Rocca San Casciano - Rocca San Casciano

Rocca San Casciano
View of Rocca San Casciano
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Rocca San Casciano
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Rocca San Casciano is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

It belongs to the territory called Tuscan Romagna for its long belonging to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and later to the province of Florence after the Unification, until 1923, when it was aggregated to the province of Forlì.

Geographical notes

It is located in the Apennine valley of Montone, 31 km from Forlì and 27 km from the border with the Tuscany.


A document dated 1197 mentions for the first time "Rocca Sancti Cassiani in Casatico", which suggests that a castle existed at the time. In 1230 the bishop of Forlimpopoli recommends some castles under his jurisdiction, including the fortress of San Casciano, to the municipality of Faenza. In 1315 the castle of Rocca San Casciano is subject to Alighiero de 'Calboli. that In 1382 Francesco de 'Calboli left the castle of Rocca San Casciano as an inheritance to Florence.

In 1412 it endowed itself with its own statutes, in 1424 it was conquered by the Visconti who entrusted it in 1435 to the Ordelaffi. Reconquered by the Florentines in 1436, in the following centuries Rocca San Casciano continued to be part of the dominions of Florence. When in 1923 Mussolini transferred a series of municipalities from Tuscany to Romagna, Rocca San Casciano was aggregated with all its surroundings to the province of Forlì.

How to orient yourself

Its municipal territory also includes the hamlets of Pratolungo di Rocca, Casone and Casanova.

How to get

By plane

  • Forlì airport (about 30 km away)
  • Rimini Airport (about 82 km away)
  • Bologna airport (about 95 km)

By car

  • From the north: Adriatic highway A14 direction Ancona, exit at the toll booth of Faenza, continue to Faenza, continue on the SS 9 / Via Emilia, cross Villanova, near Castrocaro Terme turn onto the SS 67 towards Rocca San Casciano.
  • From the south: Adriatic highway A14 direction Bologna, exit at the toll booth of Forlì, in Forlì take the SS 67 towards Florence, continue for Castrocaro Terme, Rocca San Casciano.
  • From Forlì take the SS 67 towards Castrocaro Terme, continue to Rocca San Casciano.
  • From Rimini take the SS 9 Via Emilia towards Savignano sul Rubicone, Cesena, Forlimpopoli, take the SS 67 direction Castrocaro Terme, continue to Rocca San Casciano.
  • From Ravenna take the SS 67 in the direction of Forlì, Castrocaro Terme, Rocca San Casciano.

On the train

By bus

  • Autolinee ATR (Romagnoli Transport Company)[1] is the main public transport company operating in the Province of Forlì-Cesena.
  • From Rome: Sulga bus lines:[2]
-Line Ravenna - Forlì - Cesena - Perugia - Rome
-Cesena line - S. Sepolcro - Perugia - Rome

How to get around

What see

  • Garibaldi Square. In the center of the town, triangular in shape and surrounded by low and characteristic arcades, it is dominated by the Civic or Clock Tower, dating back to the end of the 1600s. An eighteenth-century terracotta statue of the Virgin of Sorrows is kept in the niche on the front of the Civic Tower .
  • Parish Church of Santa Maria delle Lacrime, via Cairoli. It was built in the late 18th century.
View of the Abbey of San Donnino in Soglio
  • Castle (Castellaccio). The first document that mentions Rocca dates back to 1197 "Rocca Sancti Cassiani in Casatico" which suggests that at the time there was a castle. In 1230 the bishop of Forlimpopoli recommends some castles under his jurisdiction, including the fortress of San Casciano, to the municipality of Faenza. In 1315 the castle of Rocca San Casciano is subject to Alighiero de 'Calboli. In 1382 Francesco de 'Calboli bequeathed it to Florence. In 1504 Dionigi Naldi occupied it on behalf of the government of Venice which causes the fortress to be dismantled. In 1661 the castle of Rocca San Casciano was seriously ruined by an earthquake. Later it was partially recovered as a rural home. In 2019, about 90 meters of walls were recovered with an average height of 6 meters.
  • Abbey of San Donnino in Soglio (about four kilometers from the town). Erected in the early medieval period, it has been documented since 1214. Until 1785 it was inhabited by Benedictine monks. Inhabited from 1964 to 2014 by a caretaker, in 2017 the renovation work on the roof of the house and the cloister began. Inside, near the altar, a fresco depicting San Donnino is preserved. Over the years many things have been lost or stolen, the loss is about € 56,000.

Events and parties

  • Bonfire party. There are those who claim that the festival dates back to pagan or Celtic rites; what is certain is that in Rocca San Casciano since the 12th century bonfires were lit along the banks of the Montone river in order to calm the waters and avoid ruinous floods.
The religious feast of St. Joseph (19 March) was grafted onto this pagan celebration starting from 1700 and for many years this was the only date on which the feast took place. Tradition wanted that in the courtyards of each district a bonfire was lit and around it people ate, drank and danced. In more recent times the bonfires have returned to the river bank, in their original position, and from here, in the last century, a challenge has begun between the four factions that represent the main city districts: Borgo di Sopra, Borgo di Sant ' Antonio, Buginello and Mercato. Today only two of these four original districts remain: the Borgo di Sopra and the Market. The festival also includes fireworks, songs and dances and parades of figures.
The feast of St. Joseph was probably associated with the lighting of bonfires, during the eighteenth century, due to the presence of the Conventual Friars Minor in the village.The party did not take place in the years 1943, 1944 and 1945 due to the Second World War, and in the years 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19.

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Average prices

  • 1 Pasqui restaurant, Via Mazzini, 14, 39 0543 960103. Pasqui restaurant
  • 2 Il Chiosco Restaurant, Via Corbari, 17, 39 340 3015106.
  • 3 Trattoria La Pace, Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi 16, 39 0543 951344.
  • 4 Pizzeria Bella Naples, Via Cavour, 22, 39 0543 951350.

Where stay

Average prices

  • 1 La Cerreta farmhouse, Via Berleta, 29, 39 0543 951441.
  • 2 La Sfoieria farmhouse, Via Berleta, 16, 39 0543 960333.
  • 3 La Sorgente farmhouse, Via Calbola, 6, 39 0543 960453.
  • 4 Farmhouse Villa Renosa, Via Villa Renosa, 1, 39 0543 934499.


How to keep in touch


  • Forlì - The abbey of San Mercuriale, the Cathedral, the museum complex of San Domenico characterize the historic center of this ancient city which was the Forum Livii Roman.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Rocca San Casciano
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Rocca San Casciano
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