Magway region - Regione di Magway

Magway region
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Magway Region - Location
Magway Region - Flag

Magway region (or Magwe) is an administrative division of the Burma. Very few tourists visit Magwe.

To know

It is the largest of the Burmese divisions. The main product is oil and natural gas. Other industries include cement, cotton and tobacco factories as well as iron and bronze processing.

Geographical notes

The Magwe division is located in the central area of ​​the country between the Northern latitudes 18 ° 50 'and 22 ° 47' and between the East longitudes 93 ° 47 'and 95 ° 55'. It borders the regions of Sagaing North, Mandalay at East, Bago to the South and with the states of Rakhine is Chin West.


In the areas of Pondaung and Ponnya, fossils of primates that lived 40 million years ago have been found. The discovery prompted the government to proclaim Burma "the cradle of humanity"

Aung San, father of Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the main opposition movement to the military junta and himself a central figure in the history of Burma in the period of World War II and in the following years, was born in this division and precisely in the municipality of Nate Mauk.

Culture and traditions

The Burmese make up 95% of Magwe's population. The remaining 5% is made up of Chin, Rakhine, Kayin and Shan. 98% of the population professes the Buddhist religion.

Agriculture is based on the cultivation of sesame, peanuts, tobacco, corn, etc. The rice fields are very extensive. Typical products of Magwe are the Thanaka (Limonia acidissima) and the Phangar (Chebulic myorobalan).

Territories and tourist destinations

It includes the administrative districts of Magway, Minbu, Thayet, Pakokku and Gangaw with a total of 25 municipalities and nearly 1,700 rural or forest villages.

Urban centers

  • Magway - Administrative capital, Magway is located on the western bank of the Ayeyarwady river with an intense traffic of boats to and from the opposite bank at the center of Minbu. The only attraction of the capital is a pagoda in the traditional Burmese style, the "Mya Tha Lun Paya".
  • Minbu - On the right bank of the Ayeyarwady river opposite the capital.
  • Pakokku - Pakokku has no attractions among tobacco fields, but twenty kilometers to the north east are the ruins of an ancient city and a monastery built entirely of teak wood, the "Pakhanngeh Kyaung".

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Magway region
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Magway region
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