21 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs emplacement entre 15  and 30  la nuit, location cottage : entre 18  and 48  the night. – Wireless paying. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Emplacements entre 70 et 115 m2. Location de caravanes et de cottages. Piscine, discothèque, plaine de jeux, restaurant.
  • 2 Camping du Panorama Logo indicating a link to the website Rue du Panorama 7, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 542627, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables ouvert du 1er avril au 31 octobre. – Camping du syndicat d'initiative de Theux. 84 emplacements, plaine de jeux, piscine.
  • 3 L'Escargot Logo indicating a link to the website Jevoumont 39, Jevoumont, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 853845, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs emplacement à partir de 15  la nuit, location cottage : 85  the night. – Wireless free. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility Emplacements entre 100 et 150 m2. Location de tentes et de cottages. Sauna, jacuzzi. Très calme.

Guest rooms

  • 4 Château de Hodbomont Logo indicating a link to the website Chemin du Château de Hodbomont, Hodbomont, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 341614, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs Between 90  (2 personnes) et 225  (4 personnes) la nuit. – Wireless free. 2 chambres doubles, 2 appartements pour 4 personnes. Petit déjeuner en chambre, installations pour barbecue. Dans un château des XVIIIe and XIXe siècles au milieu d'une vaste propriété. Endroit très calme.
  • 5 Escapades - Les Lignairettes Logo indicating a link to the website Place de l’Église 7, La Reid, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 232358, e-mail : Logo indicating tariffs petit déjeuner inclus : chambre double 73  la nuit, chambre quadruple : 135 . – accessible Wi-Fi network 2 chambres doubles et 1 chambre quadruple. Très calme. Cartes de crédits non acceptées
  • 6 Ferme du comptoir Logo indicating a link to the website Fagne Marron 808, Desnié, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 376132, e-mail : room available from 16 h, to be released before 12 h. Logo indicating tariffs petit déjeuner inclus : 1 personne 50  la nuit, 2 personnes : 55  the night. – accessible Wi-Fi network 2 chambres doubles. Petits animaux acceptés. Dans une ancienne ferme du XVIIIe siècle, vaste parking privé.


  • 7 Hôtel du Perron Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Hocheporte 9-11, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 891980, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 60  and 165 . – Wireless free. 3 chambres doubles, 1 chambre triple, 2 suites. Restaurant.
  • 8 Le Menobu Logo indicating a link to the website Route du Menobu 546, Becco, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 376042, e-mail : room available from 15 h, to be released before 11 h. Logo indicating tariffs Between 74  and 108  petit déjeuner compris. – 9 chambres doubles et 1 chambre triple. Restaurant avec terrasse, piscine extérieure, vaste parking gratuit.
  • 9 Val de Hoëgne Logo indicating a link to the website Avenue Félix Deblon 1, Polleur, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 224426, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables fermeture en janvier. Logo indicating tariffs Between 60  and 95 . – 16 chambres simples et doubles, 1 suite avec jacuzzi. Restaurant, parking privé.


Post Office

  • 5 bpost Logo indicating a link to the website Rue Hovémont 22, Theux Logo indicating timetables lundi au vendredi : de h 30 - 12 h 30 and13 h 45 - 17 h (18 h le mardi et le jeudi), samedi : de h 30 - 13 h. – Wireless paying. Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (aire de stationnement réservée devant l'entrée mais 4 marches pour accéder au bâtiment). Tous produits et services postaux, produits bancaires. Pas de guichet automatique bancaire

Téléphonie, internet et Wi-Fi

Hormis dans le fond des vallées encaissées et à l'intérieur du fort of Tancrémont, la commune est couverte par les réseaux 3G et 4G permettant des échanges de téléphonie mobile via votre opérateur ou via son opérateur de rattachement en Belgique (roaming) ainsi que des échanges de données numériques payantes via le réseau Wireless. Certains campings et hôtels accordent un accès gratuit, moyennant un mot de passe, à leurs clients partout dans leur établissement.

Manage the day-to-day

Intelligence services

To find the contact details of a person, a professional, a company or an administration such as, for example, a general practitioner, a dental surgeon, a pharmacist, an optician, etc. à Theux, il faut se référer à la section «Intelligence services »Of the article on Belgium.


  • Municipal administration Logo indicating a link to the website Place du Perron 2, Theux (in L'city ​​Hall, entrée par la rue Hocheporte), Logo indicating a telephone number  32 539210, e-mail : Logo indicating timetables du lundi au vendredi : de h - 12 h, lundi, mercredi et jeudi : de h - 17 h, mardi : de h - 18 h. – Wireless paying. Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility


Il existe quatre agences bancaires toutes situées 6 place du Perron à Theux. Toutes possèdent au moins un guichet automatique bancaire pour le retrait d'argent. Pour leur fonctionnement, référez-vous à la section « Distributeurs de billets »Of the article on Belgium. Dans l'agence de la BNP-Paribas Fortis, l'accès au réseau Wireless est gratuit.


Theux ne compte aucun hôpital ou clinique sur son territoire. Le plus proche est le CHR Verviers. Vous y trouverez cependant un centre médical interdisciplinaire, dix médecins généralistes, sept dentistes, cinq pharmacies et quatre opticiens. Par contre, pour ceux qui voyagent avec un animal de compagnie, il leur faudra aller à Spa or to Verviers pour trouver un vétérinaire.

  • 7 Cabinet médical du Perron Place du Perron 16, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 688881 – Accessible, without assistance, to people with reduced mobility (1 marche à l'entrée). Centre médical interdisciplinaire.
  • Pharmacies de garde ( Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 903 99000 Logo indicating tariffs coup d'un appel :1,5  la minute. – Adresses des pharmacies de garde à Theux et environs immédiats.


Il est uniquement possible de suivre le culte catholique à Theux. Pour le culte protestant, il faut se rendre soit au temple à Spa soit au centre MLK à Aywaille, pour les cultes orthodoxe ou islamique à Verviers et pour le culte judaïque à la synagogue de Liège.

  • Église Saints-Hermès-et-Alexandre Rue de la Chaussée 50, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 230185 Logo indicating timetables culte catholique le dimanche à 10 h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (7 marches avant d'accéder au cimetière paroissial puis 6 marches pour entrer dans l'église).
  • 8 Église Saint-Augustin Rue Charles Rittwéger, Juslenville, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 541331 Logo indicating timetables culte catholique le samedi à 17 h 30. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (4 marches pour entrer dans l'église).
  • 9 Église Saint-Éloi Becco Village, Becco, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 230185 Logo indicating timetables culte catholique le mercredi à h. – Access limited to people with reduced mobility. (2 marches pour entrer dans l'église).


Il n'y a pas de problème de sécurité particulier à Theux. Cependant, en zone forestière, il y a lieu de ne pas circuler sur les chemins momentanément fermés, en période de chasse par exemple, renseignés par un avis motivé et muni d'un pictogramme sur fond rouge. Le camping et la production de feu est interdite en forêt et la circulation en dehors des chemins est fortement déconseillée.

  • 10 Local police (Zone des Fagnes, antenne de Theux) Logo indicating a link to the website Avenue Reine Astrid 9, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 539292, 112 (emergency room) Logo indicating timetables du lundi au vendredi : de 8 à 12 h et de 13 à 17 h. – En dehors des heures d'ouverture, utiliser le numéro de téléphone d'urgence gratuit.
  • 11 Firefighters (Service régional d'incendie de Theux-Sprimont) Logo indicating a link to the website Rue de la Hoëgne 41, Theux, Logo indicating a telephone number  32 87 530203, 112 (urgences), 32 475 783965 (cellphone) Logo indicating timetables ouvert 7 jours sur 7, 24 h sur 24.


High Fens


  • 2 Remouchamps caves Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Caves which can be visited partly by boat.
  • 3 Quareux Fund Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Listed as an exceptional heritage of Wallonia Turbulent part of the Amblève, in the towns of Stoumont et d'Aywaille, littered with huge quartzite blocks.
  • 4 Wild World Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Animal park presenting fauna from all over the world.


  • 5 Spa Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Ville d'eau mondialement connue.


  • 6 Banneux Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – Place of Marian pilgrimage with a source of so-called miraculous water and hospice for sick pilgrims on the site of the apparition of the Virgin in 1933. Every August 15, it is also a pilgrimage for all the gypsies.
Destinations limitrophes de Theux dans Wikivoyage
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