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This article lists the sites registered with World Heritage in Poland.


Poland ratified the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on June 29, 1976. The first protected sites were inscribed in 1978.

Poland has 15 sites listed in the World Heritage, 14 cultural and 1 natural.


The following sites are listed as World Heritage.

1 Auschwitz Birkenau Cultural(vi)German Nazi concentration and extermination camp (1940-1945), place of memory of the Shoah.Auschwitz 2004.jpg
2 Historic center of Krakow Cultural(iv) Krakow rynek 01.jpg
3 Warsaw Historic Center Cultural(ii), (vi) Warsaw - Royal Castle Square.jpg
4 Castle of the Teutonic Order of Malbork Cultural(ii), (iii), (iv) Panorama of Malbork Castle, part 4.jpg
Wooden churches in southern Lesser Poland
5 Binarowa
6 Blizne
7 Dębno
8 Haczow
9 Lipnica Dolna
10 Sękowa
Cultural(iii), (iv) Koscioł Sekowa calosc.jpg
Churches of Peace in 11 Jawor and 12 Świdnica Cultural(iii), (iv), (vi) ChurchOfPeace Jawor Wiki.png
13 Wroclaw Centenary Hall Cultural(i), (ii), (iv) Centennial Hall in Wrocław and Zoo Wrocław 1.jpg
14 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska : Mannerist and landscaped architectural ensemble and pilgrimage parkCultural(ii), (iv) Kalwaria Zebrzydowska 024.jpg
15 Wieliczka Salt Mines Cultural(iv) Wieliczka-saltmine-kinga.jpg
16 Muskau Park / Mużakowski Park Cultural(i), (iv)Common cross-border site withGermany.Park Muzakowski4.jpg
Wooden tserkvas from the Carpathian region in Poland and Ukraine
17 Brunary
18 Chotyniec
19 Kwiatoń
20 Owczary
21 Powroźnik
22 Radruż
23 Smolnik
24 Turzańsk
Cultural(iii), (iv)Common cross-border site withUkraine.Kwiaton 2.jpg
25 Zamość old town Cultural(iv) Kamienice na Starym Mieście w Zamościu 02.jpg
26 Medieval Town of Toruń Cultural(ii), (iv)Torun owes its origins to the Teutonic order who built a castle there in the middle of the 13th century.e century, to serve as a basis for the conquest and evangelization of Prussia. It quickly took on a commercial role within the Hanseatic League and many of the imposing public and private buildings of the XIVe and XVe centuries (including the house of Copernicus) which remain in the Old Town as in the New Town bear witness to its importance.Torun01CenterWithWall level corr.jpg
Tarnowskie Góry lead, silver and zinc mine and its underground hydraulic management system (in Silesian Voivodeship)Cultural(i) (ii) (iv)Located in Upper Silesia, one of the main mining regions of Central Europe located in southern Poland, the site includes the entire underground mining network with its galleries, shafts and access galleries as well as its hydraulic management system. Most of the property is located underground, while on the surface only a few elements remain, such as the remains of the 19th century steam pumping station.e century. This hydraulic system reflects the continuous efforts over three centuries to drain underground mining sites. It has turned the unwanted presence of water in mines into an opportunity to supply cities and industries with water. Tarnowskie Góry has made a significant contribution to the global production of lead and zinc.Tarnowskie Góry, Chodnik Obejście - (339215) .jpg
27 Białowieża Forest Natural(vii)Common cross-border site with the BelarusBiałowieski Park Narodowy03 23a.jpg
Criteria legend
(i)Represent a masterpiece of human creative genius.
(ii)To testify to a considerable exchange of influences during a given period or in a specific cultural area, on the development of architecture or technology, monumental arts, city planning or the creation of landscapes.
(iii)To bring a unique or at least exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition or a living or disappeared civilization.
(iv)To be an outstanding example of a type of building, architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates one or more significant periods in human history.
(v)Be a prominent example of traditional human settlement, traditional use of land or sea.
(vi)To be directly or materially associated with events or living traditions, ideas, beliefs or artistic and literary works of outstanding universal significance.
(vii)Represent natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance.
(viii)To be eminently representative examples of the great stages in the history of the Earth.
(ix)To be eminently representative examples of ecological and biological processes underway in the evolution and development of ecosystems.
(x)Contain the most representative natural habitats and the most important for conservation in situ of biological diversity.
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