Trier region - Region Trier

The Trier region located in Rhineland-Palatinate.



Other goals


The Trier region largely corresponds to the former Prussian administrative district of Trier. Due to the extensive holdings of the Archbishops of Trier in the Middle Ages, the Trier region is culturally deeply Catholic and one of the centers of Catholicism in Rhineland-Palatinate.


getting there

By train

Trier is the hub of rail traffic in the region and a long-distance stop. There are direct connections from Cologne, Koblenz and Saarbrücken.

By car

The only partially completed ones lead to the Trier region A1 as well as the A48, furthermore from the south the A62. With the completion of the Hochmosel Bridge, travelers from the Rhine-Main area will have a significantly improved and more direct connection to the Trier region.


In the Trier region, the tariff applies Transport association Trier region (VRT). In the rural areas of the Eifel and Hunsrück in particular, public transport connections are extremely thin.

Tourist Attractions






In the valleys of the Moselle, Saar and Ruwer there is a preferential climate with warm summers. The heights of the Eifel and Hunsrück are considered to be the cold poles of Rhineland-Palatinate; winter sports are also possible here in winter.


Web links

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